Lily Girme
Prajakta Girme (Lily) is the Academic Development Officer at Dublin City University. She is a Fellow of Advance HE (FHEA). She is actively involved in areas of Interactive Oral assessments, Challenge-Based Learning, blended learning and digital assessment as well as a researcher on several other research studies conducted in DCU.
She is part of the Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) Working Group and the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) Implementation Group at DCU. She organises the DCU Interactive Oral Community of Practice (IO CoP) that runs weekly on Wednesdays. She was part of the team that developed the Topic Specific Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines for Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) with input from multiple national stakeholders. As part of the research team working on the QQI-funded Rethinking Assessment project, she is involved in documenting and analysing Interactive Oral implementations at DCU. She is currently undertaking a PhD in Education. Her research interests include speculative fiction, multimodal research approaches, open education and education for international protection applicants.