Sinead Breen

Assist. Prof

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Sinéad is a lecturer in the School of Mathematical Sciences. Her PhD in asymptotic analysis was undertaken in DCU and she also completed a postgraduate Cert in Education with the Open University on Researching Mathematics Learning. Sinead’s current research interests are in mathematics education, particularly at undergraduate level and at senior cycle of second-level, and she is a member of DCU's CASTeL research centre. Recent projects include the classification of mathematical tasks currently used for mathematics teaching and assessment at second level in Ireland and exploring the means by which (higher order) mathematical thinking skills can be developed, in particular through the careful design and implementation of mathematical tasks.  Sinéad has also been involved in projects engaging in inquiry into and reflection on one's own teaching practice as a form of continuous professional development using different methodologies such as Lesson Study and Mason’s Discipline of Noticing. In 2023, Sinéad was awarded an Advance HE Senior Fellowship in teaching and supporting learning.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 O’Sullivan, B.; Breen, S.; O’Shea, A. (2023) 'An analysis of Irish mathematics textbook tasks in the context of curriculum change'. Irish Educational Studies, . [Link] [DOI]
2021 O’Shea, A.; Breen, S. (2021) 'Students’ Views on Transition to University: The Role of Mathematical Tasks'. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Aysel, T.; O'Shea, A.; Breen, S. (2020) 'Students’ Attitudes to Mathematics Learning and Assessment in Turkey and Ireland / Sayfalar : 26-38PDF'. International Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics, 7 (1):26-38. [Link]
2019 Breen, S.; O’Shea, A. (2019) 'Designing Mathematical Thinking Tasks'. PRIMUS, . [Link] [DOI]
2018 O’Shea, A.; Breen, S.; Meehan, M. (2018) 'Decision points in mathematics lectures'. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 55 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Breen, S., Larson, N., O (2017) 'A study of students' concept images of inverse functions'. Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education - Nordisk Matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD, 22 (4). [Link]
2016 Breen, S.; O’Shea, A. (2016) 'Threshold Concepts and Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching'. PRIMUS, . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Breen, S.; O'Shea, A.; Pfeiffer, K. (2016) 'Students' views of example generation tasks'. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, . [Link] [DOI]
2016 O'Shea, A; Breen, S.; Jaworski, B. (2016) 'The development of a function concept inventory'. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 2 . [DOI]
2014 Breen, S.; McCluskey, A.; Meehan, M.; O'Donovan, J.; O'Shea, A. (2014) 'A year of engaging with the discipline of noticing: Five mathematics lecturers' reflections'. Teaching in Higher Education, . [Link] [DOI]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2017 Breen, S. & O'Shea, A. (2017) 'Threshold Concepts and Undergraduate Mathematics Teaching' In: Best Writing in Mathematics 2017. New Jersey : Princeton University Press.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2021 (2021) Proceedings of Eighth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland MEI 8 The Design of an Algebra Concept Inventory
2019 Twohill, A., Breen, S., Venkat, H. & Roberts, N (2019) 43rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education . In: M. Graven, H. Venkat, A. Essien, & P. Vale eds. Working group: Task design for early algebra Pretoria, South Africa, 07/07/2019- 12/07/2019
2019 Breen, S., O'Shea, A. (2019) MEI7 . In: L. Harbison & A. Twohill eds. Dilemmas experienced in lecturing undergraduate calculus Dublin, 11/10/2019- 12/10/2019 [Link]
2018 Breen, S., Meehan, M., O'Shea, A., Rowland, T. (2018) INDRUM 2018 . In: Durand-Guerrier, V., Hochmuth, R., Goodchild, S., Hogstad, N.M eds. An analysis of university mathematics teaching using the Knowledge Quartet Kristiansand, Norway, 05/04/2018- 07/04/2018 [Link]
2017 O'Shea, Ann; Breen, Sinead; Brennan, Connor; Doheny, Frank; Lawless, Fiona; Kelly, Christine; Bhaird, Ciaran Mac An; McLoone, Seamus; Ni Fhloinn, Eabhnat; Ni She, Caitriona; Nolan, Brien (2017) PROCEEDINGS OF THE TENTH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (CERME10) Technology enhanced Resources for Mathematics Education (TeRMEd)
2017 Meehan, Maria; O'Shea, Ann; Breen, Sinead (2017) PROCEEDINGS OF THE TENTH CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (CERME10) What you see and don't see, shapes what you do and don't do: Noticing in first year mathematics lectures
2016 O'Shea, A., Breen, S., Brennan, C., Doheny, F., Lawless, F., Kelly, C., Mac an Bhaird, C., McLoone, S., Ni Fhloinn, E., Ni She, C., Nolan, B. (2016) Thirteenth International Congress on Mathematics Education Using technology to develop formative assessment resources for first year undergraduate modules
2015 Breen, S., O'Shea, A. (2015) BSRLM Proceedings Transition through Tasks
2015 Breen, Sinead; Larson, Niclas; O'Shea, Ann; Pettersson, Kerstin (2015) PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH CONFERENCE OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (CERME9) Students' concept images of inverse functions
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