David Keane


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Dr. David Keane is Assistant Professor in Law at the School of Law and Government, DCU. He has acted previously as Lecturer in Law at Brunel University, London, and Associate Professor in Law at Middlesex University, London. He holds a BCL (Law and French) from University College Cork, Ireland, and an LLM and PhD from the Irish Centre for Human Rights, NUI Galway, where he was awarded a Government of Ireland scholarship. Dr. Keane's research is in international human rights law, with a particular focus on the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) and related aspects of the UN human rights system. He has published 4 books and around 30 journal articles and book chapters, as well as book reviews, blogs and case commentaries. His book Caste-based Discrimination in International Human Rights Law (Routledge, 2007) was awarded the Hart-SLSA Book Prize for Early Career Academics and has been widely cited, including by the UK Supreme Court. His book 50 Years of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Manchester University Press, 2017) is the first edited collection on ICERD. His most recent work is on inter-State cases under ICERD, with current journal articles in this area in the The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals and the Melbourne Journal of International Law. Dr Keane acts also as a visiting professor at the University of Bordeaux, France. He welcomes potential PhD students and research collaborations in international human rights law. David is available on email:


Year Publication
2009 David Keane and Joshua Castellino (2009) Minority Rights in the Pacific Region. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2007 David Keane (2007) Caste-based Discrimination in International Human Rights Law. UK: Routledge. [Link]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2017 David Keane;Annapurna Waughray (Ed.). (2017) Fifty Years of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. UK: Manchester University Press, [Link]
2012 David Keane and Yvonne McDermott (Ed.). (2012) The Challenge of Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 David Keane (2024) 'Inter-State Cases under ICERD as an Avenue to Protect Cultural Heritage'. International Human Rights Law Review, 13 (1):190-223. [Link]
2022 David Keane (2022) 'Palestine v Israel and the Collective Obligation to Condemn Apartheid under Article 3 of ICERD'. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 23 (2):251-275. [Link]
2022 Jan Eiken; David Keane (2022) 'Towards an Amicable Solution: The Inter-State Communications Procedure under ICERD'. Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 21 (2):302-341. [Link]
2021 David Keane (2021) 'Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Qatar v. U.A.E.) (I.C.J.)'. International Legal Materials, 60 (5):883-960. [Link]
2020 David Keane (2020) 'Mapping the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination as a Living Instrument'. Human Rights Law Review, 20 (2):236-268. [Link]
2018 David Keane; Tenia Kyriazi (2018) 'The Emergent Right to Human Rights Education in Gulf Cooperative Council States'. Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, 2 :205-244. [Link]
2017 Jeremie Gilbert; David Keane (2017) 'Equality v. Fraternity: Rethinking France and its Minorities'. ICON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, 14 (4):883-905. [Link]
2015 David Keane (2015) 'Cartoons, Comics and Human Rights after the Charlie-Hebdo Massacre'. Religion and Human Rights, 10 (3):229-243.
2013 David Keane; Valentina Azarov (2013) 'UNESCO, Palestine and Archaeology in Conflict'. Denver Journal of International Law & Policy, 41 (3):309-344. [Link]
2013 David Keane (2013) 'Abolitionist in Heart but Not in Action: Slavery, Servitude and the Status of Article 4 ECHR in Irish Law'. Irish Jurist, :166-198.
2012 David Keane and Joshua Castellino (2012) 'Transcending Sectarianism through Minority Rights in Iraq'. International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies, 5 (3):387-407.
2010 David Keane (2010) 'Survival of the Fairest? Evolution and the Geneticization of Rights'. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 30 (3):467-494.
2009 David Keane (2009) 'The South Asian Draft Charter on Minority and Group Rights: A Comparative Regional Analysis'. European Yearbook on Minority Issues, 8 :125-158. [Link]
2008 David Keane (2008) 'Cartoon Violence and Freedom of Expression'. Human Rights Quarterly, 30 (4):845-876.
2008 David Keane; Nicholas McGeehan (2008) 'Enforcing Migrant Workers’ Rights in the United Arab Emirates'. International Journal of Minority and Group Rights, 15 (1):81-115. [Link]
2007 David Keane (2007) 'Attacking Hate Speech under Article 17 of the European Convention on Human Rights'. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 25 (4):641-663. [Link]
2006 David Keane (2006) 'Addressing the Aggravated Meeting Points of Race and Religion'. University of Maryland Law Journal of Race, Religion, Gender and Class, 6 (2):353-391. [Link]
2005 David Keane (2005) 'Descent-based Discrimination in International Law: A Legal History'. International Journal of Minority and Group Rights, 12 (1):93-116. [Link]
2004 David Keane (2004) 'The Failure to Protect Cultural Property in Wartime'. DePaul-LCA Journal of Art & Entertainment Law, 14 (1):1-38. [Link]
2004 David Keane (2004) 'The Environmental Causes and Consequences of Migration: A Search for the Meaning of Environmental Refugees'. Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 16 (2):209-223.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2005 David Keane (2005) 'International Law and the Ethnicity of Irish Travellers' Washington and Lee Race and Ethnic Ancestry Law Journal, 11 (1) :43-60. [Link]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 David Keane (2024) 'Assessing the Contribution of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination to Global Racial Equality' In: The Long Walk to Equality: Perspectives on Racial Inequality, Injustice and the Law. London, UK : University of Westminster Press. [Link]
2022 David Keane (2022) 'India, the UN and Caste as a Form of Racial Discrimination: Resolving the Dispute' In: Imagining Unequals, Imagining Equals: Concepts of Equality in History and Law. Bielefeld, Germany : Bielefeld University Press. [Link]
2022 (2022) 'Inter-State Cases under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination' In: Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law: Challenges Ahead. UK : Edward Elgar Publishing. [Link]
2017 David Keane and Annapurna Waughray (2017) 'CERD and Caste-based Discrimination' In: 50 Years of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimimination. Manchester : Manchester University Press.
2016 David Keane and Joshua Castellino (2016) 'Is the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination the De Facto Minority Rights Treaty?' In: Towards Convergence in International Human Rights Law: Approaches of Regional and International Systems. The Hague : Brill/Martinus Nijhoff.
2015 David Keane and Jeremie Gilbert (2015) 'Graphic Reporting: Human Rights Violations through the Lens of Graphic Novels' In: Graphic Justice: Intersections of Comics and Law. New York : Routledge.
2012 David Keane and Jeremie Gilbert (2012) 'The New Scramble for Africa: Towards a Human Rights-based Approach to Large Scale Land Acquisitions in the SADC Region' In: Southern African Development Community Land Issues. New York : Routledge.
2012 David Keane (2012) 'UNESCO and the Right to Peace' In: The Challenge of Human Rights: Past, Present and Future. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.
2011 David Keane (2011) 'The Irish Influence on the Indian Constitution: Contrasting the Fortunes of the Directive Principles of State Policy 60 Years On' In: 60 Years of the Indian Constitution: Retrospect and Prospects. New Delhi : MacMillam.
2010 David Keane (2010) 'Forced Labour Standards: An Evolving International Norm' In: Essays in Honour of Prof Ali Guzel. Istanbul : Beta.
2007 David Keane (2007) 'Why the Caste System Presents a New Challenge for Human Rights' In: Religion, Human Rights and International Law. The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff.
2005 David Keane (2005) 'The International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination' In: Essentials of Human Rights. New York : Hodder Arnold.


Year Publication
2024 David Keane (2024) South Africa v Israel and CERD's Early Warning and Urgent Action Procedure: Part II. BLOG [Link]
2024 David Keane (2024) Should Ireland Intervene in South Africa’s Genocide Case against Israel?. BLOG [Link]
2023 David Keane (2023) Israel, Palestine and CERD’s Early Warning and Urgent Action Procedure. BLOG [Link]
2022 Jan Eiken; David Keane (2022) New Rules of Procedure of the Ad Hoc Conciliation Commission in Palestine v Israel. BLOG [Link]
2022 David Keane (2022) Russia’s Suspension from the UN Human Rights Council. BLOG [Link]
2022 Jan Eiken; David Keane (2022) Appointment of the Ad Hoc Conciliation Commissions under ICERD. BLOG [Link]
2021 David Keane (2021) China and Inter-State Communications under Article 11 of the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. BLOG [Link]
2021 David Keane (2021) Towards an ‘Amicable Solution’ in the Universal Human Rights System Inter-State Communications under the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. BLOG [Link]
2020 David Keane (2020) Guidance at a Critical Moment – Thoughts on CERD’s General Recommendation on Racial Profiling by Law Enforcement Officials. BLOG [Link]
2019 David Keane (2019) CERD Reaches Historic Decisions in Inter-State Communications. BLOG [Link]
2019 David Keane (2019) The Same Thing? Negotiation and Articles 11-13 of the CERD Convention in Ukraine v Russian Federation. BLOG [Link]
2019 David Keane (2019) Application of the CERD Convention (Qatar v UAE) and “Parallel Proceedings” before the CERD Committee and the International Court of Justice. BLOG [Link]
2018 David Keane (2018) ICERD and Palestine’s Inter-State Complaint. BLOG [Link]

Published Report

Year Publication
2022 David Keane (2022) Inter-State Communications under ICERD. British Institute of International and Comparative Law, . [Link]
2021 David Keane (2021) A Unique Jurisdiction: Inter-State Communications under Article 11 ICERD. Council of Europe Steering Committee for Human Rights, . [Link]
2014 Meena Dhanda, Annapurna Waughray, David Keane, David Mosse, Roger Green and Stephen Whittle (2014) Caste in Britain: Socio-Legal Review (EHRC Research Report 91). Equality and Human Rights Commission, . [Link]

Book Review

Year Publication
2019 David Keane (2019) Book Review - Isabella Risini, “The Inter-State Application under the European Convention on Human Rights: Between Collective Enforcement of Human Rights and International Dispute Settlement. [Link]
2017 David Keane (2017) Book Review – Patrick Thornberry, “The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: A Commentary”. [Link]
2016 David Keane (2016) Book Review – Prakash Shah, “Against Caste in British Law: A Critical Perspective on the Caste Discrimination Provision in the Equality Act 2010”. [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Research Interests

International human rights law; International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD); caste-based discrimination; minority rights; UN human rights treaties and treaty bodies; regional human rights systems.

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Public International Law LG120
2022 Law of Torts 1 LG382
2022 Principles of Public International Law LG526
2022 Law of Torts LG216