Children's Neuroscience Care NUR1109
Who should apply?
Applicants must be working in a setting where they are likely to provide care to children with neuromedical/neurosurgical conditions.
Module Aim
This module is designed to increase the theoretical knowledge base of healthcare practitioners who care for children with neuromedical/neurosurgical needs in both acute and community settings. Students will gain a greater understanding of evidence-based neuroscience nursing care including underlying pathophysiology, treatment modalities and nursing management.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this module and following a period of personal study, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of normal neuroanatomy and neurophysiology and its application to disordered function
- Assess, plan, implement and evaluate evidence-based holistic family-centred care of the child with neuromedical/neurosurgical conditions and their family
- Discuss the neuromedical/neurosurgical and pharmacological interventions available to support the child with altered neurological function
- Analyse the psychological, sociocultural and economic implications of altered neurological function on the child and their family
- Evaluate the contribution of the multi-disciplinary team in the care of children and their families who have neuroscience related needs
More information
The module will run in association with Dublin City University (DCU) and will be delivered on: 24 and 25 February, 3, 24 and 25 March, and 14 and 29 April 2025.
Credit / Level: NFQ Level 8, 5 ECTS Credits
Cost of module: €400 payable to Children's Health Ireland
How to apply: To apply, complete this short application form, ensuring to upload all relevant documentation prior to submission.
Applications will close: 12 December 2024
W: dcu.ie/snpch/professional.shtml
For further details, contact:
Ms. Michelle Doyle (ANP Neurosurgical Nursing) E: michelle.doyle@cuh.ie T: +087 4318539
Ms. Siobhan O’Malley (ANP Children’s Epilepsy) E: siobhan.omalley@cuh.ie T: 01 8921895