Alessio Cornia


Profile Photo

Alessio Cornia is Associate Professor at Dublin City University and Research Associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford.

His research interest is comparative research on political communication and journalism, with a focus on the relationship between media and politics, news industry developments, digital news, social media platforms, media coverage of corruption, and EU journalism.

He is Co-PI for the H2020 project ‘MEDIATIZED EU: Mediatized Discourses on Europeanization and Their Representations in Public Perceptions’ and was DCU research team lead for the EU-funded project ‘CO.R.E.: COrruption Risk indicators in Emergency’.

He was previously Research Fellow at the Reuters Institute and Researcher at the University of Perugia, where he completed a PhD in Social and Political Theory and Research.

He has published a monograph on EU journalists in Brussels and several articles in academic journals including Media, Culture and Society, the International Journal of Press/Politics, the European Journal of Communication, Journalism, Journalism Studies, and the Journal of Risk Research.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Anderson C., Cornia A. and Sehl A. (2024) 'Digital histories of news in Europe: An introduction'. Journalism, 25 (5):987-995. [Link]
2024 Danzon-Chambaud S. and Cornia A. (2024) 'The cultural capital you need to work with automated news: Not only ‘your beautiful piece of work’, but also ‘patterns that emerge’'. Journalism, Online first :1-18. [Link]
2023 Danzon-Chambaud, S.; Cornia, A. (2023) 'Changing or Reinforcing the “Rules of the Game”: A Field Theory Perspective on the Impacts of Automated Journalism on Media Practitioners'. JOURNALISM PRACTICE, 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Sehl, A.; Cornia, A.; Nielsen, R.K. (2021) 'How Do Funding Models and Organizational Legacy Shape News Organizations’ Social Media Strategies? A Comparison of Public Service and Private Sector News Media in Six Countries'. DIGITAL JOURNALISM, . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Sehl, A.; Cornia, A. (2021) 'How Do Public Service Media Innovate? An Analysis of Product Development by European PSM'. Journalism Studies, 22 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Fletcher, R.; Cornia, A.; Nielsen, R.K. (2020) 'How Polarized Are Online and Offline News Audiences? A Comparative Analysis of Twelve Countries'. International Journal of Press/Politics, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Cornia A., Sehl A. and Nielsen R.K. (2018) 'We no longer live in a time of separation™: A comparative analysis of how editorial and commercial integration became a norm'. Journalism, . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Sehl A., Cornia A., Graves L. and Nielsen R.K. (2018) 'Newsroom Integration as an Organizational Challenge: Approaches of European PSM from a Comparative Perspective'. Journalism Studies, . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Cornia, A.; Sehl, A.; Kleis Nielsen, R. (2019) 'Comparing legacy media responses to the changing business of news: Cross-national similarities and differences across media types'. International Communication Gazette, 81 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Cornia A., Sehl A. and Nielsen R.K (2018) 'Comparing legacy media responses to a changing business of news: Cross-national similarities and differences across media types'. INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION GAZETTE (ONLINE), 81 (7):1-21. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Brüggemann M.; Humprecht E.; Kleis Nielsen R.; Karppinen K.; Cornia A.; Esser F. (2016) 'Framing the newspaper crisis: How debates on the state of the press are shaped in Finland, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and United States'. Journalism Studies, 17 (5):533-551. [DOI]
2016 Cornia A.; Dressel K.; Pfeil P. (2016) 'Risk cultures and dominant approaches towards disasters in seven European countries'. Journal of Risk Research, 19 (3):288-304. [DOI]
2016 Cornia A.; Ghersetti M.; Mancini P.; Odén T. (2016) 'The Partisans, the Technocrats and the Watchdogs: Domestication in media coverage of the swine flu pandemic in 2009'. Journalism Studies, 17 (8):1030-1050. [DOI]
2016 Mancini P., Mazzoni M., Cornia A., Marchetti R. (2016) 'Representations of Corruption in the British, French, and Italian Press: Audience Segmentation and the Lack of Unanimously Shared Indignation'. International Journal of Press/Politics, 22 (1):67-91. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Cornia A. (2016) 'TV-centrism and politicisation in Italy: obstacles to new media development and pluralism'. Media, Culture and Society, 38 (2):175-195. [DOI]
2015 Cornia A. (2015) 'In search of an Italian risk culture: Prevalent approaches towards disasters among experts, survivors and people at risk of natural and industrial hazards'. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 18 (2):125-139. [DOI]
2014 Cornia A. (2014) 'Restituire l'Imu versata: una proposta shock, ma anche credibile? Analisi dei sondaggi e del dibattito su Twitter'. 15 (1). [Link] [DOI]
2010 Cornia A. (2010) 'The europeanization of mediterranean journalistic practices and the italianization of brussels: Dynamics of the interaction between eu institutions and national journalistic cultures'. European Journal of Communication, 25 (4):366-381. [DOI]
2008 Cornia A.; Lönnendonker J.; Nitz P. (2008) 'European Councils as first encounters of trans-European media communication?'. Journalism, 9 (4):493-515. [DOI]

Published Report

Year Publication
2024 Cornia A, Ferrando M, Piacenza P, Satta C. (2024) Digital News Report Italia 2024. Master in Giornalismo “Giorgio Bocca”, . [Link]
2018 Cornia A, Sehl A, Levy DAL and Nielsen RK (2018) Private Sector News, Social Media Distribution, and Algorithm Change. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, . [Link]
2018 Sehl A., Cornia A. and Nielsen R.K. (2018) Public Service News and Social Media. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, . [Link]
2018 Fletcher R., Cornia A., Graves L., and Nielsen R.K (2018) Measuring the Reach of “Fake News” and Online Disinformation in Europe. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, . [Link]
2017 Cornia A., Sehl A., Simon F., and Nielsen R.K. (2017) Pay Models in European News. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, . [Link]
2017 Sehl A., Cornia A. and Nielsen R.K (2017) Developing Digital News in Public Service Media. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, . [Link]
2017 Cornia A., Sehl A. and Nielsen R.K. (2017) Developing Digital News Projects in Private Sector Media. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, . [Link]
2016 Sehl A., Cornia A. and Nielsen R.K. (2016) Public Service News and Digital Media. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, . [Link]
2016 Thurman N., Cornia A. and Kunert J. (2016) Journalists in the UK. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, . [Link]
2016 Nielsen R.K., Cornia A., and Kalogeropoulos A. (2016) Challenges and Opportunities for News Media and Journalism in an Increasingly Digital, Mobile, and Social Media Environment. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, . [Link]
2016 Cornia A., Sehl A. and Nielsen R.K. (2016) Private Sector Media and Digital News. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, . [Link]


Year Publication
2010 Cornia A. (2010) Notizie da Bruxelles. Logiche e problemi della costruzione giornalistica dell'Unione europea. Milan: FrancoAngeli. [Link]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Alessio Cornia (2024) 'Italy: The Persistence of Political Partisanship in an Evolving Media Landscape' In: Media Compass: A Companion to International Media Landscapes. London : Wiley- Blackwell. [Link]
2024 Cornia A. and Bettoni D. (2024) 'From practices to formulas: investigative and data journalism’s contribution to combatting corruption in public procurement' In: Fighting Corruption in Emergency Procurement through Big Data. Milan, Italy : FrancoAngeli. [Link]
2022 Alessio Cornia (2022) 'Social media and the news industry' In: Constitutionalising Social Media. London : Bloomsbury Publishing (Hart Publishing).
2022 Cornia A. (2022) '“Polarization and Trust in Italian News Outlets: An International Comparison” (in Italian)' In: We Do Trust Journalism: Managing Relationships to Overcome Distrust (in Italian). Italy : Facoltà di Comunicazione-Iscom. [Link]
2019 Cornia A. (2019) 'News Apps' In: The International Encyclopaedia of Journalism Studies. Massachusetts, USA : Wiley-Blackwell. [Link] [DOI]
2014 Cornia A. (2014) 'Will Italian political journalism ever change?' In: Political Journalism in Transition: Western Europe in a Comparative Perspective. London : I.B. Tauris.
2007 Cornia A., Mancini P. and Marini R (2007) 'The Case of Italy' In: Understanding the Logic of EU Reporting from Brussels. Bouchum/Freiburg : Projekt Verlag.
2006 Cornia A. and Marini R. (2006) 'The Case of Italy' In: Understanding the Logic of EU Reporting in Mass Media. Bouchum/Freiburg : Projekt Verlag.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2014 Cornia A. (2014) '“Berlusconi’s shocking proposal on taxes and its credibility: An analysis of the polls and the debate on Twitter” (in Italian)' 15 (1) :97-114. [Link] [DOI]
2010 Cornia A., Maurizi V. and Petroselli A. (2010) '“The 2010 regional election campaign on TV newscasts. What has happened to the candidates and their manifestos?” (in Italian)' 11 (2) :309-316. [Link] [DOI]
2009 Gorelli S., Cornia A. and Palma C.T. (2009) '“‘Political’ newscasts across different legislatures” (in Italian)' 446 (6) :1014-1022. [Link] [DOI]
2005 Mancini P., Cornia A. and Mazzoni M. (2005) 'The role of surveys and political subcultures in the leadership selection process: the case of Umbria (in Italian)' 6 (2) :235-254. [Link]
2004 Cornia A. (2004) '“In the wake of Azzurra. The impact of Berlusconi’s boat on the 2000 regional election campaign” (in Italian)' 5 (2) :315-345. [Link]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Lokot, Tetyana; Cornia, Alessio; Aust, Isabel (2024) 2024 ECPR General Conference Irish Neutrality vs. European Values: Affective Polarisation in Irish Elite Discourses in the Context of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine UCD, Dublin, Ireland, 12/08/2024-15/08/2024.
2024 King J., Breen M. and Cornia A. (2024) ECPR General Conference Media Capture in the Digital Era: A New Conceptual Framework Dublin, .
2024 Lokot, Tetyana; Cornia, Alessio; Aust, Isabel (2024) 2024 30th International Conference of Europeanists Neutrality vs. European Values: Irish Elite Discourses in the Context of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Lyon, France, 03/07/2024-06/07/2024.
2023 Cornia, A. (2023) 13th International Scientific Conference Bridges of Media Education “Media in crisis: key challenges facing journalism and news media today” Novi Sad, Serbia, .
2023 Cornia A. and Bettoni D. (2023) 2023 Global Investigative Journalism Network” (GIJN) Conference Using big data to tackle corruption in public procurement: an auto-ethnography of a collaboration between academia, institutions, and journalism Gothenburg, .
2023 Lokot T. and Cornia A. (2023) 29th International Conference of Europeanists “Political and Media Discourses on Europeanization in Ireland: Key Trends and Factors” Reykjavik, Iceland, .
2023 Deligiaouri A., Lokot T., and Cornia A. (2023) European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference “European integration as framed by dominant media discourses in Ireland. A discourse analysis in the Irish context” Prague, Czech Republic, .
2022 Lokot T., Deligiaouri A., and Cornia A. (2022) ECREA 2022, 9TH European Communication Conference “Perceptions of Europeanisation in the Irish society and media during key crises: a historical analysis” Aarhus (DK), .
2022 • Lokot T., Deligiaouri A., Cornia A. and Flynn R. (2022) 11th Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union “Perceptions of Europeanization in the Irish media in times of crisis” Rome (Italy), .
2022 Lokot T., Deligiaouri A., and Cornia A. (2022) ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops “The impact of populist discourses on elite views, media coverage and public perceptions of Europeanisation in Ireland” The University of Edinburgh & Online, .
2022 Alessio Cornia (2022) Trust in Media and the Relationships with the Audience “Polarization and Trust in Italian News Outlets: An International Comparison” (in Italian) Rome (Italy), .
2021 Sehl, A.; Cornia, A. (2021) 71st Annual ICA (International Communication Association) Conference The Role of Business Models in Social Media Strategies Online, 27/05/2021-31/05/2021.
2021 Danzon-Chambaud, S.; Cornia, A. (2021) 71st Annual ICA (International Communication Association) Conference Changing or Reinforcing the “Rules of the Game”: A Field Theory Perspective on the Impacts of Automated Journalism on Media Practitioners Online, .
2021 Sehl A. and Cornia, A. (2021) European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), online conference “Innovation at public service media in Europe: An analysis of different approaches to product development for digital news” Online, .
2021 Alessio Cornia (2021) Slow Journalism: State of the Art and Future Prospects Online News Consumption: Overview of Recent Trends Rome (Italy), .
2021 Cornia A. and Sehl A. (2021) European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), online conference Platforms’ power and news organisations’ resilience to algorithmic change in six European countries Online, .
2020 Danzon-Chambaud S. and Cornia A. (2020) Challenges of Journalism in the 21st Century – Automated Journalism and AI Journalism (online confer “A systematic review of automated journalism scholarship: guidelines and suggestions for future research” Charles University, Prague (CZ), .
2019 Cornia A.; Sehl A. (2019) Future of Journalism 2019 News organisations, algorithmic power, and the mediating role of business models (Cardiff, UK), .
2019 Sehl, A.; Cornia, A. (2019) ICA 69th annual conference, Washington DC How Do Public Service Media Innovate? A Cross-National Comparative Study of Product Development at PSM” Washington DC, US, 24/05/2019-28/05/2019.
2019 Danzon-Chambaud S. and Cornia A. (2019) International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Automated journalism and new newsroom workflows: a systematic review Madrid, .
2018 Fletcher R., Cornia A. and Nielsen R.K (2018) 2018 APSA (American Political Science Association) annual meeting: Democracy and its discontents, Boston (US) Is Online News Consumption Polarizing News Audiences? A 12-country comparison Boston, MA (US), .
2018 Cornia A., Sehl A. and Nielsen R.K (2018) ECREA 2018 - 7th European Communication Conference, Lugano (Switzerland) Tearing down the wall to survive: a six-country comparative analysis of how editorial and commercial integration became a norm Lugano (Switzerland), .
2018 Sehl A., Cornia A., and Nielsen R.K (2018) ECREA 2018 - 7th European Communication Conference, Lugano (Switzerland) How public service media organise social media news distribution: A comparative analysis of PSM across Europe’ Lugano (Switzerland), .
2018 Fletcher R., Cornia A. and Nielsen R.K (2018) ICA (International Communication Association) 68th annual conference, Prague (CZ) How is online news consumption changing news audience polarization? A comparative analysis of eight countries Prague (CZ), .
2018 Sehl A., Cornia A. and Graves L (2018) ICA (International Communication Association) 68th annual conference, Prague (CZ) Newsroom integration as an organizational challenge: Approaches of European PSM from a comparative perspective Prague (CZ), .
2018 Sehl A. and Cornia A. (2018) ICA (International Communication Association) 68th annual conference, Prague (CZ) News organizations digital strategies through the lens of institutional theory: Mimetic isomorphism in a situation of uncertainty Prague (CZ), .
2018 Sehl A., Cornia A. and Nielsen R.K. (2018) RIPE 2018 Conference: Universalism and Public Service Media, Madrid (Spain) The Universalism Challenge for Public Service Media: How PSM Discuss Opportunities and Challenges of Social Media News Distribution Madrid (Spain), .
2018 Cornia A. (2018) Media and Politics in a Polarized World, DCU School of Communication conference, Dublin (IE) News Distribution on Social Media: Challenges and Strategies Dublin (IE), .
2017 Sehl A., Cornia A. and Nielsen R.K (2017) ICA (International Communication Association) 67th annual conference, San Diego (USA) Public service media and news in a digital media environment: A study of six countries San Diego (USA), .
2017 Cornia A. (2017) World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2017, Geneva (Switzerland) Challenges and Opportunities for News Media and Journalism in an Increasingly Digital, Mobile, and Social Media Environment Geneva (Switzerland), .
2017 Cornia A., Sehl A. and Nielsen R.K. (2017) ECREA Journalism Studies Conference 2017, Odense (DK) Legacy news organisations looking for new sources of revenue: A comparative study on the business of digital news in six countries Odense, Denmark, .
2017 Nielsen R.K., Sehl A. and Cornia A. (2017) ECREA Journalism Studies Conference 2017, Odense (DK) “‘We need to go where the audience is’: A cross-national and cross-organisational comparative analysis of institutional isomorphism in news organisations’ digital strategies” Odense, Denmark, .
2017 Nielsen R.K., Sehl A. and Cornia A (2017) Future of Journalism 2017, Cardiff (UK) 'The innovation imperative’: A cross-national and cross-organizational comparative analysis of mimetic isomorphism in news organisations digital strategies Cardiff (UK), .
2016 Sehl A., Cornia A. and Nielsen R.K. (2016) ECREA 2018 - 6th European Communication Conference, Prague (CZ) Public service news online: A six-country comparative analysis of factors influencing the development of PSB digital strategy Prague (CZ), .
2016 Sehl A., Cornia A. and Nielsen R.K. (2016) IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communication Research) 2016 Conference, Leicester (UK) Taking advantage versus struggling to adapt to new platforms: Public service broadcasters and online news in six European countries Leicester (UK), .
2016 Sehl A., Cornia A. and Nielsen R.K. (2016) RIPE 2016 Conference: Public Service Media in a Networked Society, Antwerp (BE) How do public service media navigate a networked society? A comparative analysis of six European countries Antwerp (BE), .
2016 Cornia A. (2016) Italian Political Science Association (SISP) annual conference, Milan (Italy) Private-sector media and online news in six countries: A comparative study on approaches to digital platforms Milan (IT), .
2015 Mancini P. and Cornia A. (2015) 1st International Journal of Press/Politics annual conference, Oxford (UK) Corruption in the press coverage: Audience segmentation and the lack of shared indignation Oxford, UK, .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2022 Alessio Cornia (2022) C'è fiducia in questo giornalismo . In: Antonio Piccione / Giovanni Tridente eds. Polarization and trust in Italian news media: the international comparison (In Italian)
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
American Political Science Association (APSA) Member -
European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) Member -
International Communication Association (ICA) Member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/11/2023 IRC Research Ally Prize Irish Research Coucil
01/01/2021 Published research article nominated for the Wolfgang Donsbach Outstanding Journal Article of the Year Award (ICA - Journalism Studies Division): Fletcher, Cornia & Nielsen (2020) Journalism Studies division of ICA (International Communication Association)
01/01/2021 Winner of the Top Faculty Paper award – Media Industry Studies interest group, International Communication Association (ICA): Sehl, Cornia 2021 The Role of Business Models in Social Media Strategies ICA


Employer Position From / To
Dublin City University Assistant Professor 03/09/2018 -
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford Research Fellow 16/11/2015 - 02/09/2018
University of Perugia Researcher/Lecturer (Ricercatore a tempo determinato) 14/04/2014 - 14/11/2015
University of Perugia Postdoc 01/09/2011 - 30/09/2013


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University of Perugia Ph.D. in Social and Political Theory and Research
University of Perugia B.A. + M.A. (five-year degree) in Communications


Language Reading Writing Speaking
French Fluent Basic Functional
Italian Fluent Fluent Fluent


Journal Role
Journalism Studies Reviewer
International Sociology Reviewer
Journal of Common Market Studies Reviewer
Journalism Series Editor
Media and Communication Reviewer
Journal of Contemporary European Studies Reviewer
International Journal of Press/Politics Reviewer

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2019 Invited talk/presentation Reinventing Media Business – International Ander Forum conference “Alternative Revenue Sources/Monetization Options” (invited panel discussion with Renée Kaplan, Financial Times, and Nicholas Johnston, AXIOS)
2019 Invited talk/presentation Reinventing Media Business – International Ander Forum conference “News distribution on social media: monetisation, publication strategies, and changes in Facebook’s algorithm” (invited talk).
2023 Invited talk/presentation Sky UK and Sky Italia Invited presentation at the SKY Future of News workshop. Cornia delivered a presentation on "The Italian news market: overview and comparison with the British market". Media leaders attending the workshop included: Terri Bolton, Insight Lead (Sky Labs, Sky UK); Ana Avalon, Head of Product (Sky News digital, Sky UK); Valentina Mottana, Digital Video Product Manager (Sky Italia); Paolo Magnani, Digital Product Manager (Sky Italia)

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
2018 Presentations/Talks to an external audience Dublin Open Policy Forum Cornia A. (2018) ‘Online Political Advertising: Potential Problems and Empirical Research Evidence’. Invited talk at Dublin Open Policy Forum: Regulation of Transparency of Online Political Advertising, Dublin, 6th December 2018.
2017 Presentations/Talks to an external audience World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS Cornia A. (2017) “Challenges and Opportunities for News Media and Journalism in an Increasingly Digital, Mobile, and Social Media Environment”. Invited talk at the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2017, Geneva (Switzerland), 16 June


Title Year Type Authors
“In a tough environment for digital news, this Italian news site is betting on a rebrand”. 2023 Newspaper article (online) Adami M.
The Listening Post (AJ English) Peace talks and propaganda: Russia’s war on Ukraine continues 2022 Television interview/panel discussion The Listening Post (AJ English) Polarisation does not benefit readers' trust in news media (in Italian) 2021 Newspaper article (online) Masera A.
Caterpillar, Radio2 (ITA) radio interview 2019 Radio interview/panel discussion Caterpillar, Radio2
NiemanLab (US): Here’s a first attempt to quantify the extent of Europe’s fake news problem 2018 Newspaper article (online) LAURA HAZARD OWEN
Poynter (US): In France and Italy, fake news traffic is limited. But on Facebook, it’s less clear 2018 Newspaper article (online) DANIEL FUNKE
La Repubblica (IT): Repubblica primo media d'informazione in Europa per interazioni su Facebook e Instagram 2018 Newspaper article (online) La Repubblica
Le Monde (FR): Comment les médias ont été affectés par le nouvel algorithme de Facebook 2018 Newspaper article (online) Alexandre Berteau Report: News organisations still favour Facebook despite feeling the pinch of algorithms 2018 Newspaper article (online) Jacob Granger Eine Gefahr für unabhängigen Journalismus 2018 Newspaper article (online) Wirth C.
NiemanLab (US): For many legacy news organizations in Europe, digital disruption comes with new ideas but few answers 2016 Newspaper article (online) SHAN WANG
EJO: Experimenting with Innovation: Europe’s Legacy Media 2017 Newspaper article (online) Alessio Cornia
The Guardian (UK): Who are Britain's journalists, and what do they think of their trade? 2016 Newspaper article (online) Roy Greenslade
EJO: The Digital News Dilemma: Scale And Advertising? Or Better Pay Models? 2016 Newspaper article (online) Alessio Cornia

Research Interests

Comparative research; relationship between media and politics; media systems; political communication; journalism studies;  social media platforms; digital news; media industry developments; disinformation; news organisations; EU journalism; risk cultures and communication;

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
COrruption Risk indicators in Emergency DCU PI 01/01/2022 31/12/2023
MEDIATIZED EU - Mediatized Discourses on Europeanization and Their Representations in Public Perceptions Co-PI 01/01/2021 30/11/2024
Digital News Project Coordinator of the private sector media research team at the Reuters Institute, University of Oxford 16/11/2015 02/09/2018
Anticorrp: Anticorruption Policies Revisited. Global Trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption Member of the research team that coordinates WP6 (Media and Corruption) at the University of Perugia 01/03/2012 31/12/2015
Opti-Alert: Enhancing the Efficiency of Alerting Systems through Personalized, Culturally Sensitive Multi-Channel Communication Member of the research team at the University of Perugia 03/01/2011 31/03/2014
The Changing Business of Journalism and its Role in Democracy Research Assistant to Dr. Rasmus Kleis Nielsen at the Reuters Institute, University of Oxford 01/03/2011 31/10/2011
Aim: Adequate Information Management in Europe Member of the research team at the University of Perugia 01/03/2005 31/10/2007
Local News and Communication on the Information Services for Foreigners in Emilia-Romagna: A Qualitative Research (in Italian) Coordinator of the research team for ISIMM Ricerche 01/04/2015 30/06/2015
The Representation of Immigration Issues on Local TV Newscasts (in Italian) Coordinator of the research team for ISIMM Ricerche 01/10/2014 31/12/2014
National, Ethnic, Religious, and Sexual Discrimination in TV Newscasts and Talk Shows (in Italian) Coordinator of the research team for ISIMM Ricerche 01/03/2012 30/12/2012
The Media Representation of Enterprises and Industrial Infrastructures (in Italian) Member of the research team at ISIMM Ricerche 01/03/2010 31/03/2011
The Representation of the EU in the Italian (In Italian) Member of the research team at ISIMM Ricerche 02/03/2009 31/07/2009
The Permanent Election Campaign: Media, Actors, and Voters (in Italian) Member of the research team at the University of Perugia 01/02/2005 31/05/2007
Local Leadership and Communication: Political Strategies, Media Coverage, and Public Opinion (in Italian) Member of the research team at the University of Perugia 01/04/2004 30/09/2004
Newswork across Europe: Journalism in Six European Countries Research Assistant to Dr. Henrik Örnebring at the Reuters Institute, University of Oxford 05/01/2009 30/04/2009

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Jovanovic-Harrington ,Ana PhD-track Supervisor

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Dissertation / Major Project (by practice) CM5006
2022 Perspectives on the Networked Society CM2008
2021 Perspectives on the Information Society CM334
2022 Political Communication: Concepts & Issues CM548
2020 MAP Dissertation CM572
2022 Social Media, Journalism and Democracy CM5630
2022 Social Media, Journalism and Democracy CM563