Michelle Butler


Profile Photo
Michelle Butler is the Executive Dean for Science and Health. She joined DCU in January 2017, having previously held leadership appointments at the University of British Columbia and University College Dublin. She has extensive research, teaching, assessment and curriculum development experience.

Her particular expertise is in midwifery competence, midwifery-led care, woman-centred care, nurse staffing, health systems, health service evaluation, research methodologies and research methods.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 O'Brien, D.; Butler, M.M.; Casey, M. (2021) 'The importance of nurturing trusting relationships to embed shared decision-making during pregnancy and childbirth'. Midwifery, 98 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Butler, M.M., Fullerton, J., Aman, C (2020) 'Competencies for respectful maternity care: Identifying those most important to midwives worldwide'. Birth, . [DOI]
2019 Fullerton, J., Butler, M., Aman, C., Reid, T. (2019) 'Global competencies for midwives: external cephalic version; ultrasonography, and tobacco cessation intervention'. Women and Birth, . [DOI]
2019 Butler, M., Schultz, T.J., Halligan, P., Sheridan, A., Kinsman, L., Rotter, T., Beaumier, J., Kelly, R.G., Drennan, J. (2019) 'Hospital nurse‐staffing models and patient‐and staff‐related outcomes'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, . [DOI]
2018 Butler, M.M.; Fullerton, J.T.; Aman, C. (2018) 'Competence for basic midwifery practice: Updating the ICM essential competencies'. Midwifery, 66 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Fullerton, J; Butler, MM; Aman, C; Reid, T; Dowler, M (2018) 'Abortion-related care and the role of the midwife: a global perspective'. International Journal of Women's Health, 10 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 O'Brien, D.; Casey, M.; Butler, M.M. (2018) 'Women's experiences of exercising informed choices as expressed through their sense of self and relationships with others in Ireland: A participatory action research study'. Midwifery, 65 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 O'Brien D; Butler MM; Casey M; (2017) 'A participatory action research study exploring women's understandings of the concept of informed choice during pregnancy and childbirth in Ireland'. Midwifery, 46 . [DOI]
2017 Cullen S; Power S; Coughlan B; Chaney J; Butler M; Brosnan M; (2017) 'An exploration of the prevalence and patterns of care for women presenting with mid-trimester loss'. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 186 (2). [DOI]
2017 Butler, M.M. (2017) 'Exploring the strategies that midwives in British Columbia use to promote normal birth'. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Butler MM; Hutton EK; McNiven PS; (2016) 'Midwifery education in Canada'. Midwifery, 33 . [DOI]
2015 Butler MM; Sheehy L; Kington MM; Walsh MC; Brosnan MC; Murphy M; Naughton C; Drennan J; Barry T; (2015) 'Evaluating midwife-led antenatal care: choice, experience, effectiveness, and preparation for pregnancy'. Midwifery, 31 (4). [DOI]
2015 Murphy M; Butler M; Coughlan B; Brennan D; O'Herlihy C; Robson M; (2015) 'Elevated amniotic fluid lactate predicts labor disorders and cesarean delivery in nulliparous women at term'. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 213 (5). [DOI]
2015 Gallagher HC; Gallagher RM; Butler M; Buggy DJ; Henman MC; (2015) 'Venlafaxine for neuropathic pain in adults'. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (8). [DOI]
2014 Butler MM; Brosnan MC; Drennan J; Feeney P; Gavigan O; Kington M; O'Brien D; Sheehy L; Walsh MC; (2014) 'Evaluating midwifery-led antenatal care: using a programme logic model to identify relevant outcomes'. Midwifery, 30 (1). [DOI]
2014 McGuinness, D, Coughlan, B, Butler, M (2014) 'An Exploration of the experiences of mothers as they suppress lactation following late miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death'. Evidence Based Midwifery, .
2015 Markham, Trish, Butler, Michelle, McNamara, Martin (2015) 'A quality framework for health services developed through an inclusive approach'. Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 5 (5):1-8. [Link]
2015 Cornally, Paula, Butler, Michelle M, Murphy, Martina, Rath, Ann, Canty, Gillian (2015) 'Exploring women’s experiences of care in labour'. Evidence Based Midwifery, 12 (3):89-94.
2012 Hyde, Abbey,Drennan, Jonathan,Howlett, Etaoine,Carney, Marie,Lin, W L,Lohan, Maria (2012) 'Parents' constructions of the sexual self-presentation and sexual conduct of adolescents: discourses of gendering and protecting'. 14 (8):895-909. [Link]
2012 Butler, M,Collins, R,Drennan, J,Halligan, P,OMathuna, D P,Schultz, Timothy J,Sheridan, A,Vilis, Eileen (2012) 'Hospital nurse staffing models and patient and staff-related outcomes (Review)'. :1-73.
2009 Butler, Michelle M,Meehan, Therese C,Kemple, Mary,Drennan, Jonathan,Treacy, Margaret,Johnson, Maree (2009) 'Identifying research priorities for midwifery in Ireland'. 25 (5):576-587. [Link]
2008 Drennan, Jonathan,Treacy, Margaret,Lin, W L,Byrne, Anne,Fealy, Gerard,Frazer, Kate,Irving, Kate (2008) 'The experience of social and emotional loneliness among older people in Ireland'. 28 (08):1113-1132. [Link]
2008 Butler, Michelle M,Fraser, Diane M,Murphy, Roger J L (2008) 'What are the essential competencies required of a midwife at the point of registration?'. 24 (3):260-269. [Link]
2006 Irving, Kate,Treacy, Margaret,Scott, Annie,Hyde, Abbey,Lin, W L,MacNeela, Padraig (2006) 'Discursive practices in the documentation of patient assessments'. 53 (2):151-159.
2006 Hyde, Abbey,Treacy, Margaret M Pearl,Scott, Anne P,Mac Neela, Pádraig,Lin, W L,Drennan, Jonathan,Kate, Irving,Byrne, Anne (2006) 'Social regulation, medicalisation and the nurse's role: insights from an analysis of nursing documentation'. 43 (6):735-744.
2006 Butler, Michelle,Treacy, Margaret,Scott, Anne,Hyde, Abbey,Mac Neela, Pádraig,Irving, Kate,Byrne, Anne,Drennan, Jonathan (2006) 'Towards a nursing minimum data set for Ireland: making Irish nursing visible'. 55 (3):364-375. [Link]
2005 Hyde, Abbey,Treacy, Margaret P,Scott, P Anne,Lin, W L,Drennan, Jonathan,Irving, Kate,Byrne, Anne,MacNeela, Padraig,Hanrahan, Marian (2005) 'Modes of rationality in nursing documentation: biology, biography and the 'voice of nursing''. 12 (2):66-77. [Link]
1996 Worth-Butler, Michelle M,Fraser, Diana M,Murphy, Roger J L (1996) 'Eliciting the views of experienced midwives about the assessment of competence in midwifery'. 12 (4):182-190. [Link]
1994 Worth-Butler, M,Murphy, R J,Fraser, D M (1994) 'Towards an integrated model of competence in midwifery'. 10 (4):225-231. [Link]


Year Publication
2002 Butler M (2002) Evaluation in the Irish Health Sector. Dublin: IPA.
2002 O'Sullivan T, Butler M (2002) Current Issues in Irish Health Management: A Comparative Review. Dublin: IPA.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2013 Butler, M (2013) 'Chapter 3: Identifying Research Problems - Reviewing Research Priorities' In: Quantitative Health Research: Issues and Application. London : Open University Press.
2010 Butler M (2010) 'Health Policy and Economics' In: Leadership & Management in the Irish Health Service. Dublin : Gill and Macmillan.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2023) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Research Interests

Michelle has been involved in research since 1993, in the areas of midwifery, health services management, and nursing, in Canada, the UK and Ireland, funded by the International Confederation of Midwives, the Health Research Board, the Health Services Executive, the Committee for Public Management Research, the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery, the Women's Health Council, the Crisis Pregnancy Agency, and the National Council on Aging and Older people. Her particular research expertise is in evaluation research, mixed methods, qualitative methods, case study, Delphi and consensus methods, and systematic reviews. She has a particular interest in building research capacity with clinical and health services partners. She over 70 publications, 40 in peer-reviewed journals. 

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Update of the Essential Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice PI 01/01/2016 30/06/2017

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Ceclia Jevitt University of British Columbia Academic
External Patti Janssen University of British Columbia Academic
External Timothy Schultz Flinders University Academic
External Jonathan Drennan University College Cork Academic