Paul O'Keeffe


Profile Photo

Paul O'Keeffe is Assistant Professor of Global Challenges. His work is interdisciplinary, with a focus on conflict, migration, development and enabling education in emergencies. He was previously Assistant Professor of International Development at Maynooth University and a senior academic at the University of Geneva, where he developed and managed a higher education in emergencies programme. He has extensive experience of working with refugees and leading education development programmes around the world and advises on and contributes to various refugee-led projects in East Africa. His current research focuses on higher education and sustainable energy development in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Carron, D. and O'Keeffe, P. (2023) 'Education Can't Wait for LGBTIQ Refugees? Exploring Inclusion and Access to Higher Education in Kakuma Refugee Camp' In: Migration, Displacement, and Higher Education. Political Pedagogies. USA : Palgrave MacMillan. [Link]
2023 O'Keeffe, P. (2023) 'Higher Education in Refugee Camps via Collaborative Blended Learning: The Impact and Benefits for Refugees and Their Student Tutors' In: Springer Texts in Education. USA : Springer.
2020 O'Keeffe, P. (2020) 'Flexible and Adaptive Responsiveness – Disruptive Lessons for Higher Education in Refugee Contexts' In: The Impact of COVID-19 on the International Education System. United Kingdom : Proud Pen. [Link] [DOI]
2018 Aristorenas, Abu-Amsha, and O’Keeffe (2018) 'Jamiya Project 2016: Reconnecting Refugee Higher Education Networks' In: Strategies, Policies and Directions for Refugee Education (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching. USA : Emerald Publishing. [Link]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2023 Carron et al. (2023) The Real Cost of Teaching in a Refugee Camp: Asking the Difficult Questions. Comparative Journal of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment. [Link]
2021 O'Keeffe, P. et al. (2021) InZone Kakuma and Kalobeyei Higher Education Needs Assessment. [Link]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2022 (2022) 'Meaningful higher education in Kakuma refugee camp: A case study of why context and contextualization matter' Prospects Journal of Curriculum, Learning and Assessment, . [Link]
2022 O'Keeffe, P. and Luundo, D.M. (2022) 'Fishing in the Desert: Empowering Sustainable Development with Higher Education in Kakuma Refugee Camp' Journal on Education in Emergencies, . [Link]
2021 O'Keeffe, P. and Niyonkuru, S. (2021) 'Resilience and Empowerment through Higher Education in Kakuma Refugee Camp: A Conversation' Global Research in Education, . [Link]
2021 (2021) 'Basic Medical Training for Refugees via Collaborative Blended Learning: a Quasi-Experimental Design' Journal of Medical Internet Research, . [Link] [DOI]
2021 O'Keeffe, P. (2021) 'Facilitating Inclusive Education in Refugee Camps' Inter-Agency Network of Education in Emergencies, . [Link]
2021 O'Keeffe, P. (2021) 'How to Become an Online Tutor for Refugees' Inter-Agency Network of Education in Emergencies, . [Link]
2020 O'Keeffe, P. (2020) 'The Case for Engaging Online Tutors for Supporting Learners in Higher Education in Refugee Contexts' Research in Learning Technology, . [Link]
2020 Bolon, I., Mason, J., O’Keeffe, P. et al. (2020) 'One Health Education in Kakuma Refugee Camp (Kenya): From a MOOC to Projects on Real World Challenges' One Health, . [Link]
2017 O'Keeffe, P. (2017) 'The Challenges and Societal Consequences of Increased Female Participation at Ethiopian Public Universities' International Journal of Educational Development, . [Link]
2016 O'Keeffe, P. (2016) 'The Role of Ethiopia's Public Universities in Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals' International Review of Education, . [Link]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 O'Keeffe. P. et al. (2022) MIT Refugee React Migration Summit Fishing in the Desert: The Story of Vijana Twaweza [Link]
2021 O'Keeffe, P. (2021) CMCSS Queering Integration in Higher Education [Link]
2021 (2021) EduLearn 21 Refugee-led Management in Higher Education in Refugee Contexts: Learning from Experience in Kakuma Refugee Camp [DOI]


Year Publication
2017 O’Keeffe, P. and Pasztor, Z. (2017) Academic Solutions for the Syria Crisis. Belgium: New Research Voices. [Link]
2016 O'Keeffe, P. and Pasztor, Z. (2016) Syrian Academics in Exile. Belgium: New Research Voicesw. [Link]
2016 O'Keeffe, P. and Pasztor, Z. (2016) Researchers in Exile. Belgium: New Research Voices. [Link]

Published Report

Year Publication
2020 O'Keeffe, P. and Carron, D. (2020) Refugees in Camps Need Agency to Fight the Pandemic. Times Higher Education, . [Link]
2020 O'Keeffe, P. (2020) Refugee students battle to access education due to COVID-19. University World News, . [Link]
2020 Carron, D. and O'Keeffe, P. (2020) Potemkin Villages and Refugee Camps during the Coronavirus Crisis. Geneva Observer, .
2020 O'Keeffe, P. (2020) Refugee Students Lead Resistance to Virus in their Camp. University World News, . [Link]
2020 O’Keeffe, P. and Akkari, A. (2020) University Education for Refugees Must Meet Refugees’ Needs. The Converstaion, . [Link]
2016 O'Keeffe, P. (2016) Empowering Syrian Refugees with Higher Education. Education Commission, . [Link]
2014 O'Keeffe, P. (2014) Ethiopia Crackdown on Student Protests Taints Higher Education Success. Then Guardian, . [Link]
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