School of Psychology | Structured Doctoral Pathways 2024-2025
Link to PDF file of Psychology Structured Pathways
The School of Psychology is a young, dynamic and progressive environment with a strong reputation for excellence in research and teaching and learning. Our expertise spans a wide range of areas within the field of psychology, including cutting edge cross-disciplinary research. We have established a thriving research community and offer excellent opportunities for research postgraduates to advance their knowledge and skills. This document details the Structured PhD Programme for the School of Psychology which is tailored to the needs of the School and its postgraduate students. It is a student-centred, flexible, research-focused programme, augmented by activities that support the acquisition of a range of relevant specialist and generic skills. In consultation with their supervisor(s), students can undertake a bespoke suite of modules across a number of areas, developing scientific, discipline specific, generic and transferable skills which will be tailored to their needs and ensure successful completion of their PhD and maximise their career flexibility.
Selection and Registration
The core component of the PhD programme is the completion of original research presented in thesis format. In addition, PhD students will also normally have accumulated a minimum of 30 taught credits. MSc students will normally have accumulated at least 20 credits. It should be noted that a maximum of 90 credits may be taken by any student across their registration period. Normally students will take at least 10 credits each year for years 1- 3, with year 4, if appropriate, focused exclusively on their research. Modules will be taken from the current GTE (Graduate Training Element) offering within the Faculty of Science and Health (FSH). Subject to the availability of GTEs, this document provides examples of discipline-specific skills, transferable skills and elective modules and training. It is policy in the School of Psychology that all research students who are assigned any teaching-related responsibilities must complete the non-accredited Postgraduate Tutor and Demonstrating Programme. Once approval from the supervisor has been granted, students should register for their approved Faculty GTE modules during the online registration process. However, if you wish to take a non-FSH GTE module you MUST first email the module coordinator listed to check that you are eligible to register for this module, then email science@dcu.ie
- confirmation and proof of approval from module coordinator
- module code and title
- student id number
- qualification code
The individually-tailored structured pathway for each student should be discussed and agreed in the first instance with their supervisor and progress recorded on the annual PGR2 form
Induction and Training
Research students are also strongly encouraged to take advantage of centrally offered non-accredited workshops, seminars and training on academic, software or transferable skills which align with their developmental needs as appropriate throughout their period of study. In year one, all students are required to attend the orientation sessions, the Graduate Studies Office (GSO) and library-run programme and other relevant induction sessions. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the Graduate Studies Office (GSO) Training Suite for additional training opportunities and opportunities offered by the School as appropriate. GSO communicates details of the training schedule to each student at the beginning of each semester. Research students are also required to take the Online Research Integrity Module in year one of their studies.
Core Discipline Specific Modules | Years One to Three
- PSYC521: Advanced Research Skills (Psychology) - 10 ECTS
- PSYC528: Specialist Topic in Psychology - 10 ECTS
- PSYC609: Strategies for Getting Published - 5 ECTS
- PSYC523: Science Communication for Graduate Researchers - 5 ECTS
Core Transferable Skills Modules | Years Two to Three
- MT610: Qualitative Research Methods - 5 ECTS
- MT611: Quantitative Research Methods - 5 ECTS
- TP602: Research Ethics – 5 ECTS
Elective Modules | Years Two to Three
- LC600: English for Academic Purposes – 5 ECTS
Non-accredited Training, Workshops and Masterclasses | Year One
- Graduate Studies Office Orientation Programme
- Research Integrity Online Training Module (Social and Behavioural Sciences Stream)
- Postgraduate Tutor and Demonstrating Programme
- Grant Writing (HR Workshop)
Graduate Studies Office Training Suite