Francis Ward


Contact Details

Assistant Professor In Music Education

DCU - St Patrick's Campus
Dublin 9

T:+353 1 700 9008
Profile Photo

Francis Ward is a music educator and ethnomusicologist based in the School of Arts Education and Movement, Institute of Education, Dublin City University.  His varied research interests include music education in formal, informal and non-formal learning contexts, technology in music education and online learning, multicultural music education and social inclusion, Irish traditional music and dance, creative processes in music and dance, and the use of GenAI as a teaching and assessment co-pilot in higher education.  In 2019-20 he was awarded a Fulbright Scholar fellowship and spent six months at the School of Music at the University of Washington.  He completed his PhD studies at University of Limerick as an Irish Research Council scholar investigating the development of a virtual orality in the processes of transmission in Irish traditional music.  He has worked previously as lecturer in music and dance, lecturer in music and educational technologist at University of Limerick, Dundalk Institute of Technology and Mary Immaculate College respectively. Francis is also a well-respected teacher, performer and composer/choreographer of Irish traditional music and dance.

** Current Research Projects **

  • GenAI as an Co-Pilot in the Assessment of Third Level Capstone Research Projects in Education
  • CeoLingua - Music and Action-Oriented Language Learning in the Primary Classroom (funded under Teaching Council’s John Coolahan Research Support Framework)
  • Creative Linguistic Strategies for Embodied Learning: Verbal Language in Competitive Irish Dance Instruction

** Current Doctoral Students **

  • Dave Flynn
  • Veronica Ward

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Ward, F.; Campbell, P.S. (2025) 'World Music Pedagogy in Practice: Part 1 – Learning Irish Traditional Music'. Journal of General Music Education, . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Byrne, R.; Murphy, R.; Ward, F.; McCabe, U. (2024) 'Towards a model of playful music learning for primary classrooms: recommendations based on a review of literature'. British Journal of Music Education, 41 . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Byrne, R.; Murphy, R.; Ward, F.; McCabe, U. (2024) 'Playful (music) teaching and learning in Irish primary school classrooms'. Irish Educational Studies, 43 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Murphy, R.; Ward, F.; McCabe, U.; Flannery, M.; Cleary, A.; Hsu, H.P.; Brennan, E. (2022) 'Recasting embodied and relational teaching in the arts: teacher educators reflect on the potential of digital learning'. Irish Educational Studies, 41 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Ward, F. (2019) 'Technology and the transmission of tradition: An exploration of the virtual pedagogies in the Online Academy of Irish Music'. Journal of Music, Technology and Education, 12 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Leahy, S.M.; Holland, C.; Ward, F. (2019) 'The digital frontier: Envisioning future technologies impact on the classroom'. Futures, 113 . [Link] [DOI]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2023 Ward, Francis (2023) 'Enabling Musical, Pedagogical, and Social Continuities through “Participation” in Mary O’s Virtual Irish Traditional Music Session' Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education, 22 (4) :87-130. [Link]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 Murphy, R.; Ward, F. (2021) 'Connecting social justice education with the teaching of music' In: Teaching For Social Justice And Sustainable Development Across The Primary Curriculum. [Link] [DOI]

Conference Publication

Year Publication

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2025 Ward, F; O Farrell, Pia; Panadero, E (2025) Education After the Algorithm: Co-designing critical and creative futures AI as an Assessment Copilot in Capstone Research Projects in Education Dublin City University, Dublin, .
2025 Ward, F; Ní Bhriain, O; Ní Bhriain, M (2025) International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance (Ireland) Creative Linguistic Strategies for Embodied Learning: Verbal Language in Competitive Irish Dance Instruction Dublin City University, Dublin, .
2024 Ward, Francis; O'Connell, Wayne (2024) DCU Pride in Teaching & Research Hidden in Plain Sight: The Experiences of Three Queer Native English Teachers in South Korea Dublin City University, Dublin, 13/06/2024-13/06/2025.
2024 Ward, F.; Ní Bhriain, M. (2024) Scenarios Conference CeoLingua: Music and Action-Oriented Language Learning in the Primary Classroom [workshop] Trinity College, Dublin, .
2022 Ward, Francis (2022) MayDay Group Colloquium 33 Enabling Pedagogical, Musical and Social Continuities through ‘Participation’ in a Virtual Irish Traditional Music Session Windsor, ON, .
2022 McCabe, U.; Murphy; R. Ward, F.; Cleary, A; Brennan, E (2022) Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference 2022 A Matter of Presence in Higher Education Classrooms: Virtual and In Person Marino College Dublin, .
2019 Murphy, R., Ward, F. (2019) MayDay Group Colloquium 31: Music Education as Social, Cultural, and Political Action ‘The child will be enabled to…’: Re/imagining Socially Inclusive Music Education in Initial Teacher Education Limerick, 20/06/2019-.
2019 Ní Bhriain, M., Ward, F., Ní Bhriain, O. (2019) French Teachers Conference 2019 [keynote] Action-Orientated Language Learning: The Use of Performative Practices and Spaces in the Development of Creative Pedagogies for Learners of French Athlone, 02/03/2019-.
2019 Ward, Francis (2019) ICTM Ireland 2019: Social Interaction and Change through Music - Applications and Approaches Developing Socially Inclusive Music Education in ITE: Multi and Inter Cultural Music Education for the Primary Classroom University College Dublin, 22/02/2019-.
2018 Ward, Francis (2018) An Dara Comhdháil Taighde Uile-Oileánda ar an Tumoideachas (The Second All-Ireland Research Conference on Immersion Education) 'Connections Between Music and Language Learning in Informal and Formal Contexts' as part of symposium on 'The use of music in Action-Orientated language learning' Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 19/05/2018-.
2018 Ward, Francis (2018) 2nd ICTM Study Group Symposium on Music, Education and Social Inclusion Irish Representative on Study Group Executive Board Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, 7-10 July 2018, 07/07/2018-10/07/2018.
2018 Ward, Francis (2018) The 3rd International ICTM Music Forum: Approaches to Research on Music and Dance in the Internet Era Methodological Approaches to Analysing Big Data within an Irish Traditional Music Virtual Ethnography - Discussion Forum Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, 11/07/2018-14/07/2018.
2018 Ward, Francis (2018) 2nd ICTM Study Group Symposium on Music, Education and Social Inclusion Research Opportunities in the Development of a Curriculum for Socially Inclusive Music Education (SIME) within Initial Teacher Education in Ireland Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, 7-10 July 2018, 07/07/2018-10/08/2018.
2018 Murphy, Regina; Ward, Francis (2018) American Educational Research Association (AERA) Using ePortfolios to Enhance Preservice Early Years Educators’ Engagement with Music Education New York, USA, 14/04/2018-14/04/2018.
2018 Murphy, Regina; Ward, Francis; Bowe, Marie-Louise (2018) International Society for Music Education World Conference 2018 Catch and Release: A Model to Develop Student Teacher Situational Interest in Music Education in a Generalist Teacher Education programme Baku, Azerbaijan, 16/07/2018-.
2017 Ward, Francis (2017) ICTM 44th World Conference Challenges in the Transmission of an Oral Tradition Online: Irish Traditional Music - Approaching a Virtual Orality University of Limerick, 17/07/2017-.
2017 Ward, Francis (2017) Digital Folk Conference Approaching a Virtual Orality: Challenges to the Classic Model of Irish Traditional Music Transmission University of Sheffield, 19/04/2017-.
2017 Murphy, Regina; Ward, Francis (2017) INY Creative Education Symposium: The Increasing Role of Creativity and the Creative Process in Education Designing a Rubric to Measure Creativity in an ePortfolio for Music Education at Third Level University of Limerick, 12/10/2017-.
2017 Ward, Francis (2017) Scenario Forum International Conference Approaching a Virtual Orality: (Virtual) Spaces in the Transmission of Irish Traditional Music University College Cork, 26/05/2017-.
2014 Ward, Francis (2014) Joint Annual Meeting of BFE (British Federation of Ethnomusicology) and ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music) Irish Traditional Music and the Virtual Community: Towards a Netnography of TheSession.Org NUI Galway, Ireland, .
2013 Ward, Francis (2013) Joint Annual Meeting of BFE (British Federation of Ethnomusicology) and ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music) The Transmission of Irish Traditional Music in the Digital Age: Representing the Oral Tradition Online Queen's University Belfast, .
2012 Ward, Francis (2012) Ethnomusicology Programme Irish Traditional Music and Dance: History, Ensemble Playing and Instrumentation Beijing Foreign Studies University, .
2012 Ward, Francis (2012) ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music) Ireland Annual Conference 'Movement and Music: Migration of Irish Traditional Music Online Trinity College Dublin, .
2011 Ward, Francis (2011) Web Science Doctoral Summer School Online Transmission in Irish Traditional Music National University of Ireland Galway, .
2010 Ward, Francis (2010) National Graduate Conference For Ethnomusicology Virtual Fieldwork: The Transmission of Music in the Irish Traditional Music Virtual Community University of London, .
2010 Ward, Francis (2010) National Graduate Conference For Ethnomusicology Virtual Fieldwork: The Transmission of Music in the Irish Traditional Music Virtual Community Institute for Music Research, University of London, .


Year Publication
2016 Ward, Francis (2016) Processes of Transmission in Irish Traditional Music: Approaching a Virtual Orality. THES [Link]


Year Publication
2016 Ward, Francis (2016) The Vanishing Lake. TV
2011 Ciorras (2011) The Expensive Sneeze. China: TV
2009 Riverdance (2009) Riverdance and Distant Thunder. TV [Link]

Video recording / TV

Year Publication
2014 Ward, Francis (2014) The Vanishing Lake. VID [Link]
2012 Awbeg Ceili Band (2012) Polkas. VID [Link]
2012 Awbeg Ceili Band (2012) Jigs. VID [Link]
2009 Ward, Francis; Mullin, Shauna (2009) Ned of the Hill. VID [Link]

Web Page

Year Publication
2011 Ward, Francis (2011) Studying Irish traditional music, song and dance in Ireland. WEBP [Link]


Year Publication
2011 Ward, Francis (2011) Marie Duffy Foundation Award for Excellence in Irish Dance Composition. GRANT
2010 Ward, Francis (2010) Irish Research Council Doctoral Scholarship. GRANT

Sound recording

Year Publication
2019 McMahon, Rory; Ward, Francis; Naughton, Ger; Howley, Sharon (2019) Waiting in the Long Grass. SOUND
2011 Éalú: Ward, Francis; Murphy, Ryan; Sheedy, Dermot; King, Ciillian (2011) Escape. SOUND
2006 Ward, Francis; Fromsieir Mortenson, Ditte (2006) Anything Strange?. SOUND


Year Publication
2011 Ward, Francis (2011) The Vanishing Lake. COMPS
2005 Ward, Francis (2005) Dickeystown Hop. COMPS
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2020 Fulbright Scholar Award Fulbright Commission
01/01/2011 Marie Duffy Excellence Award in Irish Dance Composition Marie Duffy Foundation
01/09/2010 IRCHSS Postgraduate Research Scholarship Irish Research Council

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
International Council for Traditions of Music & Dance (Ireland) Member -
SMEI (Society of Music Education Ireland) Member -
An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaelacha (The Irish Dance Commission) Teacher/Adjudicator -
Comhaltas Ceoltóirí na hÉireann Teacher/Adjudicator -
International Council for Traditions of Music & Dance Member -


Committee Function From / To
ICTMD (Ireland) Conference Committee 07/03/2025 - 08/03/2025
Narrative Inquiry in Music Education 22/05/2024 - 24/05/2024
Music, Education and Social Inclusion ICTM Study Group Music education and music educational institutions - as products of the society and culture in which they are created and function - preserve, maintain, transmit and reproduce socio-cultural values and inequalities embedded in their very structures, forms, discourses and content through curricula, learning materials, teaching methods and so on. We acknowledge that historically excluded and/or marginalized groups such as women and girls; ethnic, racial, linguistic and religious minorities; indigenous communities; the poor; individuals with disabilities; LGBTQIA individuals; vulnerabilities including those of low class/caste and those excluded from citizenship have systematically been un- or under-represented in formal education. This reflects wider discriminatory practices at the societal level that in turn are perpetuated and transmitted in educational institutions, which as such continue to shape society at large. Furthermore, in a number of societies globally, academic discourse and institutions continue to be shaped by and use methods inherited from European and North American music education systems, creating further layers of socio-cultural exclusions and discriminations perpetuated through their educational institutions. The Study Group is likewise informed by publications and guidelines produced by high-level international organizations, specifically: • UNESCO’s Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education of 2009, which advanced the need to reform current approaches to support and welcome diversity in order to develop more inclusive societies by taking a holistic approach to education reform, and which also stressed the importance of developing effective strategies for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. • The United Nations’ 2016 Report on the World Social Situation, Leaving no one behind: the imperative of inclusive development, which highlighted how no single actor or set of policies could singlehandedly promote social inclusion, and which drew attention to the importance of developing and promoting inclusive institutions where exclusionary attitudes are challenged in order to respond to the call to leave no one behind. In line with ICTM acting as a ‘bond among peoples of different cultures and thus contribut(ing) to the peace of humankind’, the MESI (Music, Education and Social Inclusion) Study Group proposes to serve as the place where these calls for action are addressed and discussed in the study of music and transmission practices in music educational settings at all levels. Given that music education and social inclusion are critical concerns for ethnomusicology, the MESI Study Group responds to the need for such discussions within the ICTM, giving specific focus to these issues within music educational settings and institutions. The main aim of the Study Group is to study, practice, uncover, produce, document and disseminate good practices in music education and transmission that can foster and promote social inclusion. In addition, it aims to engage in constructive discussions around systems-level approaches in music, education and related practices that can contribute to increased social inclusion, both in education and in global society at large. We believe the combination of the two approaches – a bottom-up approach in studying and uncovering good practices in music education and transmission, and a top-down approach in analyzing and constructively interrogating/examining music education structures and institutions – will lead to significant and actionable results for promoting and advancing social inclusion in the fields of music education and ethnomusicology. 01/07/2017 -


Journal Role
Irish Educational Studies Reviewer

Other Activities

The concert featured Francis Ward (piano) and a performance of his 'The Flight of the Wild Geese', the fourth and final movement from the poetico-musical suite, Cuimhnigh ar Sarsfield: The Wild Geese Suite, arranged for traditional instruments and string quartet. A special concert celebrating intersections of music traditions from Ireland, Ghana, Peru and India with performances from DCU Faculty, the Irish Institute of Music and Song (IIMS) Ensemble, the Rodrigo Almonte Andean Jazz Ensemble, and Indian Classical musician Sruthi Ravali. DCU All Hallows Chapel, Grace Park Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9, D09 N920 6.00-7.30pm FREE ADMISSION (Note: tickets must be pre-booked via Eventbrite. Please click on 'Website' below) Programme Overview DCU Faculty and Friends: Irish Traditional Music Celebrate the richness of Irish traditional and contemporary music with performances by DCU faculty members Francis Ward (piano), Síle Denvir (vocals/harp), Marie-Louise Bowe (fiddle/viola), Robert Harvey (flute), and Róisín Nic Athlaoich (viola); alongside special guests Martin O’Connell (button accordion), Ruadhan Redmond (uilleann pipes), and Mary Barnecutt (cello). The performance includes the soulful sean-nós song Eileanóir a Rún, the opening track of Síle Denvir’s critically acclaimed album Anamnesis, and Francis Ward’s The Flight of the Wild Geese, the fourth and final movement from the poetico-musical suite, Cuimhnigh ar Sarsfield: The Wild Geese Suite, arranged for traditional instruments and string quartet. The programme also showcases lively contemporary dance tunes by master composers Paddy O’Brien and Charlie Lennon, blending tradition and innovation in a celebration of Ireland’s musical heritage. IIMS Ensemble: Afro-Irish Soundscape Performance Explore the vibrant fusion of Afro-Irish instrumental music, where rich traditions from Africa and Ireland come together in a dynamic cultural dialogue. This collaboration highlights unique rhythms, melodies, and instruments, creating a captivating soundscape that celebrates diversity and shared heritage. Discover how contemporary artists from the Irish Institute of Music and Song, Balbriggan blend their backgrounds, fostering connection and creativity while showcasing the beauty of their intertwined histories. Join Dr. John Nutekpor (percussion), Nial Preston (bodhran) and Ciara Dunbar (violin) on a journey through this inspiring musical landscape, where every note tells a story of unity and cultural exchange. Sruthi Ravali: Indian Classical Music Sruthi Ravali is an accomplished singer, violinist, composer and educator. Driven by aesthetics and bhaava (emotion), her music is an expression of artistic sensibilities which strike a chord with listeners beyond the barriers of language and culture. Her forward-thinking outlook and collaborative approach in music establishes her as a virtuoso in various genres. ICTMD Ireland is grateful to the Ireland India Institute at DCU for hosting Sruthi's participation in this concert. Rodrigo Almonte Andean Jazz Ensemble Rodrigo Almonte’s Andean Jazz ensemble is a project that delves into the rich musical traditions of the Peruvian Andes, exploring compositions that have withstood the passage of time and continue to shape Andean cultural identity. This trio blends traditional Andean music with contemporary improvisation, reimagining ancient melodies through the lens of a modern jazz ensemble. The repertoire includes pieces discovered during Almonte’s ethnographic fieldwork in the Andes, as well as original compositions inspired by the region’s deep musical heritage. This ensemble captures the essence of Andean rhythms, timbres, and storytelling, bridging past and present through an innovative musical dialogue. Line up includes Rodrigo Almonte (guitar), Aidan Gray (acoustic double bass) and Dr. Matthew Jacobson (drums).
Piano performance with LGBTQ+ traditional Irish music and dance ensemble Trad is Amach. Excerpt from TradFest website below: We are delighted to welcome back Trad is Amach to host the Dublin Pride Trad Géilí at TradFest 2025. The Géilí will be a celebration of LGBTQ+ artists in Irish traditional music and dance, and a great chance to join in some Irish céilí dances. The Pride Géilí is an integral part of the Dublin pride festival annual celebrations. Many members of the LGBTQ+ Trad is Amach community, and their allies, have played and danced at the annual Dublin Pride Céilí or “Géilí” for over 20 years. Trad is Amach is a community of LGBTQ+ trad musicians, singers, dancers and followers. The group organise music sessions, céilithe, concerts and gatherings to foster an inclusive trad community and celebrate LGBTQ+ artists in Irish traditional music and dance. This is an inclusive event and everyone is welcome for a night of great music, dancing and craic.
For this event, I gathered a group of Irish dancers from the BEd (primary) cohorts, and choreographed an ensemble piece to celebrate DCU Incorporation. This was performed in The Helix, Nov 216. The music was performed by DCU Trad Soc, and their programme featured some of my musical compositions.
Two concerts of Irish traditional music, song, and dance, as part of DCU St Patrick's Campus Culture Night Celebrations. featuring Francis Ward (piano)
I accompanied (piano) our BEd primary music education students, along with the choir from the local St Patrick's BNS, as they performed a selection of music at the Christmas Carol Service on DCU St Patrick's Campus.
From Dublin Pride - We are delighted to welcome back Trad is Amach to host the Dublin Pride Trad Géilí at TradFest 2025. The Géilí will be a celebration of LGBTQ+ artists in Irish traditional music and dance, and a great chance to join in some Irish céilí dances. The Pride Géilí is an integral part of the Dublin pride festival annual celebrations. Many members of the LGBTQ+ Trad is Amach community, and their allies, have played and danced at the annual Dublin Pride Céilí or “Géilí” for over 20 years. Trad is Amach is a community of LGBTQ+ trad musicians, singers, dancers and followers. The group organise music sessions, céilithe, concerts and gatherings to foster an inclusive trad community and celebrate LGBTQ+ artists in Irish traditional music and dance. This is an inclusive event and everyone is welcome for a night of great music, dancing and craic.
From - DCU opened its doors for the second ANAM festival in April 2019. Billed as a ‘Celebration of Arts, Ideas and Creativity in North Dublin,’ the event programme was curated and produced by Philip King’s South Wind Blows team, creators of the popular Other Voices television show and festival. Supported by Fingal County Council, Dublin City Council, IMRO and Neogen, ANAM 2019 boasted an impressive line-up of leading artists and musicians performing alongside DCU staff, students and people from surrounding communities. It included concerts, readings, films, masterclasses and discussions, with events taking place across DCU’s Glasnevin, Drumcondra and All Hallows campuses. Highlights from the two-day event in 2019 included The Heart of the Rowl which took place in the atmospheric All Hallows Chapel. Guests were treated to an extraordinary roster of musical talent and the line-up included David Keenan, Landless, Cormac Begley and Libby McCrohan, Gay McKeon and Amy Campbell, Anna-Mieke, Dermot and Danny Diamond, Francis Ward and DCU Trad Society. Some video footage of concert here: - April ezine 2019
I accompanied (piano) our BEd primary music education students, along with the choir from the local St Patrick's BNS, as they performed a selection of music at the Christmas Carol Service on DCU St Patrick's Campus.
I performed (piano) with DCU colleague Síle Denver (vocals) at the Brian Ruane Memorial Service (DCU SPD).

Creative Outputs

Year Title Type
2025 Piano Accompaniment at Oireachtas Rince na Cruinne (World Irish Dance Championships) Exhibition
2025 Performance of 'The Flight of the Wild Geese' from Cuimhnigh ar Sarsfield: The Wild Geese Suite Exhibition
2025 'Celebrating Traditions of Music' - ICTMD Ireland 20th Anniversary Concert Exhibition
2025 Piano Accompaniment at Oireachtas Rince na hÉireann (All Ireland Irish Dance Championships) Exhibition
2025 TempleBar TradFest Dublin Pride Géili Exhibition
2024 'Pride of Dublin' Ceili Band Performance - Mother Cultúr Club Exhibition
2024 TempleBar Trad Fest Dublin Pride Géilí Exhibition
2023 'Pride of Dublin' Ceili Band Performance - Dublin Pride Festival Exhibition
2022 Original Music & Dance Choreography performed by Planxty O'Rourke at 'Nuits Interceltiques' as part of Festival Interceltique de Lorient Exhibition
2021 Cuimhnigh ar Sarsfield: The Wild Geese Suite Recording
2021 Cuimhnigh ar Sarsfield: The Wild Geese Suite Composition
2021 Cuimhnigh ar Sarsfield: The Wild Geese Suite [live performance] Exhibition
2020 Scoil Uí Ruairc Christmas Showcase 2020 - dance choreography & video editing Recording
2020 Fleadh Cheoil 2020 (Red Shoe Productions; broadcast on RTÉ One) Documentary
2019 DCU SPD Christmas Carol Service - performance with DCU students & local school children Exhibition
2019 Waiting in the Long Grass (music album) - guest musician Recording
2019 DCU Anam Festival - 'Heart of the Rowl' concert - Performance with DCU Trad Soc Exhibition
2018 DCU SPD Christmas Carol Service - performance with DCU students & local school children Exhibition
2017 DCU Culture Night Concert of Music & Dance - musical performance Exhibition
2016 DCU Incorporation Celebration Concert - Irish dance choreography, music composition Exhibition
2012 All in a Day's Play (music album) - guest musician Recording
2011 The Vanishing Lake [musical composition] - winner of the Marie Foundation Award in Musical Composition for Irish Dance Composition
2005 Anything Strange? (music album) - guest musician. Recording

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2024 Continuous Professional Development/Training CeoLingua - CLIL music/French teaching resource for primary school - Primary School Teachers Providing training to eight schools, 16 teachers in total, on the CeoLingua CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) resource, of which I am co-principal investigator, and and musical and creative lead. The project introduces primary school children to French with music over a six week period. The project received funding from the Teaching Council Research Support Framework Awards.
2022 Consultancy External Examine, Doctoral Studies Review Panel, Hartt School of Music, University of Hartford Doctoral Studies Review Panel (Music Education)
2022 Invited talk/presentation University of Hartford - music/dance workshops Workshops in music and dance for Hartt School of Music, University of Hartford.
2022 Invited talk/presentation Central Connecticut State University - invited lecture and workshops Invited lecture on Teaching Irish Music, as well as practical workshops, at Central Connecticut State University
2019 Continuous Professional Development/Training Ceol na Coille - Composing in the Primary Classroom (DES approved summer course) I co-designed an approved DES summer course on 'Composing in the Primary School', which ran at Ceol na Coille Summer School, Letterkenny in 2019. It attracted a broad cross-section of primary teachers, some with significant musical experience, but all who were very inexperienced and ensure about how the facilitate composing in the primary classroom. It presents highly scaffolded guidance on how to facilitate moving from how to move from sound-sound-effect-music through expressive and imaginative use of vocal, body and instrumental sounds; story-based approaches to composing; structured music composing focusing on musical features such as limited rhythm and pitch palettes, roll-by-dice ’chance’ composing, etc.; and simple approaches to chant and song writing for primary schools. The course was well received and was fully subscribed.
2018 Invited talk/presentation We Love Languages French Teachers' Conference Invited Keynote: 'Action Orientated Language Learning: The Use of Performative Practices and Spaces in the Development of Creative Pedagogies for Learners of French'. Attended by over 200 secondary French teachers. Interactive keynote, demonstrating how music and the arts can be used to enhance learning of modern foreign languages.
2018 Other Welcome Céilí & Lecture for Erasmus+ Delegation from Estonia Welcome Céilí & Lecture for Erasmus+ Delegation from Estonia

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
2025 Educational Outreach/Public Engagement Planxty O'Rourke Planxty O Rourke is the performing group of Scoil Uí Ruairc (The O'Rourke School of Irish Dance), which was established in 1929. I have been teaching music and dance with the school for over twenty years, and I am principally responsible for creative outputs such as musical composition and arrangement, and dance choreography. The school has a long history of serving underprivileged children in the Munster area, providing access to music and dance instruction, and performance opportunities at home and abroad. For several years now (2015, 2016, 2022, 2023, and again now in 2025), we sought and were successful in gaining funding to bring a group of 30 young Irish dancers, singers and musicians to Lorient to represent Ireland at the Festival Interceltique de Lorient. In the weeks before the event, we develop new musical arrangements and dance choreography especially for the 'Nuit Magique' concerts which take place in Stade de Moustoir, to an audience of over 12,000 people. The school also performs more locally at parades, in nursing homes, charity events, and fundraisers.
2024 Community-based learning Visiting 'Culture Bearer' Musician/Teacher Solomon Gwerevende As module coordinator for Multicultural Music Education, part of the BEd Primary: Socially Inclusive Music Education specialism, I invited musician, dancer and teacher Solomon Gwerevende—originally from Zimbabwe and now based in Ireland, where he is completing his doctoral studies at DCU—to visit DCU St Patrick’s Campus and share his musical and pedagogical expertise. His session focused on the traditional music and dance practices of Zimbabwe, and their place within school music curricula. As a culture bearer, Solomon offered students a rich, first-hand insight into the practice, context, and transmission of this musical heritage, deepening their understanding of culturally responsive and inclusive approaches to music education.
2023 Community-based learning Visiting 'Culture Bearer' Musician/Teacher Khalile Vial As module coordinator for Multicultural Music Education, part of the BEd Primary: Socially Inclusive Music Education specialism, I invited percussionist and music educator Khalile Vial—originally from Mauritius and now based in Crumlin, where he teaches music as an external tutor across several primary schools—to visit DCU St Patrick’s Campus and share his musical and pedagogical expertise. His session focused on the vibrant Sega music tradition of Mauritius. As a culture bearer, Khalile offered students a rich, first-hand insight into the practice, context, and transmission of this musical heritage, deepening their understanding of culturally responsive and inclusive approaches to music education.
2022 Community-based learning Visiting 'Culture Bearer' Musician/Teacher Khalile Vial As module coordinator for Multicultural Music Education, part of the BEd Primary: Socially Inclusive Music Education specialism, I invited percussionist and music educator Khalile Vial—originally from Mauritius and now based in Crumlin, where he teaches music as an external tutor across several primary schools—to visit DCU St Patrick’s Campus and share his musical and pedagogical expertise. His session focused on the vibrant Sega music tradition of Mauritius. As a culture bearer, Khalile offered students a rich, first-hand insight into the practice, context, and transmission of this musical heritage, deepening their understanding of culturally responsive and inclusive approaches to music education.
2021 Presentations/Talks to an external audience From Dublin to Seattle: My Fulbright Experience - sharing with DCU community and general public Fulbright Scholar Evening at the Institute of Education. From Dublin to Seattle: My Fulbright Experience Dr. Francis Ward is a music educator and ethnomusicologist who in 2020 was the recipient of a Fulbright Scholar Award and spent a semester at the School of Music at the University of Washington in Seattle. The Fulbright Program, established in Ireland in 1957, is a prestigious exchange programme and offers critical opportunities for cultural exchange, and Francis will share his experiences of teaching, research and engaging with life in the USA as a visiting scholar. These diverse experiences include delivering a module on pedagogy and creativity in diverse musical cultures, teaching music and dance in an elementary public school, developing resources for the teaching of music through CLIL at primary level in Ireland, documenting the emergence of virtual orality in the online transmission of Irish traditional music, and living in the USA through the Covid19 crisis and the Black Lives Matter social movement. The presentation will be of interest to researchers and practitioners of education, the arts and beyond, as well as to Fulbright alumni and applicants.
2020 DCU in the Community Laurelhurst Elementary School - teaching music/dance Teaching music and dance to the pupils of Laurelhurst Elementary School, Seattle, WA, USA.
2018 Community-based learning Sing & Move! - music workshops by children as part of DCU Culture Night celebrations - School of Arts Education and Movement I was part of the music education team who delivered the below workshops as part of DCU Culture Night celebrations. Sing & Move! Two music workshops for children (aged 4-7) and their guardians were hosted by the School of Arts Education & Movement, Music on Culture Night 21st September 2018. see:


Title Year Type Authors
'The Flight of the Wild Geese' (live performance) at ICTMD Ireland 2025 concert 2025 Documentary Ward, F.
'DCU Faculty and Friends: Irish Traditional Music' performance at ICTMD Ireland 20th Anniversary Concert: Celebrating Traditions of Music 2025 Documentary Ward, F.; Denver, D.; Bowe, M.L.;, Harvey, R.; O'Connell, M.; Nic Athlaoich, R.; Barnecutt, M.
Radio Rince: Interview with Francis Ward ADCRG 2022 Podcast Tew, Richard
Fleadh Cheoil 2020 (Red Shoe Productions; broadcast on RTÉ One) 2020 Television interview/panel discussion Ward, Francis; Healy, Ernestine; Morissey, Brian.
World of dance: 'You have to get noticed' 2012 Newspaper article (online) ROSITA BOLAND
DITTE FROMSEIER MORTENSEN Anything Strange? Millstream Records 2005 Newspaper column (online) Siobhan Long

Research Interests

  • Initial Teacher Education
  • Music in the Primary School
  • Online and Blended Learning, Teacher Identity
  • Virtual Pedagogies
  • Informal and Non-Formal Music/Dance Transmission
  • Creativity, Embodiment in Irish traditional music and dance
  • The Representation of Oral Traditions on the Internet
  • The relationship between music/dance, teacher/practitioner/student, composer/choreographer
  • Evolving Dance Education in Ireland
  • The Use of Music in Action-Orientated Language Learning

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
GenAI as an Assessment Co-Pilot in Higher Education PI 01/09/2024 24/03/2025
CeoLingua: The Use of Music in Action-Orientated Language Learning DCU PI A CLIL resource designed for teaching French and music to primary school children. Funded under Teaching Council’s John Coolahan Research Support Framework. 18/01/2018 24/03/2025
Evaluation of Creative Schools 2019-22 Academic Collaborator 01/01/2019 31/12/2022
Processes of Transmission in Irish Traditional Music: Approaching a Virtual Orality PI 20/09/2010 01/06/2016

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Coady ,Richard PhD Supervisor

Teaching Interests

  • Research Methods (PMEP Self-Study)
  • Music Education / Curriculum Music (BEd and PMEP)
  • Arts, Creativity, Imagination in Education (Ed D Social Movements 2 Strand 1 ACIE)
  • BEd Music Ed Minor Specialism
  • BEd Music Ed Major Specialism - Socially Inclusive Music Education (SIME)
  • PME Music Education Specialism
  • MEd Teacher Identity
  • Irish Traditional Music and Dance Studies
  • Ethnomusicology (World Music Survey, Music of Non-Western World)
  • Psychology of Music Education and Applied Music Curriculum Studies
  • Popular Music and Dance Studies
  • Histories of Western Art Music and Dance
  • Dance Education
  • Ethnochoreology
  • Music and Human Behaviour

  • Practical teaching including Keyboard Skills, Ear, Notation and Theory classes, piano, dance, music and dance ensembles.

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2024 PMEP Research Project ED8057 / EDP1105
2024 ED8036
2024 ED8057
2023 ED8037
2020 Visual Arts & Music Education ED2020
2022  Socially Inclusive Music Education AP406
2022 Innovative Tech. as Enabling Literacy AP211
2022 Visual Arts and Music Education ED1014
2022 Fostering Musical Creativity in SIME II AP307
2021 Socially Inclusive Music Ed. Diversity & SEN AP310
2021 Music Ed as Participatory/Democratic Practice ED8052