Markus Pauli


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Assistant Professor in Political Science
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Dr Markus Pauli is Assistant Professor in Political Science at Dublin City University. He has held positions in the Political Science Department at the National University of SingaporeYale-NUS Singapore, Singapore Management University, and Heidelberg University, Germany.

Download his NEW, open-access BOOK “Statecraft and Foreign Policy” (co-authored with Subrata K. Mitra & Jivanta Schottli) for FREE:   

His current research focuses on:

  1. Perceptions of global governance – using survey experiments. 
  2. The political economy of decarbonization in India and Europe.
  3. Microfinance and sustainable development in India.
  4. Collaborative governance of global food value chains in Southeast Asia.

Markus held a Rising Talent Fellowship at Dublin City University and previously had scholarships from the Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context, Heidelberg University, where he received his PhD and from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Markus studied at the Free University, Berlin and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). 

He has co-authored work on India’s democracy, socio-economic development, citizenship, human security, financial inclusion, and collaborative governance for the Sustainable Development Goals.


Year Publication
2023 Subrata K. Mitra; Jivanta Schottli; Markus Pauli (2023) Statecraft and Foreign Policy: India 1947–2023. Dublin: Dublin City University Press.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2022 Mitra, Subrata K.; Schottli, Jivanta; Pauli, Markus (2022) 'Critical Realignment and Democratic Deepening: The Parliamentary Elections of 2014 and 2019 In India' In: The 2019 Parliamentary Elections in India Democracy at Crossroads?. Oxfordshire : Routledge. [Link] [DOI]
2019 Subrata K. Mitra, Jivanta Schottli, Markus Pauli (2019) 'Citizenship and the Hybrid State in India' In: Engaging Transculturality: Concepts, Key Terms, Case Studies. Oxfordshire, United Kingdom : Routledge. [Link]
2014 Jivanta Schottli, Markus Pauli (2014) 'India as a Global Security Actor' In: The Handbook of Global Security Policy. London, United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell. [Link]
2013 Subrata K. Mitra, Jivanta Schottli, Markus Pauli (2013) 'Politics and the Room to Manoeuvre: Democracy, Social Opportunity and Poverty in India' In: Poverty Reduction in a Changing Climate. Washington, United States : Lexington Books. [Link]
2012 Markus Pauli (2012) 'Capabilities, (Economic) Citizenship, and the Assessment of Poverty-oriented Microfinance in India' In: The Capability Approach on Social Order. Berlin : LIT Verlag.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2015 Wolf, S.O., Schöttli, J., Frommherz, D., Fürstenberg, K., Gallenkamp, M., König, L., Pauli, M (Ed.). (2015) Politics in South Asia: Culture, Rationality and Conceptual Flow. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 Subrata K. Mitra; Markus Pauli; Jivanta Schottli (2022) 'Climate Change and India: Balancing Domestic and International Interests'. Journal of Indian Philosophy, . [Link]
2019 Markus Pauli (2019) 'The Market for 33 Percent Interest Loans. Financial Inclusion and Microfinance in India'. India Review, 18 (1):88-111.
2018 Florini A.; Pauli M. (2018) 'Collaborative governance for the Sustainable Development Goals'. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 5 (3):583-598. [DOI]
2016 Schöttli J.; Pauli M. (2016) 'Modi-nomics and the politics of institutional change in the Indian economy'. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 9 (2):154-169. [DOI]
2014 Jivanta Schöttli; Markus Pauli; (2014) 'India as a Global Security Actor'. The Handbook Of Global Security Policy, . [DOI]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2020 Mitra, Subrata K.; Schottli, Jivanta & Pauli, Markus (2020) 'Borders between Brothers India Nepal and the China factor' . [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) Member 04/04/2020 -
The International Studies Association (ISA) Member -
The Political Studies Association (PSA) Member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/07/2019 Rising Talent Fellowship Dublin City University
01/01/2010 Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" Scholarship Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context", Heidelberg University
01/01/2002 Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship Friedrich Ebert Stiftung


Employer Position From / To
Dublin City University, School of Law & Government, Ireland Rising Talent Fellow -
National University of Singapore, Department of Political Science, Singapore Lecturer -
Yale-NUS, Division of Social Sciences, Singapore Lecturer in Global Affairs -
Singapore Management University, School of Social Sciences, Singapore Research Fellow -
Heidelberg University, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg Lecturer & Research Staff -
Heidelberg University, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg Lecturer & Research Assistant -
Heidelberg University, Computing Centre, Heidelberg Research Assistant -
InWEnt – Capacity Building International (nowadays: GIZ), Berlin Project Coordinator -
Die ZEIT, Hamburg, Germany Trainee -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Heidelberg University, Germany Doctor rer. pol.
Free University Berlin, Germany "Diplom"
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), United Kingdom General Course


Language Reading Writing Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
German Fluent Fluent Fluent
Spanish Basic Basic Basic

Research Interests

sustainable development; climate change policies; microfinance; collaborative governance; survey experiments; global governance; India; European Union

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Survey Experiments on Global Governance Co-Investigator 01/01/2020 31/10/2022
The Political Economy of Decarbonization in Europe and Asia Principal Investigator 15/07/2019 31/10/2022
Global Governance: A Survey Experiment on Public Perceptions in Asia, America & Europe Co-Investigator 01/11/2017 31/12/2018
Collaborative Governance Dynamics: Creating Sustainable Agriculture Value-Chains Co-Investigator 01/06/2016 31/07/2017
Survey on the Perception and the Empowerment Impact of Microfinance in South India Principal Investigator 01/09/2011 31/12/2013

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Mengato ,Sara PhD-track Supervisor
Carracedo ,Diego PhD-track Supervisor
Gazieva ,Madina PhD-track Supervisor

Internal Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
Internal Jivanta Schottli Dublin City University Academic

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Subrata K. Mitra National University of Singapore Academic
External Farsan Ghassim Oxford University Academic
External Ann Florini Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University Academic
External Siegfried O. Wolf Heidelberg University Academic

Teaching Interests

My main teaching interests are (1) Methods in Political Science, (2) Political Economy of Sustainable Development, (3) Public Policy

Courses taught:

Dublin City University, Ireland – School of Law and Government
- Public Policy Analysis
- Politics of Climate Change
- Social Science Experiments for LG608 Research Methods & the International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies (IMSISS).

Global Challenges – Technology and Sustainable Societies (DCU Futures):  Impact I & II – Conceptualisation and Measurement; Introduction to Global Challenges; Project Management

Climate and Environmental Sustainability (DCU Futures): Climate Change and Environmental Policy

National University of Singapore – Department of Political Science
- Political Science Research Methods (Quantitative and Qualitative)
- Comparative Politics

Yale-NUS, Singapore 
- Methods in the Social Sciences
- International Political Economy
- International Relations
- Sustainable Development in Asia

Heidelberg University
- Survey Methods – Designing Surveys, Data Collection and Statistical Data Analysis
- Empirical Methods in Social Science – Survey Design, Data Collection and Data Analysis
- Method Competency: Introduction to Political Science Methods and Data Analysis
- Doing Research – Introduction to Empirical Research Methods: Qualitative Text Analysis with MAXQDA
- Qualitative Methods of Political Science 
- Social Science Theories, Concepts and Measurements
- Off the Mainstream: Evaluating Alternative Approaches to the Study of South Asian Politics
- International Political Economy of India
- Economic and Social Development of India since Independence

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 The Politics of Climate Change LG139
2022 Public Policy Analysis I LG5003
2022/23 Creating Impact in a Changing World GC1IM
2022/23 Introduction to Global Challenges GCF1IGC