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Health and Safety

First Aid

First Aid Team

Who is responsible for First Aid in DCU?

The DCU Health and Safety Office is responsible for ensuring there are an adequate number of First Aid trained personnel available. The Health and Safety Office will also ensure that the First Aid Cabinets in the foyer of all buildings are kept stocked. 

Procedure for Occupational First Aid and Medical Incident Management

How are First Aid Supplies provided?

DCU Health and Safety Office has engaged an external contractor to check and replenish the First Aid Cabinets in the foyer of all buildings. We ask First Aiders to contact the Health and Safety Office when they use any first aid supplies to ensure First Aid Cabinets restocked. 

DCU Campuses First Aid Cabinets Locations

All other First Aid Cabinets, including those in labs and offices, are the responsibility of the School/Unit. 

How do I get supplies for a local first aid bag?

The DCU Health and Safety Office manages the first aid bags in the lobbies of the main buildings on campus only; any other smaller kits - if wanted - can be purchased and managed locally.

How do I contact a local First Aider Responder (FAR)?

A list of qualified First Aider Responders is typically displayed next to the first aid box in the foyer of each building.

If no first-aider is available, call DCU Security on (01 700) 5999.

Where are the Defibrillators?

Location of Defibrillators (All Campuses)

How do I call an ambulance?

Requesting an Ambulance

Non-Emergency Transport to Hospital

Should I report a minor injury?

Yes, report all occupational health and safety incidents if they result in an unplanned, undesired event that adversely affects completion of a task.