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Faculty of Science & Health

Masters by Research/PhD Studentship, Full-time or part-time Opportunities

HSE/DCU REACH Collaboratory, Dublin City University


The REACH Collaboratory (Research and Engagement Across Community Health) was established in January 2022 as a collaboration between the Health Service Executive (Dublin North City and County CHO) and Dublin City University (Faculties of Science and Health and Education). Our mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of the community by generating evidence to inform effective decision-making and policy, in partnership with local communities, and in relation to community health services and system development.

Focus of research

Preliminary research is focused on analysis of research evidence on best practice and community healthcare needs, exploration of the availability and utility of data to support community health needs assessment and health service planning, the interface between health and local community services and schools, and establishing priorities for research to support the establishment of community health networks. This will inform the work programme for the Collaboratory over the next few years. The Collaboratory will also support the development of research capacity within the Dublin North City and County CHO and promote research methods that support engaged research.

Eligibility for the studentship

Undertaking a research degree facilitates in-depth study in a discipline in which the student already has a good academic grounding. The research programme develops skills in organising, undertaking, presenting, and managing research projects that will stand to the graduate in whatever career path they pursue. The successful candidate will work with an interdisciplinary team of researchers, service planners and community health and social care providers. Specifically the Masters/PhD student will address an issue of relevance to healthcare or health service provision in the Dublin North City and County CHO. In particular, we would encourage a focus on health service provision and healthcare intervention considering poverty, social inclusion or people at risk of health inequalities.

The minimum requirements for the role and entry into the programme are:

  • 2.1 grade (or equivalent) in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in nursing, health and society, public health, social science or a similar discipline.
  • Non-native English speakers require at least IELTS 6.5 (with at least 6 in all components) or equivalent (further details on equivalence of tests are available HERE). At application stage it is not mandatory to upload the English test. Applicants that have not provided proof of IELTS test in the application will be asked to send the document if they are invited to an interview.
  • Experience working in the Irish or a similar health system is desirable.

Funding available

Funding will be available for full-time (stipend and fees) and part-time (fees) options for masters (2 years full-time, 4 years part-time) and PhD (up to 4 years full-time, up to 6 years part-time).

Funding is subject to the following conditions:

  1. Grant writing is an important element of doctoral training and students are expected to apply for relevant external funding calls as they emerge.
  2. Students must meet University and School requirements for satisfactory performance to continue to avail of the Scholarship.

Application process

Interested applicants should submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) (1000 words max) by email to (REACH@dcu.ie) that outlines their qualifications, work experience to date, topic of interest, research approach being considered, whether they are interested in masters/PhD (or both), and in full-time or part-time study, and their contact details (phone number and email address). Shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a detailed proposal, and will be contacted by a member of the REACH Steering Group to provide further guidance. Before submitting an EoI, HSE employees should discuss the time commitments with their line manager and seek approval for any release from work commitments.

Closing date:

Expression of Interest: 30th June 2023

Full submission for shortlisted applicants: 14th September 2023

(Start date 1st November 2023)

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr Claire Timon by email to: reach@dcu.ie