John O'Flynn

John O'Flynn is Professor of Music at DCU where he teaches courses in popular music, film music, music sociology, intercultural music transmission, choral and group performance, and solfege/musical techniques, and also supervises student research to doctoral level. Between 1999-2008 he was lecturer in music at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, and from 2008-2016 he was senior lecturer and Head of Music at St Patrick's College, DCU. He was programme leader for BA Music and directed the MA in Music at DCU from 2016-2020. He is recipient of research fellowships from The Irish Research Council (2008), An Foras Feasa (2011) and St Patrick's College (2015), and of awards for excellence in teaching and learning from Mary Immaculate College (2007) and the Shannon Consortium of HE institutions (2008). He was President of the Society for Musicology in Ireland (2021-2024), founding chair of the Society for Music Education in Ireland (2010-2014), and served on the Council of Heads of Music in Higher Education (2008-2021) in various roles, including chair. He is a long-serving member of the international editorial board of Music Education Research, advisory board member for both Irish Musical Studies (Boydell and Brewer) and Performance Research Ireland (Peter Lang), and is general editor for the book series Studies in Irish Music Education (Cork University Press). To date he has a total of eight books and edited volumes published, and has written numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and encyclopaedia entries. As research supervisor/mentor he is involved with several externally funded postgraduate and postdoctoral projects (EI, IRC, MSCA). He has delivered keynote addresses and conference papers in Europe, the Americas and Asia, has acted as external examiner for several institutions in Ireland and the UK, and regularly carries out academic review work and various consultancy roles for Irish, UK and EU agencies. He curates and promotes concerts at DCU, including the Lunchtime Concert Series since 2016, while from 2013-2021 he managed the annual Fidelio Trio Winter Chamber Music Festival. He is also active as a choral conductor and baritone recitalist.
Year | Publication | |
2022 | O'Flynn, J. (2022) Music, the Moving Image and Ireland, 1897-2017. London and New York: Routledge. | |
2009 | O'Flynn, J. (2009) The Irishness of Irish Music. Farnham, Surrey: Routledge (Ashgate). | |
2005 | S. Drudy, M. Martin, J. O'Flynn & M. Woods (2005) Men and the Classroom: Gender Imbalances in Teaching. London and New York: Routledge. [Link] |
Edited Book
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2024 | O'Flynn, J. & Fullam, D. (2024) 'Towards a Relational Model of Musical Knowledge: Findings from a Belfast-based Case Study'. International Journal of Music Education, . [Link] | |
2024 | (2024) 'Presidential Address'. Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland, (19):84-86. | |
2023 | Moore, G., O'Flynn, J., Burgess, F. & Moore, J. (2023) 'Challenges for Music in Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives from a Community of Practice of Teacher Educators in Ireland and Northern Ireland'. Research Studies in Music Education, . | |
2022 | O'Flynn, J., Moore, G. Burgess, F. & Moore, J. (2022) 'Comparative music education in partnership: examining policy and provision of music in initial teacher education in Ireland and Northern Ireland'. Music Education Research, 24 (3):364-376. [DOI] | |
2019 | O'Flynn, J.; Mangaoang, Á. (2019) 'Sounding Dublin: Mapping Popular Music Experience in the City'. Journal of World Popular Music, 6 (1):32-62. | |
2018 | O'Flynn, John (2018) 'Alex North's Adapted Score for The Dead (John Huston, 1987)'. American Music, 36 (2). [DOI] | |
2015 | O’Flynn, J. (2015) 'Strengthening choral community: The interaction of face-to-face and online activities amongst a college choir'. International Journal of Community Music, 8 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2012 | O'Flynn, J.; Broad, S. (2012) 'Editorial to Special Issue: 'Current Issues in Higher Music Education''. Music Education Research, 14 (1):1-7. | |
2006 | O'Flynn, J (2006) 'Vernacular music-making and education'. International Journal of Music Education, 24 :140-147. [DOI] | |
2005 | O'Flynn J. (2005) 'Re-appraising ideas of musicality in intercultural contexts of music education'. International Journal of Music Education, 23 (3):191-203. [DOI] | |
2002 | John O'Flynn (2002) 'New ways to listen and learn? - Some challenges presented by the revised music curriculum for primary schools'. Irish Educational Studies, 21 (2):89-109. | |
1990 | O'Flynn, J (1990) 'The Selection and Organisation of Musical Materials for Irish Schools'. Oideas, 35 (1):56-74. |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2024 | O'Flynn, J. (2024) ''Irish Music (Re-) Defined: The published writings of Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin'' In: The Work and Legacy of Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin. Cork : Cork University Press. | |
2023 | O'Flynn, J. (2023) 'Jigging around? Music, Comedy and Stereotypes in Irish-themed Film, 1946-1952' In: Palgrave Handbook of Music in Comedy Cinema. Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York : Palgrave Macmillan. | |
2023 | O'Flynn, J. & Flynn, P. (2023) 'Introduction: Music Education for the Twenty-first Century' In: Music Education for the Twenty-first Century: Legacies, Conversations, Aspirations. Cork : Cork University Press. | |
2023 | O'Flynn, J. (2023) 'A Developing Discourse: Music as Humanities in Higher Education' In: Music Education for the Twenty-first Century: Legacies, Conversations, Aspirations. Cork : Cork University Press. | |
2023 | O'Flynn, J. (2023) 'Dissertations and Theses Relating to Music Education Studies in Ireland' In: Music Education for the Twenty-first Century: Legacies, Conversations, Aspirations. Cork : Cork University Press. | |
2021 | O'Flynn, J. (2021) ''Heard, not scene? Dublin’s popular music viewed from the inside and outside'' In: Geographically Isolated and Peripheral Music Scenes. London and New York : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link] | |
2020 | O'Flynn, J. (2020) 'Preface' In: Made in Ireland: Studies in Popular Music. London and New York : Routledge. | |
2020 | O'Flynn, J. (2020) '‘“Other Voices” in Media Representations of Irish Music’' In: Made in Ireland: Studies in Popular Music. London and New York : Routledge. | |
2020 | O'Flynn, J. (2020) ''Preamble to Part Two'' In: Made in Ireland: Studies in Popular Music. London and New York : Routledge. | |
2020 | O'Flynn, J. (2020) ''A Selected Bibliography on Irish Popular Music'' In: Made in Ireland: Studies in Popular Music. London and New York : Routledge. | |
2020 | Mangaoang, Á., O’Flynn, J., and Ó Briain, L. (2020) 'Introduction' In: Made in Ireland: Studies in Popular Music. London and New York : Routledge. | |
2020 | O'Flynn, J. (2020) '‘“It feels like home?” Diaspora, transnational groups and a sense of musical belonging through social media’' In: The Oxford Handbook of Social Media and Music Learning. Oxford and New York : Oxford University Press. | |
2019 | Buckley, J.; O'Flynn, J. (2019) 'Introduction' In: Ceol Phádraig: Music at St Patrick's College Drumcondra, 1875-2016. Dublin/Bern : Carysfort/Peter Lang. | |
2019 | O'Flynn, J. (2019) ''Vocal and Choral Music'' In: Ceol Phádraig: Music at St Patrick's College Drumcondra, 1875-2016. Dublin and Bern : Carysfort/Peter Lang. | |
2019 | O'Flynn, J. (2019) ''Engagement and Research'' In: Ceol Phádraig: Music at St Patrick's College Drumcondra, 1875-2016. Dublin and Bern : Carysfort/Peter Lang. | |
2019 | Flynn, P.; O'Flynn, J. (2019) ''Music in Education and Humanities '' In: Ceol Phádraig: Music at St Patrick's College Drumcondra, 1875-2016. Dublin and Bern : Carysfort/Peter Lang. | |
2019 | O'Flynn, J. (2019) ''The Fidelio Trio Residency'' In: Ceol Phádraig: Music at St Patrick's College Drumcondra, 1875-2016. Dublin and Bern : Carysfort/Peter Lang. | |
2018 | O'Flynn, J. (2018) ''Alex North, James Joyce, and John Huston's The Dead (1987)'' In: Music Preferred: Essays in Musicology, Cultural History and Analysis in Honour of Harry White. Vienna : Hollitzer. [Link] | |
2018 | O'Flynn, J. (2018) '‘The Sounds of the Suburbs? Experiences and Imaginings of Popular Music in Dublin’' In: Imagining Irish Suburbia in Literature and Culture. London and New York : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link] | |
2016 | O'Flynn, J. (2016) 'Exploring 'African' Music in Dublin: researching intercultural music practice' In: The Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research. London and New York : Routledge. | |
2016 | O'Flynn, J. (2016) 'Mapping Popular Music in Dublin' In: In Concert: Favourite Gigs of Ireland’s Music Community. Dublin : Hope Foundation. | |
2014 | O'Flynn, J.; Fitzgerald, M. (2014) 'Introduction' In: Music and Identity in Ireland and Beyond. Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate. | |
2014 | O’Flynn J. (2014) 'Kalfou Danjere? Interpreting Irish-celtic music' In: Music and Identity in Ireland and Beyond. Farnham, Surrey : Ashgate. | |
2012 | O'Flynn, J. (2012) 'Vernacular Music Making and Education' In: Music Education. London and New York : Routledge. | |
2011 | O'Flynn, J. (2011) 'Performance, transmission and identity amongst Ireland's new generation of traditional musicians' In: Learning, Teaching and Musical Identity: Voices from around the globe. Indiana : University of Indiana Press. | |
2008 | O'Flynn J. (2008) 'National identity and music in transition: Issues of authenticity in a global setting' In: Music, National Identity and the Politics of Location: Between the Global and the Local. | |
2005 | O'Flynn, J. (2005) 'A Critical Examination of the Idea of Bimusicality: Its Relevance to Music Education in Contemporary Irish Society' In: The Legacy of John Blacking: Essays on Music, Culture and Society A Critical Examination of the Idea of Bimusicality: Its Relevance to Music Education in Contemporary Irish Society. Perth, Australia : University of Western Australia Press. |
Published Report
Conference Publication
Conference Contribution
Encyclopedia Entry
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.
Professional Associations
Honors and Awards
Other Activities
Enterprise Engagement
Outreach Activities
Research Interests
Film music and sound; music and decolonisation; popular music; music in Ireland; intercultural music practices; music and identity; choral music and inclusion; music ethnography; music in higher education.
Current monograph project: Empires of Sound: Music and Colonial Encounters in 20th-Century Narrative Film (Palgrave Macmillan).
Research Projects
External Collaborators
Teaching Interests
Areas of teaching
- film music
- popular music
- sociology of music
- cultural musicology
- ethnography
- choral and instrumental ensembles
- musical techniques
- International/Erasmus liaison for FHSS music programmes, student exchange and staff mobility
- Module coordinator MC105, MC205, MC305, MC201, MC202, MC318