Valesca Lima


Profile Photo
Dr Valesca Lima is an Assistant Professor of Politics at the School of Law and Government. She researches policymaking and governance with three main areas of interest: citizen participation, housing policy, and social mobilization. Her recent research has been funded by the Irish Research Council on projects relating to housing justice in Ireland and Portugal, as well as barriers to access to affordable housing. Her work in the field of housing and urban studies focuses on the financialisation of housing, social mobilization for housing rights, and policy innovations for a more democratic and inclusive housing system. Additionally, her work emphasizes citizen inclusion at the sub-national levels, especially in contexts where participatory democracy is being implemented. This work led to the publication of the book 'Participatory Democracy and Crisis' with Palgrave. Her recent co-edited volume 'The Consequences of Brazilian Social Movements in Historical Perspectives' examines the political outcome of social movements, exploring the various consequences of social protest and was recently published with Routledge. Valesca Lima also work on the interconnections between political participation of vulnerable groups and have an ongoing interest in democratic innovations in Ireland, Latin America, the EU and beyond.

She's currently Editor of the International Review of Public Policy (IRPP), the open access journal of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA); co-director for Women in Research Ireland, a registered charity working for better representation of women and under-represented groups in academia; and co-convenor of the PSAI's Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialist Group.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Valesa Lima; Romana Xerez; Valesca Lima (2025) 'New politics for housing: Unpacking the role of financial actors in promoting the financialisation of housing in Portugal'. Critical Housing Analysis, . [Link]
2024 Valesca Lima (2024) 'The political outcomes of housing movements: participatory governance in mass housing programs'. Critical Housing Analysis, 1 (11). [Link] [DOI]
2024 Lima, V. (2024) 'Pandemic housing policies: mitigation strategies and protection of rights'. Housing and Society, 51 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Valesca Lima (2023) 'The political frame of a housing crisis: Campaigning for the right to housing in Ireland'. Journal of Civil Society, 19 (1):37-56. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Heinelt, M.S.; Lima, V. (2023) 'Enforcing Citizen Participation Through Litigation: Analyzing the Outcomes of Anti-Dam Movements in Brazil and Chile'. Latin American Politics and Society, 36 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Paul Wagner; Valesca Lima (2023) 'The interests, ideas, and institutions shaping public participation in local climate change governance in Ireland'. Local Environment, . [DOI]
2022 Valesca Lima; Rory Hearne; Mary urphy (2022) 'Housing financialisation and the creation of homelessness in Ireland'. Housing Studies, 38 (9):1695-1718. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Valesca Lima (2021) 'Housing coalition dynamics: a comparative perspective'. Comparative European Politics, 19 :534-553. [Link]
2021 Valesca Lima (2021) 'From housing crisis to housing justice: Towards a radical right to a home'. Urban Studies, 58 (16):3282-3298. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Suzanne Kingston, Zizhen Wang, Edwin Alblas, Micheál Callaghan, Julie Foulon, Valesca Lima & Geraldine Murphy (2021) 'The democratisation of European nature governance 1992–2015: introducing the comparative nature governance index'. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Valesca Lima (2020) 'The Institutionalisation of Social Movements: Co-Optation and Democratic Policy-Making'. Political Studies Review, 19 (2):245-261. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Valesca Lima (2020) 'The Role of Local Government in the Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls during the COVID-19 Pandemic'. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 39 (S1):84-87. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Valesca Lima (2020) 'The financialization of rental housing: Evictions and rent regulation'. Cities, 105 :1-10. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Neto Holanda & Valesca Lima (2020) 'Cultural movements and political actions in during the Covid-19 pandemic'. Interface, 12 :333-338. [Link]
2019 Valesca Lima (2019) 'The limits of Participatory Democracy And The Inclusion of Social Movements in Local Government'. Social Movement Studies, 18 (6):667-681. [Link] [DOI]
2019 Valesca Lima (2019) 'Urban austerity and activism: direct action against neoliberal housing policies'. Housing Studies, 36 (2):258-277. [Link] [DOI]
2019 Valesca Lima (2019) 'Towards an understanding of the regional impact of Airbnb in Ireland'. Regional Studies, 6 (1):78-91. [Link] [DOI]
2018 Valesca Lima (2018) 'Delivering Social Housing: An Overview of the Housing Crisis in Dublin'. Housing, 5 (1):1-11. [Link] [DOI]
2018 Valesca Lima (2018) 'Social housing under the Workers’ Party government: an analysis of the private sector in Brazil'. Third World Quarterly, 39 (8):1640-1655. [Link] [DOI]


Year Publication
2023 Lima, Valesca; Pannain, Rafaela; Martins, Gabriela (2023) The Consequences of Brazilian Social Movements in Historical Perspective. London: UK: Routledge. [Link]
2020 Valesca Lima (2020) Participatory Citizenship and Crisis. NY: Palgrave. [Link] [DOI]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Valesca Lima (2024) 'From Social Housing to Upscale Regeneration: The Pitfalls of Residents' Participation in Dublin' In: Research Handbook on Urban Sociology. London: UK : Edward Elgar. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Valesca Lima (2024) 'The Politics of Housing During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Struggles to ‘Stay at Home’ in Brazil and Portugal' In: Urban Struggles for the Right to the City and Urban Commons: Europe-Brazil. Abingdon, Oxfordshire : Routledge. [DOI]
2023 Valesca Lima (2023) 'The Impact of Activism on Self-Management Programs' In: The Consequences of Brazilian Social Movements in Historical Perspective. New York : Routledge. [Link]
2022 Lima, Valesca and Cruz, José de Arimatéia da (2022) 'The Breakdown of Cooperative Federalism: Brazil’s Response to The Covid-19 Pandemic' In: Policy Styles and Trust in the Age of Pandemics. NY : Routledge. [Link]
2021 Valesca Lima (2021) 'Collaborative Governance for Sustainable Development' In: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. UK : Springer. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Valesca Lima (2020) 'Civic Learning, Challenges and Possibilities in Public Policy Management' In: Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. UK : Springer. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Valesca Lima & Miriam Gomez (2020) 'Access to Justice: Promoting the Legal System as a Human Right' In: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. UK : Springer. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Valesca Lima (2020) 'Innovations in Affordable Housing in Dublin: Lessons from Not-for-Profit Housing Developers' In: Partnerships for Livable Cities. NY : Palgrave. [Link] [DOI]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2023 Lucy J Parry; Amber van den Akker; Sonia Bussu; Marjan H. Ehsassi; Valesca Lima; Franziska Maier (2023) 'Deliberative democracy in a neoliberal academy' Journal of Deliberative Democracy, . [Link]
2021 Valesca Lima & Sue A. S. Iamamoto (2021) 'Culture War” against Brazilian universities: how budget cuts and changes in tertiary education policies are affecting the academic community' Alternautas Journal - University of Warwick, 7 (2) :8-18. [Link]
2018 Valesca Lima (2018) 'Housing Movements and Participation in Institutional Spaces' 5 (1) :125-150. [Link]
2016 Valesca Lima (2016) 'Social Mobilisation for Housing Rights: A Qualitative Case Study Using Semi-Structured Interviews' . [Link] [DOI]

Published Report

Year Publication
2022 Valesca Lima; Claire McGing (2022) Toolkit on Social Media Policies for Political Parties. National Women’s Council (NWC), . [Link]
2022 Valesca Lima; Teresa Buczkowska; Proma Ray Chaudhury (2022) Running In Local Elections In Ireland: A Toolkit For Candidates From A Migrant Background. Immigrants Council of Ireland, . [Link]
2020 Valesca Lima (2020) Strength in Diversity: The Experience of Migrant Candidates in the 2019 Local Election. Immigrants Council of Ireland, . [Link]

Working Paper

Year Publication
2024 (2024) Social Housing Changes in Portugal: How Financialization matters?. WP
2023 Valesca Lima (2023) Migrant Housing Needs: Understanding the barriers for migrants to access housing. WP
2021 Valesca Lima (2021) Changing Repertoires of Housing Mobilisation: Struggles to Stay at Home During The Covid-19 Pandemic. Gothenburg, Sweden: WP [Link] [DOI]

Review Articles

Year Publication
2023 Lima, Valesca; Xerez, Romana (2023) Social housing systems and welfare in Ireland and Portugal: a comparative analysis. REV [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Research Interests

Comparative politics, Governance, Housing and Urban Policy, Housing Justice, Political Participation, Citizen Engagement, Democratic Innovations, Citizen Social Science, Social Movements.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
ERASMUS+ KA220-HED Empowering HE through citizen social science DCU PI 01/12/2023 30/11/2027
SHINE - Climate Resilience and Sustainable Housing - Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) PI 01/09/2023 01/01/2026
SMART-ER Citizen Social Science Pilot (ECIU/HORIZON 2020) PI 01/04/2022 31/01/2024
Promoting Democratic Participation: An Active Citizenship For Migrants (Irish Reseach Council - IRC) PI 01/01/2022 30/12/2022
Housing crisis and housing justice (Irish Reseach Council - IRC) PI 03/08/2020 30/06/2022
Establishing a Community on Empowering, Inclusive, and Equitable Citizen Science within European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) DCU Co-PI 01/06/2022 31/12/2023
COST Action (CA22149) Research Network for Interdisciplinary Studies of Deliberative Democracy Management Committee 28/10/2023 11/10/2027
Research nEtwork on reSILIEnt commuNiTies (RESILIENT) DCU PI 01/06/2022 30/06/2023

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Kothenmaril ,Nithya PhD-track Supervisor
Mengato ,Sara PhD-track Supervisor

Teaching Interests

Qualitative Research Methods
Comparative Politics
Policy Analysis and Policymaking
Social Justice
Contemporary Politics
Housing and Urban Policy