Kathleen Stokes


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Kathleen is an urban geographer and Assistant Professor in the School of History and Geography. Her research interests include urban governance, infrastructural labour, sustainable cities and urban livelihoods, waste, and vacant space and property.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Stokes, Kathleen; De Coss-Corzo, Alejandro (2023) 'Doing the work: Locating labour in infrastructural geography'. Progress in Human Geography, 47 (3):427-446. [DOI]
2022 Stokes, K.; Lawhon, M. (2022) 'What counts as infrastructural labour? Community action as waste work in South Africa'. Area Development And Policy, . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Millington, N.; Stokes, K.; Lawhon, M. (2022) 'Whose Value Lies in the Urban Mine? Reconfiguring Permissions, Work, and the Benefits of Waste in South Africa'. Annals Of The American Association Of Geographers, 112 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Lawhon, M.; Millington, N.; Stokes, K. (2018) 'A labour question for the 21st century: Perpetuating the work ethic in the absence of jobs in South Africa’s waste sector'. Journal of Southern African Studies, 44 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Ernstson, Henrik; Lawhon, Mary; Makina, Anesu; Millington, Nate; Stokes, Kathleen; Swyngedouw, Erik (2021) 'Turning livelihood to rubbish? The politics of value and valuation in South Africa's urban waste sector'. AFRICAN CITIES AND COLLABORATIVE FUTURES, :96-120.
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Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Opportunities and challenges for widespread refurbishment of vacant "above the shop" units for residential use Lead Researcher This research addresses the challenges, opportunities and processes presented by the conversion/reuse of over-the-shop units for residential use. It will capture available best practices, solutions and policy guidance, and asses how lessons could be applied in a systematic approach to vacant units over shops for residential use, and social housing in particular. This project is being undertaken in partnership between Dublin Simon Community, the University of Galway, and Dublin City University. Further information: https://www.housingagency.ie/vacancy 01/03/2023 31/12/2023