Enda Donlon


Profile Photo

Dr. Enda Donlon is an Associate Professor in the school of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies at the Institute of Education, Dublin City University. He mainly teaches and researches on the use of ICT in teaching and learning, with a specific focus on the use of digital technologies in and for teacher education. Enda is the APF (Area of Professional Focus) leader for the AI and Emerging Technologies in Education strand of the Doctor of Education Programme at DCU.

Enda is a former president (2018-2020)  and vice-president (2016-2018) of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI), and has served on the national executive of the Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) from 2008-2019. He was the Irish representative on the Governing Council of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) from 2018-2022. Enda currently serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, of Irish Educational Studies, and of Impacting Education.

Enda is a winner of the DCU President's Award for Innovation (Academic and Research, 2014) and the DCU President's Award for Excellence in Teaching (team award, 2021) and was a finalist for the Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (2014).  


Year Publication
2012 Walsh, O., Donlon, E., MacCártaigh, L., Travers, A., & Croatto, B. (2012) FaithConnect: Cuardach na Brí. Dublin: Veritas.
2011 Walsh, O., Donlon, E., MacCártaigh, L., Travers, A., & Croatto, B. (2011) FaithConnect: The Search for Meaning. Dublin: Veritas.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2023 Donlon, E. (2023) 'Student Response Systems in Initial Teacher Education: A scoping review of web-based applications' In: The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan. [DOI]
2022 Donlon, E. (2022) 'Using technology in your research project' In: Doing Research in Education: A Beginner's Guide. Dublin : UCD Press.
2017 Stone, S., Doyle, P., Donlon, E., Gormley, C., Walsh, E., O’Keeffe, N., O’Keeffe, M., Crean, A. & Ferguson, P. (2017) 'Meitheal: An Irish Case Study in Building a Virtual Community of Practice in Transitional Times' In: Implementing Communities of Practice in Higher Education. Singapore : Springer.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2017 Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., Farrelly, T. & Kirwan, K (Ed.). (2017) Proceedings of The Next Generation: Digital Learning Research Symposium. Dublin: Dublin City University,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Tiernan, P. & Donlon, E. (2025) 'Digital storytelling and Enterprise Education: A creative tool for presenting entrepreneurial ideas'. IRISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 43 (1):1-12. [DOI]
2024 Doyle, A.; Donlon, E.; Conroy Johnson, M.; McDonald, E.; Sexton, P.J. (2024) 'Re-envisioning pre-service teachers’ beliefs and feelings about assessment: the important space of authentic assignments'. European Journal of Teacher Education, 47 . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Fitzsimons, S., Sexton, PJ, Lehane, P., Donlon, E., McDonald, E., Karakolidis, A., & McKeever, C. (2024) 'Understanding pre-service teachers’ improvement in professional practice: A quantitative perspective'. Irish Educational Studies, . [DOI]
2024 Donlon, E., & King, F. (2024) 'From Room to Zoom: Co-constructing Doctoral Community in Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Times'. Impacting Education, 9 (1):55-62. [DOI]
2023 Donlon, E., & Tiernan, P. (2023) 'Chatbots and Citations: An experiment in academic writing with Generative AI'. Irish Journal Of Technology Enhanced Learning, 7 (2):75-87. [DOI]
2023 Taggart, S.; Roulston, S.; Brown, M.; Donlon, E.; Cowan, P.; Farrell, R.; Campbell, A. (2023) 'Virtual and augmented reality and pre-service teachers: Makers from muggles?'. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 39 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Tiernan, P., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Parysz, M., & Scriney, M. (2023) 'Information and Media Literacy in the Age of AI: Options for the Future'. Education Sciences, 13 (9):906-917. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13090906
2022 Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2022) 'Five major trends shaping online learning: A multifocal view of possible futures'. Distance Education in China, 2022 (6):21-35. [DOI]
2022 Kirwan, C.; Costello, E.; Donlon, E. (2022) 'ADAPTTER: Developing a Framework for Teaching Computational Thinking in Second-Level Schools by Design Research'. TechTrends, 66 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Donlon, E.; Conroy Johnson, M.; Doyle, A.; McDonald, E.; Sexton, P.J. (2022) 'Presence accounted for? student-teachers establishing and experiencing presence in synchronous online teaching environments'. Irish Educational Studies, 41 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Farrell, R.; Cowan, P.; Brown, M.; Roulston, S.; Taggart, S.; Donlan, E.; Baldwin, M. (2022) 'Virtual Reality in Initial Teacher Education (VRITE): a reverse mentoring model of professional learning for learning leaders'. Irish Educational Studies, 41 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2021) 'Digital education as social practice: Major trends shaping online learning futures'. Rivista di Digital Politics (Review of Digital Politics), 1 (3):455-484. [DOI]
2021 Doyle, Audrey; Johnson, Marie Conroy; Donlon, Enda; McDonald, Elaine; Sexton, P. J. (2021) 'The Role of the Teacher as Assessor: Developing Student Teachers' Assessment Identity'. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 46 (12). [DOI]
2021 Lyons, R., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2021) 'Moving the hackathon online: Reimagining pedagogy for the digital age'. Distance Education in China, 8 :60-70. [DOI]
2021 Donlon, E. (2021) 'Lost and found: the academic conference in pandemic and post-pandemic times'. Irish Educational Studies, 40 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., & Girme, P. (2020) '‘The Pandemic Will Not be on Zoom’: A Retrospective from the Year 2050'. Postdigital Science and Education, (2):619-627. [DOI]
2020 Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2020) 'VLEs: A metaphorical history from sharks to limpets'. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020 (2):1-10. http://doi.org/10.5334/jime.575
2020 Donlon, E.; McDonald, E.; Fitzsimons, S.; Sexton, P.J. (2020) 'Being and belonging: Student-teachers' contextual engagement in schools'. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 45 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Donlon, E., Costello, E., & Brown, M. (2020) 'Collaboration, collation, and competition: Crowdsourcing a directory of educational technology tools for teaching and learning'. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36 (3):41-55.
2019 Costello, Eamon; Donlon, Enda; Brown, Mark (2019) 'Research Ethics of Twitter for MOOCs'. ONLINE LEARNING, 23 (3). [DOI]
2019 Donlon, E. (2019) 'The use of a custom-built online environment for communication with and support of student-teachers during school placement'. Teaching Education, 30 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2015) 'A Strategic Response to MOOCs: How one European university is approaching the challenge'. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 16 (6):98-115.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2023 Haren, J., Leahy, M., & Donlon, E. (2023) Cyber Research Conference - Ireland Patterns of learning in the cybersecurity profession: A mixed methods study to understand continuing professional development among cybersecurity professionals in Ireland [DOI]
2018 Kirwan, C., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2018) 17th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL) . In: Ntalianis, K, Andreatos, A., & Sgouropoulou, C eds. Computational Thinking and Online Learning: A Systematic Literature Review Athens, Greece, 01/11/2018- 02/11/2018 [Link]
2016 Donlon, E., Brown, M. & Costello, E. (2016) Show Me the Learning (Ascilite 2016) . In: Barker, S., Dawson, S., Pardo, S. & Colvin, C eds. Power of the Crowd: The Promise and Potential of Crowdsourcing for Education Adelaide, 27/11/2016- 30/11/2016 [Link]
2016 Costello, E., Binesh, N., Brown, M., Zhang, J., Giolla-Mhichíl, M.N., Donlon, E. & Lynn, T. (2016) Show Me the Learning (Ascilite 2016) . In: Barker, S., Dawson, S., Pardo, S. & Colvin, C eds. Social Media #MOOC Mentions: Lessons for MOOC mentions from analysis of Twitter data Adelaide, 27/11/2016- 30/11/2016 [Link]
2016 Donlon, E., Brown, M. & Costello, E. (2016) The Next Generation: Digital Learning Research Symposium . In: Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., Farrelly, T. & Kirwan, K eds. Harnessing the Crowd: Framing a Research Agenda Dublin, 01/11/2016-
2016 Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Brown, M., Costello, E, Donlon, E., Kirwan, C. Gormley, C., & O Ciardubhain, C. (2016) European Stakeholder Summit on experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs (EMOOCS 2016) . In: Khalil, M., Ebner, M., Kopp, M., Lorenz, A., & Kalz, M eds. Classifying the Irish 101 LMOOC Graz, Austria, 22/02/2016- 24/02/2016
2016 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., & Kirwan, C. (2016) MOOCs in Europe: Overview of papers representing a collective European response on MOOCs as presented during the HOME conference in Rome November 2015 . In: Jensen, D., & Konings, L eds. Story of MOOCs in the Irish media: Hold the front page Maastricht, The Netherlands, 30/11/2015- 30/11/2015 [Link]
2016 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) Global Learn MOOCs in the News: The ‘Real’ Story Behind the Irish Story Limerick, 28/04/2016- 28/04/2016 [Link]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2025 Donlon, E. & Tiernan, P. (2025) CESI Conference 2025: Navigating our Digital Futures 2.0 Navigating our Digital Futures: Blazing Trails or Off the Rails? Limerick, Ireland, 01/03/2025-01/03/2025.
2025 Tiernan, P. & Donlon, E. (2025) Education after the Algorithm Teachers's Perceptions on the Impact of AI: A report from the PAIDEIA Erasmus+ Project Dublin, Ireland, 20/02/2025-21/03/2025.
2025 Tiernan, P. & Donlon, E. (2025) Education after the Algorithm Something Old, Something New: Reimagining Webquests with AI for Digital Literacy Dublin, Ireland, 20/02/2025-21/03/2025.
2024 Costello, E., Brunton, J., Donlon, E., Welsh, S., Farrell, O., & Grigorescu, I. (2024) ILTA EdTech 2024 Hack this course! Digital pedagogy rewilded ATU Sligo, 30/05/2024-31/05/2024.
2024 Tiernan, P., Gorman, A., Boylan, P., Jhawar, J., Donlon, E., Smeaton, A., Coulter, M., & Coyle, S. (2024) ESAI Conference 2024: Education for more just societies MiTeachVR - Imagining a new approach to pre-service teachers’ communication skills development using an innovative VR classroom Maynooth University, Ireland, 04/04/2024-06/04/2024.
2023 Haren, J., Leahy, M., & Donlon, E. (2023) Cyber Research Conference Ireland 2023 Patterns of learning in the cybersecurity profession: A mixed methods study to understand continuing professional development among cybersecurity professionals in Ireland ATU Letterkenny, 24/11/2023-24/11/2023.
2023 Tiernan, P., & Donlon, E. (2023) ECER 2023: The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research Online Teaching Pedagogies and Initial Teacher Education in Ireland: Responses and Reflections from the Pandemic University of Glasgow, Scotland, 22/08/2023-25/08/2023.
2023 Gormley, C., Donlon, E., & Brown, M. (2023) EDEN Conference 2023 (“Yes we can!” – Digital Education for Better Futures) Implementing Challenge-Based Learning (CBL): What the emerging literature says Dublin, Ireland, 18/06/2023-20/06/2023.
2023 Costello, E., Cooney, R., Mohammadi, N., & Donlon, E. (2023) ECER 2023: The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research Real or Imagined? A Speculative Future of Kindness in Education University of Glasgow, Scotland, 22/08/2023-25/08/2023.
2023 Gallagher, G., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2023) EDEN Conference 2023 (“Yes we can!” – Digital Education for Better Futures) Between the rocks and hard places: Exploring the experiences of educational technology leaders Dublin, 18/06/2023-20/06/2023.
2023 Costello, E., Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Brown, M., Donlon, E., & Cooney, R. (2023) EDEN Conference 2023 (“Yes we can!” – Digital Education for Better Futures) Who are you (and what do you do)? Being and doing in learning design Dublin, 18/06/2023-20/06/2023.
2023 Girme, P., Costello, E., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2023) EDEN Conference 2023 (“Yes we can!” – Digital Education for Better Futures) Building better sanctuaries: A case study of the Universities of Sanctuary Initiative In Dublin City University Dublin, Ireland, 18/06/2023-20/06/2023.
2023 Girme, P., Costello, E., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2023) OER Conference 2023 (Advancing Open Education Practices) Warm spaces: Building support and opening access to the university Inverness, Scotland, 04/04/2023-06/04/2023.
2023 Gallagher, G., Donlon, E., & Brown, M. (2023) ILTA EdTech23: Reporting from the Digital Coalface: How EdTech is Enhancing the Learning Experience Leading Educational Technology Change: It’s like “driving a car with the handbrake on” Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, 01/06/2023-02/06/2023.
2023 Farrell, O., Costello, E., Brunton, J., Brown, M., Donlon, E., & Cooney, R. (2023) ILTA EdTech23: Reporting from the Digital Coalface: How EdTech is Enhancing the Learning Experience What is it like to be a learning designer? Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, 01/06/2023-02/06/2023.
2023 Costello, E., Cooney, R., Mohammadi, N., & Donlon, E. (2023) OER Conference 2023 (Advancing Open Education Practices) Archaeologies of the heart: In search of the practice that cannot be practiced Inverness, Scotland, 04/04/2023-06/04/2023.
2022 Wolf, L.G., Marsh, J.P., King, F., Looney, A., & Donlon, E. (2022) Carnegie Project in the Education Doctorate (CPED) Convening 2022 Fostering and maintaining international collaborations for student development Pittsburgh, PA, 12/10/2022-14/10/2022.
2022 Cowan, P., Farrell, R., Roulston, S., Brown, M., Taggart, S., & Donlon, E. (2022) Education in a Changing World [ECER 2022] Virtual Reality as the catalyst for a new partnership model in Initial Teacher Education Online, 01/09/2022-10/09/2022.
2022 Gallagher, G., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2022) Sustainability and Digital Pedagogy: Next Steps [EdTech22] Central or peripheral? Experiences of leading educational technology from the “middle” in Irish Higher Education University College Cork, Ireland, 26/05/2022-27/05/2022.
2022 Costello, E., Brown, M., Girme, P., Donlon, E., & Farrell, O. (2022) Sustainability and Digital Pedagogy: Next Steps [EdTech22] Unpacking the hack: Educational hackathons as emergent pedagogy University College Cork, Ireland, 26/05/2022-27/05/2022.
2022 Fitzsimons, S., Sexton, PJ, Donlon, E., & McDonald, E. (2022) Enhancing the value of teacher education research: Implications for policy and practice An analysis of the quantitative impact of a research project on ITE practicum grades University of Graz, Austria, 11/04/2022-13/04/2022.
2022 Farrell, R., Cowan, P., Brown, M., Roulston, S., Taggart, S., Donlon, E., & Baldwin, M. (2022) Reconstructing Education: What matters? [ESAI Conference 2022] Virtual Reality in Initial Teacher Education (VRITE): A reverse mentoring model of professional learning for learning leaders Online, 07/04/2022-08/04/2022.
2022 Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2022) Digital Education: From Sideshow to Centre Stage A helicopter view of possible futures: An analysis of major trends in online learning Online, .
2021 Doyle, Audrey; Donlon, Enda; McDonald, Elaine; Conroy Johnson, Marie; Sexton, PJ (2021) Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations All changed, changed utterly: Reimagining school placement in the 21st century during the Covid-19 pandemic Online, .
2021 Farrell, Rachel; Cowan, Pamela; Roulston, Stephen; Brown, Martin; Taggart, Sammy; Donlon, Enda (2021) Education and Society: expectations, prescriptions, reconciliations Virtual reality in initial teacher education - a model of professional development Online, 06/09/2021-10/09/2021.
2021 Doyle, A., Donlon, E., Conroy Johnson, M., McDonald, E., & Sexton, PJ (2021) Leadership for Professional Learning Re-imagining new possibilities for Teacher Placement for post-primary student teachers: the role of the assessor Online, 28/06/2021-30/06/2021.
2021 Donlon, E., Conroy Johnson, M., Doyle, A., McDonald, E., & Sexton, PJ (2021) Possibilities in education: Re-imagining connections with people, purpose and place [ESAI2021] 'Presence accounted for?' Student-teachers establishing and experiencing 'presence' in online teaching environments Online, 25/03/2021-26/03/2021.
2021 Doyle, A., Conroy Johnson, M., McDonald, E., Sexton, PJ, & Donlon, E. (2021) Possibilities in education: Re-imagining connections with people, purpose and place [ESAI2021] Re-imagining new possibilities for Teacher Placement for post-primary student teachers: the role of the assessor in the Classroom Based Assessments  Online, 25/03/2021-26/03/2021.
2020 Donlon, E. (2020) ESAI2020: Opening up Education: Options, Obstacles and Opportunities Open while closed: Learnings from lockdown about teaching and technology Online, 03/09/2020-05/09/2020.
2020 Fitzsimons, S., Sexton, PJ, McDonald, E., & Donlon, E. (2020) ESAI2020: Opening up Education: Options, Obstacles and Opportunities Turning obstacles into opportunities: Research paving the path to good teaching Online, 03/09/2020-05/09/2020.
2020 Farrell, R., Cowan, P., Roulston, S., Brown, M., Taggart, S., & Donlon, Enda (2020) ECER2020: Educational Research (Re)connecting Communities Virtual reality in initial teacher education - a model of professional development Glasgow [Conference Cancelled], .
2019 Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Conole, G., Donlon, E., & Trevaskis, S. (2019) Open Education Global Conference Open, future, online teaching: enabling excellence in the student experience Milan, Italy, 26/11/2019-28/11/2019.
2019 Donlon, E., McDonald, E., Fitzsimons, S., & Sexton, PJ (2019) SERA 2019: Creative Visions for Educational Futures A tale of two timings: Student-teachers' contextual engagement in placement schools University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 20/11/2019-22/11/2019.
2019 Donlon, E., Farrelly, T., & Costello, E. (2019) 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning A Metaphorical Mapping of the Virtual Learning Environment Landscape Convention Centre, Dublin, 03/11/2019-07/11/2019.
2019 Gallagher, G., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2019) 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning Caught in the middle: the experiences of educational technology leaders in Irish Higher Education Convention Centre, Dublin, 03/11/2019-07/11/2019.
2019 Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Trevaskis, S., Eccles, S., & Ní Shé, C. (2019) 28th ICDE World Conference on Online Learning Plugging the Gap in CPD for Part-Time Online Teachers Convention Centre, Dublin, 03/11/2019-07/11/2019.
2019 Farrelly, T., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2019) OOFHEC2019: Blended and online education within European university networks Of Mice and Minivans: The use of Metaphors to deconstruct Virtual Learning Environments Madrid, Spain, 16/10/2019-18/10/2019.
2019 Donlon, E., McDonald, E., Fitzsimons, S., & Sexton, PJ (2019) ECER 2019: 'Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future' 'I Was an Equal at a Table of Teachers: The Significance of Contextual Engagement for Student-teachers on School Placement' Hamburg, Germany, 03/09/2019-06/09/2019.
2019 Roulston, S., Taggart, S., Brown, M., Cowan, P., Farrell, R., & Donlon, E (2019) ECER 2019 'Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future' Virtual and Augmented Reality and Initial Teacher Education students: Novelty or Game Changer Hamburg, Germany, 03/09/2019-06/09/2019.
2019 Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Conole, G., & Trevaskis, S. (2019) EdTech2019: The Digital Transformation of Irish Higher and Further Education – Real or Imagined? Mind the Gap: Supporting the professional development of part time online teachers Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland, 30/05/2019-31/05/2019.
2019 Gallagher, G., Brown, M., & Donlon, E. (2019) EdTech2019: The Digital Transformation of Irish Higher and Further Education – Real or Imagined? Between the rocks and hard places: exploring the experiences of educational technology leaders in Irish Higher Education Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland, 30/05/2019-31/05/2019.
2019 Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Conole, G., Donlon, E., & Trevaskis, S. (2019) ESAI19: Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge #OpenTeach: Rising to the challenge of supporting part-time online teachers Sligo, Ireland, 11/04/2019-13/04/2019.
2019 Kirwan, C., Costello, E. & Donlon, E. (2019) ESAI19: Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge Designing an introductory Computational Thinking course for post-primary students Sligo, Ireland, 11/04/2019-13/04/2019.
2019 Ní Áingléis, B., Donlon, E., O’Brien, S., Conroy Johnson, M., & Tillmanns, T. (2019) ESAI19: Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge The design of an online communication learning and communication platform for placement settings: An exploratory case study Sligo, Ireland, 11/04/2019-13/04/2019.
2019 Sexton, PJ, Fitzsimons, S., McDonald, E., & Donlon, E. (2019) ESAI19: Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge From passive to active learner engagement: A paradigm shift Sligo, Ireland, 11/04/2019-13/04/2019.
2019 Donlon, E. (2019) [AERA2019] Leveraging Education Research in a “Post-Truth” Era: Multimodal Narratives to Democratise Evidence Education in Times of Change, Choice and Challenge: Perspectives from Ireland Toronto, Canada, 05/04/2019-09/04/2019.
2018 Kirwan, C., Costello, E. & Donlon, E. (2018) European Conference of E-Learning Computational Thinking and Online Learning: A Systematic Literature Review Athens, 31/10/2018-02/11/2018.
2018 Donlon, E., & Brown, M. (2018) TEL Quality Matters - People, Policies and Practices TEL Quality Matters: The Significance of Teacher Pedagogical Beliefs IT Carlow, 31/05/2018-01/06/2018.
2018 Donlon, E., Costello, E. & Brown, M. (2018) ESAI Conference 2018: Values and Purpose in Education Massive Open Online Courses for Teacher CPD: Potentials, Problems and Pedagogy Dublin, 05/04/2018-07/04/2018.
2018 Costello, E., Donlon, E. & Brown, M. (2018) ESAI Conference 2018: Values and Purpose in Education Open Goal: A case for Open Educational Practices Dublin, 05/04/2018-07/04/2018.
2017 Donlon, E., Brown, M. & Costello, E. (2017) TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity- Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies Supercomplexity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Research Challenges for 21st Century Educators IT Sligo, Ireland, 01/06/2017-02/06/2017.
2017 Kirwan, C., Donlon, E. & Costello, E. (2017) TEL in an Age of Supercomplexity- Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies Complexities of a Computational Thinking Age: Definitional Challenges IT Sligo, Ireland, 01/06/2017-02/06/2017.
2017 Donlon, E., Brown, M. & Costello, E. (2017) Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice The Next Big Thing: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education University College Cork, Ireland, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E. & Nic Giolla-Mhichil, M. (2017) Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice Finding Privacy in the Big Education Data Haystack University College Cork, Ireland, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 Kirwan, C., Costello, E. & Donlon, E. (2017) Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice Computational Thinking: Are we all on the same page? University College Cork, Ireland, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Farrelly, T., Nic Giolla-Mhichil, M. & Ward, M. (2017) Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice [Symposium] Digital Learning Revisited: Exploring some of the big questions University College Cork, Ireland, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., Brown, M., Costello, E. & Donlon, E. (2017) Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice Opening up Education in Irish Universities: An analysis of institutional strategy and macro-level policy University College Cork, Ireland, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 McDonald, E., Donlon, E., Fitzsimons, S. & Sexton, PJ (2017) Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice Between the classroom and the staffroom: the significance of contextual engagement for the school placement University College Cork, Ireland, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2017 Sexton, PJ, Fitzsimons, S., McDonald, E. & Donlon, E. (2017) Changing Research: working the spaces between education policy and practice 'She was engaging, kind and understanding...she is why I aspire to be a teacher': A study of the reasons for joining the teaching profession University College Cork, Ireland, 20/04/2017-22/04/2017.
2016 Donlon, E., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2016) The Next Generation: Digital Learning Research Symposium 2016 Harnessing the Crowd: Framing a Research Agenda The Helix, Dublin, Ireland, 01/11/2016-.
2016 Donlon, E., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2016) Enhancing European Higher Education: “Opportunities and Impact of New Modes of Teaching” Why the Many are Smarter than the Few: Applications and Aspirations of Crowdsourcing for Education Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO, Rome, Italy, 19/10/2016-21/11/2016.
2016 Donlon, E. (2016) Open Tech Labs Meetup: Open Education Opening Up Education Dublin City University, 19/10/2016-.
2016 Costello, E., Brown, M., Nair, B., Jingjing Zhang, Donlon, E., Ni Ghiolla Michil, M., & Lynn, T. (2016) Irish Human Computer Interaction Conference 2016 Social Media #MOOC Mentions: Lessons for MOOC Research from Analysis of Twitter Data University College Cork, Ireland, 14/10/2016-.
2016 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) Connect, Collaborate, Create (ALT-C Conference 2016) The Open Academy initiative: Fostering an innovation culture with a local flavour University of Warwick, UK, 06/09/2016-08/09/2016.
2016 Brown, M., Eamon Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nair, B., Ni Ghiolla Michil, M., Lynn, T., Jingjing Zhang, & Perris, K. (2016) Connect, Collaborate, Create (ALT-C 2016) Towards a Research Agenda of MOOCs in Twitter through Analysis of a Large Dataset University of Warwick, UK, 06/09/2016-08/09/2016.
2016 Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., Ward, M., & Butler, D. (2016) Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) Massive Open Online Coding: Exploring the role of MOOCs for post-primary computing education in Ireland St. Patrick's College, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 16/06/2016-17/06/2016.
2016 Butler, D., Hallissy, M., Donlon, E., Leahy, M., Hurley, J., & Brown, M. (2016) ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge (ILTA Conference 2016) 21CLD MOOC: A triarchic response to teacher professional learning Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 26/05/2016-27/05/2016.
2016 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge (ILTA Conference 2016) Shaping the Future: The DCU Open Academy Initiative Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 26/05/2016-27/05/2016.
2016 Costello, E., Donlon, E., Farrelly, T., Brown, M., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge (ILTA Conference 2016) Building Digital Bridges: A Special Interest Group in Digital Learning of the Education Studies Association of Ireland Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 26/05/2016-27/05/2016.
2016 Costello, E., Lynn, T., Brown, M., Nair, B., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge (ILTA Conference 2016) Rising or Falling? Tracing MOOC trends in social media Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 26/05/2016-27/05/2016.
2016 Donlon, E. (2016) ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge (ILTA Conference 2016) The wisdom of the crowd: A crowdsourcing approach to compiling a directory of teaching and learning tools Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 26/05/2016-27/05/2016.
2016 Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2016) ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge (ILTA Conference 2016) Researching Usability and Design in the Irish 101 MOOC Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 26/05/2016-27/05/2016.
2016 Stone, S., O'Keeffe, M., Gormley, C., Donlon, E., Ferguson, P., Doyle, P., Crean, A., & O'Keeffe, N. (2016) ReConstituting TEL: Rising to the Challenge (ILTA Conference 2016) Meitheal - An old word for a new world: The challenges and opportunities of an online community of practice Law Society of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland, 26/05/2016-27/05/2016.
2016 Brown, M., Costello, E., Butler, D., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) e-Learning Africa: 11th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education & Training Thinking Strategically about MOOCs: Developing an institutional response Cairo, Egypt, 24/05/2016-26/05/2016.
2016 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) OER16: Open Culture Images of openness: A kaleidoscope of competing discourses University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 19/04/2016-20/04/2016.
2016 Nic Giolla Mhichil, M., Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Kirwan, C. (2016) OER16: Open Cultures Irish 101 - Incorporating Cultural and Strategic Drivers University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 19/04/2016-20/04/2016.
2016 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Farrelly, T., Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) Education as a Public Good (ESAI Conference 2016) Ciphered or shared? Questioning the role of the digital in opening up education [Digital Learning Special Interest Group (SIG) Symposium] Galway, Ireland, 31/03/2016-02/04/2016.
2016 Costello, E., Brown, M., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) Education as a Public Good (ESAI Conference 2016) Land of the Learning Giants: The rise of MOOCs [Paper as part of Digital Learning Special Interest Group (SIG) Symposium] Galway, Ireland, 31/03/2016-02/04/2016.
2016 Donlon, E., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2016) Education as a Public Good (ESAI Conference 2016) Virtual Learning Environments: Locking in learning or opening educational opportunities? [Paper as part of Digital Learning Special Interest Group (SIG) Symposium] Galway, Ireland, 31/03/2016-02/04/2016.
2016 Donlon, E., McDonald, E., Fitzsimons, S., Sexton, PJ., & Leonard, H. (2016) Education as a Public Good (ESAI Conference 2016) Being and Belonging: Student-Teachers’ Contextual Engagement in Placement Schools Galway, Ireland, 31/03/2016-02/04/2016.
2016 Sexton, PJ, Donlon, E., Fitzsimons, S., McDonald, E., & Leonard, H. (2016) Education as a Public Good (ESAI Conference 2016) Longitudinal Study on Student- Teachers' Understanding of Teacher Identity Galway, Ireland, 31/03/2016-02/04/2016.
2016 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichil, M. (2016) MoodleMoot Ireland UK 2016 Moodle in the Age of the MOOC: The DCU Open Academy initiative London, England, 22/03/2016-24/03/2016.
2015 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Kirwan, C. (2015) WOW Conference: Europe Embraces MOOCs Hold the Front Page: The story of MOOCs in the Irish media Rome, Italy, 30/11/2015-.
2015 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M., & Kirwan, C. (2015) The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference MOOCs in the Media: The story behind the story FernUniversitat, Hagen, 29/10/2015-30/10/2015.
2015 Brown, M., Costello, E., & Donlon, E. (2015) The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference The VLE and Open Education: Problems, potentials and practicalities FernUniversitat, Hagen, 29/10/2015-30/10/2015.
2015 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giolla Mhichíl, M. (2015) ALT-C 2015: Shaping the Future of Learning Together Why Institutions adopt MOOCs: Breaking down traditional barriers or reproducing privilege Manchester, England, 08/09/2015-10/09/2015.
2015 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nic Giollamhichil, M., & Kirwan, C. (2015) Expanding Learning Scenarios (EDEN 2015 Annual Conference) What to do about MOOCs: Beyond the fear of missing out Barcelona, 09/06/2015-12/06/2015.
2015 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., & Nic Giollamhichil, M. (2015) EdTech 2015 - Beyond the Horizon: Policy, Practice and Possibilities The many shades of MOOCs: An analysis of high level strategic drivers University of Limerick, 28/05/2015-29/05/2015.
2015 Donlon, E., Brown, M., & Costello, E. (2015) EdTech 2015 - Beyond the Horizon: Policy, Practice and Possibilities What’s on the horizon for the VLE: Extinction or evolution? University of Limerick, 28/05/2015-29/05/2015.
2015 Brown, M., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Nic Giollamhichil, M., & Kirwan, C (2015) Opening Up Education: National MOOC Symposium MOOCs in Irish media: Messages behind the story Dublin City University, 01/05/2015-.
2015 Sexton, PJ., Leonard, H., Donlon, E., Fitzsimons, S., & McDonald, E. (2015) Educational Research and Practice in Times of Transition: Looking to the Future An analysis of the levels of reflection attained by student teachers on School Placement Carton House, Maynooth, 09/04/2015-11/04/2015.
2015 Cronin, C., Donlon, E., Donnelly, C., Galvin, C., & Ni Bhroin, C., & Webb, A. (2015) Beyond the Horizon – Technology in Education Plenary Panel Discussion: Are we there yet? Approaching the Horizon GMIT, Galway, 28/02/2015-.
2014 Butler, D., Donlon, E., Egan, A., Galvin, C., & Leahy, M. (2014) EXCITED Learning Festival 2014 Discussion: A Digital Strategy for Ireland’s Schools Dublin Castle, 30/05/2014-31/05/2014.
2014 Donlon, E. (2014) Eurovision 2020: Technology Enhanced Learning for a New Horizon The Use of the METIS 'E-File' for Compiling and Reviewing Online School Placement Portfolios University College Dublin, 29/05/2014-30/05/2014.
2014 Donlon, E. (2014) Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 2014 METIS: An Online Environment for Teacher Education University College Dublin, 29/05/2014-.
2014 Donlon, E. (2014) Imagining and Innovating for Sustainable Futures; education in challenging times The Use of an Online 'E-File' for the Compilation and Review of School Placement Portfolios Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, 10/04/2014-12/04/2014.
2013 Donlon, E., & Travers, A. (2013) National RE Congress 2013 Digital Storytelling and Religious Education Mater Dei Institute of Education, 05/10/2013-05/10/2013.
2013 Donlon, E. (2013) Maximising Safety on a Shrinking Budget Using Web-based Resources to Deliver Safety Initiatives University of Limerick, 26/06/2013-27/06/2013.
2013 Donlon, E. (2013) Opening up Education: Resources, Learning, Collaboration An Investigation of a Custom-built Online Environment for Initial Teacher Education University College, Cork, 30/05/2013-31/05/2013.
2013 Donlon, E. (2013) Educational Policy in Changing Times: Consultation, Implementation and Impact Considerations of the Communicative Attributes of an Online Environment for Teaching Practice Radisson Blu Hotel, Limerick, 21/03/2013-23/03/2013.
2012 Donlon, E. (2012) Educational Research in a Time of Transformation The role of a custom-built online environment for teaching practice (METIS) in providing a research base for Initial Teacher Education University College Cork/River Lee Hotel, Cork, 29/03/2012-31/03/2012.
2011 Donlon, E., & Travers, A. (2011) National RE Congress 2011 Technology at the Service of Catechesis Tralee, Co. Kerry, 07/10/2011-09/10/2011.
2011 Donlon, E. (2011) Staff-Student Engagement in Education (STage) Conference METIS: An online environment to support studentsand staff within a programme of Initial Teacher Education Dublin City University, 13/09/2011-14/09/2011.
2011 Donlon, E. (2011) Re-Imagining Initial Teacher Education METIS: Facilitating Initial Teacher Education in a Digital Age St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, 30/06/2011-02/07/2011.
2011 Donlon, E. (2011) Storytelling in Education Sharing Stories with Edmodo, a Social Learning Platform for Students and Teachers Tipperary Institute, 14/05/2011-.
2011 Donlon, E., & Travers, A. (2011) Los Angeles Religious Education Congress 2011 Catechesis in a Digital Age Anaheim Convention Centre, Anaheim, California, 18/03/2011-20/03/2011.
2010 Donlon, E. (2010) The Future of Education in Ireland - Irish Teaching and Learning Festival These are a few of our favourite things - CESI Presentation Citywest Conference Centre, Dublin, 15/10/2010-16/10/2010.
2010 Donlon, E. (2010) Wisdom of the Crowd Elgg: Safer Social Networking for Schools Tipperary Institute, 15/05/2010-.
2010 Donlone, E. (2010) CT2 - CESI Annual Conference 2010 Online Applications for Slideshows and Movies Portlaoise College, 05/02/2010-06/02/2010.
2009 Donlone, E., & Walsh, O. (2009) Religious Education Congress 2009 FaithConnect: Interactive Religious Education Fairways Hotel, Dundalk, 02/10/2009-04/10/2009.
2009 Donlon, E. (2009) 2020 Vision: Changing Learning Futures through Technology Better Needles, Fewer Haystacks National College of Ireland, 21/05/2009-22/05/2010.
2009 Donlon, E. (2009) Digital Literacy Creative Technology for Challenging Times Tipperary Institute, 16/05/2009-.
2009 Donlon, E. (2009) Teaching - Learning - Technology: Gaining Vision The Wiimote Interactive Whiteboard Explored Coláiste de hIde, Dublin, 13/02/2009-14/02/2009.
2008 Donlon, E. (2008) Breaking the Barriers (ILTA Conference 2008) Screencasting: Show Me and I will Remember Dundalk Institute of Technology, 22/05/2008-23/05/2008.
2008 Donlon, E. (2008) Teachers using ICT Static vs Dynamic: The Content Management approach to Web Publishing for Education Coláiste de hIde, Dublin, 08/02/2008-09/02/2008.
2002 Donlon, E., Holmes, B., Kelly, J., Meehan, M., & Seaver, P. (2002) Information Technology in Teacher Education 21st Century Schools Trinity College, Dublin, 16/07/2002-18/07/2002.

Published Report

Year Publication
2024 Donlon, E., Scanlon, D., Gorman, A., & Tiernan, P. (2024) Report on the State of Art about AI In Comparative Perspective. Fondazione Hallgarten Franchetti Centro Studi Villa Montesca, . [Link]
2022 Dwyer, B., Leahy, M., Donlon, E., Giblin, F., & O’Neill, S. (2022) Pedagogical Strategies, Approaches and Methodologies to Support Digital Literacy: A Review of the Literature. Department of Education, . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Trevaskis, S., Eccles, S., & Ní Shé, C. (2020) Openteach Pilot Evaluation Report. Dublin City University, . [Link]
2019 Ní Shé, C., Farrell, O., Brunton, J., Costello, E., Donlon, E., Trevaskis, S., & Eccles, S. (2019) Teaching online is different: critical perspectives from the literature. Dublin City University, . [Link] [DOI]


Year Publication
2020 Donlon, E (2020) 5 Tips to Help You Plan an Online Conference. BLOG [Link]

Online Article

Year Publication
Donlon, E Teachnet Learning Blog: Numerous Posts. ELEA
Donlon, E CESI Website: Several DigiTeach Articles. ELEA


Year Publication
2016 Donlon, E. (2016) Project 252. ONMM [Link]
2011 Donlon, E., & Walsh, O. (2011) FaithConnect. ONMM [Link]
2003 Cullen, S., Donlon, E., McGrady, A., & Mullally, A. (2003) Logos: Communities of Faith in Ireland Today. ONMM
2001 Cullen, S., Donlon, E., McGrady, A., & Mullally, A. (2001) Logos. ONMM [Link]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
European Educational Research Association (EERA) Board Member 01/09/2016 - 31/08/2022
Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Member of National Executive 01/03/2011 - 05/09/2020
Computers in Education Association of Ireland (CESI) Member of National Executive 01/03/2009 - 01/03/2020

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
22/09/2021 Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) AdvanceHE
01/06/2021 DCU President's Award for Excellence in Teaching Dublin City University
01/01/2014 DCU President’s Award for Innovation (Winner: Academic & Research Category) Dublin City University
01/01/2014 Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (Finalist) Irish Learning Technology Association


Committee Function From / To
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education [Editorial Board] 25/07/2022 -
Irish Educational Studies [Editorial Board] 01/01/2021 -
Impacting Education [Editorial Board] 01/01/2022 -
Centre for Research Across Teacher Education (CREATE) [Steering Committee] 01/04/2016 -
Interim Faculty Board, Faculty of Education, DCU 01/09/2015 - 01/09/2016
National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) Digital Learning Research Network 01/09/2014 -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Institute of Education, University of London Ph.D. Education
Trinity College, Dublin M.Sc (I.T. in Education) Educational Technology

Other Activities

Postgraduate Certificate in 21st Century Teaching and Learning, Trinity College, Dublin [External Examiner 2021-2023]

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2016 Invited talk/presentation Learning Tech Labs Invited presentation to Learning Tech Labs (a community of technologists, designers, educators and entrepreneurs who come together to share knowledge) Meetup.
2010 Consultancy Veritas Publishing Consultancy: Design, construction and implementation of FaithConnect (https://www.faithconnect.ie) virtual environment
2008 Consultancy National Centre for Technology in Education Consultancy: Scoilnet Blogs, a blog publishing platform for schools.

Research Interests

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Kindred Spirit: An educational game for learning about the value of kindness in digital learning design DCU Co-PI 01/06/2022 28/04/2023

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Haren ,John PhD Supervisor
Gormley ,Clare Doctor of Education Supervisor
Parysz ,Maria Anna PhD-track Supervisor
Girme ,Prajakta PhD-track Supervisor

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2025 Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Digital Learning EDU1016
2025 Communication and the Teacher EDU1050
2024 Learning Ecologies in the Digital Age ED9039
2022 Teaching Studies - Foundational A ED1300
2021 Translating Policy to Practice ED9029