Alicia Castillo Villanueva


Contact Details

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Profile Photo
Alicia Castillo Villanueva is an Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies and Gender at Dublin City University. Before joining DCU, she held various academic positions at University College Cork and the University of Limerick. She earned her primary degree in Hispanic Philology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Higher Diploma in Education from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Additionally, she holds an MA in Hispanic Studies and Literary Translation from University College Cork (UCC) and a PhD in Gender Studies from the University of Limerick. In the field of teaching and learning, Alicia has exhibited notable leadership and innovation. Awarded with the Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), she has served in key positions, including Chair and Deputy Chair of the Bachelor of Arts (Joint Honours, FHSS). During her term, she drove significant advancements and made major contributions to programme development, particularly through substantive and successful innovations in curriculum design. Other roles she has held include Teaching and Learning Convenor for the BA Joint Honours and Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Convenor. Moreover, Alicia has shown exceptional leadership in advancing gender equality at DCU and in society. She was the Chair of the successful School application for the Athena Swan Bronze award in November 2023 and a recipient of the Aurora award for women in leadership in 2022.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2024 Castillo Villanueva, A. & Bollas, A (Ed.). (2024) HIV/AID in Memory, Culture and Society. Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan,
2019 Pintado Gutiérrez, L. & Castillo Villanueva, A (Ed.). (2019) New Approaches to Translation, Conflict and Memory. Narratives of the Spanish Civil War and the Dictatorship. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, [Link] [DOI]

Guest Editor

Year Publication
2024 Carbayo Abengozar, M., Vohnsen, M. & Castillo Villanueva, A. (2024) Commemorative Issue for the Association of Women in Spanish, Latin American and Portuguese Studies. GUESTE
2021 Castillo Villanueva, A. & Pintado Gutiérrez, L. (2021) Special issue in Perspectives, Studies in Translatology: Narrative accounts of the Spanish Civil War and Franco’s dictatorship: translation and memory at a crossroad. GUESTE [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Lucía Pintado Guitiérrez; Alicia Castillo Villanueva (2024) 'Translating memories of violent pasts by Claudia Jünker and Désirée Schyns'. THE TRANSLATOR : STUDIES IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION, .
2024 Carbayo Abengozar, M., Vohnsen, M. & Castillo Villanueva, A (2024) 'Echoes of Empowerment: Women’s Voices across the Latin American, Lusophone and Spanish Cultures'. JOURNAL OF ROMANCE STUDIES, .
2023 Mohammad Hosseini; Alicia Castillo Villanueva (2023) 'A qualitative analysis of the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on gender biases in an Irish University'. PLoS ONE, (18(9)).
2023 Villanueva, A.C.; Julián, R.M.S. (2023) ''Being a punter implies taking risks': Misogynistic masculinity of male prostitutors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain'. Revista Espanola de Sociologia, 32 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Castillo Villanueva, A. & Pintado Gutiérrez, L. (2021) 'Narrative accounts of the Spanish Civil War and Franco’s dictatorship: translation and memory at a crossroad'. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 29 (1):100-102. [Link]
2021 Castillo Villanueva, A.; Pintado Gutiérrez, L. (2021) 'Translation and transcultural memory in La voz dormida'. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 29 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2019) 'Por tu bien y Néixer, reflexiones audiovisuales sobre la violencia obstétrica'. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, .
2015 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2015) 'El cuerpo como espacio de escritura de la subjetividad en Beatriz y los cuerpos celestes (1998) de Lucía Etxebarría. Dossiers Feministes'. 20 :19-31.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Castillo Villanueva, A. & Bollas, A. (2024) 'Viral Echoes: Revisiting the Cultural Memory of HIV/AIDS' In: HIV/AID in Memory, Culture and Society. Switzerland : Palgrave MacMillan.
2023 Castillo Villanueva, A. (2023) 'Educación para el desarrollo sostenible: la literatura t cultura hispánica con perspectiva de género en la universidad' In: El género y su transversalización en la educación (formal y no formal), en la familia y en el deport. Madrid : Dykinson.
2022 Pintado Gutiérrez, L. & Castillo Villanueva, A. (2022) 'Transcultural counter-memory and translation in contemporary Spanish fiction' In: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Memory. UK : Routledge. [DOI]
2019 Castillo Villanueva, A. & Pintado Gutiérrez, L. (2019) 'Emerging Trends in Reassessing Translation, Conflict, and Memory' In: New Approaches to Translation, Conflict and Memory. Narratives of the Spanish Civil War and the Dictatorship. Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. [Link] [DOI]
2017 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2017) 'Narratives of Violence and Resistance in Spanish Women Writers' In: Women, Violence and Resistance. Tunisia : Arabesques Editions.
2017 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2017) 'The recession in contemporary Spanish cinema: Masculinities in transition' In: The Dynamics of Masculinity in Contemporary Spanish Culture. London and New York : Routhledge.
2015 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2015) 'Cultural change and feminist discourse in the sitcom Media Naranja (1986) by Rosa Montero' In: A New Gaze: Women Creators of Film and Television in Democratic Spain. Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholar Publisisng.
2014 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2014) 'Madrid as a glocal enclave in El Otro Lado: un acercamiento a Lavapiés by Basel Ramsis' In: Toward a Multicultural Configuration of Spain: Local Cities, Global Spaces. Madison : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press (Rowman & Littelefield.
2012 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2012) 'Violencia y empoderamiento en las escritoras españolas: de la Transición al nuevo milenio' In: Más igualdad, redes para la igualdad. Sevilla : Arcibel, Colección Audem.
2008 Castillo Villanueva (2008) 'Esa imagen que en el espejo se detiene: cuerpo e identidad en las representaciones culturales de la violencia de género' In: Escribir con el cuerpo. Valencia : Colección Tabla Redonda, E Cultura.

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 Alicia Castillo Villanueva; et al (2023) Report: Athena Swan Bronze SALIS. SALIS (DCU), .


Year Publication
2016 Lucia Pintado Gutiérrez; Alicia Castillo Villanueva (2016) In Conversation with Nick Caistor: Women’s Voices beyond National Frontiers. Instituto Cervantes Dublin: REC [Link]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2016 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia and Pintado Gutiérrez, Lucía (2016) 'In conversation with Nick Caistor: Women´s voices beyond national frontiers' .

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 Castillo Villanueva, A. (2024) Graphics in Ibero-American Narratives: Utopia, Liminality, and the Anthropocene Memoria multidireccional y violencia de género en la novela gráfica Asylum University of Limerick, 02/05/2024-03/05/2024.
2024 Castillo Villanueva, A. and Pintado Gutiérrez, L. (2024) II Congreso Traducción y sostenibilidad, Salmanaca, 17-19 Abril, 2024 Memory and Resistance in Translation: Contemporary Spanish Literature Universidad de Salamanca, España, .
2023 Alicia Castillo Villanueva (2023) XXIII ANNUAL CONFERENCE GENDER + VIOLENCE Trata, masculinidad y violencia de género en la novela Si esto es una mujer (2019) de Lorenzo Silva y Noemí Trujillo University of Warwick, 10/11/2023-11/11/2023.
2023 Castillo Villanueva, A. (2023) III CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE GÉNERO Y EDUCACIÓN: ESCUELA, EDUCACIÓN NO FORMAL, FAMILIA Y DEPORTE Literatura y género en la universidad Universidad de Soria, España, 05/07/2023-07/09/2023.
2023 Castillo Villanueva, A.; Pintado Gutiérrez, L. (2023) Radical Translation/Translating the Radical, TSNI Memory and TranslationNarratives of the Spanish Civil War and the Dictatorship University College Cork, 27/04/2023-28/04/2023.
2023 Castillo Villanueva, A; Pintado Gutiérrez, L (2023) Translation at the interplay between cultural and transcultural memory Translation at the interplay between cultural and transcultural memory University College London, 27/03/2023-27/03/2023.
2022 Alicia Castillo Villanueva (2022) HTN Conference 2022 History and Translation: Multidisciplinary Perspectives 25-28 May 2022, Tallinn Memory and Translation in the Narratives of the Spanish Civil War and the Dictatorship Tallinn University, 25/05/2022-28/05/2022.
2021 Alicia Castillo (2021) Dublin LGBTQ+ Asylum Seekers Plenary: Dr Calogero Giametta, Mapping Homo/Transphobia: The Valorisation of the LGBT Protection Category in the Refugee-Granting System Online - DCU, 09/04/2021-10/04/2021.
2021 Sarah Meehan, JP. Imbert, Alicia Castillo, Angelos Bollas (2021) Disabilities, Arts and Sexualities Online - EROSS, DCU, 11/03/2021-13/03/2021.
2021 Alicia Castillo (2021) Visual & Queer Deconstructions of Compulsory Able-Bodiedness. Disabilities, Arts and Sexualities Online - EROSS, DCU, 11/03/2021-13/03/2021.
2019 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2019) Representaciones audiovisuales de violencia obstétrica WISPS Annual Conference University of Maynooth, 01/11/2019-02/11/2019.
2019 Alicia Castillo (2019) HIV/AIDS Then and Now: A World Conference on HIV/AIDS, Culture and Memory Hosted in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies (SALIS) at Dublin City University (DCU), this world conference is organised by EROSS (Expressions, Research Orientations: Sexuality Studies). The conference aims to explore the dynamics of cultural memory and its confluence with HIV/AIDS Dublin City University, 14/11/2019-15/05/2020.
2018 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia and Pintado Gutiérrez, Lucía (2018) Género, poder y memoria en la traducción de La voz dormida (2002) de Dulce Chacón III Symposium on Literary Translation and Contemporary Iberia.Translation, Power and Politics Universidad Católica de Lisboa, 21/11/2018-23/11/2018.
2017 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia and Pintado Gutiérrez, Lucía (2017) Translation, Conflict and Memory II Symposium on Literary Translation and Contemporary Iberia Co-organiser of the II Symposium on Literary Translation and Contemporary Iberia Dublin City University, .
2016 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia and Pintado Gutiérrez, Lucía (2016) Translating the experience of Republican women in contemporary Spanish fiction: The Sleeping Voice (2002) Memory and Translatio University College Cork, .
2016 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia and Pintado Gutiérrez, Lucía (2016) Looking at the Past Through Translation: Story and History in the Sleeping Voice (2002) by Dulce Chacón Translation, conflict and memory University College Cork, .
2016 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia and Pintado Gutiérrez, Lucía (2016) Reframing Conflict: Memory and Translation of Republican Women Translation and Memory Dublin City University, .
2016 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia and Pintado Gutiérrez, Lucía (2016) In conversation with Nick Caistor: History, Memory and Translation in Hispanic Literature Guest speaker Nick Caistor Dublin City University, .
2015 Castillo Villanueva (2015) El cuerpo como espacio de escritura de la subjetividad en Beatriz y los cuerpos celestes Literatura contemporánea Conferencia online, .
2013 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2013) Women Then and Now in Spanish Theatre, Cinema and Television Women and Television Trinity College, Dublin, .
2013 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2013) Social and Political Violence against Republican Women in Post-War Spain Spanish Civil War, women, violence University of Leicester, UK, 11/03/2013-14/03/2013.
2013 Castillo Villanueva (2013) Social change and feminist discourse in the sitcom Media Naraja (1986), by Rosa Montero Women in television, Spanish transition to democracy University Carlos III, Madrid, 12/11/2013-14/11/2013.
2013 Castillo Villanueva, Alicia (2013) Cambios socio-políticos y representaciones culturales en el postfranquismo: el caso de la Movida Madrileña Arte, música, cambio social, democracia Leicester, 11/03/2013-14/03/2013.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Centre fort Translation and Textual Studies (CTTS). SALIS, Dublin City University Member -
WISPS Women in Spanish and Portuguese Studies Member -


Committee Function From / To
Chair of the Bachelor of Arts (Joint Honours) 01/09/2021 - 01/09/2023
Deputy Chair of the Bachelor of Arts (Joint Honours) 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2021


Employer Position From / To
University College Cork College Teacher of Spanish -
Saint Nessans National School Teacher of Spanish -
School of Language and Intercultural Studies Assistant Professor -
University of Limerick Teaching Assistant in Spanish -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
University College Cork Master of Arts
Complutense University Madrid H.Dip. in Ed. (Post grad Diploma in Further and Higher Education)
University of Limerick PhD


Journal Role
Revista de Humanidades Reviewer
Bulletin of Spanish Studies Reviewer
Oceanide Reviewer


Title Year Type Authors
Why past events like the Spanish Civil War still resonate with us today 2019 Newspaper article (online) Alicia Castillo & Lucía Pintado
In Conversation with Nick Caistor: Women’s Voices beyond National Frontiers 2016 Television interview/panel discussion Alicia Castillo & Lucía Pintado

Research Interests

Alicia's research in Feminist Studies focuses on the social and cultural representations of various forms of gender-based violence and feminicides. Her work encompasses both fieldwork and the analysis of women's representation in literature, film, and other art forms. Utilizing theories of intersectionality, she explores how different inequalities, such as class, race, ethnicity, and language, intersect. Additionally, Alicia's research examines women, conflict, and memory within the contexts of dictatorships and military regimes. She is the co-author of two edited books published by Palgrave MacMillan and has numerous peer-reviewed publications. Alicia also has a substantial and sustained record of conference preparation, frequently serving as an international panellist and keynote speaker. She is currently working on a monograph on literary representations of violence against women in Spain and several publications and projects on gender-based violence and forced migration. Research Areas: Gender-based violence, conflict, memory, feminicides, forced migration, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation, masculinities, women under dictatorships and military regimes, dystopian literature written by women, women filmmakers, graphic novels by women.

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Tranlating the Spanish Civil War and Dictatorship in the 21st Century Literature Principal Investigator 01/01/2016

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
O Mullane ,David PhD Supervisor
Almufarih ,Haifa PhD-track Supervisor
Almuhawiss ,Hind PhD-track Supervisor

Internal Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
Internal Dr Lucía Pintado Gutiérrez DCU Academic

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Professor Ellen Mayock Washington and Lee University Academic
External Dr Lorraine Ryan The University of Birmingham Academic
External Dr Marta Giralt University of Limerick Academic
External Dr María Isabel Menéndez Burgos University Academic
External Dr Concepción Cascajosa Virino Carlos III University Academic
External Dr Ana Corbalán The University of Alabama Academic

Teaching Interests

  • Narratives of the Transition to democracy and post-Transition in Spain.
  • Memory and trauma in contemporary Spanish literature.
  • Gender and sexuality studies.
  • Intercultural studies: transnational immigration and globalization.
  • Film and visual arts.

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Spanish Literature and Society SP427
2022 Spanish Literature and Society SP378
2022 Spanish Literature, Visual and Film Studies SP293
2021 Spanish Literature and Film SP290