Maura Mcadam


Profile Photo

I am renowned internationally for my pioneering work in women’s entrepreneurship and family business. The interpretive foundation for my research is in critical entrepreneurship theory. I have made serious and lasting theoretical and methodological contributions because of my exploration of the influence of gender and diversity upon entrepreneurial behaviour spanning more than 20 years. From 2019-2022, I was lead PI in the GENRE project, a €1M EU project which examined gender equality in entrepreneurial ecosystems in four countries, Ireland, Israel, Norway, and Sweden. More recently, I have blazed a trail in women’s digital entrepreneurship and have gained particular recognition for my work in the Middle East (e.g., Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Israel).


I have maintained a formidable publications profile which has amassed academic outputs of more than 60+ journal articles (including in FT Top 50 journals); 8 book chapters; 4 books; 100+ conference papers which have had significant impact in terms of academic metrics (6700 citations; h-index=35; i10-index=57). For the last three consecutive years I have been ranked amongst the top 2% of scientists in the world for research impact, (by Stanford University and published in Elsevier BV, which ranks scientists across the world, based on a composite citation index from the Scopus database). In 2023 I was awarded the Dublin City University President's Award for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences.


Year Publication
2022 McAdam, M. (2022) Women's Entrepreneurship. London: Routledge. [DOI]
2021 McAdam, M, and Cunnigham, J. (2021) Women and Global Entrepreneurship: Contextualising Everyday Experiences. London: Routledge.
2019 McAdam, M and Cunnigham, J. (2019) Entrepreneurial Behaviour. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
2013 McAdam (2013) Female Entrepreneurship. UK: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 McAdam, M. and Alrubaishi, D (2021) 'The Family Business University: How to Live, Create and tell your Family Business Story' In: Family Entrepreneurship - Insights from Leading Experts on Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurial Families. London : Palgrave Macmillan.
2017 Harrison, R., Leitch, C. and McAdam, M. (2017) 'Identity Work and the Development of Entrepreneurial Leadership: Does Gender matter?' In: Global Female Entrepreneurship Handbook. London : Routledge.
2017 McAdam, M. and Soetanto, D. (2017) 'Networks and Entrepreneurship' In: SAGE Handbook for Entrepreneurship and Small Business. London : Sage.
2015 Marlow, S. and McAdam, M (2015) 'Women and Minority-Owned Businesses: Current research and future trends' In: Small Business in a Global Economy. Calfornia : Praeger.
2012 McAdam, M. and Marlow, S. (2012) 'Sectoral segregation or gendered practices? A case study of roles and identities in a copreneurial venture' In: Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Research: Diverse Settings, Questions and Approaches. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.
2010 McAdam, M. and Marlow, S (2010) 'All by myself”: The female high technology entrepreneur' In: Women’s Entrepreneurship and Growth Influences: An International Perspective. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.
2010 McAdam, M. and Marlow, S (2010) 'Constructing identities in the context of the Business Incubator: The challenges faced by the innovative female SET entrepreneur' In: Women, Innovation, Invention and Technology. Bradford : ISBE/Emerald.
2010 Marlow, S. and McAdam, M. (2010) 'United Kingdom' In: International Research Handbook of Successful Women Entrepreneurs. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Harrison, R.T.; Leitch, C.M.; McAdam, M. (2024) 'Margins of intervention? Gender, Bourdieu and women’s regional entrepreneurial networks'. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 36 . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Sumaya Hashim, Maura McAdam, Mattias Nordqvist (2024) 'An exploration of women entrepreneurs “doing context” in family business in the Gulf States'. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, . [DOI]
2024 Downey, H., McAdam, M. and Crowley, C. (2024) 'Authenticity and Craft Entrepreneurship: The Interplay of Passion and Place'. ENTREPRENEURSHIP & REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, .
2024 (2024) 'Everyday Prejudices: An Intersectional Exploration of the Experiences by Lesbian and Gay Entrepreneurs'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR & RESEARCH, .
2023 McAdam, M., Clinton, E., Hamilton, E., & Gartner, W. (2023) 'Learning in a Family Business Through Intermarriage: A Rhetorical History Perspective'. Family Business Review, .
2023 Tlaiss, H.A. and McAdam, M (2023) 'Tlaiss, H.A. and McAdam, M., Muslim feminists and entrepreneurship at times and in contexts of crises'. Gender, Work and Organization, .
2023 Brophy, M.; McAdam, M.; and Clinton, E. (2023) 'Vying for and Forgoing Visibility: Female Next Gen Leaders in Family Business with Male Successors'. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, .
2023 Haya Al-Dajani, Nupur Pavan Bang, Rodrigo Basco, Andrea Calabrò, Jeremy Chi Yeung Cheng, Eric Clinton, Joshua J. Daspit, Alfredo De Massis, Allan Discua Cruz, Lucia Garcia-Lorenzo, William B. Gartner, Olivier Germain, Silvia Gherardi, Jenny Helin, Miguel Imas, Sarah Jack, Maura McAdam, Miruna Radu-Lefebvre, Paola Rovelli, Malin Tillmar, Mariateresa Torchia, Karen Verduijn, Friederike Welter (2023) 'A multi-voiced account of family entrepreneuring research: expanding the agenda of family entrepreneurship'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR & RESEARCH, . [DOI]
2022 Kelly, G and McAdam, M (2022) 'Kelly, G. and McAdam, M., 2022. Women Entrepreneurs Negotiating Identities in Liminal Digital Spaces'. ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE, . [DOI]
2022 Brush, C.,; Eddleston, K., Edelman, L.F., McAdam, M and Rossi, C. (2022) 'Catalyzing Change: Innovation in Women'. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, .
2022 Kelly, G. and McAdam, M. (2022) 'Scaffolding liminality: The lived experience of women entrepreneurs in digital spaces'. Technovation, .
2022 MacNeil, H.; Schoonmaker, M.; McAdam, M. (2022) 'Accelerating alienation: gender and self-efficacy in the accelerator context'. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 28 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Radu-Lefebvre, M., Ronteau, S., Lefebvre, V and McAdam, M. (2022) 'Entrepreneuring as emancipation in family business succession: a story of agony and ecstasy'. ENTREPRENEURSHIP & REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, .
2022 Vershinina, N., Phillips, N. and McAdam, M. (2022) 'Online communities and entrepreneuring mothers: practices of building, being and belonging'. ENTREPRENEURSHIP & REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, .
2021 Alrubaishi, D., McAdam, M. and Harrison, R. (2021) 'Culture, Islamic capital and the entrepreneurial behaviour of family firms in Saudi Arabia'. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, .
2021 McAdam, M., Miller, K. and McAdam, R., (2021) 'A micro level investigation of stakeholder motives on university technology transfer business models'. Studies in Higher Education, 46 (5):951-964.
2021 McAdam, M.; Brophy, M.; Harrison, R.T. (2021) 'Anointed or appointed? Father–daughter succession within the family business'. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 39 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Tlaiss, H.A. and McAdam, M (2021) 'Islam, Arab Women's Entrepreneurship and the Construal of Success'. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, .
2021 Xian, H.; Jiang, N.; McAdam, M. (2021) 'Negotiating the female successor–leader role within family business succession in China'. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 39 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Alrubaishi, Dalal; McAdam, Maura; Harrison, Richard (2021) 'Culture, convention, and continuity: Islam and family firm ethical behavior'. BUSINESS ETHICS THE ENVIRONMENT & RESPONSIBILITY, 30 (2). [DOI]
2020 Harrison, R., Leitch, C. and McAdam, M. (2020) 'Women's entrepreneurship as a gendered niche: the implications for regional development policy'. Journal of Economic Geography, .
2020 McAdam, M., Crowley, C and Harrison, R. (2020) 'Digital girl: cyberfeminism and the emancipatory potential of digital entrepreneurship in emerging economies'. Small Business Economics, .
2020 Clinton, E., McAdam, M., Gamble, J.R. and Brophy, M., (2020) 'Entrepreneurial learning: the transmitting and embedding of entrepreneurial behaviours within the transgenerational entrepreneurial family'. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, .
2020 Tlaiss, H. and McAdam, M. (2020) 'Unexpected Lives: The Intersection of Islam and Arab Women’s Entrepreneurship'. Journal of Business Ethics, .
2020 Alrubaishi, D., Alarifi, G. and McAdam, M. (2020) 'Innovation heterogeneity in family firms: Evidence from the date industry in Saudi Arabia'. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, .
2020 Miller, K., McAdam, M., Spieth, P. and Brady, M., 2020. (2020) 'Business models big and small: Review of conceptualisations and constructs and future directions for SME business model research'. Journal of Business Research, .
2020 Ayyash, S. A., McAdam M., and O'Gorman, C. (2020) 'Towards a New Perspective on the Heterogeneity of Business Incubator-Incubation Definitions'. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, . [DOI]
2020 McAdam, M., Clinton, E and Dibrell, C. (2020) 'Navigation of the Paradoxical Landscape of the Family Business'. International Small Business Journal, 38 (3):139-153.
2020 McAdam, M.; Clinton, E.; Dibrell, C. (2020) 'Navigation of the paradoxical landscape of the family business'. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 38 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 McAdam, M., Crowley, C and Harrison, R. (2019) '“To boldly go where no [man] has gone before - Institutional voids and the development of women’s digital entrepreneurship'. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, .
2019 Vershinina, A, Rodgers, P., McAdam, M and Clinton, E (2019) 'Transnational migrant entrepreneurship, gender and family business'. Global Networks, . [DOI]
2019 McAdam, Harrison and Leitch (2019) 'Stories from the Field: Women’s Networking as Gender Capital in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems'. Small Business Economics, .
2018 Crowley, C., McAdam, M., Hillard, R and Cunnigham, J. (2018) 'Community of Practice: A Flexible Construct to Identify SME Networking Roles in the Irish Agri-Farmhouse Cheese Sector Journal: Journal of Rural Studies'. Journal of Rural Studies, .
2018 McAdam, M., and Debackere, K (2018) 'Beyond “Triple Helix” towards “Quadruple Helix” Models in Regional Innovation Systems: Implications for Theory and Practice'. R&D MANAGEMENT, .
2018 Clinton, E., McAdam, M. and Gamble, J. (2018) 'Transgenerational entrepreneurial family firms: An examination of the business model construct''. Journal of Business Research, .
2018 McAdam, M.; Miller, K.; McAdam, R. (2018) 'Understanding Quadruple Helix relationships of university technology commercialisation: a micro-level approach'. Studies in Higher Education, 43 . [Link] [DOI]
2017 McAdam, M., Miller, K. and McAdam, R. (2017) 'University Business Models in Disequilibrium - Engaging industry and end users within university technology transfer processes'. R&D MANAGEMENT, .
2016 McAdam, M; Miller, K; McAdam, R (2016) 'Situated regional university incubation: A multi-level stakeholder perspective'. Technovation, 50-51 :69-78. [DOI]
2016 McAdam, Rodney; Galbraith, Brendan; Miller, Kristel; Moffett, Sandra; McAdam, Maura (2016) 'The role of Lean at the interface with between operations management and applied services within a large aerospace organisation: a boundary spanning perspective'. PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, 27 (15). [DOI]
2015 Marlow, S; McAdam, M (2015) 'Incubation or Induction? Gendered Identity Work in the Context of Technology Business Incubation'. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 39 :791-816. [DOI]
2015 Harrison, R; Leitch, C; McAdam, M (2015) 'Breaking Glass: Toward a Gendered Analysis of Entrepreneurial Leadership'. Journal of Small Business Management, 53 :693-713. [DOI]
2015 McAdam M.; McAdam R.; Dunn A.; McCall C. (2015) 'Regional Horizontal Networks within the SME Agri-Food Sector: An Innovation and Social Network Perspective'. Regional Studies, . [DOI]
2014 Miller, K; McAdam, M; McAdam, R (2014) 'The changing university business model: a stakeholder perspective'. R and D Management, 44 :265-287. [DOI]
2014 McAdam, M; McAdam, R; Dunn, A; McCall, C (2014) 'Development of small and medium-sized enterprise horizontal innovation networks: UK agri-food sector study'. International Small Business Journal, 32 :830-853. [DOI]
2013 McAdam M.; Marlow S. (2013) 'A gendered critique of the copreneurial business partnership: Exploring the implications for entrepreneurial emancipation'. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 14 (3):151-163. [DOI]
2013 Wynarczyk, P; Piperopoulos, P; McAdam, M (2013) 'Open innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: An overview'. International Small Business Journal, 31 :240-255. [DOI]
2013 Marlow S.; McAdam M. (2013) 'Gender and entrepreneurship: Advancing debate and challenging myths; exploring the mystery of the under-performing female entrepreneur'. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 19 (1):114-124. [DOI]
2012 McAdam, R; Miller, K; McAdam, M; Teague, S (2012) 'The development of University Technology Transfer stakeholder relationships at a regional level: Lessons for the future'. Technovation, 32 :57-67. [DOI]
2012 Battisti, M. and McAdam, M (2012) 'The Challenges of Social Capital Development within the University Science Incubator: the Case of the Graduate Entrepreneur'. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 13 (4):261-276.
2012 Marlow, S; McAdam, M (2012) 'Analyzing the Influence of Gender Upon High-Technology Venturing Within the Context of Business Incubation'. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 36 :655-676. [DOI]
2011 McAdam, M; Marlow, S (2011) 'Sense and sensibility: The role of business incubator client advisors in assisting high-technology entrepreneurs to make sense of investment readiness status'. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 23 :449-468. [DOI]
2010 McAdam, M; McAdam, R; Galbraith, B; Miller, K (2010) 'An exploratory study of Principal Investigator roles in UK university Proof-of-Concept processes: an Absorptive Capacity perspective'. R and D Management, 40 :455-473. [DOI]
2009 McAdam R., McAdam, M. and Brown, V. (2009) 'The evaluation of the Proof of Concept process and absorptive capacity of University’s technology transfer activities'. R&D MANAGEMENT, 39 (2):192-210.
2008 McAdam, M. and Marlow, S. (2008) 'The University Incubator: Insights in the Entrepreneurial Process from a Network Perspective'. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, .
2008 McAdam, M; McAdam, R (2008) 'High tech start-ups in University Science Park incubators: The relationship between the start-up's lifecycle progression and use of the incubator's resources'. Technovation, 28 :277-290. [DOI]
2007 Mcadam, M; Marlow, S (2007) 'Building futures or stealing secrets? Entrepreneurial cooperation and conflict within business incubators'. International Small Business Journal, 25 :361-382. [DOI]
2006 McAdam, M. and McAdam, R. (2006) 'The Networked Incubator: The Role and Operation of Entrepreneurial Networking with the University Science Park Incubator (USI)'. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2018 Miller, K.; McAdam, R.; McAdam, M. (2018) A systematic literature review of university technology transfer from a quadruple helix perspective: toward a research agenda [Link] [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2023 Irish Women’s Award for Services to Education CreativeOceanic
01/05/2023 DCU President's Award for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences DCU
01/05/2018 DCU President’s Teaching Award DCU


Committee Function From / To
Royal Irish Academy -

Other Activities


Research Interests

I am a nationally and internationally recognised scholar within the area of entrepreneurship having a particular expertise with regards to the influence of gender upon women’s entrepreneurship, high technology business incubation, digital entrepreneurship and family business.

For the last three years I have been ranked in the top 2% of scientists in the world for research impact. In 2023 was awarded the Dublin City University President's Award for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences.


· Women's Entrepreneurship 

· Women in Family Business

· Women's Digital Entrepreneurship

· Gender Inequality in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

· Women Entrepreneurship and traditional masculine industries

· Entrepreneurial Behaviour, gender and diverse contexts.



Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Overcoming the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Gender Divide: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Principal Investigator and Lead Partner 01/03/2019 28/02/2022

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Developing New Business Opportunities EF5145P
2022 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Practice FB525P
2022 Practicum - Applied Research MG513
2022 Qualitative Research Methods MT610