Ernesto Panadero


Contact Details

T:Ext. 9243
Profile Photo

Book Review

Year Publication
2013 Panadero, E.; Dochy, F. (2013) Student self-assessment: Assessment, learning and empowerment. [DOI]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Dawson, S.; Pardo, A.; Salehian Kia, F.; Panadero, E. (2023) 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK 2023) An Integrated Model of Feedback and Assessment: From fine grained to holistic programmatic review Arlington,TX,USA, .
2022 Panadero, E. (2022) conference of Didattica universitaria, innovazione e inclusion Assessment as an instructional trigger for strategic learning Macerata, Italy, .
2021 Panadero, E. (2021) Formatives Assessment an Pädagogischen Hochschulen zur Unterstützung von selbstreguliertem Lernen Assessment: foundations and related concepts Switzerland, .
2018 Panadero, E. (2018) EARLI SIG27 Second conference and 6th Eye Tracking conference Measuring learning: what a tricky business! Reflections from the self-regulated learning and educational assessment fields Varsaw, Poland, .
2018 (2018) Symposium at the EARLI SIG 16 Metacognition conference Discussant in “Effects of individual feedback on self-regulated learning – enhancing interventions and outcomes” Zurich, Switzerland, 27/08/2018-.
2018 (2018) The International symposium, The impact of feedback in higher education Discussant in “Expanding our notions of impact: feedback processing” Deakin University, Monash University, Prato, 03/09/2018-05/09/2018.
2018 (2018) Symposium at the EARLI SIG 1 Assessment and Evaluation conference Discussant in “Shifting notions of feedback from teacher inputs to student engagement and effects on learning” Helsinki, Finland, 30/08/2018-.
2018 Panadero, E. (2018) Keynote presentation at the 5th NAFOL Conference, Hamar, Norway Assessment in Education: basic concepts from its formative use and self-regulated learning theory Hamar, Norway, 23/10/2018-23/10/2018.
2018 Panadero, E. (2018) Keynote presentation at the EARLI SIG27 Second conference and 6th Eye Tracking conference Measuring learning: what a tricky business! Reflections from the self-regulated learning and educational assessment fields Varsaw, Poland, 15/06/2018-15/06/2018.
2016 (2016) Symposium at the Research and Innovation in Classroom Assessment Conference Discussant in “Involving learners in assessment from early childhood to secondary to adult learners: Alignment of word and deed” Brisbane, Australia, 22/09/2016-.
2016 (2016) Eight biennial EARLI SIG-1: Assessment and Evaluation conference Chair at “Key elements for classroom implementation of peer assessment and peer feedback” symposium Munich, Germany, 25/08/2016-.
2016 (2016) Research and Innovation in Classroom Assessment (RICA) Conference Discussant at the panel: “Assessment for Learning: Where are we? Brisbane, Australia, 22/09/2016-.
2016 (2016) International symposium 2016 Discussant at the panel: Open forum at the at the Developing evaluative judgement in a digital world Deakin University, 17/10/2016-.
2016 (2016) Eight biennial EARLI SIG-1: Assessment and Evaluation conference Chair at “Hot assessment: social, motivational and emotional effects of assessment, peer assessment and collaborative learning” symposium Munich, Germany, 25/08/2016-.
2015 (2015) 5th International Assessment in Higher Education Conference Chair at “Chinese tutor and undergraduate responses to an assessment change” by Jiming Zhou Birmingham, UK, 24/06/2015-.
2015 (2015) 5th International Assessment in Higher Education Conference Chair at “Incorporating digital technologies in the assessment of oral presentations at a distance” by Stefanie Sinclair Birmingham, UK, 25/06/2015-.
2014 (2014) Seventh biennial EARLI SIG Group 1: Assessment and Evaluation conference Chair at Gavin Brown’s keynote presentation Madrid, Spain, 29/08/2014-.
2014 (2014) Seventh biennial EARLI SIG Group 1: Assessment and Evaluation conference Chair in “JURE award session” Madrid, Spain, 28/08/2014-.
2013 (2013) 15th Biennial EARLI conference for Research on Learning and Instruction Chair in “Assessment and Evaluation. Session D. Individual papers” session Munich, Germany, 28/08/2013-.
2013 (2013) symposia at the 15th Biennial EARLI conference for Research on Learning and Instruction Discussant in “Exploring Facets of Self-Regulated Learning: Measurement, Modes of Action and Promotion” Munich, Germany, 29/08/2013-.
2012 (2012) Junior Researchers (JURE) EARLI Conference Chair in “Using questioning to promote learning: experimental findings” session Regensburg, Germany, 24/07/2012-.
2011 (2011) 14th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction Chair in “Approaches to higher education” session Exeter (UK), PRE-JURE, 29/08/2011-.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Panadero, E.; Fraile, J; Pinedo, L.; Rodríguez-Hernández, C.; Balerdi, E.; Díez, F. (2023) 'Teachers’ Well-Being, Emotions, and Motivation During Emergency Remote Teaching Due to COVID-19' In: Social capital and well-being of teachers and principals: Social support and beyond. Spain : Frontiers Research Topics. [DOI]
2021 Amezua-Urrutia, A.; Panadero, E.; Auzmendi-Escribano, E.; Sánchez-Iglesias, I. (2021) 'Bienestar ocupacional del docente de música' In: Hinojo Lucena, S. M. Arias Romero, M. N. Campos Soto, & S. Pozo Sánchez (Eds.), Innovación e investi. Madrid, Spain : Dykinson.
2020 Broadbent, J.; Panadero, E.; Lodge, J.M.; de Barba, P. (2020) 'Technologies to enhance self-regulated learning in online and computer mediated learning environments' In: ated learning in online and computer mediated learning environments. In M.J. Bishop, J. Elen, E. Bol. New York : Springer.
2019 Panadero, E.; Lipnevich, A. A.; Broadbent, J. (2019) 'Turning self-assessment into self-feedback' In: In D. Boud, M. D. Henderson, R. Ajjawi, & E. Molloy (Eds.), Feedback that makes a difference. New York City : Springer.
2018 Panadero, E.; Jonsson, A.; Alqassab, M. (2018) 'Peer feedback used for formative purposes: Review of findings' In: A. Lipnevich & J. K. Smith (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
2018 Panadero, E.; García, D.; Fraile, J. (2018) 'Self-assessment for learning in vocational education and training' In: S. McGrath; J. Papier; M. Mulder & R. Suart (Eds.), Handbook of Vocational Education and Training: D. New York : Springer International Publishing.
2018 Lodge, J.; Panadero, E.; Broadbent, J.; de Barba, P. G. (2018) 'Supporting self-regulated learning with learning analytics' In: In J. Lodge, J. C. Horvath & L. Corrin (Eds.), Learning analytics in the classroom. UK : Routledge.
2018 Panadero, E.; Broadbent, J. (2018) 'How to develop evaluative judgement? A self-regulated learning perspective' In: In D. Boud, R. Ajjawi, P. Dawson & J. Tai (Eds.), How good is this? Using assessment to develop eval. UK : Routledge.
2018 Jonsson, A.; Panadero, E. (2018) 'Facilitating students’ active engagement with feedback' In: A. Lipnevich & J. K. Smith (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Instructional Feedback. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
2016 Panadero, E. (2016) 'Social, interpersonal, and human effects of peer assessment: A review and future directions' In: G. T. L. Brown & L. Harris (Eds.), Human Factors and Social Conditions of Assessment. UK : Routledge.
2016 Panadero, E.; Jonsson, A.; Strijbos, J. W. (2016) 'Exploring the implications of self-assessment and peer assessment for self-regulated learning and co-regulated learning' In: D. Laveault & L. Allal (Eds.), Assessment for Learning: Overcoming the Challenges of Implementation. New York : Springer.
2016 Jonsson, A.; Panadero, E. (2016) 'The use and design of rubrics to support AfL' In: D. Carless, S. Bridges, C. Chan & R. Glofcheski (Ed.), Scaling up assessment for learning in higher. New York : Springer.
2011 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia, J. (2011) 'El papel de las rúbricas en la autoevaluación y autorregulación del aprendizaje' In: K. Bujan, I. Rekalde & P. Aramendi (Eds.), La Evaluación de Competencias en la Educación Superior. Madrid : Eduforma.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2023 Dawson, S.; Pardo, A.; Salehian Kia, F.; Panadero, E. (2023) An Integrated Model of Feedback and Assessment: From fine grained to holistic programmatic review [Link] [DOI]
2014 Laru, J.; Panadero, E.; Järvenoja, H.; Malmberg, J.; Järvelä, S. (2014) 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers i . In: Lin, C. C eds. Designing socially shared self -regulated learning activities. A case in pre-service teacher education ICT workshop
2013 Panadero, E.; Järvelä, S.; Malmberg, J.; Koivuniemi, M.; Phielix, C.; Jaspers, J.; Kirschner, P. (2013) AIED 2013 [Artificial Intelligence in Education] Workshops Proceedings Volume 10 Enhancing socially shared regulation in working groups using a CSCL regulation tools
2012 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia, J. (2012) EJIME [Young Researchers in Motivation and Emotion Conference] Efectos de rúbricas y guiones de autoevaluación en la autorregulación, aprendizaje, auto-eficacia y motivación en estudiantes de educación secundaria
2012 Panadero, E.; Romero, M. (2012) CIDUI [International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation] Uso de las rúbricas de evaluación para fomentar el aprendizaje autorregulado/autónomo
2014 Laru, J.; Panadero, E.; Järvenoja, H.; Malmberg, J.; Järvelä, S. (2014) 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers i . In: Lin, C. C eds. Designing socially shared self -regulated learning activities. A case in pre-service teacher education ICT workshop
2013 Panadero, E.; Järvelä, S.; Malmberg, J.; Koivuniemi, M.; Phielix, C.; Jaspers, J.; Kirschner, P. (2013) AIED 2013 [Artificial Intelligence in Education] Workshops Proceedings Volume 10 Enhancing socially shared regulation in working groups using a CSCL regulation tools Memphis, USA,
2012 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia, J. (2012) EJIME [Young Researchers in Motivation and Emotion Conference] Madrid Efectos de rúbricas y guiones de autoevaluación en la autorregulación, aprendizaje, auto-eficacia y motivación en estudiantes de educación secundaria Madrid, Spain, [Link]
2012 Panadero, E.; Romero, M. (2012) CIDUI [International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation] Barcelona Uso de las rúbricas de evaluación para fomentar el aprendizaje autorregulado/autónomo Barcelona, Spain,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Panadero, E.; Pérez, D.G.; Ruiz, J.F.; Fraile, J.; Sánchez-Iglesias, I.; Brown, G.T.L. (2023) 'University students’ strategies and criteria during self-assessment: instructor’s feedback, rubrics, and year level effects'. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 38 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Ocampo, J.C.G.; Panadero, E.; Díez, F. (2023) 'Are men and women really different? The effects of gender and training on peer scoring and perceptions of peer assessment'. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 48 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Panadero, E.; Alqassab, M.; Fernández Ruiz, J.; Ocampo, J.C. (2023) 'A systematic review on peer assessment: intrapersonal and interpersonal factors'. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Broadbent, J.; Panadero, E.; Lodge, J.M.; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M. (2023) 'The self-regulation for learning online (SRL-O) questionnaire'. Metacognition and Learning, 18 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Strijbos, J; Alqassab, M.; Panadero, E.; Fernández-Ruiz, J.; Warrens, M.; To, J. (2023) 'A Systematic Review of Peer Assessment Design Elements'. Educational Psychology Review, 35 (1). [DOI]
2023 Fernández Ruiz, J.; Panadero, E. (2023) 'Assessment professional development courses for university teachers: a nationwide analysis exploring length, evaluation and content'. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 48 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Panadero, E. (2023) 'Toward a paradigm shift in feedback research: Five further steps influenced by self-regulated learning theory'. Educational Psychologist, 58 (3):193-204. [DOI]
2022 Abello, D.M.; Alonso-Tapia, J.; Panadero, E. (2022) 'Influence of classroom motivational climate and teaching style on university students’ self-regulation and performance'. Revista Complutense de Educacion, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Panadero, E.; Fraile, J.; Pinedo, L.; Rodríguez-Hernández, C.; Balerdi, E.; Díez, F. (2022) 'Teachers’ Well-Being, Emotions, and Motivation During Emergency Remote Teaching Due to COVID-19'. Frontiers in Psychology, 13 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 To, J.; Panadero, E.; Carless, D. (2022) 'A systematic review of the educational uses and effects of exemplars'. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 47 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Lipnevich, A.A.; Panadero, E.; Calistro, T. (2022) 'Unraveling the Effects of Rubrics and Exemplars on Student Writing Performance'. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 29 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Panadero, E.; Fraile, J.; Pérez, D.G. (2022) 'Transition to higher education and assessment: a one year longitudinal study'. Educacion XX1, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Yan, Z.; Lao, H.; Panadero, E.; Fernández-Castilla, B.; Yang, L.; Yang, M. (2022) 'Effects of self-assessment and peer-assessment interventions on academic performance: A meta-analysis'. Educational Research Review, 37 . [DOI]
2022 Fernández Ruiz, J.; Panadero, E.; García- Pérez, D.; Pinedo, L. (2022) 'Assessment design decisions in practice: Profile identification in approaches to assessment design'. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 47 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Panadero, E.; Fraile, J.; Pinedo, L.; Rodríguez-Hernández, C.; Díez, F. (2022) 'Changes in classroom assessment practices during emergency remote teaching due to COVID-19'. ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION-PRINCIPLES POLICY & PRACTICE, 29 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Bransen, D.; Govaerts, M.J.B.; Panadero, E.; Sluijsmans, D.M.A.; Driessen, E.W. (2022) 'Putting self-regulated learning in context: Integrating self-, co-, and socially shared regulation of learning'. Medical Education, 56 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 García-Pérez, D.; Fraile, J.; Panadero, E. (2021) 'Learning strategies and self-regulation in context: how higher education students approach different courses, assessments, and challenges'. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 36 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Broadbent, J.; Sharman, S.; Panadero, E.; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M. (2021) 'How does self-regulated learning influence formative assessment and summative grade? Comparing online and blended learners'. Internet and Higher Education, 50 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Abello, D. M.; Alonso Tapia, J.; Panadero, E. (2021) 'Classroom motivational climate in higher education: Validation of a model for assessment'. International Journal of Instruction, 14 (2):685-702. [DOI]
2021 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia, J.; García-Pérez, D.; Fraile, J.; Sánchez Galán; J. M.; Pardo, R. (2021) 'Deep learning self-regulation strategies: Validation of a situational model and its questionnaire'. Revista de Psicodidactica, 26 (1):10-19. [DOI]
2021 Lipnevich, A.A.; Panadero, E.; Gjicali, K.; Fraile, J. (2021) 'What’s on the syllabus? An analysis of assessment criteria in first year courses across US and Spanish universities'. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Lipnevich, A.; Panadero, E. (2021) 'A review of feedback models and theories: Descriptions, definitions and conclusions'. Frontiers in Education, . [DOI]
2021 Braund, H.; DeLuca, C.; Panadero, E.; Cheng, L. (2021) 'Exploring Formative Assessment and Co-Regulation in Kindergarten Through Interviews and Direct Observation'. Frontiers in Education, 6 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Yan, Z.; Li, Z.; Panadero, E.; Yang, M.; Yang, L.; Lao, H. (2021) 'A systematic review on factors influencing teachers’ intentions and implementations regarding formative assessment'. ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION-PRINCIPLES POLICY & PRACTICE, 28 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Fernández-Ruiz, J.; Panadero, E.; García-Pérez, D. (2021) 'Assessment from a disciplinary approach: Design and implementation in three undergraduate programmes'. ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION-PRINCIPLES POLICY & PRACTICE, 28 (5):703-723. [DOI]
2020 Broadbent, J.; Panadero, E.; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M. (2020) 'Effects of mobile-app learning diaries vs online training on specific self-regulated learning components'. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Abello, D.M.; Alonso-Tapia, J.; Panadero, E. (2020) 'Development and validation of the teaching styles inventory for higher education (TSIHE)'. Anales de Psicologia, 36 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Panadero, E.; Ruiz, J.F.; García-Pérez, D.; Centeno, H.S. (2020) 'A transitional year level to higher education: Challenges, experiences and self-regulatory: Strategies during the final year of the University Preparatory Level'. Estudios Sobre Educacion, 39 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 (2020) 'Bridging classroom assessment and self-regulated learning'. ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION-PRINCIPLES POLICY & PRACTICE, 27 (4):319-331. [DOI]
2020 Panadero, E.; Fernández Ruiz, J.; Sánchez-Iglesias, I. (2020) 'Secondary education students’ self-assessment: the effects of feedback, subject matter, year level, and gender'. ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION-PRINCIPLES POLICY & PRACTICE, 27 (6):607-634.
2020 Alonso Tapia, J.; Abello, D. M.; Panadero, E. (2020) 'Regulating emotions and learning motivation in higher education students'. International Journal of Emotional Education, 12 (2):73-89.
2020 Panadero, E.; Jonsson, A. (2020) 'A critical review of the arguments against the use of rubrics'. Educational Research Review, 30 . [DOI]
2020 Fernández-Ruiz, J.; Panadero, E. (2020) 'Comparison between conceptions and assessment practices among secondary education teachers: more differences than similarities'. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 43 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Panadero, E.; Broadbent, J.; Boud, D.; Lodge, J.M. (2019) 'Using formative assessment to influence self- and co-regulated learning: the role of evaluative judgement'. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 34 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 To, J.; Panadero, E. (2019) 'Peer assessment effects on the self-assessment process of first-year undergraduates'. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 44 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Panadero, E.; Alqassab, M. (2019) 'An empirical review of anonymity effects in peer assessment, peer feedback, peer review, peer evaluation and peer grading'. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 44 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Panadero, E.; Fraile, J.; Fernández Ruiz, J.; Castilla-Estévez, D.; Ruiz, M.A. (2019) 'Spanish university assessment practices: examination tradition with diversity by faculty'. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 44 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Rotsaert, T.; Panadero, E.; Schellens, T.; Raes, A. (2018) '“Now you know what you’re doing right and wrong!” Peer feedback quality in synchronous peer assessment in secondary education'. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 (2018) 'Implementing summative assessment with a formative flavour: A case study in a large class'. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 43 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Rotsaert, T.; Panadero, E.; Schellens, T. (2018) 'Anonymity as an instructional scaffold in peer assessment: its effects on peer feedback quality and evolution in students’ perceptions about peer assessment skills'. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Panadero, E.; Andrade, H.; Brookhart, S. (2018) 'Fusing self-regulated learning and formative assessment: a roadmap of where we are, how we got here, and where we are going'. Australian Educational Researcher, 45 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Rotsaert, T.; Panadero, E.; Schellens, T. (2018) 'Peer assessment use, its social nature challenges and perceived educational value: A teachers’ survey study'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 59 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Tai, J.; Ajjawi, R.; Boud, D.; Dawson, P.; Panadero, E. (2018) 'Developing evaluative judgement: enabling students to make decisions about the quality of work'. Higher Education, 76 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Panadero, E. (2017) 'A review of self-regulated learning models: Six models and four directions for research'. Frontiers in Physiology, 8 (422). [DOI]
2017 Koivuniemi, M.; Panadero, E.; Malmberg, J.; Järvelä, S. (2017) 'Higher education students’ learning challenges and regulatory skills in different learning situations / Desafíos de aprendizaje y habilidades de regulación en distintas situaciones de aprendizaje en estudiantes de educación superior'. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 40 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Fraile, J.; Panadero, E.; Pardo, R. (2017) 'Co-creating rubrics: The effects on self-regulated learning, self-efficacy and performance of establishing assessment criteria with students'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 53 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Panadero, E.; Brown, G.T.L. (2017) 'Teachers’ reasons for using peer assessment: positive experience predicts use'. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 32 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Fraile, J.; Pardo, R.; Panadero, E. (2017) 'How use rubrics for enhancing real formative assessment?'. Revista Complutense de Educacion, 28 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Rotsaert, T.; Panadero, E.; Estrada, E.; Schellens, T. (2017) 'How do students perceive the educational value of peer assessment in relation to its social nature? A survey study in Flanders'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 53 :29-40.
2017 Panadero, E.; Jonsson, A.; Botella, J. (2017) 'Effects of self-assessment on self-regulated learning and self-efficacy: Four meta-analyses'. Educational Research Review, 22 :74-98. [DOI]
2016 Panadero, E.; Klug, J.; Järvelä, S. (2016) 'Third wave of measurement in the self-regulated learning field: when measuring and intervening come hand in hand'. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 60 (6):723-735.
2016 Panadero, E.; Brown, G. T. L.; Strijbos, J. W. (2016) 'The future of student self-assessment: Known unknowns and potential directions'. Educational Psychology Review, 28 (4):803-830.
2015 Panadero, E.; Kirschner, P.A.; Järvelä, S.; Malmberg, J.; Järvenoja, H. (2015) 'How Individual Self-Regulation Affects Group Regulation and Performance: A Shared Regulation Intervention'. Small Group Research, 46 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Järvelä, S.; Kirschner, P.A.; Panadero, E.; Malmberg, J.; Phielix, C.; Jaspers, J.; Koivuniemi, M.; Järvenoja, H. (2015) 'Enhancing socially shared regulation in collaborative learning groups: designing for CSCL regulation tools'. Educational Technology Research and Development, 63 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Panadero, E.; Järvelä, S. (2015) 'Socially shared regulation of learning: A review'. European Psychologist, 20 (3):190-203. [DOI]
2015 Malmberg, J.; Järvelä, S.; Järvenoja, H.; Panadero, E. (2015) 'Promoting socially shared regulation of learning in CSCL: Progress of socially shared regulation among high- and low-performing groups'. Computers in Human Behavior, 52 :1-18.
2014 Panadero, E.; Romero, M. (2014) 'To rubric or not to rubric? The effects of self-assessment on self-regulation, performance and self-efficacy'. ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION-PRINCIPLES POLICY & PRACTICE, 21 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Panadero, E.; Monereo, C. (2014) 'Using shared reports to explore the nature and resolution of critical incidents between higher education teachers and students'. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 12 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Alonso-Tapia, J.; Panadero Calderón, E.; Díaz Ruiz, M.A. (2014) 'Development and validity of the emotion and motivation self-Regulation Questionnaire (EMSR-Q)'. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Panadero, E.; Brown, G.; Courtney, M. (2014) 'Teachers’ reasons for using self-assessment: a survey self-report of Spanish teachers'. ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION-PRINCIPLES POLICY & PRACTICE, 21 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia, J.; Huertas, J.A. (2014) 'Rubrics vs. self-assessment scripts: effects on first year university students’ self-regulation and performance / Rúbricas y guiones de autoevaluación: efectos sobre la autorregulación y el rendimiento de estudiantes universitarios de primer año'. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 37 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia, J. (2014) 'Contrasting self-regulation educational theories: A theoretical review'. Psicologia Educativa, 20 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia, J. (2014) 'How do students self-regulate? Review of Zimmerman's cyclical model of self-regulated learning'. Anales de Psicologia, 30 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia, J.; Reche, E. (2013) 'Rubrics vs. self-assessment scripts effect on self-regulation, performance and self-efficacy in pre-service teachers'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 39 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Panadero, E.; Jonsson, A. (2013) 'The use of scoring rubrics for formative assessment purposes revisited: A review'. Educational Research Review, 9 :129-144. [DOI]
2013 Panadero, E.; Romero, M.; Strijbos, J.W. (2013) 'The impact of a rubric and friendship on peer assessment: Effects on construct validity, performance, and perceptions of fairness and comfort'. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 39 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia, J. (2013) 'Self-assessment: theoretical and practical connotations. When it happens, how is it acquired and what to do to develop it in our students'. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 11 (2):551-576. [DOI]
2012 Panadero, E.; Tapia, J.A.; Huertas, J.A. (2012) 'Rubrics and self-assessment scripts effects on self-regulation, learning and self-efficacy in secondary education'. Learning and Individual Differences, 22 . [Link] [DOI]
2010 Alonso-Tapia, J.; Panadero, E. (2010) 'Effects of self-assessment scripts on self-regulation and learning'. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 33 . [Link] [DOI]

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2012 Romero, M.; Panadero, E. (2012) Interpersonal factors on Peer Assessment Calibration. COMMREP

Encyclopedia Entry

Year Publication
2018 Alqassab, M; Panadero, E. (2018) Peer assessment. In Brookhart, S. et al. (Eds.). New York: ENC


Year Publication
2020 Panadero; Alonso-Tapia (2020) Manual for use of Emotion and Motivation Self-regulation Questionnaire (EMSR-Q). MANUAL [Link]
2020 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia (2020) Manual for use of Deep Learning Strategies Questionnaire (DLS-Q). MANUAL [Link]

Research Paper

Year Publication
2009 Alonso Tapia, J.; Huertas, J.A.; Asensio, F.; López, I.; Panadero, E. (2009) Development and evaluation of a Secondary teachers training program for Social Sciences in motivation, knowledge assessment and self-regulation. RP

Unpublished work

Year Publication
2011 Panadero, E. (2011) Ph.D. dissertation: Ayudas instruccionales a la autoevaluación y la autorregulación: Evaluación de la eficacia de los guiones de autoevaluación frente a la de las rúbricas. UNPB
2007 Panadero, E. (2007) Masters thesis: Influencia de los guiones de autoevaluación sobre la autorregulación. UNPB

Other Publication

Year Publication
2022 Diez, F.; Rodríguez-Hernández, C. F.; Balerdi, E.; Panadero, E.; Fraile, J.; Pinedo, L. (2022) El profesorado que más sufrió durante la pandemia: mujeres, de primaria y con alumnos desfavorecidos. [Link]
2022 Panadero, E.; Lipnevich, A.A. (2022) A review of feedback models and typologies: Towards an integrative model of feedback elements. [Link] [DOI]
2013 Järvelä, S.; Malmberg, J.; Koivuniemi, M.; Phielix, C.; Jaspers, J.; Kirschner, P. (2013) Enhancing socially shared regulation in working groups using a CSCL regulation tools. Memphis, USA:
2012 Panadero, E.; Romero, M (2012) Uso de las rúbricas de evaluación para fomentar el aprendizaje autorregulado/autónomo. Barcelona, Spain:
2012 Panadero, E.; Alonso-Tapia, J. (2012) Efectos de rúbricas y guiones de autoevaluación en la autorregulación, aprendizaje, auto-eficacia y motivación en estudiantes de educación secundaria. Madrid:
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Assessment For Learning International Network (AfLIN) Member 09/01/2013 -
Self-regulated learning in digitized schools (SeReLiDiS). Senior member of the network lead by Prof. Joachim Wirth and funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany). 01/01/2020 -
Self-Regulation Network (SeReNe) Member of the project under the name of “The role of self-regulated learning in the process of educational innovation”. PI: Charlotte Dignath, funded by DFG (German Research Foundation) 01/01/2020 -
EARLI Emerging Field Group (EFG) Member of the group ““Unifying Cognitive Load and Self-Regulated Learning Research: Monitoring and Regulation of Effort (MRE)” 01/01/2018 - 01/01/2021
Learning Strategies in Social and Informal Learning Contexts Member of this research network from the University of Antwerp and coordinated by David Gijbels, Vincent Donche and Piet Van den Bossche. 01/01/2016 -
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Member 01/01/2010 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2011 Best Dissertation 2011 award at the Faculty of Psychology Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Faculty of Psychology Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
01/01/2017 Finalist (top three) for EARLI Best paper 2017 EARLI
01/01/2019 Finalist (second place) for EARLI Best paper 2019 EARLI
01/01/2021 Finalist (third place) for EARLI Best paper 2021 EARLI
01/01/2017 Erik de Corte 2017 biennial EARLI Conference


Committee Function From / To
Education panel at the National Research Agency Member of the national team in charge of the review and decision process for the Education panel at the National Research Agency (Colaborador / Gestor –miembro del equipo de coordinación y evaluación- de la Agencia Estatal de investigación). 01/09/2018 - 01/09/2021


Employer Position From / To
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Associate professor 01/11/2019 - 01/12/2019
Deakin University Honorary Professor at the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning 01/01/2016 -
University of Oulu Post-doctoral researcher working for the Learning and Educational Technology team (LET) 01/08/2012 - 01/08/2014
Dublin City University Professor & Prometric Chair in Assessment at CARPE 01/07/2023 -
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Researcher in training (FPI-MEC) 01/09/2006 - 01/08/2008
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Post-doctoral researcher under the Alianza 4 Universidades funding program 01/09/2011 - 01/08/2012
Universidad de Deusto IKERBASQUE researcher (associate professor) 01/12/2020 - 01/12/2023
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Researcher & Teacher (FPI-MEC) 01/09/2008 - 01/09/2010
Universidad de Deusto Ikerbasque research professor 01/01/2023 - 01/07/2023
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, funded by Ramón y Cajal excellence program for research Researcher 01/10/2014 - 01/11/2019


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
01/06/2005 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Faculty of Education Bachelor of Science in Educational Psychology Educational Psychology
01/01/2010 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Department of Cognitive Psychology. Faculty of Psychology. Ph.D. in Psychology “Desarrollo psicológico, aprendizaje y educación: perspectivas contemporáneas” [Psychological development, learning and education: Contemporary perspectives]
01/06/2002 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facility of Education Bachelor of Science in Education Education
01/10/2007 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Faculty of Psychology. Master of Arts (M.A.) Psychology


Journal Role
Studies in Educational Evaluation Editor
Journal of Experimental Education Editor
European Journal Of Higher Education Reviewer
Journal Of Sports Sciences Reviewer
European Journal of Psychology of Education Reviewer
Educational Assessment Reviewer
Revista de Psicologia Social Reviewer
Computers in Human Behavior Reviewer
Frontiers in Education Reviewer
Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa Reviewer
Studies in Higher Education Reviewer
System Reviewer
Educational Psychology Review Reviewer
Vocations and Learning Reviewer
Learning and Instruction Reviewer
Research Papers in Education Reviewer
Frontiers in Physiology Reviewer
European Journal of Psychology of Education Reviewer
Infancia y Aprendizaje Reviewer
Educational Assessment Editor
Infancia y Aprendizaje Reviewer
Interactive Learning Environments Reviewer
Educational Assessment Reviewer
Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa Reviewer
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied Reviewer
Studies in Educational Evaluation Reviewer
Teaching and Teacher Education Reviewer
British Journal of Educational Psychology Reviewer
Instructional Science Reviewer
British Journal of Educational Technology Reviewer
Learning and Individual Differences Reviewer
Educational Research Review Reviewer
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Reviewer
Metacognition and Learning Reviewer
Teaching and Learning in Medicine Reviewer
Instructional Science Editor
Educational Assessment Reviewer
Instructional Science Reviewer
Educational Research Review Reviewer
Asia Pacific Education Review Reviewer
Educacion XX1 Reviewer
Learning and Individual Differences Reviewer
Frontiers Editor
Revista de Psicología Educativa Reviewer
Frontline Learning Research Reviewer
Revista de Psicología Educativa Reviewer
Education Research International Reviewer
The Journal of Experimental Education Reviewer

Other Activities

David Zamorano: “Individual characteristics in peer assessment”. Start October 2021. Universidad de Deusto (Spain).
Leire Pinedo: “Diferencias individuales en autoevaluación”. Start October 2020. Universidad de Deusto (Spain).
Alazne Fernández: “Self-regulation in pre-service teachers”. Start October 2021. Universidad de Deusto (Spain).
Jose Carlos Ocampo: “Peer assessment interpersonal variables”. Start October 2020. Universidad de Deusto (Spain).

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2018 Invited talk/presentation Assessment for learning 20 years after the black box seminar, Oxford Panadero, E. (2018, February). Invited speaker. Title of the presentation: Formative assessment: where do we go from here? Invited presentation at the Assessment for learning 20 years after the black box seminar, Oxford, United Kingdom. (28/02/2018).
2022 Invited talk/presentation SeReLiDiS network organized at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum Panadero, E. (2022). 3 topics + bonus, at the SeReLiDiS network organized at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 23/02/2022.
2023 Invited talk/presentation Spanish Ministerio de Universidades Panadero, E. (2023). Prácticas de evaluación en la universidad española: ¿están suficientemente formados nuestros profesores? Organized by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades with the presence of the Ministry Prof. Subirats, during the Jornadas de Innovación docente in the Sesión Temática 1. Estrategias y modelos de evaluación: retos actuales y tendencias, Madrid, 8/6/2023.
2022 Invited talk/presentation University of Southern Australia Panadero, E. (2022). Self-regulated Learning, at the University of Southern Australia College, Adelaide, 30/08/2022.
2022 Invited talk/presentation University of Southern Australia Panadero, E. (2022). Self-regulated learning and formative classroom assessment, at the Centre for Complex Learning at the University of Southern Australia, Adelaide, 30/08/2022.
2022 Invited talk/presentation SeReLiDiS network organized by the Ruhr-Universität Bochum Panadero, E. & Roelle, J. (2022). Rubric research as a digital tool. Online at the SeReLiDiS network organized by the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 1/12/2022.
2021 Invited talk/presentation Jornadas de Formación del Profesorado Universitario de la Universitat de Lleida Panadero, E. (2021). Evaluación educativa: piedra de toque instruccional, at the Jornadas de Formación del Profesorado Universitario de la Universitat de Lleida, online presentation 22/06/2021.
2019 Invited talk/presentation XII Congreso de la Red Nacional de Evaluación Formativa y Compartida Panadero, E. (2019). Tendencias en las publicaciones internacionales sobre evaluación formativa, at the XII Congreso de la Red Nacional de Evaluación Formativa y Compartida, at Segovia (Spain) 02/07/2019.
2018 Invited talk/presentation CRADLE (Deakin University) and DER (Monash University) at Prato (Italy) Panadero, E. (2018). Involving students in creating feedback having an impact. Presentation at the International symposium: The impact of feedback in higher education, organized by the CRADLE (Deakin University) and DER (Monash University) at Prato (Italy) from the 3th to the 5th of September 2018. (4/9/18)
2015 Invited talk/presentation University of Kristianstad Panadero, E. (2015). Seminar: Who is Ernesto Panadero? What is his research about? University of Kristianstad (Sweden) 30/09/2015.
2023 Continuous Professional Development/Training Cambridge University Press & Assessment Panadero, E. (2023). Self-regulated learning and its relation to assessment. Workshop organized by Simon Child Head of Assessment Training at Cambridge University Press & Assessment 4/02/2023.
2016 Invited talk/presentation Deakin University Panadero, E. (2016). Seminar: How can we promote self-regulated learning via classroom assessment? A closer look to self and peer assessment. Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia). 6/09/2016.
2011 Invited talk/presentation Department of Psicologia Bàsica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Panadero, E. (2011). Ayudas instruccionales a la autoevaluación y la autorregulación: Evaluación de la eficacia de los guiones de autoevaluación frente a la de las rúbricas. Presentation at the Department of Psicologia Bàsica, Evolutiva i de l’Educació, Facultat Psicologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 14/11/2011.
2018 Continuous Professional Development/Training Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Panadero, E. (2018). Evaluación entre pares. Presented at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 6/4/2018.
2018 Continuous Professional Development/Training ng: what research tell us about the intersection of both fields. Presented at the School of Education at the University of North Carolina Panadero, E. (2018). Classroom assessment and self-regulated learning: what research tell us about the intersection of both fields. Presented at the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 12/02/2018.
2020 Continuous Professional Development/Training Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Panadero, E. (2020). Autorregulación y evaluación del aprendizaje. Workshop organized by Georgeta Ion at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 2/3/2020.
2015 Invited talk/presentation University of Kristianstad Panadero, E. (2015). Seminar: Aligning research goals & data collection: recommendations in Kristianstad based on my experience. University of Kristianstad (Sweden) 30/09/2015.
2015 Continuous Professional Development/Training University of Graz Panadero, E. (2015). Workshop: Self-regulated learning & music: A workshop with musicians. University of Graz (Austria) 20/04/2015.
2007 Invited talk/presentation Universidad de Morelia Panadero, E. (2007). Seminar on Motivation in the classroom. Conference for Teaching Update 2007, organized by the Universidad de Morelia, Mexico (15/03/2007).
2021 Continuous Professional Development/Training Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Panadero, E. (2021). Autorregulación educativa: fundamentos y reflexiones compartidas. Workshop organized by Reinaldo Fernández at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 23/11/2021.
2019 Continuous Professional Development/Training CRADLE at Deakin University Panadero, E. (2019). Invited to the “Feedback literacy” international symposium as active participant organized by the CRADLE at Deakin University (Geelong Campus) 28/10/19 to 30/10/19.
2015 Invited talk/presentation University of Vienna Panadero, E. (2015). Seminar: Reviewing and finding connections between self-regulated learning and formative assessment (With an emphasis in self-assessment). University of Vienna (Austria) 14/04/2015.
2010 Invited talk/presentation Centre of Research on Teaching and Training, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Panadero, E. (2010). Effects of self-assessment on self-regulation, learning, self-efficacy & goal orientations. Presentation to the Centre for Educational Research on Lifelong Learning and Participation / Centre of Research on Teaching and Training, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, June 2, 2010.
2015 Invited talk/presentation University of Bergen Panadero, E. (2015). Seminar: Connecting formative assessment and self-regulated learning: self-and peer assessment as a path. University of Bergen (Solstrand seminar) (Norway) 26/05/2015.
2014 Continuous Professional Development/Training LET Team, University of Oulu Panadero, E. (2014). Going wild on SRL theory: In depth case study of Zimmerman’s cyclical model and comparison to Winne’s. Presenter and organizer for the LET Team, University of Oulu (Finland) 12/03/2014.
2023 Continuous Professional Development/Training Faculty of Education, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria Panadero, E. (2023). Quince años (aprox.) dan para mucho. Workshop organized by Jaime Leon Principal Investigator at the Faculty of Education, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1/06/2023.
2018 Continuous Professional Development/Training 5th NAFOL Conference Panadero, E. (2018). How to perform (and publish) a (systematic) research review. At the 5th NAFOL Conference, Hamar, Norway. 24/10/18.
2018 Continuous Professional Development/Training Vanderbilt Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Vanderbilt University Panadero, E. (2018). Linking Theory to Practice: From Self-Regulated Learning Theory to Multimodal CAMM Data Analysis. Presented during the Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research about Multimodal Human Learning Data during Human Machine Interactions, at the Vanderbilt Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Vanderbilt University, Nashville (Tennessee, USA) 17/04/2018.
2016 Continuous Professional Development/Training Developing evaluative judgement in a digital world International symposium 2016 at the Deakin University Panadero, E. & Broadbent, J. (2016). How to develop evaluative judgement? A self-regulated learning perspective. Presented at the Developing evaluative judgement in a digital world International symposium 2016 at the Deakin University, 17/10/2016.
2012 Invited talk/presentation University of Oulu Panadero, E. (2012). What is all that fuss with self-regulation? What a Meta-analysis can tell about years of primary research on SRL. Seminar organized by the LET Team open to the faculty, University of Oulu (Finland) 30/11/2012.
2012 Invited talk/presentation Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya Panadero, E. (2012). La rúbrica, un instrumento para el aprendizaje del alumnado. Ponencia invitada por el Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Dirección General de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato), 15/10/2012.
2016 Invited talk/presentation Deakin University Panadero, E. (2016). Seminar: Rubrics: are they evil? Empirical-based reflections. Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia). 10/10/2016.

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
2014 Advisory Work Marzano Research Laboratory Advisory Panel Process for Reviewing Comprehensiveness of Keyword Search for the Marzano Research Laboratory, May 2014.
2015 Advisory Work Project Responsive Teaching and Student Learning (RespMath) (University of Bergen, Solstrand seminar) Project Responsive Teaching and Student Learning (RespMath) (University of Bergen, Solstrand seminar), acting as expert in self-regulated learning providing input to the research group, 26-28/05/2015.


Title Year Type Authors
A transitional year level to higher education. 2018 Other Fernández, J. & Panadero, E.
Teachers & peers as co-regulators via formative assessment. 2022 Other Panadero, E.
Formative assessment: where do we go from here? Assessment for learning 20 years after the black box. 2018 Other Panadero, E.
Assessment design decisions in practice: Profile identification in approaches to assessment design. 2021 Other Fernández, J., Panadero, E., García-Pérez, D. & Pinedo, L.
Revisión de modelos de feedback: MISCA model 2022 Other Panadero, E.
First year university experience: a one-year longitudinal study. 2021 Other Diez, F., Balerdi, E., Panadero, E., Fraile, J., & García-Pérez, D.
A critical review of the arguments against the use of rubrics. 2020 Other Panadero, E. & Jonsson, A.
MISCA model: A meta-review of feedback models 2022 Other Panadero, E.
Secondary education students’ self-assessment. 2020 Other Panadero, E. & Fernández, J.
Evaluación entre pares: algunas cuestiones centrales. 2022 Other Panadero, E.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Educational Feedback Principal investigator 13/03/2020 31/12/2022
Ampliación de las herramientas de LA en VISIR. Researcher 01/06/2020 31/05/2021
Reconocimiento de grupo del Gobierno Vasco. Principal investigator 01/07/2022 01/06/2025
Motivación, evaluación y autorregulación. Efecto de las ayudas externas –organizativas y multimedia- en autorregulación y aprendizaje en el marco del clima motivacional de clase y de la familia. Research Associate Principal Investigator: Jesús Alonso-Tapia. Position: Full professor. Head office: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Participant researchers: 13. 01/01/2013 01/01/2016
Investigating and Promoting Individual and Socially Shared Regulation of Learning in Primary School and Teacher Education Contexts (PROSPECTS). Researcher. Principal Investigator: Sanna Järvelä. Head office: University of Oulu. Participant investigators: 5. 01/08/2012 31/07/2014
Feedback in education: Knows, unknowns, and future directions. Collaboration with the City University of New York, Dr. Anastasiya Lipnevich. Principal investigator 01/09/2017 01/10/2018
EURO-CAT-CSCL. Collaboration awareness tool for CSCL users Researcher Participant Investigators: 8 and 4 Ph.D. candidates. Principal investigator: Margarida Romero. Head office at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 15/09/2011 01/08/2012
Key variables for academic success in higher education: self-regulated learning, assessment practices and self-assessment. Principal investigator Participant investigators: 6. Head office: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 30/12/2016 29/12/2019
Motivación, Evaluación y Autorregulación. Guiones y ayudas multimedia: efecto en autorregulación y aprendizaje. Research Associate Principal Investigator: Jesús Alonso-Tapia. Head office at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Participant Investigators: 13. 01/01/2010 15/06/2011
Teacher Mobile Application for Innovative Learning, t-MAIL. Principal investigator (Spanish team) Principal Investigator: Koen Lombaerts (Belgian team and international coordinator). Head office: Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Participant institutions: 9. 01/01/2015 31/12/2017
Motivación, evaluación del conocimiento, programas y aprendizaje [Motivation, knowledge assessment, program assessment and learning]. Research Associate Principal Investigator: Jesús Alonso-Tapia. Head office at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Participant Investigators: 9. 01/01/2006 31/12/2008
Analysis of formative assessment practices and their effects in higher education (APEEFES). Principal Investigator 01/06/2020 31/05/2024
Diseño y planificación de la propuesta de Enriquecimiento curricular SAKONDUZ Researcher 01/09/2020 31/12/2020
Eye tracker Principal Investigator 01/08/2021 01/08/2023
Peer assessment in higher education: exploring the combined effects with gender, academic attainment and personality. Principal investigator 01/01/2020 01/01/2023
Assessing VISIR-DB Usability & Utility (AssessVISIRDB) Researcher 01/06/2021 31/05/2022
Transition to higher education Principal investigator Head office: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 01/09/2015 31/03/2017
Elementos clave para el desarrollo positivo e integral de los estudiantes universitarios: implicación en la evaluación y calidad de la relación profesor-alumno como elementos determinantes Researcher Principal investigator: José Sánchez. 01/06/2017 31/05/2018
Research actions 20-21 Education Regulated Learning and Assessment. Principal investigator 01/01/2020 01/12/2021
ERLA Group Principal Investigator 01/07/2022 01/06/2025
Co-creación de rúbricas con alumnado en el Grado de Educación Primaria Researcher and Rubric Expert Academic year 2021/22. Name of the project: “Co-creación de rúbricas con alumnado en el Grado de Educación Primaria”. Participating as researcher and rubric expert. At the Universidad de Deusto (Spain). Funding: 1500€. PI: Miryam Martínez Izaguirre, internally funded by Universidad de Deusto. 01/09/2021 30/06/2022
Mejorando nuestro Practicum y TFG: Desarrollo e implementación de materiales de apoyo para docentes y estudiantes Researcher and Rubric Expert Academic year 2018/19. Name of the project: “Mejorando nuestro Practicum y TFG: Desarrollo e implementación de materiales de apoyo para docentes y estudiantes”. Participating as researcher and rubric expert. At the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Implanta call. Funding: 600€. PI: Isabel Cuevas, internally funded by the official call for innovation projects from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 01/09/2018 30/06/2019
Efecto de los guiones de autoevaluación sobre el rendimiento académico y la autorregulación en la resolución de problemas Researcher and Self-Assessment Expert Academic year 2015/16. Name of the project: “Efecto de los guiones de autoevaluación sobre el rendimiento académico y la autorregulación en la resolución de problemas”. Participating as researcher and self-assessment expert. At the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. PI: Eva Medina, internally funded by the official call for innovation projects from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 01/09/2015 30/06/2016
Analysis of formative assessment practices and their effects in higher education (APEEFES). Principal Investigator 01/06/2020 31/05/2024
Optimización de la App Socrative en procesos de evaluación formativa Researcher and Self-Assessment Expert Academic year 2017/18. Name of the project: “Optimización de la App Socrative en procesos de evaluación formativa”. Participating as researcher and self-assessment expert. At the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Spain). Funding: 1.499,95€. PI: Juan Fraile, internally funded by the official call for innovation projects from Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. 01/09/2017 30/06/2018
Efectos de la co-creación de rúbricas sobre el rendimiento académico, autorregulación y autoeficacia Researcher and Self-Assessment Expert Academic year 2016/17. Name of the project: “Efectos de la co-creación de rúbricas sobre el rendimiento académico, autorregulación y autoeficacia”. Participating as researcher and self-assessment expert. At the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Spain). 428 € + 80 hours contract for a research assistant. PI: Juan Fraile, internally funded by the official call for innovation projects from Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. 01/09/2016 30/06/2017
Efecto de las rúbricas y los ejemplos sobre el rendimiento académico y la autorregulación en la resolución de problemas Researcher and Self-Assessment Expert Academic year 2016/17. Name of the project: “Efecto de las rúbricas y los ejemplos sobre el rendimiento académico y la autorregulación en la resolución de problemas”. Participating as researcher and self-assessment expert. Funding: 1.875€. At the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. PI: Eva Medina, internally funded by the official call for innovation projects from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 01/09/2016 30/06/2017
COFUND 6i-DIRS Project. Principal Investigator 01/01/2020 31/12/2023
Implantación de guiones y rúbricas de autoevaluación: aspectos a tener en cuenta para su correcta implementación Researcher and Self-Assessment Expert Academic year 2017/18. Name of the project: “Implantación de guiones y rúbricas de autoevaluación: aspectos a tener en cuenta para su correcta implementación”. Participating as researcher and self-assessment expert. At the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Funding: 1.400€. PI: Eva Medina, internally funded by the official call for innovation projects from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 01/09/2017 30/06/2018