Marta Prandelli


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I am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow with a Master of Science in Psychology and a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Padova, Italy. Currently, I lead the CHRISALIS project, which investigates the societal and cultural dimensions of variations of sex characteristics (VSC), also known as intersex variations, in Italy and Ireland. My research aims to explore the experiences of individuals with VSC and various stakeholders, ultimately informing the development of effective policies in this field.

My academic journey has taken me across Italy, where I have worked at the University of Padova and the University of Bergamo, and the UK, where I was affiliated with The Open University. In addition to my academic roles, I have gained valuable experience in government, working for Polis-Lombardia, an Italian Regional Policy Centre, and in the non-profit sector with the Italian Red Cross. These diverse experiences have enriched my interdisciplinary approach to research and advocacy.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2019 (2019) 'Goal 1. Porre fine a ogni forma di povertà nel mondo' In: Rapporto Lombardia 2019. [Link]
2019 (2019) 'Goal 10. Ridurre l’ineguaglianza all’interno di e fra le nazioni' In: Rapporto Lombardia 2019. [Link]
2019 (2019) 'Goal 5. Raggiungere l’uguaglianza di genere ed emancipare tutte le donne e le ragazze' In: Rapporto Lombardia 2019. [Link]
2018 (2018) 'Gener(ar)e: Una riflessione sulla questione intersex/DSD dal punto di vista genitoriale' In: Sui Generi: Identità e Stereotipi in Evoluzione?. [Link]
2015 (2015) 'Mind the Gap' In: LGBTI Person and Access to Justice. [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 Marta Prandelli; Ines Testoni (2021) 'Inside the doctor's office. Talking about intersex with Italian health professionals'. Culture, Health & Sexuality, . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Marta Prandelli; Greta Meraviglia; Ines Testoni; Barbara Biglia (2020) 'Educating New Generations: Standpoints in Women’s and Gender Studies and Implications for the Inclusion of LGBTQ Studies in Italian University Courses'. Journal of Homosexuality, . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Peter Hegarty; Marta Prandelli; Tove Lundberg; Lih-Mei Liao; Sarah Creighton; Katrina Roen (2020) 'Drawing the Line Between Essential and Nonessential Interventions on Intersex Characteristics With European Health Care Professionals'. Review of General Psychology, . [DOI]
2016 Zamperini, A.; Testoni, I.; Primo, D.; Prandelli, M.; Monti, C. (2016) 'Because Moms Say So: Narratives of Lesbian Mothers in Italy'. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Maria Silvia Guglielmin; Ines Testoni; Ingrid Pogliani; Marta Prandelli; Alice Bertoldo; Sibylla Verdi (2014) 'The mother who cannot provide liberation: family atom analysis of women victims of domestic violence'. . [Link] [DOI]
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