James Byrne


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Dr James Byrne is the director of the MSc in Management of Operations, and is a lecturer in Project Management, Management Science and Operational Analytics. He holds a BTech in Information Technology and Telecommunications (2002), an MTech in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (2003) and a PhD related to Operations, Management Science and Simulation (2009) from the University of Limerick, Ireland. In the past, he has worked with SAP Research (UK) in Belfast (Northern Ireland) as a Senior Research Scientist in the Technology Infrastructure domain, and has been involved in a number of University startup companies in the simulation domain.

He has been co-Principal Investigator, lead work packages and collaborated on a number large European Union funded collaborative research projects between industry and academia including OPTIMIS (FP7 €10.2 Mil), CACTOS (FP7 - €4.6 Mil) and RECAP (H2020 - €4.6 Mil), as well as Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnerships, and nationally funded projects. He has collaborated heavily with industry and universities across Europe as part of his research including with Dell, Intel, BT, Atos, Flexiant, Barcelona Supercomputing and Tieto. 

He has published internationally, including in the International Journal of Production Economics, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, the International Journal of Production Research, and the Journal of Computational Science. His research interests include applied modelling and simulation, and humanitarian operations. 

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2006 Heavey, C., Byrne, P., Liston, P., Byrne, J. (2006) 'Operational Design in VO Supply Networks Creation' In: Network-Centric Collaboration and Supporting Frameworks. Boston : Springer.
2010 Liston, P., Kabak, E., Dungan, P., Byrne, J., Young, P. and Heavey, C. (2010) 'An evaluation of SysML to support simulation modeling' In: Robinson, S., Brooks, R., Kotiadis, K. & van der Zee, D. J(Eds.). Conceptual Modelling for Discrete-Event Simulation. : Taylor and Francis.
2020 Byrne,James (2020) 'RECAP (Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications): The Simulation Approach' In: Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing. : Spinger.
2018 Sergej, Svorobej,Anna, Gourinovitch,Per-Olov, Ostberg,Theo, Lynn,James, Byrne (2018) 'RECAP: Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications' In: : SCITEPRESS. [DOI]
2010 Liston,Paul; Kabak,Kamil Erkan; Dungan,Peter; Byrne,James; Young,Paul (2010) 'An evaluation of SysML to support simulation modeling' In: Conceptual Modelling for Discrete Event Simulation. : CRC press New York (part of Taylor and Francis).
2006 Heavey,Cathal; Byrne,PJ; Liston,Paul; Byrne,James (2006) 'Operational design in VO supply networks creation' In: Network-Centric Collaboration and Supporting Frameworks. : Springer.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2016 Svorobej, Sergej; Byrne, James; Liston, Paul; Byrne, PJ; Stier, Christian; Groenda, Henning; Papazachos, Zafeirios; Nikolopoulos, Dimitrios (2016) 'Towards Automated Data-Driven Model Creation for Cloud Computing Simulation - EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems'. Journal Of Cloud Computing, 16 (5). http://eudl.eu/doi/10.4108/eai.24-8-2015.2261129
2016 Ivers, Anne Marie; Byrne, PJ; Byrne, James (2016) 'Analysis of SME data readiness: A simulation perspective'. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 23 (1).
2010 Byrne, James Heavey, Cathal Byrne, PJ (2010) 'A Review of Web based Simulation and Supporting Tools'. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 18 :253-276. [DOI]
2008 P. Liston, J. Byrne, C. Heavey, P. J. Byrne (2008) 'Discrete-event simulation for evaluating virtual organizations'. International Journal of Production Research, 46 :1335-1356.
2007 Paul Liston, James Byrne, P.J. Byrne and Cathal Heavey (2007) 'Contract costing in outsourcing enterprises: Exploring the benefits of discrete-event simulation'. International Journal of Production Economics, 110 :97-114.
2020 Filelis-Papadopoulos,Christos; Endo,Patricia; Bendachache,Malika; Svorobej,Sergej; Lynn,Theo (2020) 'Towards simulation and optimization of cache placement on large virtual Content Distribution Networks'. Journal of Computational Science, .
2019 Svorobej,Sergej; Filelis-Papadopoulos,Christos; Endo,Patricia; Byrne,James; Lynn,Theo (2019) 'Simulating Fog and Edge Computing Scenarios: an Overview and Research Challenges'. Future Internet, 11 .
2019 Filelis-Papadopoulos,Christos; Endo,Patricia; Bendachache,Malika; Svorobej,Sergej; Lynn,Theo (2019) 'Towards simulation and optimization of cache placement on large virtual Content Distribution Networks'. Journal of Computational Science, .
2016 Byrne,James; Ivers,Ann Marie; Byrne,PJ (2016) 'Analysis of SME data readiness&; a simulation perspective'. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 23 .
2015 Svorobej,Sergej; Byrne,James; Liston,Paul; Byrne,PJ; Stier,Christian (2015) 'Towards Automated Data-Driven Model Creation for Cloud Computing Simulation'. Eai Endorsed Transactions On Cloud Systems, 16 .
2010 Byrne, J.; Heavey, C.; Byrne, P.J. (2010) 'A review of Web-based simulation and supporting tools'. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 18 . [Link] [DOI]
2008 Liston,Paul; Byrne,James; Heavey,Cathal; Byrne,PJ (2008) 'Discrete-event simulation for evaluating virtual organizations'. International Journal of Production Research, 46 .
2007 Liston,Paul; Byrne,James; Byrne,P.J.; Heavey,Cathal (2007) 'Contract costing in outsourcing enterprises&; Exploring the benefits of discrete-event simulation'. International Journal of Production Economics, 110 .

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2017 James Byrne, Sergej Svorobej, Konstantinos M Giannoutakis, Dimitrios Tzovaras, PJ Byrne, Per-Olov Östberg, Anna Gourinovitch, Theo Lynn (2017) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017) A Review of Cloud Computing Simulation Platforms and Related Environments Porto, Portugal, 24/04/2017- 26/04/2017 [Link]
2015 James Byrne, Paul Liston, Diana Carvalho e Ferreira, PJ Byrne (2015) Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Winter Simulation Conference Cloud based Data Capture and Representation for Simulation in Small and Medium Enterprises Huntington Beach, California, USA, 06/12/2015- 09/12/2015 [Link]
2014 Per-Olov Ostberg, Henning Groenda, Stefan Wesner, James Byrne, Dimitrios S Nikolopoulos, Craig Sheridan, Jakub Krzywda, Ahmed Ali-Eldin, Johan Tordsson, Erik Elmroth, Christian Stier, Klaus Krogmann, Jörg Domaschka, Christopher B Hauser, PJ Byrne, Sergej Svorobej, Barry McCollum, Zafeirios Papazachos, Darren Whigham, Stephan Rüth, Dragana Paurevic (2014) Proceedings of IEEE CloudCom 2014, the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science The CACTOS Vision of Context-Aware Cloud Topology Optimization and Simulation Singapore, 15/12/2014- 18/12/2014
2014 Stefan Wesner, Henning Groenda, James Byrne, Sergej Svorobej, Christopher Hauser, Jörg Domaschka (2014) Proceedings of the 2014 e-Challenges Conference (e-2014) Optimised Cloud Data Centre Operation Supported by Simulation Belfast, Northern Ireland, 29/10/2014- 30/10/2014
2014 James Byrne, PJ Byrne, Diana Carvalho e Ferreira, Anne Marie Ivers (2014) Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Winter Simulation Conference The Simulation Life-cycle: Supporting the Data Collection and Representation Phase Savannah, Georgia, USA, 07/12/2014- 10/12/2014
2013 James Byrne, PJ Byrne, Diana Carvalho e Ferreira, Anne Marie Ivers (2013) Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Winter Simulation Conference Towards a Cloud based SME Data Adapter for Simulation Modelling Washington DC, USA, 08/12/2013- 11/12/2013
2013 M. Jiang, J. Byrne, K. Molka, D. Armstrong, K. Djemame, T. Kirkham (2013) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2013) Cost and Risk Aware Support for Cloud SLAs Aachen, Germany, 08/05/2013- 10/05/2013
2013 Karsten Molka, James Byrne (2013) Proceedings of the The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2013) Towards Predictive Cost Models for Cloud Ecosystems Paris, France, 29/05/2013- 31/05/2013
2010 Peter Dungan, Cathal Heavey, James Byrne, Paul Liston, Erkan Kabak (2010) Proceedings of the Informs Simulation Society 5th Graphical Wiki for Knowledge Management in the Pre-Coding Phase of Discrete Event Simulation Worcestershire, England, 23/03/2010- 24/03/2010
2009 Heavey, C., Byrne, J., Liston, P., Byrne, P.J. (2009) Proceedings of the 2009 INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop A Web-based Simulation Application Proceedings of the 2009 INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop, 25/06/2009- 27/06/2009
2007 J Byrne, P. Liston, C. Heavey, P.J. Byrne (2007) Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Visualisation (MSV’07), 2007 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP’07) Towards a Web-based Simulation Application for Contract Costing utilizing a Hybrid S&A Approach Las Vegas, USA, 25/06/2007- 28/06/2007
2006 Liston, P., Byrne, J., Heavey, C., Byrne, P. J. (2006) Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM16) Development of a Contract Costing Tool for Outsourcing Enterprises Limerick, Ireland, 26/06/2006- 28/06/2006
2006 Byrne, James; Heavey, Cathal; Byrne, P.J. (2006) Proceedings of the 2006 Operational Research Society (UK) 3rd Simulation Workshop (SW06) SIMCT: AN APPLICATION OF WEB BASED SIMULATION Royal Leamington Spa, UK, 28/03/2006- 29/03/2006
2005 Byrne, James; Heavey, Cathal; Byrne, PJ (2005) Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference of Production Research (ICPR) Requirements for a Simulation Based Tool to Aid in the Contract-Costing Process Salerno, Italy, 31/07/2005- 04/08/2005
2005 Byrne, J., Liston, P., Heavey, C., Byrne, P. J. (2005) Proceedings of the 2nd Irish Workshop on Simulation, Manufacturing, Services and Logistics A Simulation-based Contract Costing Tool for Outsourcing Enterprises Dublin, Ireland, 11/11/2005- 12/11/2005
2004 Byrne, J., Heavey, C., Byrne, P.J., Brown, L. (2004) Proceedings of the 21st International Manufacturing Conference (IMC21) A Review of the Logistics Management Software Sector as an Aid to Identifying User Requirements for a Simulation-Based Contract Costing Tool Limerick, Ireland, 01/09/2004- 03/09/2004
2004 Byrne, J., Byrne, P.J., O'Riordan, A. (2004) Logistics Solutions Magazine, National Institute of Transport and Logistics (NITL) Outsourcing: A Review of Current Trends and Supporting Tools Dublin, Ireland, 01/01/2004- 01/01/2004
2013 Anne Marie Ivers, James Byrne, Diana Carvalho e Ferreira, PJ Byrne (2013) Proceedings of the 16th Irish Academy of Management (IAM) Conference Towards Simulation Modelling for Manufacturing SMEs Waterford, Ireland, 02/09/2013- 04/09/2013

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2014 James Byrne (2014) The Third National Conference on Cloud Computing and Commerce CACTOS - An Overview (Invited Presentation) Dublin, Ireland, 15/04/2014-15/04/2014.
2013 OPTIMIS Consortium (2013) Proceedings of CloudScape V Overview of the OPTIMIS project: Poster The International Auditorium Brussels, Belgium, 27/02/2013-27/02/2013.


Year Publication
2008 James Byrne (2008) Research into the Development of a Web-based Simulation Application for Contract Costing in Outsourcing Enterprises. University of Limerick: THES
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Research Interests

Cloud simulation, web based simulation, discrete event simulation, manufacturing, operations engineering, software engineering. data centre optimisation

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
RECAP DCU Co-PI 01/01/2017 31/12/2019
Context Aware Cloud Topology Optimisation and Simulation (CACTOS) DCU Co-PI 01/10/2013 01/10/2016

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Daniel Ndubuisi ,Innocent PhD Supervisor

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Project and Operational Change Management MT5228
2022 Operations Management MT5229
2022 Advanced Operational Modelling for Business MT319
2021 Operations Management MT5229S
2022 International Service Management MT313
2022 Data Analytics for Accounting and Business AC579
2022 Data Analytics for Accounting and Business AC584
2021 Project and Change Management MT5228A
2022 Project Management MT314
2022 Strat. Consultancy Project I & Data Analytics MT5125
2022 Delivering Performance Excellence HR5120