Martin Venker

Assist. Prof

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Martin Venker is an assistant professor in mathematics. His research focuses on probability theory, in particular random matrix theory and probability on high-dimensional convex sets.
He obtained his PhD in 2011 from Bielefeld University (Germany). Before joining DCU in 2020, he has been a post-doctoral researcher at Bielefeld, Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium) and Bochum (Germany). 

He currently serves as chair of the programme Common Entry into Actuarial and Financial Mathematics.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Thorsten Neuschel; Martin Venker (2024) 'Boundary asymptotics of non-intersecting Brownian motions: Pearcey, Airy and a transition'. Nonlinearity, 37 (3):1-47. [DOI]
2020 Claeys, Tom and Neuschel, Thorsten and Venker, Martin (2020) 'Critical Behavior of Non-intersecting Brownian Motions'. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 378 (2):1501-1537. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Dette, Holger and Tomecki, Dominik and Venker, Martin (2020) 'Random moment problems under constraints'. Annals of Probability, 48 (2):672-713. [Link] [DOI]
2019 Claeys, Tom and Neuschel, Thorsten and Venker, Martin (2019) 'Boundaries of Sine Kernel Universality for Gaussian Perturbations of Hermitian Matrices'. Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 8 (3).
2018 Akemann, Gernot and Cikovic, Milan and Venker, Martin (2018) 'Universality at weak and strong non-Hermiticity beyond the elliptic Ginibre ensemble'. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 362 (3):1111-1141. [Link] [DOI]
2018 Kriecherbauer, Thomas and Venker, Martin (2018) 'Edge statistics for a class of repulsive particle systems'. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 170 (3-4):617-655. [Link] [DOI]
2018 Dette, Holger and Tomecki, Dominik and Venker, Martin (2018) 'Universality in Random Moment Problems'. Electronic Journal of Probability, 23 (15):1-23.
2015 Kriecherbauer, T. and Schubert, K. and Schüler, K. and Venker, M. (2015) 'Global asymptotics for the Christoffel-Darboux kernel of random matrix theory'. Markov Process. Related Fields, 21 (3, part 2):639-694.
2015 Schubert, Kristina and Venker, Martin (2015) 'Empirical Spacings of Unfolded Eigenvalues'. Electronic Journal of Probability, 20 (120):1-37.
2014 Götze, Friedrich and Venker, Martin (2014) 'Local universality of repulsive particle systems and random matrices'. Annals of Probability, 42 (6):2207-2242. [Link] [DOI]
2013 Venker, Martin (2013) 'Particle systems with repulsion exponent beta and random matrices'. Electronic Communications in Probability, 18 . [Link] [DOI]


Year Publication
2019 Venker, Martin (2019) Critical Behavior of Non-Intersecting Brownian Motions. REPORT
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/05/2023 President's Award for Teaching and Learning, New Lecturer Category (winner) Dublin City University
01/05/2022 President's Award for Teaching and Learning, New Lecturer Category (short-listed) Dublin City University

Research Interests

Random Matrix Theory
High-dimensional Probability Theory 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Probability on High-Dimensional Convex Polytopes DCU PI 01/09/2021 31/12/2022

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Probability 1 MS117
2022 Probability II MS232
2022 Stochastic Modelling MS308
2023 MS308A