School of Mathematical Sciences | Structured Doctoral Pathways 2024-2025
Link to PDF file of Mathematical Sciences Structured Pathways
The School of Mathematical Sciences possesses an outstanding track record for postgraduate research.
The School carries out research in a wide variety of topics under the broad heading of the Mathematical
Sciences, ranging from geometric group theory to computational astrophysics. Our research falls into the
categories listed below:
● Algebra & Geometry
● Analysis of Differential Equations
● Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
● Mathematics Education
● Relativity and Astrophysics
The School of Mathematical Sciences structured PhD programme is tailored to the needs of the School
and its postgraduate students. It is a student-centred, flexible, research-focused programme, which aims
to provide students with discipline-specific knowledge, generic skills and autonomy to augment and
support their postgraduate research.
Selection and Registration
In order to be considered on a structured programme students must take a minimum of 20 ECTS in total
during their PhD studies. No students will be allowed to take more than 20 ECTS in a single year and no
student is to take more than 50 ECTS.
Once approval from the supervisor has been granted, students should register for their approved Faculty
GTE modules during the online registration process.
In addition to the modules noted on this structured pathway, students may take any other GTE provided
through the Faculty GTE listing as part of this structured PhD.
However, if you wish to take a non-FSH GTE module you MUST first email the module coordinator listed to
check that you are eligible to register for this module, then email science@dcu.ie providing:
• confirmation and proof of approval from module coordinator
• module code and title
• student id number
• qualification code
The individually-tailored structured pathway for each student should be discussed and agreed in the first
instance with their supervisor and progress recorded on the annual PGR2 form.
Induction and Training
In addition, students will be encouraged to engage with centrally-offered workshops & seminars on
academic, software or transferable skills which align with their development needs. In year one, all
students are required to attend the orientation sessions, the Graduate Studies Office (GSO) and
library-run programme and other relevant induction sessions. Students are encouraged to take advantage
of the Graduate Studies Office (GSO) Training Suite for additional training opportunities and
opportunities offered by the School as appropriate. GSO communicates details of the training schedule to
each student at the beginning of each semester. Each student is required to take the Online Research
Integrity Training Module in their first year.
Core Discipline Specific Modules | Year One to Three
● MS537: Probability and Finance I - 7.5 ECTS
● MS508: Probability and Finance II - 7.5 ECTS
● MS525: Fixed Income Securities - 7.5 ECTS
● MS509: Partial Differential Equations - 7.5 ECTS
● MS526: Stochastic Finance (Advanced) - 7.5 ECTS
● MS547: Time Series (Advanced) - 7.5 ECTS
● MS555: Simulation for Finance - 7.5 ECTS
● MS556: Deep Learning - 7.5 ECTS
● MS536: Differential Geometry and General Relativity - 7.5 ECTS
● MS539: Advanced GR I: Gravitational Waves - 7.5 ECTS
● MS540: Advanced GR II: Black Holes - 5 ECTS
Non Accredited Training Workshops and Masterclasses
- Graduate Studies Office Orientation Programme
- Research Integrity Online Training Module
- Postgraduate Tutor and Demonstrating Programme
Graduate Studies Office Training Suite