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Faculty of Science & Health
A host of events - organised by the Faculty of Science and Health and the Faculty of Engineering and Computing - will be taking place next week across DCU
DCU Science pic week

DCU Science Week - Creating Our Future

A host of events for Science Week (November 7th to 14th) will be taking place across Dublin City University

Science Week - from November 7th to 14th - is a week-long national event held each November to celebrate science in our everyday lives. 

This year the focus will be on Creating Our Future, a national conversation between the general public, the research community and policy makers.

Dr Stella VlachouAssociate Dean for External Engagement and Internationalisation at the Faculty of Science and Health, says Science Week allows people to see how achievements in science have impact everywhere. 

Science Week is a wonderful opportunity for science to reach the communities, and for people to better understand how scientific achievements in our neighbourhood, city, country and globally help advance and improve our lives, and ultimately better understand the world around us. As Bill Nye said, 'Science is a part of everyone's everyday life'. Let's embrace it on Science Week!

The DCU Faculty of Science and Health and Faculty of Engineering and Computing have collaborated to curate a suite of webinars, resources, podcasts and events which aim to inform on the impact and importance of STEM in our everyday lives. 

Over the course of the week we will offer a number of virtual events ranging from careers talks to magic shows, and from astrophysics to the ethics of animal research.  

Our Science Week webpage and social media channels will keep you informed of activities over the course of the week and is also a repository of information highlighting some of our key STEM initiatives and discoveries here at DCU and the impact they are having on shaping the future.

For more information about these events, please schedule out the schedule here Science Week 2021 @ DCU

#STEMinDCU #ScienceWeek #BelieveInScience