The Active Female: Through the Lifespan - HEA1059
Module code: HEA1059
NFQ level: 9
ECTS credits: 10
Commencing: September 2024
Cost: The fee for this module is €1,250 and a HCI Pillar 3 Learner Fee Subsidy is available to a fixed number of eligible candidates. Eligibility criteria for the Learner Fee Subsidy are available on the microcreds.ie website. The subsidised fee is €775.00.
The University does not refund application or registration fees for professional development courses, however, students can defer their registration to the next available sitting, except in the case of micro-credential courses where there is no availability for a deferred entry.
Closing date: August 30th 2024, or earlier if this course is oversubscribed.
Module aim
This module will cover the significant physiological events that can occur throughout the female lifespan, from the teenager to post-menopause. It will provide an insight into the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, postnatal and menopause discussing clinically applicable physiology and demands and how each stage impacts rehabilitation and exercise in the active female.
Who should apply?
This module is suitable for any healthcare professional or sports practitioner who works with active women. Suitable professions include: physiotherapists, athletic therapists, public health nurses, practice nurses and other specialist nurses or midwives, general practitioners, sport and exercise medicine physicians, osteopaths, chiropractors, sports scientists, strength and conditioning coaches, athletic development coaches, exercise physiologists, Pilates instructors and coaches. Applications from international learners are also welcomed.
Learning outcomes
- Discuss how pelvic floor considerations and rehabilitation may differ according to significant life stages within the active female
- Outline the key function of female reproductive endocrinology and how this applies to physical activity.
- Detail how pregnancy needs to be considered in the active female for optimal maternal and fetal outcomes.
- Describe how the postnatal period impacts the active female including timelines of recovery and delivery type.
- Explain the process of the menopause and the impact within the active female.
Online delivery
This module will be 100% delivered online and is designed for those wanting to engage in education while working full-time. There will be a three hour per week commitment for 12 weeks with a mix of live classes, tutorials and online content. Learners should also allow for additional time for independent tasks and assignments.
Learners will be assessed via continuous assessment (e.g. through assignments and projects but not through a written exam).
All registered learners will have access to DCUs eLibrary and DCU’s student portal, Loop.
Entry requirements
Candidates will be expected to hold a primary Level 8 award (NFQ or equivalent) in an area of sport, healthcare profession, or health sciences or cognate area (e.g. athletic therapy, physiotherapy, sports science, exercise physiology, strength and conditioning, coaching, nursing etc.). In line with DCU policy, students who do not have the appropriate level of academic attainment for direct entry may apply for access via the Recognition of Prior Learning process (RPL). All RPL applicants will be invited to interview and be required to demonstrate that their learning is comparable in terms of academic level training and assessment.
Please Note: Applicants may not apply to take more than 30 credits of micro-credentials.
How to apply
For information on how to apply for this micro-credential, please visit our Application Guide.
Click on this link to apply via the DCU Application Portal.