Malgosia Machowska-Kosciak

Malgosia Machowska-Kosciak (PhD) is a Post-Doctoral Researcher in Intercultural and Global Citizenship Education and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education, The School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies at DCU. She holds M. Phil and PhD in Sociolinguistics from Trinity College Dublin. She has been a successful lead researcher and coordinator of three projects, SPIEPS, SGMEYP and INOVATE funded by Dep. of Justice, Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. These projects make a significant contribution to positive integration and representation of children and young people with ethnic minority backgrounds (including second-generation migrants) within the Irish society/education system, highlighting the importance of implementation of global citizenship education and anti-racism education along with the incorporation of authentic narratives on migration into the mainstream curriculum and within ITE programmes. Malgosia’s work aims to extend Laura Lundy’s (2007) model of democratic participation and provide underrepresented ethnic minority young people with affordances to express their own views (Space), facilitate expression of their views (Voice), their voices to be listened to (Audience) and have their views acted upon (Influence), through respecting and enhancing rights of the young people in an innovative and creative way.
Before she has started work for CHRCE, Malgosia has been affiliated with the Sociology Department in TCD and the Marino Institute of Education where she thought about issues connected to Migration and Education worldwide. She has been working with young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers through LMETB ( Louth and Meath Education and Training Board) for 10 years. She has been involved in European projects on multilingualism and multiculturalism such as “New speakers in Multilingual Europe” and ‘MultiLingNet’ where she is a Scientific Committee Member. She is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, Equinox Publishing. She is also a member of ‘Belong to’. She authors and runs website featuring a range of good teaching practices and resources for teachers working with diverse student populations and contributes to various research projects across the Institute of Education, in DCU.
She is an author of a sole monograph entitled ‘The Multilingual Adolescent Experience: Young Poles growing up in an English-speaking school’- “Small stories” of integration' being published by prestigious international publisher ‘Multilingual Matters’, Bristol, UK. This book highlights a need for greater recognition of multilingual students’ abilities, including their linguistic capabilities and acknowledgement of multiliteracy and multilingualism in Irish Schools. It also challenges the ‘deficit’ view of a ‘migrant student’ and proposes a more holistic, richer and fuller perspective on their lives. She also co-authors two important research reports: ‘A report on issues facing second-generation ethnic minority young people in Ireland: collaboration between Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education and the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and TEACH-RSE Research Report: Teacher Professional Development and Relationships and Sexuality Education (IRC Coalesce Award 2019/147).
Malgosia’s cross-disciplinary research interests include global citizenship education, relationships and sexuality education, children’s and young people’s activism and democratic participation, critical approaches to multiculturalism and finding ways in which we can tackle social injustice, and inequalities through education. She is also interested in the development of digitally informed ‘self-learning environments’, inquiry and task-based learning approaches in education.
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2021 | Malgorzata Machowska Kosciak (2021) '‘He Just Does Not Write Enough For It’ – Literacy Practices Among Polish Adolescents in Ireland' In: Multilingual Literacy. Bristol, UK : Multilingual Matters. [Link] | |
2021 | (2021) '6 ‘He Just Does Not Write Enough For It’ – Literacy Practices Among Polish Adolescents in Ireland' In: Multilingual Literacy. [Link] [DOI] | |
2017 | Malgorzata Machowska-Kosciak (2017) '“Between the two worlds” – a language socialization perspective on identity negotiation among Polish adolescents in Ireland' In: Bilingual Landscape of the Contemporary World. Frankfurt : Peter Lang. | |
2013 | Machowksa-Kosciak Malgorzata (2013) 'A language socialization perspective on knowledge and identity construction in Irish post-primary education' In: Language, Learning and Teaching: Irish Research Perspectives. Frankfurt : Peter Lang. [Link] |
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Malgorzata Machowska-Kosciak (2020) The Multilingual Adolescent Experience Small Stories of Integration and Socialization by Polish Families in Ireland. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. [Link] | |
2017 | McGillicuddy, D., Machowska-Kosciak, M (2017) Report on the Consultation with Children and Young People on Education for Sustainable Development. Dublin: Department of Education and Skills, Dublin. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2021 | McGillicuddy, D.;Machowska-Kosciak, M. (2021) 'Children’s right to belong?—the psychosocial impact of pedagogy and peer interaction on minority ethnic children’s negotiation of academic and social identities in school'. Education Sciences, 11 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2021 | McGillicuddy,D. (2021) 'Children’s Right to Belong?—The Psychosocial Impact of Pedagogy and Peer Interaction on Minority Ethnic Children’s Negotiation of Academic and Social Identities in School'. Education Sciences, 11 (383). [Link] 10.3390/educsci11080383 | |
2019 | Machowksa-Kosciak Malgorzata (2019) 'Language and emotions: A follow-up study of ‘allegiances’ of Polish immigrant children in Ireland'. TEANGA, 10 (10):172-185. [Link] | |
2019 | Machowska-Kosciak, M. (2019) 'Language and emotions: A follow-up study of ‘moral allegiances’-the case of wiktoria'. TEANGA, 10 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2017 | (2017) '‘To be like a home extension’: Challenges of language learning and language maintenance - lessons from the Polish-Irish experience'. Journal of Home Language Research, . [Link] [DOI] | |
2017 | Machowksa-Kosciak Malgorzata (2017) '“To be like a home extension”- challenges of language learning and language maintenance- lessons from Polish-Irish experience”'. Journal of Home Language Research, 1 (2):82-104. [Link] |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2013 | Machowksa-Kosciak Malgorzata (2013) 'Language as a symbol of social group identity, an emblem of group membership and solidarity' :163-167. [Link] |
Conference Publication
Conference Contribution
Published Report
Online Article
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Malgorzata Machowska Kosciak (2022) “Parental ideologies and second generation ethnic minority children. Critical Multilingual Perspective”. ELEA [DOI] |
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Malgorzata Machowska Kosciak;Maria Barry (2022) A report on issues facing second-generation ethnic minority young people in Ireland. Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education and the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. REPORT [DOI] | |
2022 | Catherine Maunsell;Ashling Bourke;Claire Cullen;Malgorzta Machowska Kosciak;Aisling Costello (2022) TEACH-RSE Research Report: Teacher Professional Development and Relationships and Sexuality Education. Dublin: Irish Research Council and Health Services Executive HSE: Sexual Health and Crisis Pregnancy Programme (IRC Coalesce Award 2019/147). REPORT [DOI] |
Honors and Awards
Research Interests
Cross-disciplinary research interests include global citizenship education, relationships and sexuality education, children’s and young people’s activism and democratic participation, critical approaches to multiculturalism and finding ways in which we can tackle social injustice, and inequalities through education. Interested in the development of digitally informed ‘self-learning environments’, inquiry and task-based learning approaches in education.
Research Projects
Teaching Interests
Malgosia’s cross-disciplinary teaching interests include global citizenship education, relationships and sexuality education, children’s and young people’s activism and democratic participation, critical approaches to multiculturalism & multilingualism, sustainable development, tackling social injustice and inequalities through innovation in education. Modules currently thought include B.Ed. Teacher as Person, Global Citizenship Education.