Research | Health and Human Performance
Research Centres & Groups
Centre for injury prevention and performance
The Centre for Injury Prevention and Performance is a multi-disciplinary research group based in the School of Health and Human Performance in DCU. The research group aims to develop strategies to ensure a safe environment to facilitate lifelong participation in sport and recreation for all. The team has expertise in injury prevention, injury assessment, concussion, pain science, biomechanics of injury, rehabilitation and optimisation of performance, and sports psychology. Our ultimate aim is to use research to tangibly positively impact society both nationally and beyond. We have a particular interest in the female athlete, with ongoing research in various populations including secondary school students, Gaelic games, Ladies Gaelic football, Camogie, horse-racing and college athletes. Our multidisciplinary research team include athletic therapists, biomechanists, physiotherapists and sports psychologists.
LifePAC Research Centre
Life-PAC is an interdisciplinary research group based at Dublin City University. We carry out research spanning a range of areas related to movement, coaching and elite performance, physical activity, and youth health. This includes physical literacy, physical education, youth sport, talent development, sport and performance psychology, injury prevention, movement competence, and health literacy. Our primary purpose is to facilitate a collaborative environment where researchers across these disciplines can come together to carry out cutting edge translational research. Our goal is to work together across the research practice continuum, ensuring our research translates to have a sustained meaningful and tangible impact in the domains in which we work.
More information can be found here: https://life-pac.com/