DCU SIS Programme header
Student Information System (SIS) Programme

Assessment and Progression

Please note that as part of the ongoing implementation of the new Student Information System (Banner), Exam and Coursework marks will be populated either via the integration between Loop Gradebook and Banner, or directly via Faculty Grade Entry (FGE).


Grading Information
Where Enter Grades here

It will be possible to enter grades via FGE for the duration of the Grade Entry Periods.

How  Here you will find a useful video and user guide.


  • If you are having issues accessing the link to the Grading page, you will need to contact the SIS Team at sis@dcu.ie.  
  • Here are some instructions to follow if you are seeing a blank screen.
  • If you are able to access the Faculty Grade Entry Page but the modules you are entering grades for are not visible and/or you are seeing modules that are incorrect, you will need to contact your Faculty Office.
  • TOP TIP - Zero "0" should not be used as a Grade Entry where the student was Absent.  It should be used where work was submitted but there's a genuine grade of 0%, or if there is a disciplinary issue.
  • If you need assistance with Loop Gradebook, please consult the relevant resource on the Loop Staff Support Page.
  • Modules that need to be Graded for the current Semester are available to grade, Modules that require grading later will appear as "Read Only" eg. Year Long Modules in Spring.