Christian Kaunert


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Professor of International Security

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Prof Dr Christian Kaunert is Professor of International Security at Dublin City University, Ireland. He is also Professor of Policing and Security, as well as Director of the International Centre for Policing and Security at the University of South Wales. In addition, he is Jean Monnet Chair, Director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Director of the Jean Monnet Network on EU Counter-Terrorism ( Previously, he served as Academic Director and Professor at the Institute for European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, a Professor of International Politics, Head of Discipline in Politics, and the Director of the European Institute for Security and Justice, a Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence, at the University of Dundee. Prof Kaunert has researched and taught in many international universities, such as University of Shandong, Jinan, China, IBEI Barcelona, Spain, Diplomatic Academy Yerevan, Armenia – United Nations Development Mission, University of Cairo, Egypt, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, Italy, Ecole nationale d’administration Paris, European Institute of Public Administration Maastricht, Netherlands, European Studies Institute (ESI) at Moscow, University of Porto, Portugal, etc. He was previously Senior Lecturer at the University of Dundee, Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow at the European University Institute Florence, and Senior Lecturer in EU Politics & International Relations, University of Salford. Christian has been invited expert for the European Institute for Public Administration (EIPA), the Counter-Terrorism Committee of the European Parliament, the European Union Institute for Security Studies (an agency of the EU), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Over his career, he has been awarded seven prestigious Marie Curie Fellowships, four Jean Monnet Chairs, and, finally, three Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, as well as one Jean Monnet Network of Excellence ‘EUCTER’. Additionally, he was awarded a large Horizon 2020 research grant on Terrorist Radicalisation processes – Mindb4Act. He is currently Editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies, was also previously an elected member of the national (UK) Executive Committee of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) and co-founded and co-led the special interest section on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice of the European Union Studies Association (EUSA). He has also previously been the Editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER), on the Executive Committee member of the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES), and an Expert for the European Parliament. He is also on the editorial board of the journal European Politics and Society (EPS) and the Journal of European Integration (JEI). Prof. Kaunert holds a PhD in International Politics & an MSc in European Politics from the University of Wales Aberystwyth, a BA (Hons) European Business from Dublin City University, ESB Reutlingen and a BA (Hons) Open University.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Kaunert, C.; MacKenzie, A.; Léonard, S. (2023) 'Far-right foreign fighters and Ukraine: A blind spot for the European Union?'. New Journal of European Criminal Law, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Kaunert, C.; de Deus Pereira, J. (2023) 'EU Eastern Partnership, Ontological Security and EU- Ukraine/Russian warfare'. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 31 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Khan, A.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'US drone strikes, securitization processes and practices: A case study of Pakistan'. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 16 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Newbery, S.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Critical Intelligence Studies: a new framework for analysis'. Intelligence and National Security, 38 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Crowdsourcing to Tackle Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Europol’s ‘Stop Child Abuse—Trace an Object’ Platform'. Policing (Oxford), 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Koinova, M.; Düvell, F.; Kalantzi, F.; De Jong, S.; Kaunert, C.; Marchand, M.H. (2023) 'International politics of migration in times of 'crisis' and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic'. Migration Studies, 11 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Lin, H.; Wu, T.; Liu, H.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Police Social Capital and the Effectiveness of Emergency Policing in China During COVID-19'. Policing (Oxford), 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Léonard, S.; Kaunert, C. (2022) 'Refugee flows and terrorism in the European Union: securitization through association'. International Politics, 59 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Kaunert, C.; Ezeokafor, E. (2022) 'Ontological Securitization of Health in Africa: The HIV/AIDS, Ebola and COVID-19 Pandemics and the Foreign Virus'. Social Sciences, 11 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2022) 'Sharing Economy for Tackling Crypto-Laundering: The Europol Associated ‘Global Conference on Criminal Finances and Cryptocurrencies’'. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Foley, E.; Kaunert, C. (2022) 'Russian Private Military and Ukraine: Hybrid Surrogate Warfare and Russian State Policy by Other Means'. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 16 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Kaunert, C.; Leonard, S.; Wertman, O. (2022) 'Securitization of COVID-19 as a Security Norm: WHO Norm Entrepreneurship and Norm Cascading'. Social Sciences, 11 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2022) 'Europol and cybercrime: Europol’s sharing decryption platform'. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 30 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Léonard, S.; Kaunert, C. (2021) 'The development of Europol’s external relations: Towards supranationalism?'. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 28 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Mackenzie, A.; Kaunert, C. (2021) 'Radicalisation, foreign fighters and the Ukraine conflict: A playground for the far-right?'. Social Sciences, 10 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Sahar, A.; Kaunert, C. (2021) 'Higher education as a catalyst of peacebuilding in violence and conflict-affected contexts: the case of Afghanistan'. Peacebuilding, 9 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Leonard, Sarah; Kaunert, Christian (2021) 'De-centring the Securitisation of Asylum and Migration in the European Union: Securitisation, Vulnerability and the Role of Turkey'. Geopolitics, . [DOI]
2021 Kaunert, C.; Sahar, A. (2021) 'Violence, terrorism, and identity politics in afghanistan: The securitisation of higher education'. Social Sciences, 10 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Sahar, A.; Kaunert, C. (2022) 'Desecuritisation, deradicalisation, and national identity in Afghanistan: Higher education and desecuritisation processes'. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, 7 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 de Deus Pereira, J.; Kaunert, C. (2020) 'The high representative’s role in EU countering terrorism: policy entrepreneurship and thick, thin and global Europe'. European Politics And Society, . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Leonard, Sarah; Kaunert, Christian (2020) 'The securitisation of migration in the European Union: Frontex and its evolving security practices'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, . [DOI]
2020 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2020) 'The European Union's response to the CBRN terrorist Threat: A multiple streams approach'. POLITIQUE EUROPEENNE, 65 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Kaunert, C.; de Deus Pereira, J.; Edwards, M. (2020) 'Thick Europe, ontological security and parochial Europe: the re-emergence of far-right extremism and terrorism after the refugee crisis of 2015'. European Politics And Society, . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Buhari-Gulmez, D.; Kaunert, C.; Gulmez, S.B. (2020) 'Transforming Europe through crises: thin, thick, parochial and global dynamics'. European Politics And Society, . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Kaunert, Christian; Leonard, Sarah (2019) 'The European Union's Response to the CBRN Terrorist Threat: A Multiple Streams Approach'. POLITIQUE EUROPEENNE, 65 (3):148-176.
2019 Kaunert, Christian; Leonard, Sarah (2019) 'The collective securitisation of terrorism in the European Union'. WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS, 42 (2):261-277. [DOI]
2018 Ezeokafor, E.; Kaunert, C. (2018) 'Securitization outside of the West: conceptualizing the securitization–neo-patrimonialism nexus in Africa'. Global Discourse, 8 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C.; Anagnostakis, D. (2017) 'The counterterrorism agreements of Europol with third countries: Data protection and power asymmetry'. Terrorism and Political Violence, 29 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Kaunert, C.; Leonard, S.; Mackenzie, A. (2015) 'The european parliament in the external dimension of EU counter-terrorism: More actorness, accountability and oversight 10 years on?'. Intelligence and National Security, 30 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 MacKenzie, Alex; Kaunert, Christian; Leonard, Sarah (2015) 'Counter-terrorism Supranational EU institutions seizing windows of opportunity'. POLICY CHANGE IN THE AREA OF FREEDOM, SECURITY AND JUSTICE: HOW EU INSTITUTIONS MATTER, :93-113.
2014 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2014) 'Somalia versus Captain 'Hook': assessing the EU's security actorness in countering piracy off the Horn of Africa'. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 27 (3):593-612. [DOI]
2014 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S.; Carrapiço, H.; Rozée, S. (2014) 'The governance of justice and internal security in Scotland: between the Scottish independence referendum and British decisions on the EU'. European Security, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Demmelhuber, T.; Kaunert, C. (2014) 'The EU and the Gulf monarchies: normative power Europe in search of a strategy for engagement'. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 27 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2013) 'The EU and Refugees'. EU AS A GLOBAL SECURITY ACTOR: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS BEYOND CFSP AND JHA, :116-143.
2013 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2013) 'The Historical Evolution of the CFSP and JHA'. EU AS A GLOBAL SECURITY ACTOR: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS BEYOND CFSP AND JHA, :50-67.
2013 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2013) 'The EU and Somali Piracy'. EU AS A GLOBAL SECURITY ACTOR: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS BEYOND CFSP AND JHA, :167-+.
2013 MacKenzie, A.; Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2013) 'EU Counterterrorism and the Southern Mediterranean Countries after the Arab Spring: New Potential for Cooperation?'. Democracy and Security, 9 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Mackenzie, A.; Bures, O.; Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2013) 'The European Union Counter-terrorism Coordinator and the External Dimension of the European Union Counter-terrorism Policy'. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S.; Hoffmann, U. (2013) 'Venue-Shopping and the Role of Non-governmental Organisations in the Development of the European Union Asylum Policy'. Comparative Migration Studies, 1 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Rozée, S.; Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2013) 'Is Europol a Comprehensive Policing Actor?'. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2013 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2013) 'The EU and Climate Security'. EU AS A GLOBAL SECURITY ACTOR: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS BEYOND CFSP AND JHA, :68-87.
2013 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2013) 'The EU and Non-proliferation: The Case of Russia'. EU AS A GLOBAL SECURITY ACTOR: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS BEYOND CFSP AND JHA, :144-+.
2013 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2013) 'The EU as a Comprehensive Security Actor: Towards a Theoretical Framework'. EU AS A GLOBAL SECURITY ACTOR: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS BEYOND CFSP AND JHA, :19-49.
2013 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2013) 'The EU and Counter-Terrorism'. EU AS A GLOBAL SECURITY ACTOR: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS BEYOND CFSP AND JHA, :88-115.
2012 Kaunert, C. (2012) 'Conclusion: assessing the external dimension of EU counter-terrorism–ten years on'. European Security, 21 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S.; MacKenzie, A. (2012) 'The social construction of an EU interest in counter-terrorism: US influence and internal struggles in the cases of PNR and SWIFT'. European Security, 21 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2012) 'The European union asylum policy after the treaty of lisbon and the stockholm programme: Towards supranational governance in a common area of protection?'. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 31 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Kaunert, Christian; Leonard, Sarah (2012) 'The development of the EU asylum policy: venue-shopping in perspective'. Journal of European Public Policy, 19 (9):1396-1413. [DOI]
2012 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2012) 'Introduction: Supranational governance and European Union security after the Lisbon Treaty - Exogenous shocks, policy entrepreneurs and 11 September 2001'. Cooperation and Conflict, 47 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Leonard, Sarah; Kaunert, Christian (2012) 'Combating the Financing of Terrorism Together? The Influence of the United Nations on the European Union's Financial Sanctions Regime'. INFLUENCE OF INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ON THE EU: WHEN MULTILATERALISM HITS BRUSSELS, :111-134.
2012 Leonard, Sarah; Kaunert, Christian (2012) ''Between a rock and a hard place?': The European Union's financial sanctions against suspected terrorists, multilateralism and human rights'. Cooperation and Conflict, 47 (4):473-494. [DOI]
2011 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2011) 'Introduction: European Security Governance after the Lisbon Treaty: Neighbours and New Actors in a Changing Security Environment'. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 12 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2011) 'EU Counterterrorism and the European Neighbourhood Policy: An Appraisal of The Southern Dimension'. Terrorism and Political Violence, 23 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Zwolski, K.; Kaunert, C. (2011) 'The EU and climate security: a case of successful norm entrepreneurship?'. European Security, 20 . [Link] [DOI]
2010 Kaunert, C. (2010) 'The area of freedom, security and justice in the Lisbon Treaty: commission policy entrepreneurship?'. European Security, 19 . [Link] [DOI]
2010 Kaunert, C.; Giovanna, M.D. (2010) 'Post-9/11 EU counter-terrorist financing cooperation: differentiating supranational policy entrepreneurship by the Commission and the Council Secretariat'. European Security, 19 . [Link] [DOI]
2010 Kaunert, C. (2010) 'The external dimension of EU counter-terrorism relations: Competences, interests, and institutions'. Terrorism and Political Violence, 22 . [Link] [DOI]
2010 Kaunert, C. (2010) 'Europol and EU counterterrorism: International security actorness in the external dimension'. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 33 . [Link] [DOI]
2009 Kaunert, C. (2009) 'The european union simulation: From problem-based learning (PBL) to student interest'. European Political Science, 8 . [Link] [DOI]
2007 Kaunert, C. (2007) '“without the power of purse or sword”: the european arrest warrant and the role of the commission'. Journal of European Integration, 29 . [Link] [DOI]
2005 Kaunert, C. (2005) 'The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: The Construction of a ‘European Public Order’'. European Security, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Okpanachi, Eyene; Kaunert, Christian (2024) 'Migrants in the throes of multiple crises: fragmented state authority, informal networks and forced (im)mobilities in Libya'. Third World Quarterly, 45 (17-18). [DOI]
2023 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Securitization, fear politics, and the formation of an opposition alliance in competitive authoritarian regimes'. Democratization, 30 . [Link] [DOI]
2024 de Werd, Peter; Coulthart, Stephen; Pili, Giangiuseppe; Gaspard, Jules; Ivan, Cristina; Ben Jaffel, Hager; Larsson, Sebastian; Rogers, Damien; Bean, Hamilton; Orden, Hedvig; Kaunert, Christian; Newbery, Samantha (2024) 'Special Forum on intelligence and theory'. Intelligence and National Security, 39 (7). [DOI]
2020 Kaunert, C.; Mackenzie, A.; Léonard, S. (2020) ''They Need Us More than We Need Them': British Exceptionalism, Brexit, and Justice and Home Affairs'. European foreign affairs review, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Lal, S.; Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Transforming Drug Discovery and Development in the Life Sciences: Legal and Ethical Concerns'. Library Progress International, 44 . [Link]
2024 Khan, A.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Competitive Authoritarian Regimes, Securitisation Techniques and the Role of Audiences: The Case of Pakistan'. Journal of Asian and African Studies, . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Wertman, Ori; Kaunert, Christian (2024) 'Intelligence and Securitization: AMAN 2023's Failed Conception'. International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, . [DOI]
2024 Wertman, Ori; Kaunert, Christian (2024) 'Iran's Hybrid Proxy Warfare through Palestinian Terrorism against Israel'. PROXY WARS FROM A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE, .
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Transformative Changes Lensing Nuclear and Renewable Energy in Reducing Carbon Footprint: Re-defining Sustainability and Legal Frameworks for Environmental Protection Positioning SDG 15- Life on Land'. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 44 . [Link]
2025 Eslami, M.; Kaunert, C. (2025) 'Forward Defence, Hamas-Hezbollah War With Israel and Iran's Path to Nuclear Bombs'. Global Policy, . [Link] [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2023 Wertman, O.; Kaunert, C. (2023) Preface. [Link]
2023 Wertman, O.; Kaunert, C. (2023) Introduction. [Link]
2016 Kaunert, C.; Occhipinti, J.D.; Léonard, S. (2016) Introduction: Supranational governance in the area of freedom, security and justice after the stockholm programme. [Link]
2016 Léonard, S.; Kaunert, C. (2016) Beyond Stockholm: In search of a strategy for the European union’s area of freedom, security, and justice. [Link] [DOI]
2014 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2014) Special Symposium of Comparative Migration Studies : After the Arab Spring: EU Asylum and Migration Policy in Flux. [Link] [DOI]
2014 Kaunert, C.; Occhipinti, J.D.; Léonard, S. (2014) Introduction: Supranational governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Stockholm Programme. [Link] [DOI]
2014 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S.; Berger, L.; Johnson, G. (2014) Introduction: rethinking Western foreign policy and the Middle East. [Link] [DOI]
2013 Kaunert, Christian (2013) The European neighbourhood policy in perspective - context, implementation and impact, Palgrave studies in European Union politics series.
2013 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S.; Occhipinti, J.D. (2013) Agency Governance in the European Union's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. [Link] [DOI]
2013 Kaunert, Christian (2013) Rule of law promotion in the European neighbourhood policy - normative or strategic power Europe?.
2013 Kaunert, Christian (2013) The Black Sea region and EU Policy - the challenge of divergent agendas.
2012 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S.; Pawlak, P. (2012) Preface. [Link]
2011 O'Neill, M.; Léonard, S.; Kaunert, C. (2011) Introduction: Developments in European security. [Link]
2010 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2010) After the Stockholm programme: an area of freedom, security and justice in the European Union?. [Link] [DOI]
2009 Kaunert, Christian (2009) Terrorism, Organised Crime and Corruption: Networks and Linkages.
2008 Kaunert, Christian (2008) Explaining decisions in the European Union.
2023 Fabe, A.P.H.; Romaniuk, S.N.; Kaunert, C. (2023) Introduction: Challenges and opportunities in countering terrorist financing. [Link]
2023 Kaunert, C.; Bosse, G.; Vieira, A. (2023) Introduction: resilient states versus resilient societies? Whose security does the EU protect through the Eastern Partnership in times of geopolitical crises?. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Vig, K.; Dutta, S. (2024) Preface. [Link]
2024 Vig, K.; Kaunert, C.; Singh, B. (2024) Preface. [Link]
2024 Kaunert, Christian; Akcay, Engin (2024) Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders. [DOI]


Year Publication
2019 Leonard, Sarah; Kaunert, Christian (2019) Refugees, Security and the European Union Introduction. ED
2019 Leonard, Sarah; Kaunert, Christian (2019) Refugees, Security and the European Union Conclusion. ED
2015 Argomaniz, Javier; Bures, Oldrich; Kaunert, Christian (2015) A Decade of EU Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence: A Critical Assessment INTRODUCTION. ED [DOI]
2013 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2013) The EU as a Global Security Actor A Comprehensive Analysis Beyond CFSP and JHA Conclusion. ED
2013 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2013) The EU as a Global Security Actor A Comprehensive Analysis Beyond CFSP and JHA Introduction. ED
2013 Kaunert, Christian; Zwolski, Kamil (2013) The EU as a Global Security Actor A Comprehensive Analysis Beyond CFSP and JHA Preface. ED
2013 Cardwell, Paul James; Kaunert, Christian; Leonard, Sarah (2013) Special Issue Migration in the European Union's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Treaty of Lisbon and the Stockholm Programme Introduction. ED [DOI]
2013 Leonard, Sarah; Kaunert, Christian (2013) European Security, Terrorism and Intelligence Tackling New Security Challenges in Europe Introduction - Beyond EU Counter-terrorism Cooperation: European Security, Terrorism and Intelligence. ED


Year Publication
2022 Kaunert, C.; Ezeokafor, E. (2022) Securitization Outside the West: West African Security Reconceptualised. [Link] [DOI]
2019 Leonard, S; Kaunert, C (2019) Refugees, Security and the European Union.
2018 Kaunert, C. (2018) European internal security. [Link]
2016 Kaunert, C.; Occhipinti, J.D.; Léonard, S. (2016) Supranational governance of Europe's area of freedom, security and justice. [Link]
2013 Kaunert, C; Zwolski, K (2013) EU as a Global Security Actor: A Comprehensive Analysis Beyond CFSP and JHA.
2023 Fabe, A.P.H.; Romaniuk, S.N.; Kaunert, C. (2023) Countering Terrorist and Criminal Financing: Theory and Practice. [Link] [DOI]
2022 Kaunert, C.; MacKenzie, A.; Léonard, S. (2022) The European uion as a global counter-terrorism actor. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2021) EU, Turkey and Counter-Terrorism: Fighting the PKK and ISIS. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Vig, K.; Kaunert, C.; Singh, B. (2024) Intersections of Law and Computational Intelligence in Health Governance. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Vig, K.; Dutta, S. (2024) Maintaining a sustainable world in the nexus of environmental science and AI. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Sahar, A.; Kaunert, C. (2024) Reconceptualizing Securitization in Afghanistan: Ethnicity, Social Identity, and Higher Education post-2001. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Riswandi, B.A.; Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Vig, K. (2024) AI Applications for Clean Energy and Sustainability. [Link] [DOI]
2025 Khawaja, M., and Kaunert, C. (2025). (2025) Islamic State, Media, and Propaganda - Performances of the 'Visual Caliphate'. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. [Link]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Crowdsourcing to Tackle Online Child Sexual Exploitation' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Cybercrime, Public-Private Partnership and Europol' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Wertman, O.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'The Six Day War: The Securitization of the Egyptian Army' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Wertman, O.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'An Archeology of Knowledge on Securitization and Israel in the Middle East' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Wertman, O.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Securitization and the Audience Component: Reconceptualising and Operationalising the Concept' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Wertman, O.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Operation “Defensive Shield”: The Securitization of Arafat and the Palestinian Authority' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Wertman, O.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'The Oslo Accords 1993–1995: The Securitization of the Bi-National State' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Wertman, O.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Operation “Outside the Box”: The Securitization of the Syrian Nuclear Reactor' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Mitigating Ransomware Victimisation Through the Sharing Economy' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Tracing Crypto-Laundering Through the Sharing Economy' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'About the Book' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Conclusion' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Ilbiz, E.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'The Sharing Economy for a Public-Private Partnership' In: Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2022 Kaunert, C.; Wertman, O. (2022) 'Reconceptualizing Security Threats' In: Handbook of Security Science. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Léonard, S.; Kaunert, C.; Yakubov, I. (2020) 'Preventing radicalisation and enhancing disengagement in the european union' In: Routledge Handbook of Deradicalisation and Disengagement. [Link] [DOI]
2017 Lavallée, C.; Léonard, S.; Kaunert, C. (2017) 'Counter-terrorism cooperation and the European neighbourhood policy' In: The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy. [Link]
2017 Kaunert, C.; Yakubov, I. (2017) 'Securitization: Turning an approach into a framework for research on EU justice and home affairs' In: The Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home Affairs Research. [Link]
2016 Zwolski, K.; Rozée, S.; Kaunert, C. (2016) ''Human face' or no face? The EU's approach to international security' In: The Human Face of the European Union: Are EU Law and Policy Humane Enough?. [Link] [DOI]
2014 MacKenzie, A.; Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2014) 'Counter-terrorism: Supranational EU institutions seizing windows of opportunity' In: POLICY CHANGE IN THE AREA OF FREEDOM, SECURITY AND JUSTICE: HOW EU INSTITUTIONS MATTER. [Link] [DOI]
2012 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S.; Pawlak, P. (2012) 'Introduction: European homeland security - a European strategy in the making?' In: European Homeland Security: A European Strategy in the Making?. [Link] [DOI]
2012 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S.; Pawlak, P. (2012) 'Conclusion: European homeland security after Lisbon and Stockholm' In: European Homeland Security: A European Strategy in the Making?. [Link] [DOI]
2010 Léonard, S.; Kaunert, C. (2010) 'Reconceptualizing the audience in securitization theory' In: Securitization Theory: How Security Problems Emerge and Dissolve. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Revealing green finance mobilization: Harnessing FinTech and blockchain innovations to surmount barriers and foster new investment avenues' In: Harnessing Blockchain-Digital Twin Fusion for Sustainable Investments. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Vig, K. (2024) 'Reinventing influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on digital consumer lensing transforming consumer recommendation model: Exploring stimulus artificial intelligence on consumer shopping decisions' In: AI Impacts in Digital Consumer Behavior. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Salvaging responsible consumption and production of food in the Hospitality Industry: Harnessing machine learning and deep learning for zero food waste' In: Sustainable Disposal Methods of Food Wastes in Hospitality Operations. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Wertman, O.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Iran’s Hybrid Proxy Warfare through Palestinian Terrorism against Israel' In: Proxy Wars from a Global Perspective: Non-State Actors and Armed Conflicts. [Link]
2023 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2023) 'Harnessing sustainable agriculture through climate-smart technologies: Artificial intelligence for climate preservation and futuristic trends' In: Exploring Ethical Dimensions of Environmental Sustainability and Use of AI. [Link] [DOI]
2019 Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S.; Wertman, O. (2019) 'EU Counter-Terrorism Cooperation with the Middle East and North Africa' In: Projecting Resilience Across the Mediterranean. [Link] [DOI]
2017 Rozée, S.; Kaunert, C.; Léonard, S. (2017) 'POLICE AND JUDICIAL COOPERATION POLICY' In: The Routledge Handbook of European Public Policy. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Dutta, P.K.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Replenish artificial intelligence in renewable energy for sustainable development: Lensing SDG 7 affordable and clean energy and SDG 13 climate actions with legal-financial advisory' In: Social and Ethical Implications of AI in Finance for Sustainability. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Vig, K.; Dutta, P.K.; Kaunert, C.; Gautam, B.K. (2024) 'Strengthening human rights via distributive health justice and rurality: Viewing legal issues through lens of corporate social responsibility' In: Bridging Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility: Pathways to a Sustainable Global Society. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Future of Digital Marketing: Hyper-Personalized Customer Dynamic Experience with AI-Based Predictive Models' In: Revolutionizing the AI-Digital Landscape: A Guide to Sustainable Emerging Technologies for Marketing Professionals. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Jain, V.; Kaunert, C.; Vig, K. (2024) 'Shaping highly intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) and wireless sensors for smart cities' In: Secure and Intelligent IoT-Enabled Smart Cities. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Vig, K.; Gautam, B.K. (2024) 'Wearable sensors assimilated with internet of things (IoT) for advancing medical imaging and digital healthcare: Real-time scenario' In: Inclusivity and Accessibility in Digital Health. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Augmented reality and virtual reality modules for mindfulness: Boosting emotional intelligence and mental wellness' In: Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Health and Wellbeing. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Vig, K. (2024) 'Enhancing work-life balance in remote working via good health to enhance organizational performance' In: Impact of Teleworking and Remote Work on Business: Productivity, Retention, Advancement, and Bottom Line. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Vig, K.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Modernizing healthcare: Application of augmented reality and virtual reality in clinical practice and medical education' In: Modern Technology in Healthcare and Medical Education: Blockchain, IoT, AR, and VR. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Jain, V.; Kaunert, C.; Dutta, P.K.; Singh, G. (2024) 'Privacy matters: Espousing blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) for consumer data protection on e-commerce platforms in ethical marketing' In: Ethical Marketing Through Data Governance Standards and Effective Technology. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Vig, K.; Kaunert, C.; Lal, R.; Gautam, B.K. (2024) 'Blue wind energy for sustainable urbanization: Ushering green energy integrating artificial intelligence and IoT for smart energy management' In: Machine Learning and Computer Vision for Renewable Energy. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Aroma of Highly Smart Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Lightweight EdgeTrust Expansion Medical Care Facilities for Electronic Healthcare Systems: Fortified-Chain architecture for remote patient monitoring and privacy protection beyond imagination' In: Lightweight Digital Trust Architectures in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). [Link] [DOI]
2024 MacKenzie, A.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Germany: Still Auf dem rechten Auge blind?' In: A Research Agenda for Far-Right Violence and Extremism. [Link]
2024 Singh, B.; Dutta, P.K.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Synchronizing neural networks, machine learning for medical diagnosis, and patient representation: Looping advanced optimization strategies assisting experts for complex mechanisms behind health and disease detection' In: Hybrid Information Systems: Non-Linear Optimization Strategies with Artificial Intelligence. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Convergence of the Metaverse and Luxury Hospitality as Avenues for Future Investigation: Agenda for Research, Practice, and Legal Outcomes' In: Technology and Luxury Hospitality: Ai, Blockchain and the Metaverse. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Vig, K.; Dutta, P.K.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Unraveling agile transformation for customer satisfaction in changing market conditions: Roadmap for industry embracing change in project management' In: Practical Approaches to Agile Project Management. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Computational thinking for innovative solutions and problem-solving techniques: Transforming conventional education to futuristic interdisciplinary higher education' In: Revolutionizing Curricula Through Computational Thinking, Logic, and Problem Solving. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Jain, V.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Articulating Deep Learning and Internet of Things (IoT) in the hospitality industry as a catalyst for sustainable consumption and food wastage: Unveiling waste management lensing SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger)' In: Exploring Waste Management in Sustainable Development Contexts. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Vig, K.; Kaunert, C.; Lal, R. (2024) 'Glass, light, and action: Radiant horizons of solar photovoltaic glass illuminating path to smart cities' In: Powering Industry 5.0 and Sustainable Development Through Innovation. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Wind and solar energy as renewable energy for sustainable global future: Projecting future multi-sector sustainable policies and innovation' In: Promoting Multi-Sector Sustainability With Policy and Innovation. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Vig, K.; Riswandi, B.A.; Lal, R. (2024) 'Blue wind energy for sustainable urbanization and smart energy management in Industry 5.0' In: Eco-Innovation and Sustainable Development in Industry 5.0. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Reinventing artificial intelligence and blockchain for preserving medical data' In: Ethical Artificial Intelligence in Power Electronics. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Bhupinder, S.; Pushan Kumar, D.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Wastage Reduction Strategies for Sustainable Hospitality Management: Crafting Excellence for Compliance and Fulfilling SDG 2 (Zero Hunger)' In: AI, Blockchain, and Metaverse in Hospitality and Tourism Industry 4.0: Case Studies and Analysis. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Dutta, P.K.; Gautam, R.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Uncapping the potential of quantum computing towards manufacturing optimization: Routing supply chain projecting sustainability' In: Quantum Computing and Supply Chain Management: A New Era of Optimization. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Transfiguring consumer engagement and elevating experiences with metaverse shopping apps' In: Impact and Potential of Machine Learning in the Metaverse. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Trans-disciplinary collaborative disciplines generating cohesive curriculum: Runway for innovation, cooperation, and intentionality in higher education' In: Transdisciplinary Teaching and Technological Integration for Improved Learning: Case Studies and Practical Approaches. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Cherish intellectual property towards global economic growth and competitiveness: Protecting innovation and creativity in business' In: Unleashing the Power of Basic Science in Business. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Marvel of biosensors in smart healthcare and application of internet of medical things for diagnosis unveiling benefits, challenges and futuristic approach' In: Smart Healthcare Systems: AI and IoT Perspectives. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Fedhealth in wearable healthcare, orchestrated federated deep learning for smart healthcare: Health monitoring and healthcare informatics lensing challenges and future directions' In: Federated Deep Learning for Healthcare: A Practical Guide with Challenges and Opportunities. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Unmanned aerial vehicle: Integration in healthcare sector for transforming interplay among smart cities' In: Cognitive Machine Intelligence: Applications, Challenges, and Related Technologies. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'AI-driven strategies for customer engagement, market segmentation, and resource optimization: Projecting end user satisfaction and futuristic growth of business' In: AI Innovations in Service and Tourism Marketing. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Redefining the nodes of metaverse and luxury hospitality: Unveiling AI and tech-driven solutions in hospitality and tourism industry' In: Impact of AI and Tech-Driven Solutions in Hospitality and Tourism. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Human-machine nexus for digital rebound fostering futuristic energy-efficiency: Ecological footprint of technology for smart-sustainable urban mobility' In: Design Strategies for Efficient and Sustainable Building Facilities. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Dutta, P.K.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Boosting quantum computing to redefine supply chain in the hospital industry: Pitch the vision for medical and healthcare needs' In: Quantum Computing and Supply Chain Management: A New Era of Optimization. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Hidden gems breakthrough dynamic landscape of adaptive learning technologies for higher education: Bridging the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge projecting student learning outcomes' In: Adaptive Learning Technologies for Higher Education. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Malviya, R. (2024) 'Modernizing customer experience through augmented-virtual reality in emerging markets: Sensible selling towards transforming neuromarketing' In: Sensible Selling Through Sensory Neuromarketing. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Malviya, R. (2024) 'Coupling human-computer interface lensing artificial emotional intelligence: Transforming for futuristic cognitive recognition for decision-marking in industry 5.0' In: Human-Machine Collaboration and Emotional Intelligence in Industry 5.0. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Temptation of Healthy Life Style via Health Monitoring Wearable Sensors: Spicing Up Futuristic Quality of Life Achieving SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being)' In: Sustainable Development Goals: Technologies and Opportunities. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Riswandi, B.A.; Arora, M.K.; Lal, S. (2024) 'Medical Tourism and Health Gateways in International Health Market Places: Stimulating Sustainability and Technological Advancements' In: Intersections of Law and Computational Intelligence in Health Governance. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Jermsittiparsert, K.; Sharma, B.; Raghav, A. (2024) 'Analyzing Human Genome and Embryo Editing: International Canons for Legal-Social Issues Concerning Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights' In: Intersections of Law and Computational Intelligence in Health Governance. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Jermsittiparsert, K. (2024) 'Environment-biodiversity protection and SDG 15 (life on land): Legal landscapes and probable resolutions' In: Maintaining a Sustainable World in the Nexus of Environmental Science and AI. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Future envision of UAVs elevating human life: ITS in smart cities lensing wireless applications' In: Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: Architecture, Protocols, and Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Semantic scrutiny of wireless sensors, Internet of Medical Things, and blockchain in mobile healthcare applications: Unveiling intelligent networks for patient privacy, security, and resilience' In: Intelligent Networks: Techniques, and Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Singh, G. (2024) 'Unraveling Financial Fraud With AI and Machine Learning: Screening Into Ad Clicks, Credit Card Management, and ECommerce Transactions' In: Strategies for E-Commerce Data Security: Cloud, Blockchain, AI, and Machine Learning. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Malviya, R. (2024) 'Featuring machine learning in municipal solid waste management: Technological advancements in waste sorting and processing ropeway for SDG 13 (climate action)' In: Municipal Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technologies. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Malviya, R.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Elevating workplace sustainability for employees lensing mental health advancements: Runway for future ready healthcare services projecting SDG 3 (good health and well-being)' In: Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Wellbeing. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Jermsittiparsert, K.; Lal, S.; Arora, M.K.; Raghav, A. (2024) 'Ultimate deep learning acclimatization with artificial intelligence drones for environment shield and climate change: Lifting sustainability towards fostering SDG 13' In: Maintaining a Sustainable World in the Nexus of Environmental Science and AI. [Link] [DOI]
2025 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2025) 'Radiant Horizons of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Customer-Centric Choices for Products: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions Path to Fueling Business Towards Innovation Vague Futuristic Approach' In: Minds Unveiled: Exploring the Effects of Generative AI on Business Behavior. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Dutta, P.K.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Wind-Solar Renewable Energy and Innovative Technologies Applying Internet of Things (IoT) for Green and Sustainable Future: Projecting Carbon Neutrality for Smart and Sustainable Cities' In: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Vig, K.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Horizons of smart data-driven technologies in solar photovoltaic glass illuminating path to smart cities: Skylines SDG 13 (climate action) eliminating environmental snags' In: Bio-Inspired Data-driven Distributed Energy in Robotics and Enabling Technologies. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Changeover From Perimenopause to Menopause and Tailored Healthcare: Predict Health Risks Among Women via Machine Learning' In: Utilizing AI Techniques for the Perimenopause to Menopause Transition. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Leveraging data-driven solutions for energy efficiency and pollution reduction in smart sustainable cities' In: Bio-Inspired Data-driven Distributed Energy in Robotics and Enabling Technologies. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Unlock potential of artificial intelligence and blockchain integration for preserving privacy and medical data: high-fidelity data sharing and healthcare analytics lensing legal aspects' In: Secure Big-data Analytics for Emerging Healthcare in 5G and beyond: Concepts, paradigms, and solutions. [Link] [DOI]
2014 Singh, N.; Lal, S.; Raghav, A.; Kaur Arora, M.; Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2014) 'Power of ML and DL in Precision Modeling and Climate Predictions:NextGen Ocean Insights' In: AI Applications for Clean Energy and Sustainability. [Link] [DOI]
2014 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Lal, S.; Arora, M.K.; Singh, G. (2014) 'Abundance Ocean Wave Energy to Electricity With Artificial Intelligence\ and IoT Solutions: Future of Clean Energy and Sustainability in Smart Cities' In: AI Applications for Clean Energy and Sustainability. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Malviya, R.; Lal, S.; Arora, M.K. (2024) 'Scrutinizing consumer sentiment on social media and data-driven decisions for business insights: Fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and business intelligence (BI) foster sustainable growth' In: Intersection of AI and Business Intelligence in Data-Driven Decision-Making. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Unleash Federated Machine Learning and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) for Disease Screening and Enhancement of Smart Healthcare' In: Federated Learning for Smart Communication using IoT Application. [Link] [DOI]
2025 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2025) 'AI in Healthcare: Social-Legal Impact and Innovations in Digital Hospitals and mHealth' In: AI for Humanitarianism: Fostering Social Change Through Emerging Technologies. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Tagging Blockchain Technology Fostering Panacea for Data Privacy, Cloud Computing, and Integrity: Legal Framework in India and at a Globe' In: Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Cyber-Physical Systems. [Link] [DOI]
2025 Singh, B.; Dutta, P.K.; Kaunert, C. (2025) 'Deep Diving into Financial Frauds via Ad Click, Credit Card Management and Document Dispensation in E-Commerce Transactions' In: Generative Artificial Intelligence in Finance: Large Language Models, Interfaces, and Industry Use Cases to Transform Accounting and Finance Processes. [Link] [DOI]
2025 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Hammouch, H.; Raghav, A. (2025) 'Booster of IoMT in diagnostics and disease screening: Hustler artificial intelligence approaches transforming healthier homes' In: Convergence of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Generative AI. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Jermsittiparsert, K. (2024) 'Photovoltaic PV glass technologies for smart buildings and urban sustainability society 5.0: Smart city initiatives fostering quality of life and sustainable development' In: Sustainable Development, Humanities, and Social Sciences for Society 5.0. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Compass pointing exploration of digital transformation in smart healthcare canvas of augmented and virtual reality: Projecting health gateways in global context' In: Multifaceted Uses of Cutting-Edge Technologies and Social Concerns. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Cloud computing and IoMT in disease screening and diagnosis: AI approaches in transmuting healthier homes' In: Revolutionizing Healthcare Systems Through Cloud Computing and IoT. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Futuristic Digital Banking and e-Financial Strategies Stimulating Financial Inclusion: Satellite SDG-1 Alleviating Poverty Compliance Sustainable Development Lensing Global Perspectives' In: Sustainable Finance. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Leveraging IoT for patient monitoring and smart healthcare: Connected healthcare system' In: Revolutionizing Healthcare Systems Through Cloud Computing and IoT. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Dutta, P.K.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Prioritizing Disease Screening in Health 5:0 and Pandemic Outbreak Management: Hustler Artificial Intelligence Approaches Transforming Population Healthcare' In: CHALLENGES AND TRENDS IN MULTIMODAL FALL DETECTION FOR HEALTHCARE. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Dutta, P.K.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Vertical Integration of Data Augmentation Using Generative AI in Medical Imagining for Population Health: Deep Learning Approaches for Transforming Health 5.0' In: CHALLENGES AND TRENDS IN MULTIMODAL FALL DETECTION FOR HEALTHCARE. [Link] [DOI]
2025 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2025) 'Turbo boost digital transformation integration business sustainability and innovation: Photovoltaic cells for Smart Cities Gratifying SDG11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)' In: Digital Transformation for Business Sustainability and Growth in Emerging Markets. [Link] [DOI]
2025 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Lal, S.; Arora, M.K.; Chandra, S. (2025) 'Uncover ethical issues in neurodisorder diagnosis advancing medical research through neuroscience: Computational intelligence focusing on compassionate psychiatric treatment' In: Advancing Medical Research Through Neuroscience. [Link] [DOI]
2025 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Jermsittiparsert, K.; Chandra, S.; Jain, A. (2025) 'Future of smart manufacturing as an engine of prosperity: Broadcasting mechanical fault diagnosis and prognosis via IoT in industry 5.0' In: Sustainable Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics in ASEAN. [Link] [DOI]
2025 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Jermsittiparsert, K.; Chandra, S. (2025) 'Uncapping ultimate machine learning for advanced manufacturing optimization: Steering supply chain projecting sustainability' In: Sustainable Advanced Manufacturing and Logistics in ASEAN. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Featuring healthcare, environment, and human rights: Applications of artificial intelligence in the health domain' In: Gender, Environment, and Human Rights: An Intersectional Exploration. [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C. (2024) 'Navigating the terrain of sustainability trajectories of environment: Biodiversity protection and legal landscapes' In: Community Resilience and Climate Change Challenges: Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). [Link] [DOI]
2024 Singh, B.; Kaunert, C.; Gautam, R.; Ravesangar, K.; Jermsittiparsert, K. (2024) 'Escalating legal framework for water governance and eliminating plastic pollution in alignment with SDG 14 (life below water)' In: Community Resilience and Climate Change Challenges: Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). [Link] [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Research Interests

Publications List

(i) Books and Chapters:

Published Peer-Reviewed Research Books:

 *2010: European Internal Security: Towards Supranational Governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice? (Manchester: Manchester University Press; Europe in Change Series), 270p.;

 *2013: The EU as a Global Security Actor – a comprehensive analysis beyond CFSP and JHA (with K. Zwolski), (Basingstoke: Palgrave; Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics), 265p.;

 *2019: Refugees, Security and the European Union (with S. Leonard), (London: Routledge; Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies Series) 270p.

 *2021: EU, Turkey and Counter-Terrorism: Fighting the PKK and ISIS, (with E. Ilbiz), (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar);

 *2022: The EU as a Global Counter-Terrorism Actor, (with A. MacKenzie and S. Leonard), (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar);

 *2022: Securitization outside the West: African Security reconceptualised (with E. Ezeokafor), (London: Routledge; Routledge New Security Studies Series)

 *2023: The Sharing Economy for Tackling Cybercrime (with E. Ilbiz), (Cham, Switzerland: Springer);

 *2023: Israel: National Security and Securitization (with O. Wertman), (Cham, Switzerland: Springer);

 *2024: Cybercrime, Digital Forensic Readiness, and Financial Crime Investigation in Nigeria (with T. Sibe), (Cham, Switzerland: Springer);

             *2025: Securitizing Ethnicity in Afghanistan: Securitization, the State and Higher Education (with A. Sahar), (London: Routledge; Routledge New Security Studies Series

              *2025: Islamic State, Media, and Propaganda: Performances of the ‘Visual Caliphate’ (with M. Khawaja), (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar);

              *2025: Strategic Communications' Role in Counter-Terrorism – The Power of Counter-Narratives (with M. Zamir), (Cham, Switzerland: Springer);

              *2025: EU, Egypt and Democracy Promotion: The Civil Society Facility in Egypt, (with B. Hassib), (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar);

             *2025 (forthcoming): Aviation Security, Counter-Terrorism and the EU, (with B. Callander and S. Leonard), (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar);

 *2025 (forthcoming): The European Union and Eastern Enlargement: Compromise Building Mechanisms, Ukraine and Serbia, (with S. Brebenel), (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar);

Published Peer-Reviewed Edited Research Books: 

2011: Developing European Internal Security Policy:  After the Stockholm Summit and the Lisbon Treaty, (with S. Leonard), (London: Routledge).

2012: European Homeland Security: Connecting Coincidence and Strategy (with S. Leonard and P. Pawlak), (London: Routledge; Contemporary Security Studies series);

2012: European Security Governance and the European Neighbourhood after the Lisbon Treaty, (with S. Leonard), (London: Routledge).

2013: European Security, Terrorism, and Intelligence (with S. Leonard), (Basingstoke: Palgrave; Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics series).

2014: Justice and Home Affairs Agencies in the EU (with S. Leonard and J. Occhipinti), (London: Routledge).

2014: Supranational Governance of Europe’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (with S. Leonard and J. Occhipinti), (London: Routledge).

2015: Western Foreign Policy and the Middle East (with S. Leonard, L. Berger, and  G. Johnson), (London: Routledge).

2015: EU Counterterrorism Policy and Intelligence Cooperation: A Critical Assessment (with J. Argomaniz and O. Bures), (London: Routledge).

2016: ‚Searching for a Strategy for the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice‘(with S. Leonard), (London: Routledge);

2022: ‘Transforming Europe through Crises: Thin, Thick, Parochial and Global Dynamics’ (with D. Buhari and  B. Gulmez), (London: Routledge);

2022: EU Counter-Terrorism at 20 years: collective securitization and crisification (with S. Leonard), (London: Routledge);

2023:‘ Countering Terrorist and Criminal Financing Theory and Practice ‘ (with S. Romaniuk and M. Fabe), (London: CRC Press, Routledge);

2024: ‚ EU, Security and The Eastern Partnership: Resilient States versus Resilient Societies, (with G. Bosse and  A. Vieira), (London: Routledge);

2024: In the Eye of the Storm: Origins, Ideology, and Controversies of the Azov Brigade, 2014-2024 (with A. Mackenzie and A. Nonjon, eds.), (Ibidem: Columbia University Press)

 2024 Intersections of Law and Computational Intelligence in Health Governance (with Vig, K, and Singh, B), IGI Global

2024: Maintaining a Sustainable World in the Nexus of Environmental Science and AI. (with Singh, B., Vig, K., & Dutta, S.) IGI Global.

2025:‘ Transnational Unconventional Organized Crime - A National and Global Security Concern (with A. Masys and S. Leonard), (Cham, Switzerland: Springer) – Volume 1;

2025:‘ Transnational Unconventional Organized Crime - A National and Global Security Concern –  (with A. Masys and S. Leonard), (Cham, Switzerland: Springer) – Volume 2;

2025 (under contract):‘ Encyclopedia of Security Studies‘ (with S. Romaniuk), (London: Routledge);


Published Peer-Reviewed Edited Special Journal Issues:

1.         2010: ‘Internal Security Policies in the European Union - After the Stockholm Programme: An Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the European Union?’ (with S. Leonard), European Security, Vol. 19, No. 2;

2.         2011: European Security Governance after the Lisbon Treaty: Neighbours and New Actors in a Changing Security Environment (with S. Leonard), Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Vol. 12, No. 4;

3.         2011: Developments in European Security (with M. O'Neill and S. Leonard), Journal of Contemporary European Research, Vol. 7, No. 4;

4.         2012: European security and supranational governance after the Lisbon Treaty (with S. Leonard), Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 47, No. 4;

5.         2012: ‘Refugees in the European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon and the Stockholm Programme’’ (with S. Leonard), Refugee Survey Quarterly, Vol. 31, No. 4.

6.         2013: 'Migration in the European Union's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Treaty of Lisbon and the Stockholm Programme' (with P. Cardwell and S. Leonard), International Migration, vol. 51, no.6.

7.         2013: 'Agency Governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice' (with S. Leonard and J. Occhipinti), Perspectives on European Politics and Society, vol. 14, no. 3; 

8.         2014: 'Supranational Governance and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Stockholm Programme' (with J. Occhipinti and S. Leonard), Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 27, no. 1;

9.         2014: ‘After the Arab Spring: EU Asylum and Migration policy in flux’ (with S. Leonard), Comparative Migration Studies, vol. 2, no.2.

10.       2014: ‘Rethinking Western Foreign Policy and the Middle East?’ (with S. Leonard, L. Berger, and  G. Johnson), Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 27, no. 3;

11.       2015: A Decade of EU Counterterrorism Policy and Intelligence Cooperation: A Critical Assessment' (with J. Argomaniz and O. Bures) , Intelligence and National Security, vol. 30, no 2-3;

12. 2016: ‚ Beyond Stockholm: In Search of a Strategy for the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice‘(with S. Leonard), European Politics and Society, vol. 17, no. 2;

13. 2016: Virtual Special Issue on EU Asylum and Migration Policy, Journal of European Public Policy,;

14. 2020: ‘Transforming Europe through Crises: Remaking, Unmaking and Decentring Europe?’ (with D. Buhari and  B. Gulmez), European Politics and Society;

15. 2021: ‘Radicalization: Countering Terrorism’ (with S. Leonard), Social Sciences;

16. 2021: EU Counter-Terrorism at 20 years: collective securitization and crisification (with S. Leonard), Global Affairs;

17. 2022: ‘Securitization and International Security during the COVID-19 Pandemic’ (with S. Leonard), Social Sciences; 

18. 2023: ‘Resilient states versus resilient societies? Whose security does the EU protect through the Eastern Partnership?’ (with G. Bosse and  A. Viera), Journal of Contemporary European Studies;

19. 2025 forthcoming: ‘COVID-19 and Europe’ (with S. Leonard, M. Bull, and  J. Suiter), Journal of Contemporary European Studies;


Published Book Chapters:

1.         2010: ‘Reconceptualizing the Audience in Securitization Theory’ (with S. Leonard), in T. Balzacq (ed), ‘Securitization Theory: How Security Problems Emerge and Dissolve’, (London: Routledge, 2010);

2.         2010: ‘The European Parliament and the EU Democratic Deficit: the right solution to the wrong problem?’, in A. Hug (ed.) Reconnecting the European Parliament and its People (London: Foreign Policy Centre, 2010) (with K. Zwolski);

3.         2010: ‘The External Dimension of Counter-terrorism Cooperation: Transatlantic Relations and the European Neighbourhood Policy’ (with S. Leonard) in Kaunert, C. ‘European Internal Security: Towards Supranational Governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice? (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2010);

4.         2010:‘The External Dimension of Asylum and Border Management – The Extra-territorial Processing of Asylum Claims’ (with S. Leonard) in Kaunert, C. ‘European Internal Security: Towards Supranational Governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice? (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2010);

5.         2011: 'The EU Asylum Policy: Towards a Common Area of Protection and Solidarity?' (with S. Leonard) in  S. Wolff, F. Goudappel and J. de Zwaan, eds.,' The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after Lisbon and Stockholm. From myth to reality', (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2011);

6.         2011: ‘After the Stockholm Programme: An Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the European Union?’ (with S. Leonard), in Kaunert, C. and S. Leonard, European Internal Security after Stockholm and Lisbon: an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, (London: Routledge).

7.         2011: ‘The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the Lisbon Treaty: Commission Policy Entrepreneurship?’ in Kaunert, C. and S. Leonard, European Internal Security after Stockholm and Lisbon: an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, (London: Routledge).

8.         2011: Post-9/11 EU counter-terrorist financing cooperation: differentiating supranational policy entrepreneurship by the Commission and the Council Secretariat, European Security (with M. Della Giovanna), in Kaunert, C. and S. Leonard, European Internal Security after Stockholm and Lisbon: an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, (London: Routledge). 

9.         2012: European Homeland Security: a European Strategy in the  making? (with S. Leonard and P. Pawlak) in Kaunert, C., S. Leonard and P. Pawlak, European Homeland Security: Connecting Coincidence and Strategy, (London: Routledge);

10.       2012: What European Homeland Security Strategy after Lisbon and Stockholm? (with S. Leonard and P. Pawlak) in Kaunert, C., S. Leonard and P. Pawlak, European Homeland Security: Connecting Coincidence and Strategy, (London: Routledge);

11.       2012: 'Combating the Financing of Terrorism Together? The Influence of the United Nations on the European Union’s Financial Sanctions Regime' (with S. Leonard) in Costa, O. and K.-E. Jorgensen, 'The influence of international institutions on the EU. A framework for analysis, (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011);

12.       2012: ‘'European Security Governance after the Lisbon Treaty: Neighbours and New Actors in a Changing Security Environment’(with S. Leonard) in Kaunert, C and S. Leonard, European Security Governance and the European Neighbourhood after the Lisbon Treaty, (London: Routledge).

13.       2013: ‘Towards new security challenges in Europe’ in Kaunert, C. and S. Leonard, European Security, Terrorism, and Intelligence (with S. Leonard), (Basingstoke: Palgrave; Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics series). 

14.       2014: ‘Agency Governance in the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’ (with S. Leonard and J. Occhipinti), in Kaunert, C., Leonard, S. and J. Occhipinti (2014), Justice and Home Affairs Agencies in the EU, (London: Routledge);

15.       2014: ‘The EU Counterterrorism Coordinator: An Actor in the External Dimension of EU Counter-Terrorism?’ (with A. MacKenzie, S. Leonard and O. Bures), in Kaunert, C., Leonard, S. and J. Occhipinti (2014), Justice and Home Affairs Agencies in the EU, (London: Routledge);

16.       2014: ‘The Ever Expanding Role of Europol: Towards Comprehensiveness in Crime Fighting and Counter-terrorism?’ (with S. Rozee and S. Leonard), in Kaunert, C., Leonard, S. and J. Occhipinti (2014), Justice and Home Affairs Agencies in the EU, (London: Routledge);

17.       2014: 'Supranational Governance and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Stockholm Programme' (with J. Occhipinti and S. Leonard), in Kaunert, C., Occhipinti, J. and S. Leonard. (2014), Supranational Governance of Europe’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, (London: Routledge);

18.       2015: ‘Rethinking Western Foreign Policy and the Middle East?’ (with S. Leonard, L. Berger, and  G. Johnson), in Kaunert, C., Leonard, S., Berger, L., and  G. Johnson (2015), Western Foreign Policy and the Middle East, (London: Routledge);

19.       2015: ‘The EU and the Gulf monarchies: Normative Power Europe in search of a strategy for engagement’ (with T. Demmelhuber), in Kaunert, C., Leonard, S., Berger, L., and  G. Johnson (2015), Western Foreign Policy and the Middle East, (London: Routledge);

20.       2015: 'Somalia versus Captain 'Hook': Assessing the EU’s Security Actorness in Countering Piracy off the Horn of Africa, in Kaunert, C., Leonard, S., Berger, L., and  G. Johnson (2015), Western Foreign Policy and the Middle East, (London: Routledge);

21.       2015: ‘The European Parliament in the External Dimension of EU Counter-terrorism: More Actorness and Accountability 10 Years on?’ (with S.Leonard and A. MacKenzie), in Argomaniz, J., O. Bures, and C. Kaunert, (2015), EU Counterterrorism Policy and Intelligence Cooperation: A Critical Assessment, (London: Routledge);

22.       2015: ‘A decade of EU Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence: A critical assessment (with J. Argomaniz and O. Bures), in Argomaniz, J., O. Bures, and C. Kaunert, (2015), EU Counterterrorism Policy and Intelligence Cooperation: A Critical Assessment, (London: Routledge);

23. 2015: ‘Counter-terrorism: Supranational EU Institutions Seizing Windows of Opportunity’ (with A. MacKenzie and S. Leonard) in Trauner, F. and Ripoll Servent, A., eds, Policy Change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: How EU Institutions Matter, London: Routledge, pp. 93-113;

24. 2017: ‘Counter-terrorism Cooperation’ (with S. Leonard and C. Lavallée) in Schumacher, T., Marchetti, A. and Demmelhuber, T., eds, Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy, London: Routledge; 

25. 2017: ‘Police and Judicial Cooperation Policy’ (with S. Rozée and S. Leonard) in Zahariadis, N. and Buonanno, L., eds, The Routledge Handbook of European Public Policy, London: Routledge;

26. 2018: ‚Securitization: turning an approach into a framework for research on EU justice and home affairs’ (with I. Yakubov) in Trauner, F. and A. Ripoll Servent (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home Affairs Research, London: Routledge; 

27. 2018: Study on the Counter-Terrorism role of Europol (with I. Yakubov and S. Leonard) (Brussels: FES)

28. 2018: Study on the Civil Protection in the EU against CBRN terror attacks, Counter-Terrorism Committee of the European Parliament (with I. Yakubov and S. Leonard) (Brussels: EP)

29. 2018: 'Securitization outside of the West: conceptualising the securitization-neopatrimonialism nexus in Africa (with E. Ezeokafor)’, in Mabon, S. and Kapur, S., eds, Securitisation in the Non-West, London: Routledge;

30. 2019: ‚The Impact of Terrorism on Peace Processes - The Oslo Accords 1993-1995‘ (with O. Wertman)’, in Hale, S. and Lowie, D., eds, Terrorism and State Surveillance of Communication, London: Routledge; 

31. 2019: EU-MENA Counterterrorism cooperation’ (with O. Wertmann and S. Leonard), in Cusumano, E. (ed), Building Resilience Across the Mediterranean, London: Routledge;

32. 2019: Counter-terrorism cooperation between NATO and the EU (with O. Wertmann), in Tardy T. and G. Lindstroem, (ed), EU-NATO Cooperation, (Paris: EUISS-NDC);

33. 2020: Radicalisation in Europe’ (with S. Leonard and I. Yakubov), in Hansen, S. and S. Lid (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Deradicalisation, London: Routledge;

34. 2021: Reconceptualizing Security Threats (with O. Wertman), in  A. Masys (ed), Handbook of Security Science, London: Palgrave

35. 2022: International Organisations and Terrorism’ (with O. Wertman), in Muro, D. and T. Wilson (eds), Contemporary Terrorism Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press;

2022: ‚Conflict Transformation and Securitization – the Case of the Oslo Peace Process 1993-1995‘ (with O. Wertman)’, in Gulowski and Zoehrer, eds, Forschungen für Frieden. Perspektiven sozialwissenschaftlicher Konfliktforschung, Ibidem;

37. 2022:‘ The high representative’s role in EU countering terrorism: policy entrepreneurship and thick, thin and global Europe ‘ (with J. De Deus Pereira)’, in Kaunert, C, D. Buhari and B. Gulmez, Transforming Europe through Crises: Thin, Thick, Parochial and Global Dynamics’, (London: Routledge);

38. 2022: ‘Thick Europe, ontological security and parochial Europe: the re-emergence of far-right extremism and terrorism after the refugee crisis of 2015. ‘ (with J. De Deus Pereira & M. Edwards)’, in Kaunert, C, D. Buhari and B. Gulmez, Transforming Europe through Crises: Thin, Thick, Parochial and Global Dynamics’, (London: Routledge);

39. 2022: ‘Transforming Europe Through Crises: Thin, Thick, Parochial and Global Dynamics‘ (with D. Buhari-Gulmez & S. Baris Gulmez)’, in Kaunert, C, D. Buhari and B. Gulmez, Transforming Europe through Crises: Thin, Thick, Parochial and Global Dynamics’, (London: Routledge);

40. 2022: Collective Securitization and Crisification of EU Policy Change: Two Decades of EU Counterterrorism Policy (with S. Leonard), in Kaunert, C, S. Leonard, EU Counter-Terrorism at 20 years: collective securitization and crisification (with S. Leonard), (London: Routledge);

41. 2022: The Collective Securitisation of Aviation in the European Union through Association to Terrorism (with B. Callander and S. Leonard), in Kaunert, C, S. Leonard, EU Counter-Terrorism at 20 years: collective securitization and crisification (with S. Leonard), (London: Routledge);

42. 2022: Still the Absent Friend? The European Union’s Global Counter-Terrorism Role After Twenty Years (with A. MacKenzie), in Kaunert, C, S. Leonard, EU Counter-Terrorism at 20 years: collective securitization and crisification (with S. Leonard), (London: Routledge);

43. 2023: Introduction: Challenges and Opportunities in Countering Terrorist Financing (with Fabe, A. P. & Romaniuk, S.). In S. N. Romaniuk, C. Kaunert, & A. P. Fabe (Eds.), Countering Terrorist and Criminal Financing Theory and Practice (pp. xxv-xxviii). CRC Press.


(ii) Refereed Journal Papers:


1.         *2005: 'The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: The Construction of a "European Public Order"', European Security, vol. 14, no.4, pp. 459-83; 

2.         *2007: '"Without the Power of Purse or Sword": The European Arrest Warrant and the Role of the Commission', Journal of European Integration, vol. 29, no.4, pp. 387-404; 

3.         2009: 'The European Union Simulation: From Problem-based Learning (PBL) to Student Interest', European Political Science, vol.8, no.2, pp. 254-265; 

4.         2009: 'Liberty versus Security?: EU Asylum Policy and the European Commission', Journal of Contemporary European Research, vol. 5, no.2, pp. 148-170; 

5.         2009: 'The Lisbon Treaty and the Constitutionalization of the EU', Journal of Contemporary European Research, vol. 5, no.3, pp. 465-471; 

6.         2010: 'The External Dimension of EU Counter-Terrorism Relations: Competences, Interests & Institutions'', Terrorism and Political Violence, vol.22, no.1, pp. 41-61;

7.         2010: 'Towards Supranational Governance in EU Counter-Terrorism? The Role of the Commission and the Council Secretariat', Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, vol. 4, no.1, pp. 8- 31;

8.         2010: 'Europol and EU Counter-terrorism: International Security Actorness in the External Dimension?', Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, vol. 33, no.7, pp. 652 - 671; 

9.         2010: 'The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the Lisbon Treaty: Commission Policy Entrepreneurship?', European Security, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp.169-189; 

10.       2010: 'Post-9/11 EU Counter-terrorist Financing Cooperation: Differentiating Supranational Policy Entrepreneurship by the Commission and the Council Secretariat', European Security (with M. Della Giovanna), Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 275-295; 

11.       2010: 'After the Stockholm Programme: An Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the European Union?' (with S. Leonard), European Security, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 143-149;

12.       2011: 'The EU and Climate Security: A Case of Successful Norm Entrepreneurship?', European Security (with K. Zwolski), Vol. 20, No.1, pp. 21-43; 

13.       *2011: 'Counter-Terrorism in the European Neighbourhood Policy', Terrorism and Political Violence, (with S. Leonard), Vol. 23, No.2. pp. 286-30;

14.       2011: 'The European Union and Refugees: Towards More Restrictive Asylum Policies in the European Union?', GRITIM - UPF Working Paper Series, (with S. Leonard); double-blind peer-reviewed;

15.       2011: 'European Security Governance after the Lisbon Treaty: Neighbours and New Actors in a Changing Security Environment' (with S. Leonard) , Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Vol. 12, No. 4, p. 351-370;

16.       2011: ‘Developments in European Security’ (with M. O'Neill and S. Leonard),  Journal of Contemporary European Research, Vol. 7, No. 4;

17.       *2012: 'The Development of the EU Asylum Policy: Venue-shopping in Perspective'(with S. Leonard), Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 19, no. 9, pp.1396-1413; 

18.       2012: Assessing the external dimension of EU counter-terrorism: 10 years on, European Security, vol. 21, no.4, pp.578-587;

19.       2012: The Social Construction of an EU Interest in Counter-terrorism: US Influence and Internal Struggles in the Cases of PNR and SWIFT (with S. Leonard and A. MacKenzie), European Security, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 474 - 496;

20.       2012: ‘Between a rock and a hard place?’ - The European Union’s financial sanctions against suspected terrorists, multilateralism and human rights’ (with S. Leonard), Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 47, No. 4; 

21.       2012: ‘ Supranational governance and EU security after the Lisbon Treaty - Exogenous shocks, policy entrepreneurs and 9/11’ (with S. Leonard), Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 47, No. 4; 

22.       2012: ‘The European Union Asylum Policy after the Treaty of Lisbon and the Stockholm Programme: Towards Supranational Governance in a Common Area of Protection?’ (with S. Leonard), Refugee Survey Quarterly, 31/4;

23.       2013: ‘EU Counter-terrorism and the Southern Mediterranean Countries after the Arab Spring’ (with S. Leonard and A. MacKenzie), Democracy and Security, 13/1;

24.       2013: ‘European Neighbourhood Policy and its various dimensions - between a long-term reformist agenda and the aim to increase European security’, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 35, no. 2,  iFirst, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2013.752146;

25.       2013: ‘Agency Governance in the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’ (with S. Leonard and J. Occhipinti), Perspectives on European Politics and Society, vol. 14, no. 3;

26.       2013: ‘The EU Counterterrorism Coordinator: An Actor in the External Dimension of EU Counter-Terrorism?’ (with A. MacKenzie, S. Leonard and O. Bures), Perspectives on European Politics and Society, vol. 14, no. 3;

27.       2013: ‘The Ever Expanding Role of Europol: Towards Comprehensiveness in Crime Fighting and Counter-terrorism?’ (with S. Rozee and S. Leonard), Perspectives on European Politics and Society, vol. 14, no. 3;

28.       2013: ‘Migration in the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Treaty of Lisbon and the Stockholm Programme’ (with P. Cardwell and S. Leonard), International Migration, vol. 51, no.6.

29.       2013: ' The Role of the NGOs in the Development of the EU Asylum Policy’ (with S. Leonard and U. Hoffmann), Comparative Migration Studies, vol.1, no.1;

30.       2014: 'Supranational Governance and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Stockholm Programme' (with J. Occhipinti and S. Leonard) , Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 27, no.1;

31.       2014: ' The governance of justice and internal security in Scotland: between the Scottish independence referendum and British decisions on the EU (with S. Leonard, H. Carrapico, and S. Rozee), European Security, vol. 23, no.3, pp.344-363;

32.       2014: ‘After the Arab Spring: EU Asylum and Migration policy in flux’ (with S. Leonard), Comparative Migration Studies, vol. 2, no.2.

33.       2014: ‘Rethinking Western Foreign Policy and the Middle East?’ (with S. Leonard, L. Berger, and  G. Johnson), Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 27, no. 3;

34.       2014: ‘The EU and the Gulf monarchies: Normative Power Europe in search of a strategy for engagement’ (with T. Demmelhuber), Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 27, no. 3;

35.       2014: 'Somalia versus Captain 'Hook': Assessing the EU’s Security Actorness in Countering Piracy off the Horn of Africa, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, (with K. Zwolski), vol. 27, no. 3;

36.       2015: ‘The European Parliament in the External Dimension of EU Counter-terrorism: More Actorness and Accountability 10 Years on?’ (with S.Leonard and A. MacKenzie), Intelligence and National Security, vol. 30, no 2-3;

37.       2015: ‘A decade of EU Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence: A critical assessment (with J. Argomaniz and O. Bures), Intelligence and National Security, vol. 30, no 2-3; 

38.       2016: ‚The extra-territorial processing of asylum claims‘, Forced Migration Review, Destination Europe, Issue 51, January 2016;

39.       2016: ‚ Beyond Stockholm: In Search of a Strategy for the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice‘(with S. Leonard), European Politics and Society, vol. 17, no. 2;

40. 2017: ' The counter-terrorism agreements of Europol with third countries: data protection and power asymmetry’(with E. Ilbiz and D. Anagnostakis), Terrorism and Political Violence, vol. 29, no.6; pp. 967-984; DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2015.1092438

41. 2018: 'Securitization outside of the West: conceptualising the securitization-neopatrimonialism nexus in Africa (with E. Ezeokafor)’, Global Discourse, vol. 8, no.1, pp. 83-99;

42. 2019: ‚The Collective Securitization of Terrorism in the EU (with S. Leonard)’, West European Politics, vol. 41, no. 2; pp. 261-277

43. 2019: ‚ The European Union and CBRN terrorism (with S. Leonard)’, Geostrategic Pulse, no.277, Nov-Dec 2019, pp.38-43;

44. 2019: ‚ The European Union’s Response to the CBRN Terrorist Threat: A Multiple Streams Approach (with S. Leonard)’, Politique européenne, no. 65, pp. 150-179.

45. 2020: ‘They Need Us More Than We Need Them’: British Exceptionalism, Brexit, and Justice and Home Affairs‘ (with S. Leonard & A. MacKenzie)’, European Foreign Affairs Review, vol. 25, no.4, pp. 573–588;

46. 2020: ' Post-Covid-19 West African Health Security: Europe and the Foreign Virus‘ (with E. Ezeokafor)’, European Studies – Studii Europene, no16, pp.113-133,

47. 2020: ‘The Securitization of Hybrid Warfare through Practices within the Iran-Israel conflict - Israel's practices to securitize Hezbollah's Proxy War‘ (with O. Wertman)’, Security and Defence Quarterly, vol. 31, no.4, pp.99 - 115;

48. 2021:‘ Higher education as a catalyst of peacebuilding in violence and conflict-affected contexts: the case of Afghanistan ‘ (with A. Sahar)’, Peacebuilding, Vol.9, no.1; pp.57-78;

49. 2021:‘ The Development of Europol’s External Relations: Towards Supranationalism?‘ (with S. Leonard)’, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, Vol. 28, no.2; pp. 229–244;

50. 2021: Collective Securitization and Crisification of EU Policy Change: Two Decades of EU Counterterrorism Policy (with S. Leonard), Global Affairs, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 687-693, DOI: 10.1080/23340460.2021.2002098

51. 2021: The Collective Securitisation of Aviation in the European Union through Association to Terrorism (with B. Callander and S. Leonard), Global Affairs, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 669-686, DOI: 10.1080/23340460.2021.2002099

52. 2021: Still the Absent Friend? The European Union’s Global Counter-Terrorism Role After Twenty Years (with A. MacKenzie), Global Affairs, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 615-630, DOI: 10.1080/23340460.2021.1998920

53. 2021: ‘Radicalisation, Foreign Fighters and the Ukraine Conflict: A Playground for the Far-Right?‘ (with A. MacKenzie)’, Social Sciences, vo.10, no. 4;

54. 2021: ‚Violence, terrorism and identity politics in Afghanistan: the securitisation of higher education‘ (with A. Sahar)’, Social Sciences, vol.10, no. 4;

55. 2022:‘ Europol and Cybercrime: Europol’s Sharing Decryption Platform ‘ (with E. Ilbiz)’, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 270–283;

56. 2022:‘Refugee Flows and Terrorism in the European Union: Securitization through Association ‘ (with S. Leonard)’, International Politics; vol.59, no. 3, pp. 562–576;

57. 2022: ‚ The Securitization of Migration in the European Union: Frontex and its Evolving Security Practices ‘ (with S. Leonard)’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 48, no.6, pp. 1417-1429;

58. 2022:‘ The high representative’s role in EU countering terrorism: policy entrepreneurship and thick, thin and global Europe ‘ (with J. De Deus Pereira)’, European Politics and Society, vol. 23, no.1, pp. 94-114;

59. 2022: ‘Thick Europe, ontological security and parochial Europe: the re-emergence of far-right extremism and terrorism after the refugee crisis of 2015. ‘ (with J. De Deus Pereira & M. Edwards)’, European Politics and Society, vol. 23, no.1, pp. 42-61;

60. 2022: ‘Transforming Europe Through Crises: Thin, Thick, Parochial and Global Dynamics‘ (with D. Buhari-Gulmez & S. Baris Gulmez)’, European Politics and Society, vol. 23, no.1, pp. 1-7;

61. 2022: ‘De-centring the Securitisation of Asylum and Migration in the European Union: Securitisation, Vulnerability and the Role of Turkey‘ (with S. Leonard)’, Geopolitics, vol. 27, no.3, pp. 729-751;

62. 2022:‘ Desecuritisation, Deradicalisation and National Identity in Afghanistan: Higher Education and Desecuritisation Processes‘ (with A. Sahar)’, European Journal of International Security Studies, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 189-206, doi:10.1017/eis.2021.31;

63. 2022:‘ ‚ A Sharing Economy for Tackling Crypto-laundering: The Europol Associated ‘Global Conference on Criminal Finances and Cryptocurrencies ‘ (with E. Ilbiz)’, Sustainability, 2022, 14 (11), 6618.;

64. 2022:‘ ‚ Securitization of COVID-19 as a Security Norm: WHO norm entrepreneurship & norm cascading‘ (with O. Wertman and S. Leonard)’, Social Sciences, 11 (7): 266. 11070266;

65. 2022:‘:‘ Ontological Securitization of Health in Africa: The HIV/AIDS, Ebola and COVID-19 Pandemics and the Foreign Virus. (with E. Ezeokafor). Social Sciences, 11(8): 352.’;

66. 2022: EU Eastern Partnership, Hybrid Warfare and Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine. eucrim - The European Criminal Law Associations' Forum.

67. 2022: Russian Private Military and Ukraine: Hybrid Surrogate Warfare and Russian State Policy by Other Means. (with E. Foley). Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, vol. 16, no. 3; 

68. 2022: Technological Innovation in Aviation Security: from industries as policy entrepreneurs. (with B. Callander). Politeja, no. 4, vol. 79, pp. 55-71. 

69. 2022:‘ ‚Safeguarding the Philippine Fintech Sector from Terrorism Financing‘ (with Fabe, Laksaami and Toledo)’, Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 61-80 ;

70. 2022:‘ ‚The Audience in Securitization Theory ‘ (with O. Wertman)’, Strategic Assessment, vol. 25, no. 3, pp.67-81;

71. 2022:‘ ‚ Pashtuns: Madrassa’s Cannon Fodders ‘ (with K. Nawabi)’, Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 87-105;

 72. 2023:‘ ‚International Politics of Migration in Times of “Crisis” and Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic‘ (with Koinova, Duvell, Kalantzi, de Jong, and Marchand)’, Migration Studies, 11(1), 242-257;

73. 2023: ‚ Police Social Capital and the Effectiveness of Emergency Policing in China During‘ (with Haiwen Lin, Tong Wu, and Hongsong Liu), Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 17, [paac112].;

74. 2023: ‚Crowdsourcing to Tackle Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Europol’s ‘Stop Child Abuse – Trace an Object’ Platform ‘ (with Ethem Ilbiz), Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice;

75. 2023: ‚ Critical Intelligence Studies: A New Framework for Analysis‘ (with Samantha Newbery), Intelligence and National Security, 38(5), 780-798.

76. 2023: ‘EU Eastern Partnership, Ontological Security and EU- Ukraine/Russian warfare ‘ (with J. de Deus Pereira)’, Journal of Contemporary European Studies;

77. 2023: ‚ US Drone Strikes, Securitization Processes and Practices - A Case Study of Pakistan‘ (with A. Khan)’, Critical Studies on Terrorism, 16(2), 287-30;

78. 2023:‘ ‚ Transnationalisation of the Far-Right and Terrorism in the EU‘ (with Fazio and Bruno)’, Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies, 6(1), 59-80;

79. 2023:‘ Resilient states versus resilient societies? Whose security does the EU protect through the Eastern Partnership?‘ (with G. Bosse & A. Viera)’, Journal of Contemporary European Studies;

80. 2023: Securitization, Fear Politics, and the Formation of an Opposition Alliance in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes (with E. Ilbiz), Democratization,

81. 2023:‘ ‚ The Radicalisation Awareness Network RAN: the operational part of EU Counter-terrorism‘ (with S. Leonard)’, Strategic Assessment: A Multidisciplinary Journal on National Security, 26(3).

82. 2023: ‚Technology, Cyber Security and the 2023 Elections in Nigeria: Prospects, Challenges and Opportunities (with T. Side), Journal of African Elections, 00(00).

83. 2023: ‚ Far-Right Foreign Fighters and Ukraine: A Blind Spot for the European Union? New Journal of European Criminal Law (with A. MacKenzie and S. Leonard), 14(2), 247-266.

84. 2023:‘ ‚ Bioterrorism and Health Security Intelligence: Legal Approaches for Countering Non-State Actors in Pandemics (with Singh, B. & Vig, K.). Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies;

85. 2023: China’s Maritime Expansion: An Emerging Security Dilemma? (with Romaniuk, S. & Fabe, A. P.), Geopolitical Monitor.

86. 2023: Migrants in the Throes of Multiple Crises: Fragmented State Authority, Informal Networks and Forced (Im)mobilities in Libya (with Okpanachi, E.,). Third World Quarterly, 00(00), [2290674].

87. 2024: ‚ Special Forum on intelligence and theory ‘ (with de Werd, P., Coulthart, S., Pili, G., Gaspard, J., Ivan, C., Jaffel, H. B., Larsson, S., Rogers, D., Bean, H., Örden, H., & Newbery, S.), Intelligence and National Security, 00(00), 1-24. .

88. 2024: ‚Intelligence and Securitization: AMAN 2023's Failed Conception‘ (with O. Wertman). International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 00(00).

89. 2024: Advancing a Geopolitical Europe: New EU Leadership and the Iranian Conundrum (with A. Naeni). International Affairs.

90. 2024: Competitive Authoritarian Regimes, Securitisation Techniques and the Role of Audiences: The Case of Pakistan (with A. Khan). Journal of Asian and African Studies, 00(00). Advance online publication.

91. 2024: Securitization and Counter-Securitization of Militancy in Pakistan after 9/11 (with A. Khan). Asian Political Science Review, 8(2), 68-83. Article 177976.



Main Research Grants Awarded:


1. Marie Curie Programme, Horizon Europe, European Commission: Doctoral Network (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-DN-01), 01/01/24 – 31/12/27, ‘EU-GLOCTER’ (with Prof Sarah Leonard); Funding awarded: € 3,000,000;

2. Marie Curie Programme, Horizon Europe, European Commission: International Fellowship (MSCA-IF-2019), 01/10/24 – 30/09/26, ‘Post Taliban Afghanistan: The Future of Militancy in Pakistan’ (with Dr Alamgir Khan); Funding awarded: € 215,534;

3. Marie Curie Programme, Horizon Europe, European Commission: International Fellowship (MSCA-IF-2019), 01/10/24 – 30/09/26, ‘Shaping the European Union Policy on Foreign Fighters’ (with Dr Catia de Carvalho); Funding awarded: € 200,000;

4. Irish Research Council, Postdoctoral Fellowship, IRC: 01/09/23 until 31/08/25, ‘2020 Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict and Israel's Foreign Policy: Securitization, Geopolitics and Arms Trading (ANALYST)’ (with Dr Eldad Ben Aharon); Funding awarded: €105,604;

5. Irish Research Council, Postdoctoral Fellowship, IRC: 01/09/23 until 31/08/25, ‘Acting Like a State - A Longitudinal Study of the Islamic State's 'Visual Caliphate’ (with Dr Moign Khawaja); Funding awarded: €52,441;

6. Jean Monnet Teacher Training EUACADEMY, Dublin City University: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘EUACADEMY’; Grant from 01/01/22 – 31/12/24Funding awarded to DCU: €300,000;

7.     Jean Monnet Chair, Dublin City University: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘EUCTIRL’; Grant from 01/01/22 – 31/12/24; Funding awarded to DCU: €50,000;

Other Universities:

1. Newton International Fellowship, British Academy: International Fellowship Grant, 01/06/23 until 31/05/25, ‘Counter-Terrorism Policies and Civil Society Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis’ (with Dr Scot Romaniuk); Funding awarded: £79,500; 

 2. 2.  Swedish Research Council ‘From Cooperation to Integration – Supranational Transformation of the European Union's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’; Grant from 01/03/23 – 28/02/26; Funding awarded: €500,000 (Swedish Krona 5 Million);

3. Jean Monnet Network EU Counter-Terrorism, University of South Wales: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘EUCTER’; Grant from 01/09/20 – 30/09/23Funding awarded to USW: €300,000;

4. Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of South Wales: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘Virtue’; Grant from 01/09/20 – 30/09/23Funding awarded to USW: €100,000;

5. Jean Monnet Module ‚ EU Resilience against Hybrid Warfare', University of South Wales: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘Hybrid Security’; Grant from 01/09/20 – 30/09/23Funding awarded to USW: €40,000;

6.     Marie Curie Programme, Horizon 2020, European Commission: International Fellowship (MSCA-IF-2019), 01/06/20 – 31/05/22, ‘Uberization of Europol’s cyber crime strategy’ (with Dr Ethem Ilbiz); Funding awarded to USW: € 225,000;

7.     Marie Curie Programme, Horizon 2020, European Commission: International Fellowship (MSCA-IF-2019), 01/10/20 – 30/09/22, ‘Challenges of Return Migration in Africa and Europe’ (with Dr Eyene Okpanachi); Funding awarded to USW: €225,000;

8.     Jean Monnet Chair, University of South Wales: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘Explaining and Understanding Policing, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism in Europe’; Grant from 01/09/18 – 30/09/21; Funding awarded to USW: €50,000;

9.     Marie Curie Programme, Horizon 2020, European Commission: International Fellowship (MSCA-IF-2017), 01/11/18 – 31/10/20, ‘Shaping European Migration Policy: the role of the security industry’ (with Dr Joana de Deus Pereira); Funding awarded to USW: € 225,000;

10.     Horizon 2020 Programme, European Commission: MindB4Act (Belgian Coordinator; Consortium Lead Elcano, Spain), 01/05/18 – 34/01/21, ‘Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Countering Radicalisation in Europe’; Funding awarded to VUB: €183,455; Funding total: € 1,500,000;

11.     Jean Monnet Chair, Institute for European Studies, VUB: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘Explaining EU Action in Counter-Terrorism’; Grant from 01/09/17 – 30/09/20; Funding awarded: €50,000;

12.  Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Institute for European Studies, VUB: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘Virtually Excellent: Opening Europe to the World through Innovative Education’; Grant from 01/09/17 – 30/09/20; Funding awarded: €100,000;

13.  Marie Curie Programme, Horizon 2020, European Commission: International Fellowship (MSCA-IF-2016), 01/04/17 – 31/03/19, ‘The role of European Commission in European Security: military uses of drones’ (with Dr Chantal Lavallee); Funding awarded: € 170,000;

14.  Marie Curie Programme, Horizon 2020, European Commission: International Fellowship (MSCA-IF-2015), 01/02/17 – 31/01/19, ‘The role of national parliaments in the Arab transformation processes’ (with Dr Jan Voelkel); Funding awarded: €183,455;

15.  Jean Monnet Module, Institute for European Studies, VUB: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘Jean Monnet Summer School on European Policy-making’; Grant from 01/09/16 – 30/09/19; Funding awarded: €30,000

16.  Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Jean Monnet Programme, European Commission: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence - European Institute for Security and Justice’; Grant from 01/09/14 – 30/09/17 (with Dr Sarah Leonard); Funding awarded: €100,000;

17.  Jean Monnet Chair, Jean Monnet Programme, European Commission: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘Jean Monnet Chair: EU Justice and Home Affairs’; Grant from 01/09/13 – 30/09/16; Funding awarded: €45,000;

18.  Marie Curie Programme, FP7, European Commission: Career Integration Grant, 01/10/12 – 30/09/16, ‘RELEX-AGENCIFICATION: EU Foreign Policy and Agencies’; Funding awarded: €100,000;

19.  Marie Curie Programme, FP7, European Commission: Intra-European Fellowship (IEF) at the European University Institute Florence, 01/10/10 – 30/09/12, ‘Agencies in the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Frontex, Europol and Eurojust; Funding awarded: €165,739.40;

20.  British Academy International Partnership Collaboration Application (with Dr Jan Voelkel, University of Cairo, Egypt): ‘Internal Security Cooperation with North Africa after the Arab Spring: Democracy vs Security?’; Funding awarded: £ 28,600

21.  Newton International Fellowship, Royal Society: International Fellowship Grant, 01/01/13 until 31/12/14, ‘The United Kingdom in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’ (with Dr H. Carrapico); Funding awarded: £96,750;

22.  Jean Monnet Module, European Commission: Lifelong Learning Programme Module Grant ‘EU-China Relations’ (with Dr Scott Brown); Funding awarded: €30,000;

23.  Jean Monnet Module, European Commission: Lifelong Learning Programme Module Grant ‘Europe and Its Neighbourhood – Democratization, Upheaval, and Stability’ (with Dr Sarah Leonard and Dr Patricia Bauer); Funding awarded: €30,000;

24.  Jean Monnet Programme, European Commission: Lifelong Learning Programme Conference Grant ‘Special Interest Section EUSA: European Internal Security Policy’ (with Dr Sarah Leonard); Funding awarded: €24,660;

25.  Jean Monnet Programme, European Commission: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘PhD Summer School on the Area of Freedom, Security, Justice’ (with Dr Sarah Leonard); Funding awarded: €21,000;

26.  Jean Monnet Chair, Jean Monnet Programme, European Commission: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘Jean Monnet Chair: EU Justice and Home Affairs’; 01/10/12 – 30/09/15; Funding awarded: €45,000 [awarded at the University of Salford, but not transferable to the University of Dundee]; 

27.  Jean Monnet Programme, European Commission: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘European Union Simulation: Explaining and Understanding the European Union’; Funding awarded: €21,000;

28.  Jean Monnet Programme, European Commission: Lifelong Learning Programme ‘European Internal Security Policy: Evolution, Dynamics, and Change’ (with Prof. Dr Adrienne Heritier); Funding awarded: €22,530;

29.  Open Society, Civil Society Award: International Fellowship Grant, 01/01/15 until 31/05/15, ‘The role of churches in civil society: the cases of Belarus and Great Britain’ (with Dr Sergei Mudrov); Funding awarded: $12,000

30.  European University Institute Conference Support Funding for a conference on ‘Policy Change in EU Internal Security'; Funding awarded: €6,500;

31.  British Academy Conference Support Grant (with Dr Berger, Leonard and Johnson): ‘Rethinking the Middle East? Values, Interests, and Security Concerns in Western Policies toward Iraq and the Wider Region 1918-2010; Funding awarded: £10,000 (amongst the highest awards in that competition);

32.  British Institute for the Study of Iraq (BISI) Grant (with Drs Berger, Leonard and Johnson): ‘Rethinking the Middle East? Values, Interests, and Security Concerns in Western Policies toward Iraq and the Wider Region 1918-2010; Funding awarded: £5,430;

33.  Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, Italy: Visiting Research Fellowship/Professorship; Funding awarded: €9,000;

34.  United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM), Barcelona, Spain: Visiting Research Fellowship/Professorship; Funding awarded: €3,500;

35.  AM&SS Research and Innovation Strategic Fund (RISF), 2009/10 (with Dr. Leonard): ‘Border Security, Refugees and Human Rights in the European Union: The Case of the Southern Spanish Borders’; Funding awarded: £7,190;

36.  UACES Research Scholarship, 2004: scholarship of the European Commission and the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) to fund a five-month fieldwork research stay in Brussels; funding awarded: €3,500.

Other Grants Awarded:

1.     UACES: UACES Student Forum Conference, University of Salford. 27/28 April 2009 (with Kamil Zwolski) (£2,450).

2.     UACES research scholarships 2008/09 (as PI) for Kamil Zwolski (£2,485).

3.     UACES research scholarships 2008/09 (as PI) for Li Hailong (UACES JCMS scholarship: £2,500).

4.     Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Manchester: Total funding: £2,250:

a.   Funding awarded: £500 (2007/08): Research Seminar Series ‘European Security, Terrorism, Intelligence’ (with Drs Leonard and Murphy); 

b.   Funding awarded: £750 (2008/09) International Conference ‘European Security Terrorism, and Intelligence: Past and Present) (with Drs Leonard and Murphy); 

c.   Funding awarded: £1,000 (2010/11): International Conference ‘Supranational Governance and European Security’ (with Dr. Leonard).

5.     British Academy Overseas Conference Travel Grant: Travel expenses paid for 49th Annual International Studies Association (ISA) Convention, San Francisco, CA, USA (26 – 29 March 2008) (£500).

6.     International Studies Association Travel Grants: 

a.   Travel expenses paid for 51st Annual International Studies Association (ISA) Convention, New Orleans, LA, USA (17-20 February 2010) ($300); 

b.   Travel expenses paid for 52nd Annual International Studies Association (ISA) Convention, Montreal, Canada (16-19 March 2011) ($350)

c.   Travel expenses paid for 53rd Annual International Studies Association Convention, San Diego, CA (USA), 1-4 April 2012 ($350).

7.     University of Salford International Conference Fund Awards:

a.   Grant to attend the EUSA General Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada (17 - 19 May 2007) (£619);

b.   Grant to attend the ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) Joint Sessions, Lisbon (Portugal), 14-19 April 2009 (£458.50).

PhD Supervision - Completed Theses (28 PhDs):

Dr Kamil Zwolski (Viva passed on 07/02/2011; Graduate Teaching Assistantship, University of Salford; UACES scholarship 2009 for £2,485): ‘The Role of the EU as an International Security Actor’ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner: Prof. Richard Whitman, University of Bath; 

Dr Hailong Li (PhD student on exchange from Shandong University, China, on a UACES JCMS scholarship - £2,500 - for 4 months in Spring 2009): ‘EU-US Transatlantic Relations’ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard);

Dr Sergei Mudrov (Viva passed 31 January 2012; Overseas Research Council – ORSAS – scholarship): ‘The Role of Churches and Religion in European Integration’ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner: Dr Lucian Leustan, Aston University; 

Dr Alexander MacKenzie (Viva passed 07 February 2012; Graduate Teaching Assistantship, University of Salford): ‘The External Dimension of the EU Counter-terrorism Policy’ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner: Dr Oldrich Bures, Metropolitan University Prague; 

Dr Stephen Rozee (Viva passed 06 March 2013; Graduate Teaching Assistantship, University of Salford): ‘The European Union as a Comprehensive Actor in Policing’ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); PhD submission December 2012; External Examiner Prof John Occhipinti, Canisius College, Buffalo; 

Dr Ulrike Hoffmann (Viva passed 14 July 2013; Lady Monica Cockfield Memorial Trust Scholarship): ‘The Influence of Pro-Migrant Groups within the Shaping Process of the EU Asylum and Migration Policy’ (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); PhD submission April 2013; External Examiner Dr James Hampshire, University of Sussex

Dr Edwin Edzeokafor (Viva passed 24 September 2014): West Africa and securitization theory (supervised with Dr. Cameron Ross); External Examiner Dr Georgios Karyotis, University of Glasgow.

Dr. Briony Callander (Viva passed October 2015): The Role of the EU in Aviation Security (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner Dr Javier Argomaniz, University of St Andrews.

Dr Ikrom Yakubov (Viva passed 23 June 2017): Terrorism, Securitization and Intelligence in Europe and the USA (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner Dr Jonathan Colman, UCLAN, UK.

Dr Nikolaos Nikolakakis (Viva passed 14 June 2017): EU and the European Left Parties (supervised with Dr. Richard Dunphy); External Examiner Dr Luke March, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Dr Eric Halford (Viva passed 14 July 2017): Geographical Profiling Within Volume Crime and its Potential for Everyday Use within UK Policing (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard);

Dr Fikret Sendil (PhD submission 14 November 2018): The EU as a Security Actor in the Cyprus Conflict (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard); External Examiner Prof Dr Erol Kaymak, Eastern Mediterranean University Cyprus.

Dr Dele Kogbe (Viva passed May 2020): Regional Integration Africa (ECOWAS) and Europe compared (supervised with Dr. Sarah Leonard; Prof Cameron Ross). External Examiner Dr Toni Haastrup, University of Stirling.

Dr Alamgir Khan (Viva passed March 2021): A Critical Study of Pakistan’s Counterinsurgency Strategy in the Tribal Areas (2001-2014) (supervised with Prof Cameron Ross). External Examiner Dr Matteo Fumagalli, University of St Andrews.

Dr Zana Kurda (Viva passed April 2021): EU Actorness towards Iraqi Kurdistan (supervised with Prof Luk Van Langenhoven). External Examiner Prof Frederik Söderbaum, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Dr Lingyu Xu (Viva passed May 2021): Migration Policy in China (supervised with Prof Florian Trauner). External Examiner Dr Steffi Weil, University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Dr Ioanna Mavromati (Viva passed 25 May 2021): EU-Russia and Energy Security (supervised with Prof Cameron Ross). External Examiner Prof Richard Sakwa, University of Kent.

Dr Sevgi Temizisler: (Viva passed 21 June 2021): Poli!ciza!on of EU migraton policies and its effect on European integration (supervised with Dr Trisha Mayer & Dr Jamal Shahin). External Examiner Prof. Katjana Gattermann, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Dr Ori Wertman (Viva passed 06 October 2021): Securitisation and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (supervised with Dr Joana de Deus Pereira and Dr James Gravelle). External Examiners Prof. Gabriel Ben Dor, University of Haifa, Israel & Dr Jonathan Colman, UCLAN.

Dr Faisal Yaqoob (Viva passed October 2021): ‘Counter-terrorism in Pakistan’ (co-supervised with Prof Sarah Leonard; Dr Scott Brown; Dr Abdullah Yusuf); External Examiners Prof Shabana Fayyaz, Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan.

Dr Haiwen Lin (Viva passed December 2021): Counter-Terrorism Financing in China (visiting PhD student from Shanghai International University).

Dr Tudor Petru Fabian: (Viva passed 24 January 2023): Networks & Hybrid Interferences: Can the EU defend ist interests in the new era of acute international competition without effective information sharing, collation and analysis capabilities (supervised with Prof Alexander Mattelaer & Dr Daniel Fiott). External Examiner Dr Elena Lazarou (European Parliament) & Dr Kenneth Lasoen (University of Antwerp & Clingendael).

Dr Kanishka Nawabi (Viva passed 17 February 2023): ‘Pathways to Suicide Terrorism in Afghanistan‘ (co-supervised with Prof Ali Wardak; Prof Kate Williams); External Examiners Prof Rashmi Singh, PUC-Minas Brazil & Prof Andreea Stoian Karadeli, University of Texas Rio Grande.

Dr Asma Akbar (Viva passed 07 July 2023): Pakistan’s national security paradigm: a human security analysis (supervised with Prof Luk Van Langenhove). External Examiner Prof. Dr. Philippe de Lombaerde, UNU-CRIS, Brugges, Belgium.

Dr Dan Diker (Viva passed 30 November 2023): Political Warfare, Israel and International State Legitimacy: an Assessment of the Palestinian National Movement’s Political and Diplomatic Strategy, (supervised with Prof. Sarah Leonard). External Examiners Prof. Dr. Kobi Michael, INSS Tel Aviv & Prof Assaf Moghadam, Reichman University.

Dr Munir Zamir (Viva passed 15 March 2024): ‘Counter-Intuitive. Strategic Communications' Role in P/CVE 'Counternarratives'. (supervised with Prof. Sarah Leonard and Dr Joana de Deus Pereira). External Examiners Prof Gaynor Johnson (University of Kent) and Prof Alper Camlibel (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh)

Dr Alhaghi Drammeh (Viva passed 24 April 2024): United Kingdom Interventions in Africa: Constructivist Cosmopolitan Foreign Policy Analysis (supervised with Prof. Sarah Leonard and Dr Joana de Deus Pereira). External Examiners Dr Abdullah Yusuf (University of Dundee) and Dr Dele Kogbe (Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, The Presidency, Abuja, Nigeria.)

Dr Daniel Welch (Viva passed 06 June 2024): A Critical Evaluation of Police Policy implementation in Policing Domestic Abuse in Wales (supervised with Prof C. Rogers). External Examiners Dr Emma Williams (The Open University), Dr Freya O’Brien (LJMU) & Dr Sarah Wallace (USW).

Service as a PhD Assessor/Examiner (19 PhDs):

Dr Laura Schmeer: ‘EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’ (External Examiner, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, ULB Brussels, Belgium, December 2023);

Dr Muhammad Aslam: ‘Cold Cases and Homocides in Pakistan’ (External Examiner, Kingston University London, UK, December 2023);

Dr Serban Brebenel: ‘EU and Variable Geometry’ (External Examiner, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 2023);

Dr Beatrice Monciunskaite: What is the Status of Liberal Constitutional Democracy in Lithuania and Latvia? A two Country Study in the Context of Democratic Backsliding in Eastern and Central Europe (Chair of the Viva, Dublin City University, July 2023) 

Dr Peter Cluskey: The co-evolution of networked terrorism and information technology (Internal Examiner of the Viva, Dublin City University, June 2023) 

Dr Jennifer Holmes: Population Healthcare Data for Epidemological Research (Chair of the Viva, University of South Wales, 21 October 2022) 

Dr Ghollam Abbas Farasoo: ‘The Impacts of Proxy War on Afghanistan’ (External Examiner, Deakin University, Australia, March 2022);

Dr Wagner Martins: ‘Social Capital and Attitudes towards Immigrants: A Comparative Analysis between Europe and the Americas’ (External Examiner, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, March 2021);

Dr David Rojo: ‘FRONTEX, EASO and EUROPOL: towards an integrated Border Management in the EU’ (External Examiner, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, December 2018);

Dr Silvia D’Amato: ‘Counter-Terrorism in France and Italy’ (External Examiner, SNS Florence, Italy, July 2017);

Dr Caroline Armstrong: ‘The EU asylum system’ (External Examiner, London School of Economics, London, November 2016);

Dr Adina Maricut: ‘EU in Justice and Home Affairs’ (External Examiner, Central European University, Budapest, June 2016);

Dr Philip Berry: ‘The US and the UK’s War on the Afghan Opium Industry: A Critical Evaluation of Anglo-American Counter Narcotics Policies in Afghanistan, 2001-2011’ (Chair of the Viva, University of Dundee, November 2015);

Dr Santino Lo Bianco: ‘The role of the EU in Justice and Home Affairs’ (External Examiner, University of Amsterdam, September 2015);

Dr Ethem Ilbiz: ‘Europe, Turkey and Counter-Terrorism’ (External Examiner, University of Nottingham, May 2014);

Dr Edwin Edzeokafor: West Africa and securitization theory (Chair of the Interim Assessment, University of Dundee, December 2012)


Ms Yetunde Fatima Amore: Nigeria and African Politics (Chair of the Viva, University of Dundee, March 2013);

Ms. Claire Derbyshire: The Spreading of Nuclear Weapons as a Security Threat (Chair of the Examination, University of Salford, 2007/08);

Postdoctoral Supervision/Mentorship (16 Postdoc Fellows):

Dr Joana de Deus Pereira (PhD Kings College London): ‘The European Union migration policy and private security’; 

Dr Ethem Ilbiz (PhD Nottingham University): ‘The European Union cyber security’; 

Dr Eyene Okpanachi (PhD University of Alberta, Canada): ‘The European Union migration policy and return migration from Africa’; 

Dr Edwin Edzeokafor (PhD University of Dundee): West Africa and securitization theory; 

Dr Ori Wertman (PhD University of South Wales): Israel and Securitization;

Dr Scott Romaniuk (PhD Trento University): Counter-Terrorism and Central and Eastern Europe

Dr Eldad Ben Aharon (PhD Royal Halloway): Securitization, Israel and Azerbaijan;

Dr Moign Khawaja (Dublin City University): ISIS and the visual caliphate;

Dr Alamgir Khan (University of Dundee): The Future of Militancy and Insurgency in Pakistan;

Dr Catia De Carvalho (University of Porto): Shaping the European Union Policy on Foreign Fighters’

Dr Emmet Foley (University College Cork): British Counterinsurgency in the Era of Coalition Warfare.

Dr Helena Carrapico (PhD EUI Florence): ‘The Role of the UK in EU Justice and Home Affairs’; 

Dr Edzia Carvalho (PhD University of Essex): ‘Monitoring Minority Rights: Assessing the effectiveness of expert scrutiny by the United Nations and European organisations’;

Dr Stephen Rozee (PhD University of Dundee): ‘The European Union Policing and its member states’; 

Dr Sergei Mudrov (PhD University of Salford): ‘The role of Churches in Civil Society: the cases of Belarus and Great Britain’; 

Dr Scott Brown (PhD University of Glasgow): ‘The European Union and China Relations; 

Distinction in the Professional Community

Co-Chair of the Border Vison Advisory Group, Home Office, UK (from 01/11/2020): Responsibilities: chairing of the working group; leadership and direction; chairing of the committee meetings; participation in consultation and deliberation processes; attendance at all meetings of the relevant committee(s); development of initiatives.

Distinction in the Academic Community

Chair of the British International Studies Association (BISA), working group on International Politics of Migration, Refugees and Diaspora (from 01/08/2020): Responsibilities: chairing of the working group; leadership and direction; chairing of the committee meetings; participation in consultation and deliberation processes; attendance at all meetings of the relevant committee(s); contribution to ongoing improvement in relations between the Association and the practitioner communities; development of initiatives.

Director (with V. Bello) of the European International Studies Association (EISA), standing section on International Migration (from 01/12/2019): Responsibilities: creation of the new standing section on international migration; leadership and direction; chairing of the committee meetings; participation in consultation and deliberation processes; attendance at all meetings of the relevant committee(s); contribution to ongoing improvement in relations between the Association and the practitioner communities; development of initiatives.

Director (with J. Occhipinti) of the European Union Studies Association (EUSA), special section on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (from 01/10/2012): Responsibilities: creation of the new special section on the AFSJ; leadership and direction; chairing of the committee meetings; participation in consultation and deliberation processes; attendance at all meetings of the relevant committee(s); contribution to ongoing improvement in relations between the Association and the practitioner communities; development of initiatives (funding; biannual conferences; summer schools; etc.).

Academic Council of the European Union Studies Association (EUSA) (from 01/05/2015): Responsibilities: participation in consultation and deliberation processes; attendance at all meetings of the relevant committee(s); contribution to ongoing improvement in relations between the Association and the practitioner communities; development of initiatives (research funding; biannual conferences; summer schools; etc.).

Elected Executive Committee Member of University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) (2009-2012): Responsibilities: attendance of the full committee meetings; participation in consultation and deliberation processes, as requested by the Officers and/or Executive Director; holding a particular Committee portfolio, or membership of a sub-committee of the Association; attendance at all meetings of the relevant sub-committee(s); contribution to ongoing improvement in relations between the Association and the practitioner communities, in keeping with the Association’s practitioner strategy; supporting measures accepted by the Committee when these are put before the AGM Undertaking the general responsibilities as a Trustee of the Association, as set out by the Charity Commission.

Editor of the Book Series ‘European Security and Justice Critiques’ with Edward Elgar with Dr Leonard (2015 - present): The editors are responsible for publishing monographs, edited books and other book projects, chairing the Editorial Board, updating the book series website, promoting the book series, acquiring manuscripts, and completing associate administrative tasks.

Editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies with Prof Martin Bull (2018- present): The editors are responsible for publishing four journal issues per year, chairing the Editorial Board, maintaining the journal website, promoting the journal, and completing the associate administrative tasks.

Executive Editor of Journal - European Politics and Society (EPS) with Prof Sarah Leonard (2023- present): The editors are responsible for publishing four journal issues per year, chairing the Editorial Board, maintaining the journal website, promoting the journal, and completing the associate administrative tasks.

Editor of the Journal of European and American Intelligence Studies with Prof Joseph Fitsanakis and Prof John Nomikos (2020 - present): The editors are responsible for publishing several journal issues per year, chairing the Editorial Board, maintaining the journal website, promoting the journal, and completing the associate administrative tasks.

Editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Research with Dr Leonard (2009-2012): The editors are responsible for publishing four journal issues per year, chairing the Editorial Board, maintaining the journal website, promoting the journal, and completing the associate administrative tasks.

Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of European Integration since November 2016.

Member of the Editorial Board of Perspectives on European Politics and Society since March 2013.

Invited Expert European Parliament (since 2012).

External Examiner at the following universities (present): 

Dublin City University, Ireland: external examiner for their MA (PG) programme in International Relations

University of Aberdeen, Scotland: external examiner for their UG programme in International Relations

University of Nottingham, England: external examiner for PhD student (Ethem Ilbiz)

Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands: external examiner for PhD student (Santino Lo Bianco)

Central European University, Budapest, Hungary: external examiner for PhD student (Adina Maricut)

London School of Economics, London, UK: external examiner for PhD student (Caroline Armstrong)

Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) Florence, Italy: external examiner for PhD student (Silvia D’Amato)

University of Chester, UK: MSc External Examiner Policing, Law Enforcement and Security

Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain: external examiner for PhD student (David Rojo)

Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway: MSc Supervisor, Conflict and Security

Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK: MSc External Examiner International Relations, Conflict and Security 

Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil: external examiner for PhD student (Wagner Martins)

Deakin University, Australia: external examiner for PhD student (Ghollam Abbas Farasoo)

Amsterdam University, Netherlands: external examiner for PhD student (Serban Brebenel)

Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB Brussels), Belgium: external Examiner for PhD student (Laura Schmeer)

• Kingston University London, UK: external Examiner for PhD student (Muhammad Aslam)

• University of Derby, UK: MSc Intelligence Security and Disaster Management (MN2CP)

• Sharda University, Greater Noida, India: external Examiner PhD student

• University of Madras, India: external Examiner PhD student

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Dr Alamgir Khan DCU PI 01/10/2024 30/09/2026
European Global Counter Terrorism Coordination Award DCU PI 14/06/2022 13/03/2023
Foreign Fighters Ukraine - Dr Catia de Carvalho DCU PI 01/10/2024 30/09/2026
EUropean GLOBal Counter-TERrorism DCU PI 19/04/2021 18/01/2022
Explaining and Understanding the EU & Counter-Terrorism in Ireland and Globally DCU PI 01/10/2021 30/09/2024
Virtually Open EU Academy: Continuous Professional Development for Teachers on the EU in Ireland and beyond DCU PI 01/01/2022 31/12/2024
GOI IRC Postdoc Dr Moign Khawaja - Longitudinal Study of the Islamic State DCU PI 01/09/2023 31/08/2024
European Counter-Terrorism Research Network DCU PI 01/09/2020 31/08/2023
IRC GOI Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme 2023 Dr Eldad Ben Aharon - 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict and Israel’s Foreign Policy: Securitization, Geopolitics and Arms Trading (ANALYST) DCU PI 01/09/2023 31/08/2025
EU-AFSEC DCU PI 19/08/2024 18/08/2026
EU GLOCTER Global counter terrorism DCU PI 01/01/2024 31/12/2027
EULAS DCU PI 01/12/2024 30/11/2027

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Pereira ,Ricardo PhD-track Supervisor
Mcgarrigle ,Saoirse PhD-track Supervisor
Corsale ,Eleonora PhD-track Supervisor
Carracedo ,Diego PhD-track Supervisor
Jackson ,Michael PhD-track Supervisor

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Introduction to European Integration LG104X
2022 Issues in European Integration LG345
2022 LG5058
2023 LG104
2022 LG5058A
2022 LG345X
2024 LG233