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School of Health & Human Performance
Declan Darcy
Facts and Figures

Declan Darcy

Current role: Managing Director/Coach

Course: Prof Doc Elite Performance

Why did you choose the program?

My connection with Aine McNamara was crucial. Aine clearly defined the journey but also the supports that would assist me. I was drawn to Aine s desire and passion to make a difference in the coaching world. I want to further understand the role of the “coach” and the impact both on and off the pitch it can have. 

How does the format of the program fit with your practice?

Its fits really well, I have flexibility in my daily tasks which allows the course to align with my work and coach seclude.

How would you describe the role and impact of your peers on your development?

My fellow students are very impressive and inspiring. They have all different stories and knowledge inputting into an environment of sharing and learning.

How has it impacted your thinking?

It has completely challenged my current position. It’s made me seek out different perspectives and see things from a 360-degree lens.

How has it impacted your practice?

My knowledge and ability to learn has improved greatly which allows me to coach/manage better.

How has it developed your career?

Been on this course is a statement of my intent to better myself to improve others. More opportunities are presenting themselves due to my commitment to learning.

What is your favourite thing about the course?

The people on the course.

Can you summarise your experience to date?

Challenging but inspiring. Really enjoying the experience and the opportunity to learn with my fellow students. The content and support of lectures has had a major impact on me through this process.