SMEC 2018 | Instructions for Submission
Instructions for Submission
We welcome abstracts for posters and short oral presentations. If you would like to present a workshop, please submit an abstract as below detailing the preferred format and content of your workshop.
Each abstract should be no more than 250 words and must be prepared using the SMEC 2018 template which is available here. Three to five keywords should also be identified. Please use your own name as the title of your file. Email if you need assistance during the preparation and submission process.
Abstracts should be submitted through the registration page here.
The deadline for submissions is 7th May with notification of results on or before the 21st May.
Registration is now open! There will be no registration fee and refreshments will be provided but accomdation costs are not covered.
Participation Guidelines
Oral presentations
Contributed oral presentations should be prepared electronically using powerpoint or a compatible software programme. Further details of timings will be issued with results.
Poster presentations
Each poster will be provided a space of 0.9m wide and approximately 1.8m high (suitable for A0 portrait poster) in which to display a summary of the paper. Velcro only is permitted to attach your posters to the display boards (no pins, staples or any other adhesive are permitted). Velcro will be provided. | Maximum size: A0 in one sheet / board. Portrait orientation. (H x W= 1189mm x 841mm) |
Suggested Sections & Headings for posters:
- Title
- Author(s)
- Affiliation (s)
- Contact details
- Abstract
- Background
- Method
- Results
- Discussion
- Educational Implications
- References
Authors may include an institutional logo. The posters should be printed in such a font size as to be able to be read from a distance of 1 - 2 metres.
During the conference, presenting authors are requested to remain in the vicinity of their poster during their designated poster session to answer questions on your research.
Posters must be removed at the end of the session.