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Research Development and Support

Research Support | Industry Engagement

Types of Engagements

There are many mechanisms available for engaging with industry or in commercialisation activities.  Factors to consider include: what the aims of the interaction/work are, whether or not you have a specific industry partner you wish to work with, scope and duration of work/project, nearness to market of outputs, IP situation, number of parties involved, whether or not joint-funding is required etc.  If you have an idea or interested partner(s) a member of Research and Innovation Support (RIS) will assist you with determining which mechanism best suits your needs.  


The list below shows some of the more commonly employed mechanisms used by DCU researchers when engaging with industry or in commercialisation-related activities.  Clicking on the links will bring you to individual pages with further information on each mechanism, including associated policies and forms where relevant.  Please note that the list is non-exhaustive and additional options and information are added on a regular basis.  As stated previously, please contact the RIS team prior to any engagement and we’ll work with you to protect your interests and determine the best method of engagement for your situation.


Direct Industry Engagement 


Industry Contract and Collaborative Research

Industry-Sponsored Studentship

Enterprise Ireland

Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Fund

Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Fund Feasibility Study

Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership

Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership Feasibility Study

Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher Initiative

Enterprise Ireland Technology Centre   

European Union

European Union Eurostars

European Union H2020 COST Action

European Union H2020 FET Flagship

European Union H2020 Innovation in SME’s

European Union H2020 Joint Programme

European Union H2020 Joint Technology Initiative

European Union H2020 Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies

European Union H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Innovative Training Network

European Union H2020 Societal Challenge

 Irish Research Council

Irish Research Council Employment-Based Postgraduate Programme

Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme – Postdoctoral

Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme - Postgraduate

Irish Research Council CAROLINE MSCA COFUND Postdoctoral Fellowships

 Science Foundation Ireland

Science Foundation Ireland Industry Fellowship

Science Foundation Ireland Spokes Programme

Science Foundation Ireland Technology Innovation Development Award (TIDA)


Industry Contract and Collaborative Research

When an opportunity arises to engage in a contract or collaborative research project you are encouraged, in the first instance, to contact the Research Support Office/Invent. Each project of this nature is considered on a case by case basis.

The following points are important to note:

  • Engage with the company informally at the initial discussion stages
  • Once there is a project under consideration contact RIS and/or Invent to develop the scope of the project and to define the IP and cost model.
  • Do not discuss the direct costs or price with the company until the IP considerations have been concluded.


Industry-Sponsored Studentship

There are a number of mechanisms for supporting studentships within DCU:  Direct Industry Support or Irish Research Council Funding.

In both cases discussions with the company should be undertaken with a RIS and/or Invent contact to discuss an appropriate IP and costing model.