Janine Silga


Contact Details

Assistant Professor in EU Law


T:Ext. 7394

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Janine Silga is an Assistant Professor in European Union Law at the School of Law and Government at Dublin City University (Ireland).

Her current administrative roles are the following: Chair for the BA Joint Honours (First Year), Subject Representative for Law for the BA Joint Honours and Member of the HSS F-REC as well as School Ethics Convenor (Law).

Prior to that, she held postdoctoral positions at the University of Luxembourg and at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy). She completed her PhD in Law at the European University Institute of Florence (Italy). Her doctoral research dealt with the legal dimension of the migration – development nexus in the European Union policy framework. Her research focuses on EU migration law and policy, and on the EU development policy. She has also done substantial research on human rights in connection to both migration and asylum. In addition to her academic activities, she has worked with several institutions, including non-governmental organisations.

Her most recent publications include: ‘The ambiguity of the European Union policy discourse on the Migration and Development Nexus: Perpetuating the Colonial Legacy?’ published in UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs (Spring 2020) and ‘La Protection de la Victime Contre la Haine Raciale: Le Point de Vue de la Victime’ (translation and commentary of Mari Matsudas article: ‘Public Response to Racist Speech: Considering the Victim's Story’), in H. Bentouhami and M. Möschel (eds.), Critical Race Theory: une introduction aux grands textes fondateurs (Dalloz, 2017). Her ongoing research projects include: The Migration-Development Nexus in the European Union Policy Framework – A Legal Perspective (Cambridge University Press, under contract) and 'Migration, Asylumn and EU Anti-Discrimination Law', in O' Cinneide, Colm; Ringelheim, Julie; Solanke, Iyiola (eds.), Edward Elgar Research Handbook on European Anti-Discrimination Law.





Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2022 Janine Silga (2022) The Rule of Law Crisis and the Future of EU Governance - BRIDGE Jean Monnet Network Worlds Apart? The (dis)connection between the rule of law and migration ‘crises’ in the case law of the CJEU Dublin, .
2021 Janine Silga (2021) Law and Society Association Annual Conference Legal Status as an Instrument for Domination: The Fragmentation of Migrant Workers’ Status and Regularisation Chicago, .
2021 Janine Silga (2021) Emerging Female EU Law Scholars Workshop, Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance Conditionality in the EU external migration policy – A critical appraisal Amsterdam, .
2021 Janine Silga (2021) Stanford Law School 12th International Junior Faculty Forum Challenging the Status-Based Paradigm of Immigration Policies: Towards a Genuine Rights-Based Approach to Migration Stanford, .
2021 Janine Silga (2021) Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG) Annual Conference Roundtable Discussion Paper: EU Law and Social Justice in the field of Migration Amsterdam, .
2020 Janine Silga (2020) 2020 Global Scholars Academy Conditionality in the EU external migration policy – A critical appraisal Geneva, .

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2025 (2025) '‘Migration, Asylum and EU-Anti-Discrimination Law’' In: Edward Elgar Research Handbook on European Anti-Discrimination Law. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.
2025 (2025) '‘From Political to Migration-based Conditionality in the EU Development Policy: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose’' In: Colonialism and the EU Legal Order. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
2019 Johnny Anibaldi; Janine Silga (2019) 'La détermination de l'âge des jeunes demandeurs de protection internationale' In: Droit Luxembourgeois et Européen de l'Asile. Luxembourg : Pasicrisie Luxembourgeoise.
2019 Janine Silga (2019) 'Les conditions d'accueil des demandeurs de protection internationale' In: Droit Luxembourgeois et Européen de l'Asile. Luxembourg : Pasicrisie Luxembourgeoise.
2017 Janine Silga (2017) 'La Protection de la Victime Contre la Haine Raciale: Le Point de Vue de la Victime' In: Critical Race Theory: une introduction aux grands textes fondateurs. Paris : Dalloz.
2015 Janine Silga (2015) 'L'intégration des migrations au développement' In: Migration and Refugee Protection in the 21st Century - International Legal Aspects. Leiden : Brill/Martinus Nijhoff.
2010 Hélène Lambert; Janine Silga (2010) 'Transnational Refugee Law in the French Courts: Deliberate or Compelled Change in Judicial Attitudes?' In: The Limits of Transnational Law: Refugee Law, Policy Harmonization and Judicial Dialogue in the Euro. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 (2024) '‘Out of the “basement”’: exploring positionality and reflexivity in EU migration law research'. Transnational Legal Theory, . [DOI]
2022 (2022) 'Differentiation in the EU Migration Policy: The 'Fractured' Values of the EU'. European Papers- A Journal on Law and Integration, . [DOI]
2019 Janine Silga (2019) 'Luxembourg Financial Aid for Higher Studies and Children of Frontier Workers: Evolution and Challenges in Light of the Case-Law of the Court of Justice'. European Public Law, .
2018 Janine Silga (2018) 'Le droit au regroupement familial des réfugiés mineurs non accompagnés devenus majeurs: l’affaire A et S, entre progrès incontestable et portée relative'. European Papers- A Journal on Law and Integration, .
2015 Janine Silga (2015) 'Assessing the Consistency of European Union Development Cooperation with Readmission in the EU-Philippines Agreement Case – A balancing Exercise'. European Law Review, .


Year Publication
2022 Janine Silga (2022) Commissaire général aux réfugiés et aux apatrides (C-483/20) and the absence of an effective mutual recognition of positive asylum decisions: The ‘elephant in the room’?. BLOG [Link]
2021 Janine Silga (2021) L.R: An Asylum Application made to Norway is not an ‘Application for International Protection’ under EU law. BLOG [Link]
2021 Janine Silga (2021) To Derive or not to Derive? On the Due Deference of the Common European Asylum System to the International System for Refugee Protection in LW (C-91/20). BLOG [Link]
2021 Janine Silga (2021) Migrationsverket: Member States may issue a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification to a third-country national whose identity cannot be established with certainty. BLOG [Link]
2020 Janine Silga (2020) CPAS de Seraing and CPAS de Liège: Towards a more coherent legal framework for ‘non-removable’ vulnerable migrants?. BLOG [Link]

Online Article

Year Publication
2020 Janine Silga; Catherine Warin (2020) The EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Efficiency at the Expense of Rights?. ELEA [Link]
2020 Janine Silga; Catherine Warin (2020) Europe, Year 2020. What Ever Happened to the Right to Asylum?. ELEA [Link]
2020 Janine Silga (2020) The Humanitarian Crisis at the Greek-Turkish border: The Result of an. ELEA [Link]
2010 Janine Silga (2010) The Migration-Development Nexus in EU Policy: From Rhetoric to Action?. ELEA

Working Paper

Year Publication
2021 Janine Silga (2021) Beyond the Institutional Dimension of Differentiated Governance: Uncovering the ‘Fractured’ Values of EU Migration Policy. WP http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3971685
2012 Janine Silga (2012) Shifting perspective on the migration and development nexus in the context of the European Union: From the migration management approach to the development paradigm of mobility?. WP

Other Journal

Year Publication
2020 Janine Silga (2020) 'The ambiguity of the European Union policy discourse on the Migration and Development Nexus: Perpetuating the Colonial Legacy?' UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, .
2018 Janine Silga (2018) 'The Fragmentation of Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers in the European Union: Protecting Fundamental Rights or Preventing Long-Term Integration?' Freedom, Security and Justice, . http://dx.doi.org/10.26321/J.SILGA.03.2018.05


Year Publication
2019 Fatima Chaouche; Jörg Gerkrath; Janine Silga; Julia Sinnig; Catherine Warin (2019) Droit Luxembourgeois et Européen de l'Asile. Luxembourg: Pasicrisie Luxembourgeoise.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Research Interests

EU migration law and policy; EU and international refugee law; EU development policy; Critical race theory

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 LG318
2022 LG358
2022 LG523