Darran McCann


Profile Photo
I’m a writer of prose, drama and journalism from Armagh. I live with my family on the northside of Dublin.

Previously we lived in Belfast for many years, where I ran the M.A. in Creative Writing at Queen’s University’s Seamus Heaney Centre.

In 2018 I came to DCU as Assistant Professor in Creative Writing at DCU, and am founding Chair of the MA in Creative Writing. My novel, After The Lockout, was published internationally by 4th Estate (London) in 2012 and was shortlisted for the Goldsboro Book Award. My play, Confession, was produced at that Brian Friel Theatre, Belfast. Short fiction has appeared in The Stinging FlyThe Tangerine, Prole, and O’Brien Press's Surge collection.

Prior to my writing career I was a reporter with The Irish News, covering the declining years of Northern Ireland's decades-long conflict, its stop-start peace process. In 2010 I was awarded my Ph.D by Queen’s University, Belfast, the first time a PhD in Creative Writing had ever been awarded by an Irish university.

I’m a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin , and hold Master’s degrees from Queen’s University Belfast and Dublin City University. My proudest achievement – three crazy kids that keep me on my toes.


Year Publication
2013 Darran McCann (2013) After The Lockout. London: 4th Estate. [Link]
2012 Darran McCann (2012) After The Lockout. London: 4th Estate. [Link]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2018 Darran McCann (2018) 'Bullets' In: The Stinging Fly: New Writers, New Writing, Vol 38 No. 2. Dublin : Stinging Fly Press. [Link]
2014 Darran McCann (2014) 'Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness' In: Surge: New Writing From Ireland. Dublin : O'Brien Press. [Link]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2018 Darran McCann (Ed.). (2018) Blackbird Vol. 2. Belfast: Seamus Heaney Centre, Queen's University Belfast,
2016 Darran McCann (Ed.). (2016) Blackbird Vol. 1. Belfast: Seamus Heaney Centre, Queen's University Belfast, [Link]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2018 Darran McCann (2018) 'Flight' 29 (29) :5-19. [Link]
2017 Darran McCann (2017) 'The Actor' 4 :8-20.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2019 Darran McCann, Marina Carr (curators), Orla McAlinden, Réaltán Ní Leannáin, Dimitra Xidous, Fiona Bolger et al (2019) Anam A celebration of arts, ideas and creativity in North Dublin Dublin City University, 03/04/2019-03/04/2019.
2018 Darran McCann (2018) John O'Connor Writing School & Literary Arts Festival Reading of original fiction Uluru, Armagh City, 01/11/2018-04/11/2018.
2018 Darran McCann, Sam Thompson (2018) Belfast Book Festival 2018 An interview with Sam Thompson Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast, 15/06/2018-15/06/2018.
2016 Darran McCann, Derek Johnston (2016) Being Human festival Telling Stories of Hope and Fear at Year’s End Queen's University, Belfast, 23/11/2016-23/11/2016.
2015 Darran McCann (2015) Beginnings: Opening Your Story A lecture on openings in fiction State University of New York, Binghamton, NY, 03/03/2015-03/03/2015.
2013 Darran McCann (2013) Dialogues Through Literature Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk Ballinamore, Co. Leitrim, 10/01/2013-30/08/2013.
2013 Darran McCann, Tim Loane, Garrett Carr, Jimmy McAleavey, Ciaran & Deirdre Carson (2013) IASIL Festival (International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures) Performance of original fiction Queen's University, Belfast, 26/06/2013-26/06/2013.
2012 Darran McCann (2012) Belfast Book Festival First Writes - a performance from debut authors Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast, 20/06/2012-20/06/2012.
2009 Darran McCann, Emily DeDakis, Lisa Keogh, Ruth Hartle, Paul Maddern, Roddy Doyle, Rodge Glass et al (2009) The Lonely Page A Conference of Creative Writing Queen's University, Belfast, 06/03/2009-07/03/2009.

Book Review

Year Publication
2021 Darran McCann (2021) A Celebration of Ben Kiely. Boston, Massachusetts: BREV

Radio Presentation

Year Publication
2016 Darran McCann, Derek Johnston (2016) Being Human: Seasonal Ghost Stories. Belfast: RADIO
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