Fiona Hurley


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Fiona Hurley is an Assistant Professor in Children’s Nursing at the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health since August 2023. Fiona is a Registered General and Children’s Nurse. Fiona is also a Registered Nurse Tutor with an extensive work history in healthcare education. Fiona completed her PhD at Dublin City University in 2020. Her PhD study explored the experiences of caring for children with non-malignant life-limiting conditions on the island of Ireland (both north and south). The PhD was funded through the All-Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care (AIIHPC) and the Health Research Board (HRB). A concurrent mixed-methods design was adopted. Prior to commencing her current position, Fiona worked as a postdoctoral researcher on the all-island CO-DECIDE study: Co-production of a decision-making framework for planning the place of end-of-life care for children, young people and their families on the island of Ireland. Her specific research interests are in the care of children with complex and palliative care needs. Fiona has regularly acted as peer reviewer in her area of expertise and interest.


Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 (2022) '‘Managing an unexpected life-a caregiver’s career’: Parents’ experience of caring for their child with a non-malignant life-limiting condition'. Journal of Child Health Care, .
2021 Kiernan, G; Hurley, F; Price, J (2021) ''With every fibre of their being': Perspectives of healthcare professionals caring for children with non-malignant life-limiting conditions'. Child: Care, Health and Development, 48 (2). [DOI]
2020 Hurley, F; Kiernan, G; Price, J (2020) ''Starting Out in Haziness': Parental Experiences Surrounding the Diagnosis of their Child's Non-Malignant Life-Limiting Condition in Ireland'. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING, 59 . [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2023 A Crowe; F Hurley; G Kiernan; H Kerr; V Lambert; P McNeilly; Y Corcoran; E Courtney; T McConnell; J Price; J Reid (2023) Experiences of decision-making regarding place of end-of-life care for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions: systematic integrative review protocol.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2022 Hurley F; Kiernan G; Price J (2022) All Island Children’s Palliative Care Conference Managing an unexpected life: how parents transition to becoming ‘professional caregivers’ when they have a child with a non-malignant life-limiting condition Belfast, Ireland, 17/11/2022-18/11/2022.
2018 Hurley F; Kiernan G; Price J (2018) 4th Global Gathering-Maruzza Congress on Paediatric Palliative Care An Exploration of the Experience of Caring for a Child with a Non-Malignant Life-Limiting Condition from the Perspective of Parents Rome, .
2016 Hurley F; Kiernan G; Nicholl H; Price J (2016) 9th World Research Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care Perspectives of Parents Caring for their Child with a with a Non-malignant Life-limiting Condition: The Role of Children´s Palliative Care Services Dublin, Ireland, 09/06/2016-11/06/2016.
2015 Hurley F; Kiernan G; Nicholl H; Price J (2015) RCSI 34th Annual International Nursing and Midwifery Research & Education Conference Undertaking an All-Ireland Palliative Care Research Study; Challenges and Lessons Learned Dublin, Ireland, 19/02/2015-19/02/2015.
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Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2024 NS486
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