Call for papers for SMEC 2018

We are delighted to announce the call for papers for the 8th Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) which will take place on Tuesday 26th June 2018 in the Institute of Education, St. Patrick's Campus, Dublin City University (DCU). Hosted by the Centre for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning, (CASTeL), SMEC 2018 provides an opportunity to discuss issues pertaining to STEM Teacher Education and STEM education more generally. The recent STEM education policy statement 2017 - 2026 (Government of Ireland, 2017) recommends the enhancing and embedding of existing good practice in STEM Education and calls for attention to establishing what is necessary to provide a quality STEM education experience. In this context, the theme for this year's conference is Connecting Research, Policy and Practice in STEM Education. The organisers welcome contributions in the following areas: - Innovative approaches to STEM education and STEM teacher education - Initial and continuous professional development for STEM teachers in the context of curriculum change - Planning meaningful integration across STEM subjects - STEM Teacher Education across the education continuum