Tetyana Lokot


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Tanya (Tetyana) Lokot is Associate Professor in Digital Media and Society and Programme Chair of the MA in Social Media Communications at the School of Communications. A native of Ukraine, she researches threats to digital rights, networked authoritarianism, networked citizenship, digital resistance, internet freedom and internet governance in Eastern Europe. She is the author of Beyond the Protest Square: Digital Media and Augmented Dissent (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), an in-depth study of protest and digital media in Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity.

She is currently PI (Project Coordinator) on the MEDIATIZED EU project (H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2020 GA no: 101004534). She is also a member of the ECREA Governing Body (since 2024) and Vice-Chair of the ECREA Ukraine Task Force (since 2022). In 2022, she was a SSSHARC Fellow at the Sydney Social Sciences and Humanities Advanced Research Centre, University of Sydney, Australia. In 2023, she was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies in Bochum, Germany.

Tanya's research has been published in Information, Communication & Society; Social Media + Society; Digital Journalism; Internet Policy Review; Surveillance & Society; Misinformation Review; Irish Studies in International Affairs; Partecipazione et Conflitto; Media and Communication; Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies; Post-Soviet Affairs and Journal of International Relations and Development. She has presented her research at top international conferences, including ICA, AoIR, IAMCR, ECPR and ECREA. Her writing has appeared in The Guardian, The Washington Post, Foreign Policy and The Irish Independent, and she frequently contributes expert commentary to Wired, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, CodaStory and Bloomberg

She has contributed research to Freedom House's Freedom on the Net report and the Ranking Digital Rights Corporate Accountability Index. In 2014-2016 and in 2021-2022, she was contributing editor covering Eastern Europe at Global Voices and a contributor to Advox. Prior to embarking on a research career, she worked as a journalist, non-profit consultant, and media trainer in Ukraine, Belarus, and Georgia, and speaks fluent English, Ukrainian, and Russian.

Previously, she was Assistant Professor and Head of New Media Sequence at Mohyla School of Journalism (National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine). Tanya received her PhD from the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland.

Current research projects and initiatives:

Networked Citizenship: Transformations of Citizenship Practices, Perceptions and Norms in a Networked World: This research-in-development, supported by Enterprise Ireland, investigates how citizenship is reconfigured as an active process of constructing belonging and individual agency in a world shaped by pervasive connectivity and socio-political transformations. It examines the connection between citizen agency, rights and digital practices through theorising a novel framework of bottom-up networked citizenship.

The Global Politics of Internet Freedom: In collaboration with Dr. Mariëlle Wijermars (Maastricht University), the project analyses how various groups of actors – the tech and academic community, non-profit advocacy organisations, states and corporations – have influenced how we conceptualise internet freedom and the real-world consequences of their ideas. Center for Advanced Internet Studies 2024 Working Group.

MEDIATIZED EU: Mediatised Discourses on Europeanisation and Their Representations in Public Perceptions (H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-2020 GA no: 101004534) is a large-scale European Research and Innovation Action project that studied how the diverse media discourses across Europe are constructed to either foster or hamper the European project and how they resonate among the public, by focusing on the elite-media-public triangle. In 2021-2024, the four-year MEDIATIZED EU project, coordinated by DCU, conducted comparative research across seven European countries to reveal the impact of mediatised discourses on Europeanisation.

Interdisciplinary Digital Research Group: This is a new initiative within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at DCU. The purpose of the initiative is to develop a collaborative space for inquiry and applied research that is dedicated to openness in terms of disciplinary perspective, theory, and methodology, and that is committed to critical and grounded approaches to understanding the human world of the present, past, and future.


Year Publication
2021 Lokot, Tetyana (2021) Beyond the Protest Square: Digital Media and Augmented Dissent. London; New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. [Link] https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781786605962/Beyond-the-Protest-Square-Digital-Media-and-Augmented-Dissent

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Tetyana Lokot (2024) 'The politics of uncertainty: Mediated campaign narratives about Russia’s war on Ukraine' In: U.S. Election Analysis 2024: Media, Voters and the Campaign. Poole, England : The Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research, Bournemouth University. [Link]
2022 Scott Gehlbach; Tetyana Lokot; Anton Shirikov (2022) 'The Russian media' In: Russian Politics Today: Stability and Fragility. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. [Link] [DOI]
2022 Lokot, T. (2022) 'Social Media and Protest: Contextualising the Affordances of Networked Publics' In: Constitutionalising Social Media. [Link] http://dx.doi.org/10.5040/9781509953738
2022 O’Brien, S.; Cadwell, P.; Lokot, T. (2022) 'Parallel Pandemic Spaces: Translation, trust and social media' In: Translation and Social Media Communication in the Age of the Pandemic. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Lokot, Tetyana (2021) 'The Future of Visibility: Imagining Possibilities for Networked Civic Discontent' In: Horizon Scanning: The Role of Information Technologies in the Future of Civil Society. Moscow, Russia : Cogito-Centre. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Porshnev, Alexander, Alex Miltsov, Tetyana Lokot, and Olessia Koltsova (2021) 'Effects of Conspiracy Thinking Style, Framing and Political Interest on Accuracy of Fake News Recognition by Social Media Users: Evidence from Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine' In: Social Computing and Social Media: Experience Design and Social Network Analysis. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12774. Cham : Springer International Publishing. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77626-8_23
2019 Lokot, Tetyana (2019) 'Affective Resistance Against Online Misogyny and Homophobia on the RuNet' In: Gender Hate Online. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-96226-9_11
2019 Lokot, T. (2019) 'Mediated urban protest: Practicing dissent in hybrid city spaces' In: The Routledge Companion to Urban Media and Communication. [Link] [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Tetyana Lokot; Ozlem Demirkol Tønnesen; Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat (2024) 'Revolutions: an introduction to the #AoIR2023 special issue'. INFORMATION COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY, 27 (12). [Link] https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2024.2431551
2023 Tetyana Lokot (2023) 'The role of citizens’ affective media practices in participatory warfare during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine'. Journal of International Relations and Development, 26 (4). [Link] https://doi.org/10.1057/s41268-023-00317-y
2023 Lokot, Tetyana (2023) 'Russia’s Networked Authoritarianism in Ukraine’s Occupied Territories during the Full-Scale Invasion: Control and Resilience'. LSE Public Policy Review, 3 (1). [Link] https://doi.org/10.31389/lseppr.85
2023 Lokot, T.; Wijermars, M. (2023) 'The politics of internet freedom rankings'. Internet Policy Review, 12 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Andrew Iliadis; Eugenia Siapera; Tetyana Lokot (2023) 'Decolonising the internet: an introduction to the #AoIR2022 special issue'. INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY, 26 (12):2369-2375. [Link] [DOI]
2023 Ana Pérez Escoda; Tetyana Lokot (2023) 'Mediatized Discourses on European Integration: Information, Disinformation, and Polarization'. Media and Communication, 11 (4). [Link] https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.i367
2023 Ana Pérez-Escoda; Tetyana Lokot (2023) 'Charting the Impacts of Media Discourses on the European Integration Project'. Media and Communication, 11 (4). [Link] https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v11i4.7526
2022 WIjermars, Mariëlle; Lokot, Tetyana (2022) 'Is Telegram a “harbinger of freedom”? The performance, practices, and perception of platforms as political actors in authoritarian states'. Post-Soviet Affairs, 38 (1-2):125-145. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1080/1060586X.2022.2030645
2022 Lokot, Tetyana; Boichak, Olga (2022) 'Translating Protest: Networked Diasporas and Transnational Mobilisation in Ukraine’s Euromaidan Protests'. Partecipazione e Conflitto, 15 (1):203-222. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Lokot, T. (2021) 'Ukraine is Europe? Complicating the concept of the ‘European’ in the wake of an urban protest'. COMMUNICATION AND CRITICAL-CULTURAL STUDIES, 18 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Lokot, Tetyana (2020) 'Articulating Networked Citizenship on the Russian Internet: A Case for Competing Affordances'. Social Media + Society, 6 (4). [Link] https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305120984459
2020 Lokot, T. (2020) 'Data subjects vs. people’s data: Competing discourses of privacy and power in modern Russia'. Media and Communication, 8 . [Link] http://dx.doi.org/10.17645/mac.v8i2.2883
2020 Freelon, Deen; Lokot, Tetyana (2020) 'Russian Twitter disinformation campaigns reach across the American political spectrum'. HKS Misinformation Review, . [Link] https://doi.org/10.37016/mr-2020-003
2019 Lokot, Tetyana (2019) 'Urban Media Studies| The Augmented City in Protest: The Urban Media Studies Perspective'. International Journal of Communication, 13 :5333-5350. [Link] https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/7975
2018 Lokot, Tetyana (2018) 'Urban Murals and the Post-Protest Imagery of Networked Publics: The Remediated Aftermath of Ukraine’s Euromaidan on Instagram'. WiderScreen, (1-2/2018). [Link]
2018 Lokot, Tetyana (2018) 'Be Safe or Be Seen? How Russian Activists Negotiate Visibility and Security in Online Resistance Practices'. Surveillance & Society, 16 (3):332-346. [Link] https://doi.org/10.24908/ss.v16i3.6967
2018 Lokot, Tetyana (2018) '#IAmNotAfraidToSayIt: stories of sexual violence as everyday political speech on Facebook'. INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY, 21 (6):802-817. [Link] http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369118X.2018.1430161
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) 'Public Networked Discourses in the Ukraine-Russia Conflict: ‘Patriotic Hackers’ and Digital Populism'. IRISH STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (PRINT), 28 :99-116. [Link] http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3318/isia.2017.28.9
2015 Lokot, Tetyana; Diakopoulos, Nicholas (2015) 'News Bots: Automating news and information dissemination on Twitter'. DIGITAL JOURNALISM, 4 (6):682-699. [Link]

Book Review

Year Publication
2025 Tetyana Lokot (2025) Book Review: Media and the War in Ukraine. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1177/17506352251315702
2017 Tetyana Lokot (2017) Book Review: No Illusions: The Voices of Russia’s Future Leaders. Leeds, UK: [Link]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2021 Lokot, Tetyana; Dias, Marcos (2021) 'The Mediapolis Q&A: Marcos Dias’ The Machinic City' 6 (3) . [Link]
2020 Lokot, Tetyana (2020) 'The Landscape as a Monument: Time, Space and Memory in the Geographies of Eastern Ukraine' 5 (4) . [Link]
2015 Lokot, T., Prado, A., Xu, B., and Steiner, L. (2015) 'News Magazine Coverage of the Petraeus/Broadwell Affair: The Disjunction between Power and Agency' 43 (2) :6-21.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2020 Wijermars, Mariëlle; Lokot, Tetyana (2020) Association of Internet Researchers THE POLITICS OF INTERNET FREEDOM RANKINGS: A CALL FOR A COMPARATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSING INTERNET FREEDOM https://doi.org/10.5210/spir.v2020i0.11362
2020 Lokot, Tetyana; Boichak, Olga (2020) Association of Internet Researchers EXPLORING NETWORKED IDENTITY AND TRANSNATIONAL MOBILIZATION IN UKRAINE’S EUROMAIDAN PROTEST https://doi.org/10.5210/spir.v2020i0.11263
2016 Karamshuk, D., Lokot, T., Pryymak, O., Sastry, N. (2016) 8th International Conference on Social Informatics Identifying Partisan Slant in News Articles and Twitter during Political Crises [Link] https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-47880-7_16
2021 Porshnev, Alexander; Miltsov, Alexandre; Lokot, Tetyana; Koltsova, Olessia (2021) HCI International 2021 (Conference Proceedings, LNCS) Effects of conspiracy thinking style, framing and political interest on accuracy of fake news recognition by social media users: evidence from Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine Washington, DC (virtual conference), 24/07/2021- 29/07/2021 [Link] https://link.springer.com/conference/hci

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Lokot, Tetyana; Cornia, Alessio; Aust, Isabel (2024) 2024 ECPR General Conference Irish Neutrality vs. European Values: Affective Polarisation in Irish Elite Discourses in the Context of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine UCD, Dublin, Ireland, 12/08/2024-15/08/2024.
2024 Lokot, Tetyana; Cornia, Alessio; Aust, Isabel (2024) 2024 30th International Conference of Europeanists Neutrality vs. European Values: Irish Elite Discourses in the Context of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Lyon, France, 03/07/2024-06/07/2024.
2024 Tetyana Lokot (2024) Refugees, Diasporas & Belonging in the Digital Age: Rethinking Citizenship after Russia's Invasion Networked Citizenship in the Age of Participatory Warfare: Charting a Path to Citizen Agency URIS, University of Basel, Switzerland, 07/05/2024-07/05/2024. https://uris.ch/events/refugees-diaspora-and-belonging-in-the-digital-age-rethinking-citizenship-after-the-russian-invasion-of-ukraine
2024 Tetyana Lokot (2024) BEYOND CONTROL: Resisting Digital Oppression & Authoritarianism Gaza, Ukraine & Azerbaijan: Challenging Network Authoritarianism Disruption Network Lab, Berlin, Germany, 20/04/2024-21/04/2024. https://www.disruptionlab.org/beyond-control#panel
2024 Tetyana Lokot (2024) Dutch Research School for Media Studies Winter School Networked Citizenship in the Age of Participatory Warfare: Mediated Witnessing as a Path to Citizen Agency University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 01/02/2024-01/02/2024. https://www.rmes.nl/rmes-winter-school-graduate-symposium-2023-24/
2024 Tetyana Lokot (2024) DCU Brexit Institute EU Foreign & Security Policy: Two Years after Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Dublin City University, Ireland, 25/01/2024-25/01/2024.
2023 Tetyana Lokot (2023) A Decade After the Euromaidan: Reflecting on Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity and Its Ongoing Impact Networked resistance practices and strategic visibility: from Euromaidan to Russia Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, US, 05/12/2023-05/12/2023. https://harriman.columbia.edu/event/a-decade-after-the-euromaidan-reflecting-on-ukraines-revolution-of-dignity-and-its-ongoing-impact/
2023 Tetyana Lokot (2023) ASEEES 55th Annual Conference Grassroots resistance and Ukrainians’ participatory digital media practices during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Philadelphia, PA, 30/11/2023-02/12/2023.
2023 Tetyana Lokot (2023) Workshop: Covering Russia’s War on Ukraine: Local Media Professionals and Open-Source Investigators Knowledge production in times of war Panel, Invited Speaker University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 12/10/2023-12/10/2023. https://fixersandjournalists.humanities.uva.nl/covering-russias-war-on-ukraine-local-media-professionals-and-open-source-investigators/
2023 Tetyana Lokot; Alessio Cornia; Anastasia Deligiaouri (2023) 2023 ECPR General Conference European integration as framed by dominant media discourses in Ireland. A discourse analysis in the Irish context Prague, Czechia, 04/09/2023-08/09/2023.
2023 Tetyana Lokot; Alessio Cornia (2023) 29th International Conference of Europeanists Europe's Past, Present and Future Political and Media Discourses on Europeanisation in Ireland: Key Trends and Factors Reykjavik, Iceland, 27/06/2023-29/06/2023.
2022 Tetyana Lokot (2022) Association of Internet Researchers 2022 annual conference Association of Internet Researchers 2022 annual conference Dublin, Ireland, 03/11/2022-06/11/2022.
2022 Christopher Tyler West; Tetyana Lokot (2022) Association of Internet Researchers 2022 annual conference Ireland’s Online Safety And Media Regulation Bill: Is It Really Meant To Empower Users? Dublin, Ireland, 03/11/2022-06/11/2022.
2022 Tetyana Lokot; Alessio Cornia; Anastasia Deligiaouri (2022) ECREA ECC 2022 Conference Perceptions of Europeanisation in the Irish society and media during key crisis; a historical analysis Aarhus, Denmark, 19/10/2022-22/10/2022.
2022 Anastasia Deligiaouri; Tetyana Lokot; Alessio Cornia (2022) Biennial ECPR Standing Group on EU Conference Perceptions of Europeanisation in the Irish society and media in times of crisis Rome, Italy, 08/06/2022-10/06/2022.
2022 Mariëlle Wijermars; Tetyana Lokot (2022) Surveillance Studies Network Annual Conference Surveillance tool or means of resistance? The Telegram messenger as a political actor in Belarusian contentious politics Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 01/06/2022-03/06/2022.
2022 Tetyana Lokot; Olga Boichak (2022) International Communication Association 2022 annual conference Translating Protest: Networked Diasporas and Transnational Mobilization in Ukraine’s Euromaidan Protests Paris, France, 25/05/2022-31/05/2022.
2022 Bryanov, K., Kliegl, R., Koltsova, O., Porshnev, A., Lokot, T., Miltsov, A., Pashakhin, S., Synyavskaya, Y., Terpilovskii, M., Vziatysheva, V. (2022) International Communication Association 2022 annual conference What Drives Perceptions of Foreign News Coverage Credibility? A Cross-National Experiment Including Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine Paris, France, 25/05/2022-31/05/2022.
2022 Mariëlle Wijermars; Tetyana Lokot (2022) 2022 Association for the Study of Nationalities annual conference Telegram in the Belarus Protests: Platforms as Political Actors in Authoritarian Contexts online, 04/05/2022-07/05/2022.
2022 Tetyana Lokot; Alessio Cornia; Anastasia Deligiaouri (2022) ECPR Joint Sessions The impact of populist discourses on elite views, media coverage and public perceptions of Europeanisation in Ireland: a historical overview University of Edinburgh, 19/04/2022-22/04/2022.
2021 Tetyana Lokot; Mariëlle Wijermars (2021) 2021 Annual GigaNet Symposium An ideal in crisis: Critiquing the global politics of internet freedom rankings online, .
2021 Lokot, Tetyana; Wijermars, Mariëlle (2021) Governing through crisis. Conflict, crises and the politics of cyberspace An ideal in crisis: Critiquing the global politics of internet freedom rankings The Hague (hybrid conference), 09/11/2021-11/11/2021.
2020 Lokot, Tetyana (2020) Net September 2020: Annual Conference on Innovations in Social Technology Presentation of Horison Scanning edited book Online, 03/09/2020-04/09/2020.
2020 Lokot, Tetyana (2020) OPEN COMMUNICATION 70th Annual ICA Conference Hacking for Resistance: Frames and Narratives of Hacking in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Gold Coast, Australia (Virtual Conference), 20/05/2020-26/05/2020.
2019 Lokot, Tetyana (2019) 2019 Aleksanteri Conference “Technology, Culture, and Society in the Eurasian Space” Remaking Networked Citizenship: Visibility, Ephemerality and Agency on the Russian Internet Helsinki, Finland, 23/10/2019-25/10/2019.
2019 Lokot, Tetyana (2019) AoIR Flashpoint Symposium “Below the Radar: Private Groups, Locked Platforms and Ephemeral Contents” Affordances of Social Media for Networked Citizenship: Visibility, Ephemerality and Agency on The Russian Internet Urbino, Italy, 24/06/2019-24/06/2019.
2019 Lokot, Tetyana (2019) 2019 IARCEES Conference, “State and Non-state Actors in Eastern and Central Europe: Past, Present and Future” An annual conference of the Irish Association of Russian, Central and East European Studies Dublin, Ireland, 09/05/2019-11/05/2019.
2019 Lokot, Tetyana (2019) Real and Fake News: How New Technology is Changing Journalism Ukraine Elections 2019: Political Campaigning, Journalism and Social Media London, UK, 13/09/2019-14/09/2019.
2018 Lokot, Tetyana (2018) Association of Slavonic, Eastern European and Eurasian Studies Seeing and Being Seen: Exploring the Affordances of Social Media for Visibility and Witnessing in the Euromaidan Protest Boston, USA, 06/12/2018-09/12/2018.
2018 Lokot, Tetyana (2018) ECREA 2018 Conference The Politics of Ruin Porn: Mediating Urban Decay on the Russian-Speaking Internet Lugano, Switzerland, 31/10/2018-04/11/2018.
2018 Lokot, Tetyana (2018) Spaces of War, War of Spaces (Media, War and Conflict Journal 10th Anniversary Conference) Public networked discourses in the Ukraine-Russia conflict: The case of the ‘patriotic hackers’ Florence, Italy, 22/05/2018-23/05/2018.
2018 Lokot, Tetyana (2018) Theorising the Web A conference for academic and non-academic internet theorists, media researchers and sociologists New York, USA, 27/04/2018-28/04/2018.
2018 Lokot, Tetyana (2018) The British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) 2018 Annual Conference Be Safe or Be Seen? How Russian Activists Negotiate Visibility and Security in Online Resistance Practices Cambridge, UK, 13/04/2018-15/04/2018.
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) Association of Internet Researchers 2017 'Networked Publics' Peer-reviewed panel paper #IAmNotAfraidToSayIt: Stories of Sexual Violence as Everyday Political Speech on Facebook Tartu, Estonia, 18/10/2017-21/10/2017.
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) Program Committee Member Montreal, Canada, .
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) re:publica Dublin / re:publica Thessaloniki Stories of Protest: Identity and Networks Across Europe and Beyond Dublin, Ireland / Thessaloniki, Greece, 07/09/2017-13/09/2017.
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) Terrorism and Social Media International Conference Paper Extremist Hacking in the Ukraine-Russia Conflict: Digital Extremism and Self-Presentation of 'Patriotic Hackers' on Twitter Swansea, Wales, UK, 27/06/2017-29/06/2017.
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) Surveillance in Post-Communist Societies Workshop Paper Be Safe or Be Seen? How Russian Activists Negotiate Visibility and Security in Online Resistance Practices Stockholm, Sweden, 14/06/2017-15/06/2017.
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) Retreat from Globalisation? Brexit, Trump and the New Populism - Royal Irish Academy Standing Committee for International Affairs Public Networked Discourses in the Ukraine-Russia Conflict: Digital Populism and Self-Presentation of “Patriotic Hackers” on Twitter Dublin, Ireland, 31/05/2017-31/05/2017.
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) Revisiting Research on Russian Media Paper The Battle for Delegitimization: Mimicry and Appropriation of Fact-Checking and News Verification Practices in the Russian Media Sphere George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA, 28/04/2017-29/04/2017.
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) 4th International Conference Visuality 2017: Tourism vs Urban Heritage in a Creative City Paper “Urban murals as protest tourism attractions: mediated public art in post-Euromaidan Kyiv” presented as part of invited chaired panel with ECREA TWG Media & the City Vilnius, Lithuania, 21/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) Theorising the Web A conference for academic and non-academic internet theorists, media researchers and sociologists New York, USA, 07/04/2017-08/04/2017.
2016 Bezverkha, A.; Lokot, T. (2016) 2016 Critical Studies Research Group Conference on Resistance #Krymnash (#CrimeaIsOurs): The Discursive (De)Legitimation of the Annexation of Crimea Brighton, UK, .
2016 Lokot, Tetyana (2016) re:publica Dublin How Protesters Use Social Media to Reimagine Witnessing and Co-Presence Dublin, Ireland, 20/10/2016-20/10/2016.
2016 Lokot, Tetyana (2016) International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM) Program Committee Member Cologne, Germany, .
2016 Lokot, Tetyana (2016) International Communication Association Between the Everyday and the Extraordinary: Perceived Affordances of ICTs for Communicating Dissent Fukuoka, Japan, .
2016 Lokot, Tetyana (2016) International Association for Media and Communications Research Mediated Memories of Firestorms: Perceived Affordances of ICTs for Co-Presence and Witnessing During Protest Events University of Leicester, UK, .
2016 Lokot, Tetyana (2016) Theorising the Web A conference for academic and non-academic internet theorists, media researchers and sociologists New York, USA, .
2016 Lokot, Tetyana (2016) International Conference on Social Media & Society 2016 Politics of Identity, Co-Presence and Distance: How Ukrainians in the US Participated in the Euromaidan Protests in Ukraine Goldsmiths, University of London, UK, .
2016 Lokot, Tetyana (2016) ECREA 2016 Conference Methodological challenges in the study of augmented urban protest Prague, Czech Republic, .
2016 Lokot, Tetyana (2016) Internet Policy in Eastern Partnership Workshop The Role of Civil Society in Promoting the Internet Freedom Agenda in Ukrainian Internet Governance Discourse Center for Internet and Human Rights, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, .
2016 Karamshuk, D., Lokot, T., Pryymak, O., Sastry, N. (2016) The 2nd Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science Identifying Partisanship in News Articles and Twitter using Natural Language Processing Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, .
2015 Lokot, Tetyana (2015) Platform Ukraine Distant Witness: How Ukrainian Americans Participate in Politics Around Euromaidan Protests in Ukraine UCL-SSEES, London, UK, .
2015 Lokot, Tetyana (2015) ECREA Media & the City 2015 Conference: URBAN MEDIA STUDIES: CONCERNS, INTERSECTIONS AND CHALLENGES The Affordances of ICTs for Mobilizing and Managing Volunteer Efforts During an Urban Protest: The Case of Ukraine’s Euromaidan Zagreb, Croatia, .
2015 Lokot, Tetyana (2015) Theorising the Web A conference for academic and non-academic internet theorists, media researchers and sociologists New York, USA, .
2015 Lokot, Tetyana (2015) International Communication Association Politics of Identity, Co-Presence and Distance: How Ukrainians in the US Participated in the Euromaidan Protests in Ukraine San Juan, Puerto Rico, .
2015 Lokot, Tetyana (2015) Global Cultures of Contestation International Conference Politics of Identity, Co-Presence and Distance: How Ukrainians in the US Participated in the Euromaidan Protests in Ukraine Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, .
2015 Karamshuk, D., Lokot, T., Pryymak, O., Sastry, N. (2015) 2015 Social Media, Activism, and Organisations Symposium Frames and Buzzwords: Dynamics of Information Flows on Social Media During Mass Protests Goldsmiths, University of London, UK, .
2015 Lokot, Tetyana (2015) 2015 Social Media, Activism, and Organisations Symposium The Affordances of ICTs for Mobilizing and Managing Volunteer Efforts During a Protest: The Case of Ukraine’s Euromaidan Goldsmiths, University of London, UK, .
2014 Lokot, Tetyana (2014) Theorising the Web A conference for academic and non-academic internet theorists, media researchers and sociologists New York, USA, .
2014 Lokot, T., Prado, A., Xu, B. (2014) Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication News Magazines’ Coverage of the David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell Affair: Textual Analysis of Differences in Portrayals and Descriptions Montreal, Canada, .
2013 Oates, Sarah; Lokot, Tetyana (2013) International Association for Media and Communications Research Twilight of the Gods?: How Internet users challenged Russian news frames in the winter protests of 2011-12 Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, .
2013 Lokot, Tetyana (2013) Theorising the Web A conference for academic and non-academic internet theorists, media researchers and sociologists New York, USA, .
2013 Lokot, Tetyana (2013) National Communication Association Mapping the Elections: Use of Crowdmapping by Ukrainian Civic Activists During 2012 Parliamentary Elections Washington, DC, USA, .
2013 Oates, Sarah; Lokot, Tetyana (2013) American Sociological Association Media Sociology Pre-Conference Their Own Worst Critics?: How U.S. Journalists Talk About Their Own Profession New York, USA, .
2011 Lokot, Tetyana (2011) CRCEES IV Annual Research Forum Charting Political Activism Online in Russia: Methodological Puzzles and Possible Solutions Glasgow University, Scotland, UK, .

Published Report

Year Publication
2024 Jan Farfał; Wojciech Przybylski; Magda Jakubowska; Anna Hofmann; Zakaria Al Shmaly; Rostyslava Babinets; Marek Bičan; Stanislav Budnitsky; Tetiana Bulakh; Olga Chyzhova; Nikola Dimitrov; Pavel Havlíček; Marek Havrda; Tetyana Lokot; Hennadiy Maksak; Vukan Marković; Eric Maurice; Merouan Mekouar; Felix Oldenburg; Samuel Ramani; Emma Rimpiläinen; Maryia Rohava; Naira Sahakyan; Maria Simeonova; Žilvinas Švedkauskas; Paul Taylor; Julian Waller; Amanda Zadorian (2024) Costs of Non-Enlargement: Foresight Report on EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood. Visegrad Insight, ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS, . [Link]
2022 Lokot, Tetyana (2022) Unfreedom Monitor: Russia Country Report. Advox / Global Voices, . [Link]
2022 multiple authors, including Lokot, Tetyana (2022) The 2022 Ranking Digital Rights Big Tech Scorecard. Ranking Digital Rights, . [Link]
2020 Ranking Digital Rights (multiple authors, including Lokot, Tetyana) (2020) 2020 Corporate Accountability Index. Ranking Digital Rights, New America Foundation, . [Link]
2019 Matteo Tarantino; Tetyana Lokot; Susan Moore; Scott Rodgers; Simone Tosoni; Alexandre Babak Hedjazi (2019) Urban Data Cultures in Post-Socialist Countries: Challenges for Evidence-Based Policy towards Housing Sustainability. University of Geneva, . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Ranking Digital Rights (multiple authors, including Lokot, Tetyana) (2019) 2019 Corporate Accountability Index. Open Technology Institute, New America Foundation, . [Link]
2018 Ranking Digital Rights (multiple authors, including Lokot, Tetyana) (2018) 2018 Corporate Accountability Index. Open Technology Institute, New America Foundation, . [Link]
2017 Ranking Digital Rights (multiple authors, including Lokot, Tetyana) (2017) 2017 Corporate Accountability Index. Open Technology Institute, New America Foundation, . [Link]
2015 Ranking Digital Rights (multiple authors, including Lokot, Tetyana) (2015) 2015 Corporate Accountability Index. Open Technology Institute, New America Foundation, . [Link]


Year Publication
2022 Olga Boichak; Tetyana Lokot (2022) Billionaires Won’t Save Ukraine’s Internet. ED [Link]
2021 Lokot, Tetyana; Wijermars, Mariëlle (2021) Russia’s Social Media Self-Censorship Law is Misguided – and the West Must Avoid Making the Same Mistake. ED [Link]
2021 Lokot, Tetyana; Wijermars, Mariëlle (2021) The Kremlin forced U.S. tech firms to shut down an app some Russian voters hoped to use. Now what?. ED [Link]
2019 Lokot, Tetyana (2019) Opinion: Ukraine elected a comedian and an actual rock star this year. So now what?. ED [Link]

Online Article

Year Publication
2024 Tetyana Lokot (2024) What does Telegram founder's arrest mean for tech platforms globally?. Dublin, Ireland: ELEA [Link]
2020 Herasimenka, A., Lokot, T., Onuch, O., Wijermars, M. (2020) There’s more to Belarus’s ‘Telegram Revolution’ than a cellphone app. Washington, DC, USA: ELEA [Link]
2019 Lokot, Tetyana; Lipman, Maria (2019) Disconnecting the Russian Internet: Implications of the New “Digital Sovereignty” Bill. Washington, DC, USA: ELEA [Link]
2019 Ging, Debbie; Lokot, Tetyana (2019) Does social media love hate?. Dublin, Ireland: ELEA [Link]
2018 Lokot, Tetyana (2018) Russia's problem with social media memes. Dublin, Ireland: ELEA [Link]
2018 Lokot, Tetyana (2018) Telegram: What’s In an App?. Washington, DC, USA: ELEA [Link]
2017 Lokot, Tetyana (2017) Visible Protests in the Hybrid Media Era: Social Media, Live Streaming and Witnessing. ELEA [Link]
2013 Lokot, Tetyana (2013) Dilutions of Grandeur: Meme Longevity and Political Disillusionment. ELEA [Link]
2013 Lokot, Tetyana (2013) Dead or Not Dead? Technology, Media and Death. ELEA [Link]


Year Publication
2022 Wijermars, Mariëlle; Lokot, Tetyana (2022) Conceptualizing Platforms as Actors in Contentious Politics – A Novel Approach. New York, NY: BLOG [Link]

Electronic Source

Year Publication
2015 Lokot, Tetyana (2015) Mapping the 2012 Election: Use of Crowdmapping in Ukraine. ELES [Link]
2015 Lokot, Tetyana (2015) Galas: Mobilizing & Managing Volunteer Humanitarian Efforts Online During Euromaidan Protests In Ukraine. ELES [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
European Communication Research and Education Association Treasurer, Member, Governing Body 27/09/2024 -
European Communication Research and Education Association Chair, Media, Cities and Space Section 01/08/2019 - 22/10/2022
European Communication Research and Education Association Chair, Media and the City Temporary Working Group 01/11/2018 - 31/07/2019
European Communication Research and Education Association Vice-Chair, Media and the City Temporary Working Group 10/11/2016 - 31/10/2018
Association of Internet Researchers Member 27/02/2017 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/05/2022 DCU President's Early Career Research Award 2022 Dublin City University
01/05/2022 Top Faculty Paper Award, Political Communication Section, ICA 2022 International Communication Association, Political Communication Section


Committee Function From / To
Governing Body (Executive Board), European Communication Research and Education Association Elected as member of Governing Body (Executive Board) and Treasurer of European Communication Research and Education Association, the largest European association for media, journalism and communication scholars and HEIs. 27/09/2024 -
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences External Engagement Committee 01/11/2019 - 01/01/2023
Engagement Support Council 01/11/2019 - 01/01/2023
Editorial Board, Mediapolis Journal Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture is an interdisciplinary, open-access, online journal. 18/06/2020 - 31/05/2022
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Committee 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2019


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University of Maryland Doctor of Philosophy


Language Reading Writing Speaking
Ukrainian Fluent Fluent Fluent
Russian Fluent Fluent Fluent
French Fluent Functional Functional


Journal Role
Media, War and Conflict Reviewer
International Journal of Communication Reviewer
Social Media + Society Reviewer
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism Reviewer
International Communication Gazette Reviewer
Media and Communication Reviewer
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics Reviewer
HKS Misinformation Review Reviewer
New Media and Society Reviewer
Policy and Internet Reviewer
Information Communication and Society Editor
Media and Communication Editor
First Monday Reviewer
East European Politics and Societies Reviewer
Internet Policy Review Reviewer

Other Activities

Expert Reviewer for European Research Executive Agency on Horizon Europe and European Research Council research funding schemes.
Communication Officer, DCU Conflict Institute

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2022 Invited talk/presentation Yle Academy of Journalism, Yle Finnish Broadcasting Company Invited expert presentation to Yle Academy of Journalism, Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle, on coverage of Russian war in Ukraine and disinformation trends.

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
2023 Advisory Work Places of Sanctuary Ireland Member, Board of Governance
2024 Advisory Work European Communication Research and Education Association Vice-Chair of the ECREA Ukraine Task Force
2022 Advisory Work GlasDrum Chair (May 2021-May 2022), Committee member (2019-2022).
2018 Advisory Work Theorizing the Web, Inc. Director, Board of Directors (non-profit)


Title Year Type Authors
“Los líderes tecnológicos ya no se sentirán inmunes”. La detención del fundador de Telegram es una advertencia única 2024 Newspaper article (online) Jordi Pérez Colomé
Fringe, populist and Eurosceptic parties attracting highest proportion of donations across EU 2024 Newspaper article (online) Muiris O'Cearbhaill
How Big Tech let down Navalny 2024 Newspaper article (online) Ellery Roberts Biddle
The Last Hour of Prigozhin’s Plane 2023 Newspaper article (online) Matt Burgess
The World’s Most Important App (For Now) 2023 Newspaper article (online) Charlie Warzel
Talking History Podcast: Modern Ukraine 2023 Podcast Patrick Geoghegan
Mandatory SIM card registration forces users to surrender personal data 2022 Newspaper article (online) Chris Stokel-Walker
Media-saturation challenges trust in European democracy 2022 Other Kevin Casey
Russia’s Internet Censorship Machine Is Going After Tor 2021 Newspaper article (online) Chris Stokel-Walker
La Russie, leader mondial de la suppression de contenus sur Google 2021 Newspaper article (online) Fabrice Deprez
Meet the Male State: Russia’s Nastiest Online Hate Group 2021 Newspaper article (online) Michael Colborne
The Subversion Playbook: What the Removal of Navalny's Smart Voting App Means for Democracy Around the World 2021 Radio interview/panel discussion Sacha Pfeiffer
Human rights advocates decry Apple, Google decision to pull Navalny app as Russia voting begins 2021 Newspaper article (online) Craig Timberg, Robyn Dixon, Gerrit De Vynck and Reed Albergotti
Sunday Extra: Exposing a dictator one hack at a time 2021 Radio Interviews Julian Morrow
Hackers Release Data Trove From Belarus in Bid to Overthrow Lukashenko Regime 2021 Newspaper article (online) Ryan Gallagher
New Books Network: Beyond the Protest Square: Digital Media and Augmented Dissent 2021 Podcast Seegel, Steven; Lokot, Tetyana
PONARS Eurasia Podcast - Internet Resources: Civic Communication and State Surveillance 2021 Podcast Lipman, Maria; Lokot, Tetyana; Soldatov, Andrei
‘RuNet Sovereignty’: How Russia is trying to isolate its Internet segment from the rest of the world, maybe 2020 Podcast Rothrock, Kevin
Russian Web Activists Joust with Kremlin to Keep Internet Free 2019 Newspaper article (Print) Kantchev, Georgi
How Russia Is Strong-Arming Apple 2019 Newspaper article (online) Amy Mackinnon
BBC Newshour - Russian internet sovereignty 2019 Radio Interviews BBC Newshour
Q&A: Hurdles Ahead As Russia Surges On With 'Sovereign Internet' Plan 2019 Newspaper article (online) Alan Crosby
BBC Radio 4 Today - Russian internet sovereignty 2019 Radio Interviews BBC Radio 4
BBC Newshour - Russian fake news & gov-t disrespect laws 2019 Radio Interviews BBC Newshour
RTE Drivetime - social media and online hate speech 2019 Radio Interviews RTÉ Drivetime
‘We can no longer just dismiss online protest as some sort of slacktivism’ 2019 Newspaper article (online) Colm Gorey
RTÉ This Week - spectacular protests and policy change 2019 Radio Interviews RTÉ This Week
What’s Happened Since Russia Banned Telegram 2018 Newspaper article (online) Aaron Mak
Archive on 4: Long Road to Change 2017 Documentary BBC Radio 4

Research Interests

Digital rights, internet freedom, internet governance, networked citizenship, networked authoritarianism, protest and digital media, participatory warfare, conflict in the digital age, social media platforms and social/political change.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
NetworkedCitizenship: Theorising Transformations of Citizenship Practices, Performances and Norms in a Networked World DCU PI 18/07/2024 17/07/2026
The Global Politics of Internet Freedom co-PI (with Dr M. Wijermars) The project examines how and why the idea of internet freedom has changed over time by investigating how four groups of actors – the tech and academic community, non-profit advocacy organisations, states, and corporations – have influenced the normative idea of internet freedom and the global politics of its promotion. 01/01/2024 31/10/2024
Mediatized Discourses on Europeanization and their Representations in Public Perceptions DCU PI 01/12/2020 30/11/2024
A look behind the screens: the evolving agency of the user in Irish internet policy making (Christopher Tyler West) DCU PI 01/10/2020 30/09/2023
HERA Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe DCU PI 08/03/2018 07/03/2019
Platforming Warfare: Data, Algorithms, and the Changing Nature of a Contemporary Conflict (Olga Boichak) DCU PI 01/10/2019 30/09/2021
Changing the shape of the environmental movement: Biodiversity Advocacy on Twitter in Ireland (Orla ni Dhuill) DCU PI 01/09/2019 31/08/2021

Contract Researchers

Researcher Name Project Funding Body
Anastasia Deligiaouri MEDIATIZED EU

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
West ,Christopher Tyler PhD Supervisor
Suhov ,Ioan PhD-track Supervisor
Donohoe ,Mick PhD Supervisor

Internal Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
Internal Edoardo Celeste Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Academic
Internal Alessio Cornia School of Communications Academic
Internal Debbie Ging School of Communications, FuJo Academic

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Deen Freelon University of Pennsylvania Academic
External Eugenia Siapera University College Dublin Academic
External Olga Boichak University of Sydney Academic
External Mariëlle Wijermars Maastricht University Academic

Teaching Interests

Digital media and society; internet governance; digital authoritarianism; war, conflict and digital media

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2024 Navigating the Academic Publishing Landscape HUM1023
2024 MSMC Dissertation / Major Project MCO1060
2024 Social Media: Structures, Practices & Applications MCO1040/1041
2024 Digital Media & Society MCO1028
2024 Understanding Social Media MCO1038/1039