Paul Downes


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Professor Paul Downes is Professor of Psychology of Education, Director of the Educational Disadvantage Centre, Institute of Education, Dublin City University, Ireland and Affiliate Professor, University of Malta, Centre for Resilience & Socio-Emotional Health. A Trinity College Dublin Scholar of Law awarded through the Foundation Scholarship Exam, he also received his B.A (1st class Hons.) in Psychology and Ph.D at Trinity College Dublin.  He has been involved in various expert advisory roles for the European Commission, including for its Pathways to School Success 2022 and School Policy Working Groups, and was a member of the Irish Senate and Parliament Expert Advisory Group on early school leaving. A Visiting Research Fellow at University of British Columbia, Vancouver 2017 and University of Cambridge, Lauterpacht Centre 2011, he was one of three experts selected by the EU Commission under the theme Inclusion and Citizenship from an open call across Europe to become members of the PostET2020 Expert Panel to inform future EU strategy in education.  

With over 120 publications of books/research monographs, research articles in international peer reviewed  journals and book chapters in areas of education, psychology, philosophy, law, anthropology and social policy, Professor Downes has given keynote lectures and invited presentations in 30 countries. His contribution to international policy and practice includes invitations from 16 different countries’ official ministries (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine) to present his research on various aspects of wellbeing, mental health, poverty and social inclusion in education, as well as from the EU Parliament Working Group on Quality of Childhood, EU Parliament Intergroup on Children’s Rights, European Network of Education Councils (EUNEC),UNICEF, Cedefop,CNESCO (Conseil national d’évaluation du système scolaire) & CIEP Sorbonne Universities Paris, International School of Analytical Psychology, Zurich, Latvian Human Rights Committee and President’s Foundation of Malta. A Foundation P&V award winner for his article on concentric and diametric spatial systems at local community levels, his book Reconstructing Agency in Developmental and Educational Psychology: Inclusive Systems as Concentric Space (Routledge 2020) was nominated for the American Psychological Association’s (APA) William James Book Award. He is lead editor of The Routledge International Handbook of Equity and Inclusion in Education 2024 and Chair of the Editorial Board of the British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) (2024 ).

An invited member of the Standing Review Board (2015-24), Humanities and Social Sciences Panel of the Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee, Hong Kong, China,, he has been an invited EU Commission FP7 Evaluator and Rapporteur to chair evaluation meetings for funding proposals for the EU Commission’s Horizon 2020  programme.  Designer of Familiscope, Ballyfermot child & family support service, he has led the establishment of two national research/policy networks on Quality Development of Out of School Services (QDOSS) and Hunger Prevention in School for hot school meals, and 12 country comparative research on access to education in Europe. He has been an advisor to the Irish Department of Education and Skills (DES) for its DEIS Action Plan 2017 on social inclusion, to the DCYA and DES for the National School Age Childcare Action Plan 2017 and was a member of the DCYA Working Group for the published National Quality Guidelines for School Age Childcare   

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2021 Paul Downes (2021) EU Commission’s Cedefop Webinar, Making Excellence Inclusive A systemic focus in VET (Vocational Education and Training) on emotions and agency for inclusion EU Commission and Cedefop Webinar, .
2021 Paul Downes (2021) EPIC - Empowering People in Care – Webinar The Holistic Educational Needs of Children and Young People in Care: Placing an Invisible Issue onto the National Policy Agenda EPIC - Empowering People in Care – National Webinar, .
2020 Paul Downes (2020) Children’s Rights Alliance, Educational Disadvantage and Inequalities National Webinar Developing an Inclusive Systems Agenda for Reform Addressing Poverty and Social Exclusion in Education: Policy Silences and Gaps in System Response Pre and Post-Covid 19 Children’s Rights Alliance, National Webinar, .
2019 Downes, P. (2019) Finnish National Agency for Education, Flexible Basic Education Beyond resilience to inclusive systems for prevention of early school leaving in Europe: A spatial-relational approach Lahti, Finland, .
2019 Downes, P. (2019) Cyprus Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour Conference The Relations Between Early School Leavers and Unpredictable Career Paths The Emotional-Relational Turn for Early School Leaving Prevention in Europe in the Past Decade: Towards an Integrated National Early School Leaving and School Bullying Prevention Strategy in Cyprus Focusing on Inclusive Systems ? University of Nicosia, Cyprus, .
2018 Downes, P. (2018) Final conference of the project, Reducing Early School Leaving in Europe Rethinking Conceptual Foundations of Early School Leaving: From the Tangled Web of Diametric Space to Inclusive Systems as Concentric Relational Spaces University of Antwerp, .
2018 Paul Downes (2018) International EMPAQT EU Project Conference on Early School Leaving, Istanbul From Early School Leaving Prevention to Promoting Inclusive Systems of Concentric Spatial Relations of Assumed Connection Maltepe University, Istanbul, .
2018 Downes, P. (2018) Austrian Education Ministry Conference, The role of mental health for successful educational pathways: Bridging education & health policies The Neglected Shadow of Emotions and Mental Health Supports for Engaging the Needs of Socio-Economically Marginalised Students Vienna Ministry of Education, .
2018 Downes, P. (2018) Prevention of Early School Leaving through Teacher Training From Early School Leaving Prevention to Promoting Inclusive Systems of Concentric Spatial Relations of Assumed Connection Istanbul, Turkey, .
2018 Downes, P. (2018) Faculty of Education, University of Warsaw, International Conference, Supporting the Wellbeing of Children and Youth – Interdisciplinary Perspectives Beyond interagency working to developing multidisciplinary teams in and around schools: Key issues for system development University of Warsaw, .
2017 Downes, P. (2017) Continuity and Transitions in Learner Development Addressing Continuity and Transitions in a Holistic, Multidimensional Way: Overcoming System Mismatch, Blockages in Communication and Fragmentation Lisbon, 16/02/2017-.
2017 Downes, P. (2017) Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, Annual Conference From Wellbeing to Learning Motivation Inclusive School Climate and Learning Environment in and around Schools: Emotional-Relational Dimensions for the Inclusion of Marginalised Students Tartu, Estonia, 05/12/2017-06/12/2017.
2017 Downes, P. (2017) International Comparisons Conference on Early school leaving Early school leaving: taking a holistic, differentiated and systemic international perspective on the issue International Centre for Pedagogical Studies (CIEP) Sorbonne Universities, Paris, 09/11/2017-10/11/2017.
2017 Downes, P. (2017) Prevention and Intervention for (Cyber)Mobbing: The importance of a comprehensive school strategy for physical and psychological wellbeing How to tackle and prevent bullying: A review of international research Austrian Education Ministry, Vienna, 20/11/2017-21/11/2017.
2017 Downes, P. & Cefai, C. (2017) European Parliament Intergroup on Children's Rights How to Prevent and Tackle School Bullying and Violence European Parliament, Brussels, 24/01/2017-.
2016 Downes, P. (2016) European Commission and Slovak EU Presidency Meeting of Directors-General for Schools from Education Ministries across EU Structural Indicators for Developing Inclusive Systems in and around Schools in Europe Bratislava, Slovakia, .
2016 Downes, P. (2016) The Integration of Health and Social Programs within Education Systems: Extending the Global Dialogue into Latin America and Middle Resource Countries Integrating Student Services for Inclusive Systems to Support Learning, Health & Development: A Proposed Policy Direction in the Global White Paper Curitiba, Brazil, .
2015 Downes, P. (2015) Global Forum, Integrating Health & Social Programs Within Education Systems: A Global Dialogue Overcoming nine system ‘blockages’ to develop inclusive systems and integrated services across Education, Health and Social sectors for early school leaving prevention Offices of la Mutuelle Générale de l’Éducation Nationale, Paris, .
2015 Downes, P. (2015) Luxembourg EU Presidency Symposium, Staying on Track: Tackling Early School Leaving and Promoting Success in School Promoting Smooth Educational Pathways: Universal Strategies for Early School Leaving Prevention and to Promote Educational Success Luxembourg, 08/07/2015-10/07/2015.
2015 Downes, P. (2015) EU Commission Schools Policy Group Quality labels and structural indicators for social inclusion in schools – including relational systems for parental involvement and one-stop shop community centres Brussels, DG Education and Culture, 04/06/2015-05/06/2015.
2013 Downes, P. (2013) European Commission, European Social Fund (ESF) Conference, Tackling Youth Unemployment in Europe: Building a Better Future for Young People. Lithuanian EU Presidency Giving early school leavers fresh opportunities: Prevention and second chance measures Vilnius, Lithuania, .
2016 Downes, P. (2016) European Commission ET2020 Working Group on Governance in Education Systems Continuity and transitions in learner development for promoting inclusive systems in education Brussels, DG Education and Culture, 15/09/2016-16/09/2016.
2016 Downes, P. (2016) European Parents Association International Conference, School as the Training Ground for Active Citizenship for Parents and Children Future horizons for parental involvement and family support in and around schools in Europe: An agenda for system reform Dubrovnik, Croatia, 29/04/2016-30/04/2016.
2016 Downes, P. (2016) Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, UNICEFCombating Early School Leaving in Serbia through effective drop-out prevention and intervention measures at the school level Developing inclusive systems in and around schools for early school leaving prevention: The Importance of Emotions and Relationships Belgrade, Serbia, .
2015 Downes, P. (2015) 1st National Conference on Children's Wellbeing - Bullying: The Child's Perspective, The President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, and the Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health A holistic differentiated approach to bullying prevention: The role of students for inclusive systems Verdala Palace, Malta, .
2015 Downes, P. (2015) Symposium on Early School Leaving, Austrian Ministry for Education, Ene, mene, muh, und raus bist du …Pädagogische, soziale und strukturelle Dimensionen von Bildungsbenachteiligung und Schulabbruch The neglected shadow: European perspectives on emotional support for early school leaving prevention Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, Austria, 19/01/2015-.
2015 Downes, P. (2015) International School of Analytical Psychology Meeting Fundamental structures of the psyche: The primordial dance between concentric and diametric spaces in Jungian thought International School of Analytical Psychology, Zurich, Switzerland, .
2014 Downes, P. (2014) Working Group on the Quality of Childhood at the European Parliament (QoC), 48th Session (Established 2006) Developing inclusive systems across Education, Health and Social sectors for early school leaving prevention European Parliament, Brussels, 09/09/2014-.
2014 Downes, P. (2014) Unga In (Youth Integration) Staff National Conference through the Swedish Employment Ministry Towards a holistic, integrated approach to motivation in working with socio-economically excluded groups Stockholm, Sweden, 26/05/2014-27/05/2014.
2014 Downes, P. (2014) London Bi-Logic Group – Spring meeting, Bertrand Russell Room Diametric and Concentric Spaces: A Key Bridge between Matte Blanco and Freud? Conway Hall, London, .
2013 Downes, P. (2013) European Network of Education Councils (EUNEC) Lithuanian EU Presidency conference on Early School Leaving, with the European Commission A holistic approach to early school leaving prevention in Europe: Key strategic priorities for system level development Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas), Vilnius, 18/11/2013-.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2022 Downes, P. (2022) 'Retrieving and constructing a spatial-phenomenology in the early Heidegger' In: Heidegger and the holy. Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield.
2022 Downes, P. (2022) 'Framing Early School Leaving and Bullying Prevention as Issues of Concentric Inclusive Systems in a Global Context' In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2022 Downes, P. (2022) 'Rethinking the Interplay between Schooling, Mental Health, Wellbeing and Poverty: Key Issues for Sociology of Education Regarding Structure, Space and Agency' In: SAGE Handbook on the Sociology of Education. Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE.
2020 Downes Paul (2020) 'Foreword' In: Social, emotional and intercultural competencies for inclusive school environments across Europe: Relationships matter. Hamburg : Verlag dr. Kovač.
2018 Cefai, C., Bartolo, P., Cavioni, V., & Downes, P. (2018) 'A whole school approach to social and emotional education' In: Reflections: Skills for Social and Emotional Wellbeing. New Delhi, India : Authors Press.
2017 Downes, P. (2017) 'Recovery from traumatic memory in Irish society: Moving beyond diametric structured myths, experience and social processes' In: The Politics of Memory and Recovery in Times of Crisis. Farnham : Ashgate.
2016 Downes, P. (2016) 'A spatial-phenomenology as a framework for psychological understanding of aesthetic phenomenology to challenge instrumental reason' In: Psychology and the Arts: Perceptions and Perspectives. Malta : University of Malta.
2014 Downes, P. (2014) 'Prevention of early school leaving through teacher education: Some European perspectives' In: Internationalization in Teacher Education. Hohengehren, Germany : Schneider Verlag.
2013 Maunsell. C. & Downes, P. (2013) 'Rising to the challenge of realising lifelong learning for one and all: The role of community adult education in widening participation for traditionally marginalised groups in Irish society and beyond' In: Lifelong Learning in Europe: National Patterns and Challenges. UK, Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.
2009 Downes, P.E. (2009) 'Prevention of Bullying at a Systemic Level in Schools: Movement from Cognitive and Spatial Narratives of Diametric Opposition to Concentric Relation' In: Handbook of Bullying in Schools: An International Perspective. [Link]
2008 Downes, P. (2008) 'Introduction' In: Not One Victim More: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States. Tallinn, Estonia : Living for Tomorrow.
2008 Downes, P., Ivanchenko, L., Zalcmane, S., Smelt, H., & Blumberg, S. (2008) 'Conclusion: Key Indicators Regarding Prevention, Protection and Prosecution in Relation to Human Trafficking in the Baltic States' In: Not One Victim More: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States. Tallinn, Estonia : Living for Tomorrow.
2008 Downes, P. (2008) 'The International Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health: A Key Legal Framework for Human Trafficking ?' In: Not One Victim More: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States. Tallinn, Estonia : Living for Tomorrow.
2007 T. Downes & P.Downes (2007) 'Pedagogy of the processed' In: Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration (IPA).
2007 Downes, P. & Gilligan, A-L (2007) 'Introduction' In: Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration (IPA).
2007 Ryan, C. & Downes, P. (2007) 'The National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS): The need for more dialogue with designated disadvantaged schools ?' In: Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration (IPA).
2007 Downes, P. (2007) 'Why SMART outcomes ain’t always so smart…' In: Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
2007 Downes, P. & Gilligan, A-L (2007) 'Beyond Disadvantage: Some conclusions' In: Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration (IPA).
2007 Downes, P., Maunsell, C. & Ivers, J. (2007) 'The ‘jolt in climate’ between primary and post-primary' In: Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration (IPA).
2003 Downes, P. (2003) 'The Estonian and Latvian Integration Programmes: A Recipe for Significant Early School Dropping-out amongst their Russian-speaking Minorities' In: Delivering Public Services in CEE Countries: Trends and Developments. Bratislava, Slovakia : The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAc.
2003 Downes, P. (2003) 'The relevance of early Heidegger’s radical conception of transcendence to choice, freedom and technology' In: Technology & Transcendence. Dublin : Columba Press.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 Downes, P. (2022) Ten Years of Investing in People and Skills Promoting Inclusive Systems for Early School Leaving Prevention in Europe and Beyond
2020 Downes Paul (2020) Early Leaving from Education and Training – The Way Forward . In: Malta Education Ministry eds. From Early Leaving from Education and Training (ELET) Prevention to Promoting Inclusive Systems as Concentric Relational Space: Future Steps for a Holistic, Differentiated Systemic Vision Across Europe Malta Education Ministry Conference, Verdala Palace, Malta,
2019 Xhomaqi, B., Downes, P. & Psifidou, I. (2019) What role for Community Lifelong Learning Centres: the potential of one-stop-shops for preventing youth at risk from disconnecting . In: Cedefop & Lifelong Learning Platform eds. Implementing a holistic approach to lifelong learning: Community Lifelong Learning Centres as a gateway to multidisciplinary support teams Brussels,
2018 Downes Paul (2018) International EMPAQT EU Project Conference on Early School Leaving, Istanbul From Early School Leaving Prevention to Promoting Inclusive Systems of Concentric Spatial Relations of Assumed Connection Maltepe University, Istanbul,
2016 Nic Chraith, D. & Downes, P. Eds. (2016) Joint Conference, INTO (Irish National Teachers Organisation) and Educational Disadvantage Centre, St. Patrick’s College: Review of DEIS: Poverty and Social Inclusion in Education Review of DEIS: Poverty and Social Inclusion in Education
2015 Downes, P. (2015) NESET II Seminar for European Commission Officials across its Directorate General Education and Culture Quality labels and structural indicators for social inclusion in schools and higher education institutions Brussels,
2015 Downes, P. (2015) Symposium on Early School Leaving, Austrian Ministry for Education, Ene, mene, muh, und raus bist du …Pädagogische, soziale und strukturelle Dimensionen von Bildungsbenachteiligung und Schulabbruch The neglected shadow: European perspectives on emotional support for early school leaving prevention Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, Austria, 19/01/2015- [Link]
2015 Nunan, S. & Downes, P. (2015) Review of DEIS: Poverty and Social Inclusion in Education Foreword, ‘Introduction to Conference’ St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin, 05/12/2015-
2014 Downes, P. (2014) Working Group on the Quality of Childhood at the European Parliament (QoC), 48th Session (Established 2006) . In: M.Matthes, L.Pulkinnen, B.Heys, C.Clouder & L.M. Pinto eds. Developing inclusive systems across Education, Health and Social sectors for early school leaving prevention Brussels,
2013 Downes, P. (2013) European Network of Education Councils (EUNEC) conference on Early School Leaving, in conjunction with the European Commission and the Lithuanian Government (Ministry of Education and Science) in the context of its EU Presidency . In: Keynote address reproduced in Early School Leaving: Report of the Conference of the European Network of Education Councils (EUNEC), Vilnius, 18-20 November 2013, with the support of the European Commission Directorate-General, Education and Culture eds. A holistic approach to early school leaving prevention in Europe: Key strategic priorities for system level development Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas), Vilnius, 18/11/2013- 20/11/2013 [Link]
2013 Downes, P. (2013) European Commission, European Social Fund (ESF) Conference, Tackling Youth Unemployment in Europe: Building a Better Future for Young People Giving early school leavers fresh opportunities: Prevention and second chance measures Vilnius, Lithuania, 14/11/2013-

Edited Book

Year Publication
2008 Downes, P., Zule-Lapima., Ivanchenko, L. & Blumberg, S (Ed.). (2008) Not One Victim More: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States. Tallinn, Estonia: Living for Tomorrow,
2007 Downes, P. & Gilligan, A-L (Ed.). (2007) Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration (IPA), [Link]
2024 Downes, P., van Praag, L, Anderson, J., Behtoui,A (Ed.). (2024) Promoting Inclusive Systems for Migrants in Education. London: Routledge,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 Gilligan, C. & Downes, P. (2021) 'Reconfiguring Relational Space: A Qualitative Study of the Benefits of Caring for Hens for the Socio-Emotional Development of 5 – 9- year-old Children in an Urban Junior School context of High Socio-Economic Exclusion'. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 21 (DOI: 10.1080/147296).
2020 Downes Paul (2020) 'A Living Spatial Movement of Relation – Reconceptualising Ricoeur’s Oneself as Another and Heidegger’s Being and Time'. Ricoeur Studies, 11 (2):111-132.
2020 Downes Paul (2020) 'A spatial turn for constructivism: Concentric and diametric spatial systems framing systems and meaning for exclusion and inclusion to challenge failure identity'. Constructivist Foundations, .
2019 Downes, P. (2019) 'Transition as a displacement from more fundamental system concerns: Distinguishing four different meanings of transition in education'. Educational Philosophy and Theory, .
2019 Downes, P. & Cefai, C. (2019) 'Strategic Clarity on Different Prevention Levels of School Bullying and Violence: Rethinking Peer Defenders and Selected Prevention'. Journal of School Violence, doi: 10.1080/15388220.2019.1566915 .
2019 Hargadon, C. & Downes, P. (2019) 'The neglected issue of sleep: A curricular and home-based intervention for improving sleep patterns among sixth-class children in an Irish urban school with high levels of poverty'. Irish Educational Studies, .
2018 Downes, P. (2018) 'Beyond the ‘diminished self’: Challenging an array of objections to emotional well-being in education'. International Journal of Emotional Education, .
2018 Downes, P. (2018) 'Postscript - The Emotional-Relational Turn for Early School Leaving Prevention: Building on The Neglected Shadow for Inclusive Systems in and around Schools'. International Journal of Emotional Education, 10 :122-130.
2018 Downes, P.; Anderson, J.; Nairz-Wirth, E. (2018) 'Conclusion: Developing conceptual understandings of transitions and policy implications'. European Journal of Education, 53 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Downes, P., Nairz-Wirth E., Anderson, J. (2018) 'Editorial: Reconceptualising system transitions in education for marginalised and vulnerable groups'. European Journal of Education, 53 :441-446.
2018 Downes, P. (2018) 'Bringing Space to the Fore: Beyond Postmodernism to Interrogating Fundamental Malleable Spatial Preconditions for Language and Experience'. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 10.1080/00131857.2018.1462519 .
2018 Creighton, K. & Downes, P. (2018) 'A Phenomenology of ‘Blending in’: Beyond Emotional Regulation'. Interpersona: International Journal on Personal Relationships, 11 (2):156-170.
2018 Foody, M., Downes, P., O’Higgins Norman, J. (2018) 'Anti-Bullying Procedures for Schools in Ireland: Principals Responses and Perceptions'. Pastoral Care in Education, .
2017 Downes, P. (2017) 'At the Threshold of Ricoeur’s Concerns in La Métaphor Vive: A Spatial Discourse of Diametric and Concentric Structures of Relation Building on Lévi-Strauss'. Ricoeur Studies, .
2017 Downes, P. (2017) 'An Emerging Paradigm of Structural Indicators to Examine System Supports for Children’s and Adolescents’ Education and Wellbeing'. Child Indicators Research, doi:10.1007/s12187-017-9474-7 .
2017 Downes, P. (2017) 'Reconceptualising Schopenhauer’s Compassion through Diametric and Concentric Spatial Structures of Relation'. Enrahonar: An international journal of theoretical and practical reason, .
2017 Downes, P. (2017) 'Reconceptualising foundational assumptions of resilience: A cross-cultural, spatial systems domain of relevance for agency and phenomenology in resilience'. International Journal of Emotional Education, 9 (1).
2016 Downes, P. (2016) 'Towards A Relational Paradigm for the Concept of Law: Uncovering Implications of Hart’s Rule of Recognition to Develop a Relational Foundationalism, as Expressed in Preliminary Terms through the UN Right to Health'. Queen Mary Human Rights Law Review, 3 (1):33-58.
2016 Downes, Paul (2016) 'Developing a Framework of System Change between Diametric and Concentric Spaces for Early School Leaving Prevention'. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 48 (9). [DOI]
2016 Cefai, C.; Downes, P.; Cavioni, V. (2016) 'Breaking the cycle: a phenomenological approach to broadening access to post-secondary education'. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 31 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Downes, Paul (2016) 'Concentric and Diametric Spatial Structures of Relation: Exploring a Neutral Bridge Language between Quantum Physics and Neuropsychology'. NeuroQuantology, 14 (3). [DOI]
2016 Downes, P (2016) 'Access to Education for Prisoners in Europe: An Agenda of Structural Indicators for System Change'. Journal of Prison Education and Reentry, 3 :8-25. [DOI]
2015 Downes, P. (2015) 'Diametric and Concentric Spatial Structures Framing Belief Systems'. Cybernetics and Systems, 46 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Kazmierczak-Murray, S.; Downes, P. (2015) 'Classroom sound field amplification systems for language development during early school years in contexts of socio-economic exclusion: The neglected role of classroom contextual dimensions'. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 7 . [Link]
2015 Downes, P. (2015) 'Opening spatial preunderstandings at the roots of constructivism'. Constructivist Foundations, 11 (1):167-169.
2014 Downes, P. (2014) 'Moving beyond diametric structured myths for recovery in Irish society'. IRISH JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY, 17 (1):13-20.
2013 Downes, P. (2013) 'And the building stood in its stillness'. Wallace Stevens Journal, 37 (2).
2013 Downes, P. (2013) 'Developing Derrida’s psychoanalytic graphology: Diametric and concentric spatial movements'. Derrida Today, 6 (2):197-221.
2013 Downes, P. (2013) 'Developing a framework and agenda for students’ voices in the school system across Europe: From diametric to concentric relational spaces for early school leaving prevention'. European Journal of Education, 48 (3):346-362.
2012 Ivers, J.H.; Downes, P. (2012) 'A phenomenological reinterpretation of Horner's fear of success in terms of social class'. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 27 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Downes, P. (2011) 'The neglected shadow: Some European perspectives on emotional supports for early school leaving prevention'. International Journal of Emotional Education, 3 (2):3-39.
2011 Downes, P. (2011) 'Concentric and diametric structures in yin/yang and the mandala symbol: A new wave of eastern frames for psychology'. Psychology and Developing Societies, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2010 Downes, P. (2010) 'Schema structure-content relativity: Part I, Deconstructing the absolute space assumptions underlying the schema concept founding cognitive science'. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 17 (3):7-25.
2010 Downes, P. (2010) 'Schema structure-content relativity: Part II, From image schemata to background spatial schemata of diametric and concentric relation'. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 17 (3).
2010 Downes, P. (2010) 'Newtonian Space in Newell and Simon: Reply to Kinsella’s (2008) response to Downes (2006)'. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 17 (1):191-200.
2009 Downes, P. (2009) 'Cultural conformity within Vygotsky’s paradigm for education: A critique from the perspective of early Heidegger'. KWARTALNIK PADAGOGICZNY, 212 (2):97-114.
2007 Downes, P. (2007) 'Intravenous drug use and HIV in Estonia: Socio-economic integration and development of indicators regarding the right to health for its Russian-speaking population'. Liverpool Law Review, 28 (2):271-317.
2006 Downes, P. (2006) 'Newtonian space: The ‘blind spot’ in Newell and Simon’s information processing paradigm'. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 13 (3), 25-55 (3):25-55.
2006 Downes, P., Maunsell, C., McLoughlin, V., Taljunaite, M. (2006) 'Lifelong learning in Ireland and Lithuania: Some examples of Irish policy and practice for Lithuania to consider ?'. Filosofija.Sociologija, 4 :29-36.
2004 Downes, P. (2004) 'School promoted beauty contests in Poland and Estonia: A risk factor for anorexia and bulimia nervosa, and contrary to the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against Women ?'. KWARTALNIK PADAGOGICZNY, 193 (3):125-143.
2003 Downes, P. (2003) 'The new curriculum of Social, Personal and Health Education in Irish primary schools: Self-awareness, introversion and the role of the teacher'. KWARTALNIK PADAGOGICZNY, 190 (4):93-112.
2003 Downes, P. (2003) 'Cross-cultural structures of concentric and diametric dualism in Lévi-Strauss’ structural anthropology: Structures of relation underlying the self and ego relation ?'. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 48 (1):47-81.
2021 O'Reilly Cullen, S., Fagan, B. Downes, P. (2021) 'The emotional impact of parental imprisonment on children in primary schools: Developing an agenda for reform'. Irish Teachers' Journal, 9 .
2024 Downes, P. (2024) 'An Emerging Concentric Spatial Turn for Sustainable Systems: Beyond the Diametric Spatial Frame in Bacon’s View of Humans as Apart from and above the Natural World towards Being-Alongside Nature'. Sustainability (MDPI), 16 . [DOI]
2022 McNally, S., Downes, P., O'Halloran, L., Kent, G., & O'Neill, S. (2022) ''The whole world was lifted off me': The importance of relational supports and peer mentoring for under-represented students accessing university in Ireland'. Journal of Further and Higher Education, .

Book Review

Year Publication
2021 Paul Downes (2021) Review of Patrick Aidan Heelan’s The observable: Heisenberg’s philosophy of quantum mechanics. BREV
2019 Paul Downes (2019) Seeds of a Primordial Spatial Phenomenology: Chrétien’s Spacious Joy. BREV
2018 Paul Downes (2018) Review of ‘Complexity in social work’ by R. Hood. BREV

Discussion Paper

Year Publication
2021 Naiperala, J., Carretero-Gomez, S. & Downes, P. (2021) Developing social and emotional skills through non-formal learning. Brussels: DP
2019 Downes, P. (2019) Tackling school bullying and violence: key approaches for schools to consider. School Education Gateway: DP
2018 Downes, P. (2018) Six ways to improve prisoners’ access to education in Europe. DP
2017 Downes, P. (2017) Bridging the credibility gap: The need for an ‘assertive outreach’ strategy to engage adult early school leavers. DP
2017 Downes, P. (2017) The distinctive contribution of non-formal education to engaging marginalized groups: Some European perspectives on community lifelong learning centres. DP
2017 Downes, P. (2017) New DEIS Action Plan: Strengths, weaknesses, issues for consideration. DP
2016 Downes, P. (2016) 4 Contexts where SMART outcomes are not so clever in adult education. DP
2015 Downes, P. (2015) How can we develop a European approach to quality development of community and family learning for social inclusion in education ?. DP
2015 Downes, P. (2015) Developing inclusive systems across Education, Health and Social sectors for early school leaving prevention. DP
2015 Downes, P. (2015) Building bridges for relational democratic school systems: Fostering dialogue between key stakeholders, students, teachers and parents. Paris: DP
2015 Downes, P. (2015) Targeting the needs of children and young people in a holistic way for early school leaving prevention. Paris: DP
2015 Downes, P. (2015) Developing Multidisciplinary Teams for Early School Leaving Prevention. Paris: DP
2015 Downes, P. (2015) Structural indicators: A bridge between top-down strategic direction and bottom-up creativity ?. DP
2014 Downes, P. (2014) Poverty and Social Inclusion in Primary Education in 2014: Points of Light and an Array of Policy Silences. Galway, Ireland: DP
2013 Downes, P. (2013) Key Emerging Features of a Mental Health Focus for Early School Leaving Prevention – illustrations from Ireland. DP

Guidelines for Practice

Year Publication
2018 Downes, P., Nairz-Wirth, E., Rusinaite, V. (2018) Structural indicators tool for inclusive systems in and around schools – for policy makers and schools in Europe. School Education Gateway: GFP
2017 Downes, P. (2017) Structural Indicators Self-Reflection Tool for Policy Makers to Tackle Early Leaving from VET. Thessaloniki, Greece: GFP
2017 Downes, P. (2017) Structural Indicators Tool for Preventing Early Leaving from Vocational Education and Training. Thessaloniki, Greece: GFP

Publications letters

Year Publication
2015 Downes, P, Whyte, G., O'Toole, L., Gilligan, A-L, Carmody, P. et al. (2015) Open Letter on Recognising Traveller Ethnicity. LETT [Link]
2021 Downes, P.; Hartigan, N.; O Cuanachain, C.,; Ryan, E.; Brady, S.; Kelleher, D.; Leydon, M.; Howard, A.; O (2021) Key Dimensions of a National Strategic Commitment to the Arts for Social Inclusion, involving Afterschool Services for Marginalised Groups: The Case for a National Strategy for the Arts and Social Inclusion in Education? Discussion Document Submission to Minister Catherine Martin, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media (July 2021). LETT


Year Publication
2021 Carl O'Brien (2021) After a year of disruption, there are concerns over long-term impact of school closures. NEWSA
2020 Carl O'Brien (2020) Closing schools over Covid 19 is set to cause lasting harm, particularly for children with special needs and those from disadvantaged background. NEWSA
2020 Paul Downes & Niamh Murray (2020) New government must urgently face up to the crisis of pupils' needs in Deis schools. NEWSA
2018 Unattributed (2018) EU adopts DCU tool on teacher training. NEWSA
2018 Unattributed (2018) Richard Bruton publishes wellbeing policy for schools. NEWSA
2018 Niall Murray (2018) Richard Bruton’s student wellbeing plan ‘risks being sticking plaster’. NEWSA
2018 Katherine Donnelly (2018) Breaking the mould for entry to teaching. NEWSA
2017 Katherine Donnelly (2017) Hens help pupils to crack life's code A school project in a highly-populated, disadvantaged area shows the benefits of access to nature and animal care. NEWSA
2017 Niall Murray (2017) Schools ‘must play bigger role in tackling hunger and inadequate sleep. NEWSA

Review Articles

Year Publication
2020 Paul Downes (2020) A Revitalisation Point for Adult and Community Education in National Policy? Review of Houses of the Oireachtas, Joint Committee on Education and Skills Report on Education Inequality and Disadvantage and Barriers to Education (2019). REV
2020 Paul Downes and Niamh Murray (2020) Child Poverty and Mental Health in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Supports in DEIS schools and the need for a national strategic response. REV

Video recording / TV

Year Publication
2020 European Commission (2020) Early School Leaving Interview. VID [Link]
2019 European Commission (2019) Tackling Early School Leaving in Europe. VID [Link]


Year Publication
2021 Cefai, C. Downes, P. Cavioni.,V. (2021) A formative, inclusive, whole school approach to the assessment of social and emotional education in the EU. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union/EU bookshop.
2020 Downes, P. (2020) Concentric Space as a Life Principle Beyond Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Ricoeur: Inclusion of the Other. London/New York/New Delhi: Routledge.
2020 Downes, P. (2020) Reconstructing agency in developmental and educational psychology: Inclusive Systems as Concentric Space. London/New York/New Delhi: Routledge.
2018 Cefai, C., Bartolo, P., Cavioni, v. & Downes, P. (2018) Strengthening Social and Emotional Education as core curricular area across the EU. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
2017 Downes, P., Nairz-Wirth, E., Rusinaite, V. (2017) Structural Indicators for Developing Inclusive Systems in and around Schools in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
2016 Downes, P. & Cefai, C. (2016) How to tackle bullying and prevent school violence in Europe: Evidence and practices for strategies for inclusive and safe schools. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. [Link] [DOI]
2015 Downes, P. (2015) Early School Leaving Prevention and Engaging Parents from Ethnic Minority and Migrant Backgrounds: Key Issues and Guiding Principles Across 9 European City Municipalities. Paris: European Union, European Regional Development Fund, Urbact Secretariat.
2014 Downes, P. (2014) Towards a Differentiated, Holistic and Systemic Approach to Parental Involvement in Europe for Early School Leaving Prevention. Paris: European Union, European Regional Development Fund, Urbact Secretariat.
2014 Downes, P. (2014) Access to education in Europe: A framework and agenda for system change. [Link] [DOI]
2013 Edwards, A. & Downes, P. (2013) Alliances for Inclusion: Developing Cross-sector Synergies and Inter-Professional Collaboration in and around Education. Brussels: European Commission, Directorate General, Education and Culture.
2012 Downes, P. (2012) The Primordial Dance: Diametric and Concentric Spaces in the Unconscious World. Oxford/Bern: Peter Lang. [Link]
2003 Downes, P. (2003) Living with heroin: HIV, Identity and Social Exclusion among the Russian-speaking minorities in Estonia and Latvia. Estonia: Legal Information Centre for Human Rights.
2003 Downes, P. (2003) Elu heroiiniga: Identiteet, sotsiaalne tõrjutus ja HIV Eesti ja Läti venekeelsete vähemuste seas. Tallinn, Estonia: Legal Information Centre for Human Rights, Tallinn/AIDS Information and Support Centre.
2003 Downes, P. (2003) Жизнь с героином: Идентичность, социальное отторжение и распространение ВИЧ среди русскоязычного меньшинства в Эстонии и Латвии. Tallinn, Estonia: Legal Information Centre for Human Rights, Tallinn/AIDS Information and Support Centre.

Published Report

Year Publication
2021 Downes, P. & Cefai, C. (2021) Report on School Bullying and the Impact on Mental Health. Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education, Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Scie, .
2020 Downes, P., Pike, S., Murphy, S. & NEIC Fellows (2020) Marginalised students in Primary and Post Primary DEIS Schools and other settings: System Gaps in Policy and Practice and the Priority Issues for consideration, with reference to the impact of Covid 19. Oireachtas Joint Committee on Education, Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Scie, . [Link]
2019 Donlevy, V., Day, L., Andriescu, M., Downes, P. (2019) Assessment of the Implementation of the 2011 Council Recommendation on Policies to Reduce Early School Leaving. Publications Office of the European Union, .
2019 Murphy, S., McKenna, G. & Downes, P. (2019) Educational Gaps and Future Solutions: A study of the holistic educational needs and experiences of a sample of homeless men in Dublin aged 18-38 Years. McVerry Trust, .
2019 Downes, P. (2019) Evaluation of the 11 country ImplOED project on Outreach, Empowerment and Diversity for Nonformal Education for Adults, focusing on marginalised groups. European Adult Education Association (EAEA), .
2017 Murphy, H., Downes, P., & O’Higgins-Norman, J. (2017) Anti-bullying procedures for primary and post-primary schools: A survey of implementation among school principals. DCU AntiBullying Centre, .
2016 McNally, S. & Downes, P. (2016) Evaluation of University College Dublin’s ‘Future You’ Peer Support Access Initiative: A Relational, Community Development Systemic Outreach Approach. University College Dublin, .
2011 Downes, P. (2011) A Systems Level Focus on Access to Education for Traditionally Marginalised Groups: Comparing Policy and Practice in Twelve European Countries. Institute of International and Social Studies, Tallinn University, LLL2010 Project Consortium, .
2011 Downes, P. (2011) Promotion of Access to and Participation in Higher Education and the Teaching Profession for Non-Majority Ethnic Groups in Kosovo: Opportunities, Barriers and Future Horizons. OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe), UN Mission in Kosovo, .
2011 Downes, P. (2011) Community Based Lifelong Learning Centres: Developing a European Strategy Informed by International Evidence and Research. European Commission Network of Experts on the Social Aspects of Education and Training (NESET I), .
2011 Downes, P. (2011) Multi/Interdisciplinary Teams for Early School Leaving Prevention: Developing a European Strategy Informed by International Evidence and Research. European Commission Network of Experts on the Social Aspects of Education and Training (NESET I), .
2010 Dooley, C., Downes, P., Maunsell, C., & McLoughlin, V. (2010) Promoting social inclusion: The access of adults to formal and non-formal education in Ireland. Irish National Report for Subproject 5 of EU Framework Six Project ‘Towards a lifelong learning society: The contribution of the education system’. Educational Disadvantage Centre, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, .
2010 Carrigan, J. & Downes, P., (with Byrne, I.) (2010) Is there more than what’s the score? Exploring needs and skills checking for literacy as part of a holistic initial assessment process in a lifelong learning society. Educational Disadvantage Centre, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, .
2010 Ivers, J., McLoughlin, V. and Downes, P. (2010) Current Steps and Future Horizons for CASPr: Review of CASPr North-East Inner City After Schools Project. North Inner City Dublin: Community After Schools Project (CASPR), .
2008 Maunsell, C., Downes, P., & McLoughlin, V. (2008) National Report on Lifelong Learning in Ireland. Educational Disadvantage Centre, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, .
2007 Downes, P. & Maunsell, C. (2007) Count us in: Tackling early school leaving in South West Inner City Dublin, An integrated response. South Inner City Community Development Association (SICCDA) & South Inner City Drugs Task Force, .
2006 Downes, P. (2006) Quality Development of Out of School Services (QDOSS): An agenda for development. QDOSS (Quality Development of Out of School Services) National Network, .
2006 Downes, P., Maunsell, C., & Ivers, J. (2006) A holistic approach to early school leaving and school retention in Blanchardstown: Current issues and future steps for services and schools. Blanchardstown Area Partnership, .
2004 Downes, P. (2004) Psychological support services for Ballyfermot: Present and future. URBAN, Ballyfermot,& Ballyfermot Drugs Task Force, .
2004 Downes, P. (2004) Voices of Children: St. Raphaels Primary School, Ballyfermot. URBAN, Ballyfermot, .
2002 Downes, P. & Murray, S. (2002) Evaluation of the Ana Liffey Drug Project, Children’s Project. Ana Liffey Drug Project, .

Other Publication

Year Publication
2023 Downes, Paul (2023) The observable: Heisenberg's philosophy of quantum mechanics. [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
European Commission Network of Experts on the Social Aspects of Education and Training (NESET I & II) Member 01/01/2011 -
European Commission Network of Experts on the Social Aspects of Education and Training (NESET II) Member of Coordinating Committee -
Grangegorman Area-based Childhood (ABC) Programme (Dublin 1 and 7), funded by Department of Children and Youth Affairs and Atlantic Philanthropies. Chairperson of the Steering Committee -
Expert Advisory Group on early school leaving to Oireachtas (Irish Parliament and Senate) Joint Committee on Education and Science Invited member 01/02/2010 -
Nederlands Centrum Onderwijs en Jeugdzorg / NCOJ in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Netherlands Centre on Education and Youth Care International Member of Research and Policy Advisory Board -
EPALE (European Commission Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) Quality Theme Experts’ Group Member -
European Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health, University of Malta Member of the Board -
Comhairle na nÓg National Executive (The National Executive is supported by officials from the Department of Children and Youth Affairs). Member of Steering Committee of Experts -
Ana Liffey Drug Project, Dublin Member of Board of Directors -
European Institute of Education and Social Policy, Paris Associated Expert -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/1994 Graduate Memorial Prize for Psychology, Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin
01/01/2018 Ambassador Tackling Early Leaving from VET Cedefop
01/01/1995 Postgraduate Award for Psychology, Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin
01/09/2011 Visiting Research Fellow University of Cambridge, England, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law
01/04/2017 Visiting Research Fellow University of British Columbia, Vancouver
01/01/1988 Trinity College, Dublin, Entrance Exhibition Award for Leaving Certificate Results Trinity College Dublin
01/01/1989 Butterworth (Ireland) Prize for Law, Trinity College, Dublin Trinity College Dublin
01/01/1990 Trinity College, Dublin, Foundation Scholarship Exam Award for Law Trinity College Dublin


Committee Function From / To
Humanities and Social Sciences Panel of the Research Grants Council under the University Grants Committee, Hong Kong, China -
Interpersona: International Journal on Personal Relationships (Brazil/Germany) -
Journal of Prison Education and Reentry (Norway) -
Queen Mary Human Rights Law Review (UK) -
British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) -
Journal of School Violence (USA) -
International Journal of Emotional Education (the journal of the European Network for Social and Emotional Competence, ENSEC) -
Journal of Open Review of Educational Research (New Zealand/USA) -

Research Interests

Inclusive Systems in Education and Society (Early school leaving; Access to higher education and lifelong learning; Bullying and aggression; Parental involvement and family support; Mental health and wellbeing; Voices of children and young people, especially marginalised groups and ethnic minorities; Evaluation frameworks based on structural indicators; Multidisciplinary teams in schools, cross-sectoral working; Community development and outreach approaches; International right  to health and its interplay with education)

Conceptual Foundations of Inclusive Systems of Relation (Intersections between Phenomenology, Structuralism, Psychoanalytic and Analytic Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Poststructuralism)