Active Threat
The possibility of an active threat to safety on our campuses is extremely small however, we do need to be prepared for such an event. DCU has a detailed plan for situations where an individual or a group of people pose a danger to others on campus.
In the event of an active threat you will be alerted via a number of channels.
- DCU staff and students will get alerts via email and through the Safe Zone App.
- Messages will also appear on the dcu.ie home page, on the information screens across our campuses, and via our social media channels.
If you become aware of an active threat on campus, you should immediately contact DCU Security on 01 7005999 or call the emergency services directly.
If you find yourself inside a campus building during an active threat situation, you should leave through the nearest exit, if safe to do so.
Where it is unsafe to exit, enter a room, secure the door and turn off the lights.
Remain calm, encourage others to remain calm and wait for instructions.
Wherever you find yourself, remember to follow the directions of security staff and emergency personnel until you are informed that the threat has passed.
In the event that an active threat is on campus and you are not located in a building:
- If you see or hear an individual who poses an active threat, try to determine the location and get away as quickly as possible.
- Leave the area
- Tell others to run but don’t wait for them
- Make those around you aware of the threat and then attempt to prevent them from entering a dangerous situation.
- Once outside the danger zone keep running
- Call DCU Security on 01 700599 or Emergency Service 112 or 999 after you reach a safe location, don’t assume they know your campus or location. Be as specific as possible to ensure first responders have an exact location.
- If you have them, provide details and describe the attacker(s)
- Emergency services will arrive on the scene very quickly, you need to know their initial priority is to stop an attacker not tending to injured parties.
In the event that an active threat is in the same building as you:
- If you are near an exit (including emergency exits), and it is safe to do so, exit the building immediately. Leave your belongings.
- Once outside, do not re-enter the building. Gather at a safe distance off campus.
- Call DCU Security on 01 700599 or emergency services on 112/999 and provide details of the building you were in, and any information relating to the attacker(s).
- If you cannot leave the building safely, determine if the door of the room you are in can be locked or barricaded and if so, secure the door.
- If the door cannot be secured, determine if you can safely move to a room that can be secured.
- If you have successfully secured yourself, if possible, cover all windows that may allow sight into the classroom or office.
- Switch mobile phones to silent.
- Don’t share on social media your location.
- Turn the lights off and lie on the floor. Keep out of sight.
- Do your best to familiarise yourself with your surroundings – where the safest exit is, and any other avenues you may use to seek help.
- To determine threat status, and only if safe to do so, check DCU SafeZone App, DCU social media and emails for updates.
- Emergency services will arrive on the scene very quickly, you need to know their priority is stopping an attacker not tending to injured parties.
- Follow Instructions provided by emergency services promptly and without hesitation.