Peter Admirand


Contact Details

Deputy Head of School

AHC S106
T:Ext. 7486

Ahc S106

T:Ext. 7486
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Dr Peter Admirand's most recently published book is The Last of Us: Violence, Ethics, Redemption?published in June 2024 as part of the Bloomsbury series, 'Theology, Religion, and Pop Culture'. His previous book, Destruction, Ethics, and Intergalactic Love:  Exploring Y: The Last Man and Saga, was published in 2023 by Routledge in their book series, Routledge Advances in Comics Studies. In 2021, Seeking Common Ground: A Theist/Atheist Dialogue, co-written with philosopher Andrew Fiala, was published by Cascade Books. Humbling Faith: Brokenness, Doubt, Dialogue—What Unites Atheists, Theists, and Nontheists, published in 2019, is also available as an audiobook. Amidst Mass Atrocity and the Rubble of  Theology (2012) is his book on theodicy and witness testimony. He is also the editor of Loss  and Hope: Global, Interreligious, and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (2014; paperback 2015). 

Dr Admirand is Deputy Head of School in the School of Theology, Philosophy and Music, Associate Professor of Theology, and the Director of the  Centre  for Interreligious Dialogue. He also serves as the Christian Co-Chair of the  Irish Council of Christians and Jews. 

He has a Ph.D. from Trinity College Dublin; a M.A.  in Theology (Ethics) from Boston College; a M.A. in British and  American  Literature from Georgetown University; and a B.A. in English from The  Catholic  University of America. 

His publications and research interests are in  the areas of interreligious dialogue (especially Jewish-Christian dialogue and atheist-theist dialogue); post-Shoah Christianity;  religion and literature (including comics studies, pop culture, and science fiction);  testimonies of  mass atrocity;  liberation theology; forgiveness, justice, and the unforgivable; and theodicy. 

Originally from New York, he moved to Ireland with  his family in 2004. Aside from work and enjoying life with his wife and 5 kids,  Dr Admirand likes playing soccer and basketball, travelling, jogging with his German Shorthaired pointers, Sally and Neo (while listening to audiobooks), and collecting comics and G.I. Joe figures. He welcomes PhD  inquiries  and conference and media requests. 


Year Publication
2025 (2025) The Future of Liberation Theologies.”. Basel: MDPI.
2024 (2024) The Last of Us and Theology: Violence, Ethics, Redemption?. USA: Rowman & Littlefield. [Link]
2023 Peter Admirand (2023) Destruction, Ethics, and Intergalactic Love Exploring Y: The Last Man and Saga. New York: Routledge.
2021 Peter Admirand and Andrew Fiala (2021) Seeking Common Ground: A Theist/Atheist Dialogue. USA: Cascade Books. [Link]
2019 Peter Admirand (2019) Humbling Faith: Brokenness, Doubt, Dialogue--What Unites Atheists, Theists, and Nontheists. USA: Cascade Books. [Link]
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) Loss and Hope: Global, Interreligious and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury. [Link]
2014 Dr Peter Admirand (2014) Loss and Hope: Global, Interreligious, and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury.
2012 Dr Peter Admirand (2012) Amidst Mass Atrocity and the Rubble of Theology: Searching for a Viable Theodicy. : Cascade Books.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2025 Peter Admirand (2025) '‘I Don’t Think I Can Forgive You for That’: Forgiving the Unforgivable in The Last of Us' In: The Last of Us and Philosophy: Look for the Light. USA : Wiley Blackwell.
2024 Peter Admirand (2024) 'The Road and the Last of Us: Failed Fathers at the End of the World' In: The Last of Us and Theology Violence, Ethics, Redemption?. London : Bloomsbury.
2024 (2024) 'Further Stepping Stones for Jewish-Christian Dialogue.”' In: Critical Questions in Contemporary Theology: Essays in Honour of Dermot A. Lane. Oxford : Peter Lang. [Link]
2022 Peter Admirand (2022) 'Tyger, Lamb, Spyder, Hunter: Kraven’s Last Hunt and The Web of Theodicy' In: Theology and Spiderman. USA : Lexington Books.
2018 Admirand, P. (2018) 'Seeking Humility and Self-Critique: A Christological Analysis of A Common Word' In: The Future of Interfaith Dialogue: Muslim-Christian Encounters through A Common Word. [Link]
2016 Peter Admirand (2016) '“Landmines and Vegetables: The Hope and Perils of Recent Jewish Critiques of Christianity”' In: Pathways for Interreligious Dialogue. New York : Palgrave Macmillan.
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) '“The Pedophile Scandal and Its (Hoped-for) Impact on Catholic Intra- and Interreligious Dialogue”' In: Loss and Hope. London : Bloomsbury.
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) '“No Dialogue without Hope: Interfaith Dialogue and the Transformation of a Virtue' In: Hope in All Directions. Oxford : Interdisciplinary Press.
2013 Dr Peter Admirand (2013) 'Traversing Towards the Other (Mark 7.24-30):The Syrophoenician Woman Amidst Voicelessness' In: Angus Paddison and Neil Messer(Eds.). The Bible: Culture, Community, Society. London : T & t Clark.
2011 Dr Peter Admirand (2011) '“How Not to Raise Children: From Adam to David, A Contemporary Theological Perspective”' In: Jason Silverman and Lidia Matassa(Eds.). Text, Theology, and Trowel: Recent Research into the Hebrew Bible. Eugene, OR (USA) : Wipf and Stock/Pickwick.
2010 Dr Peter Admirand (2010) '“All lost! To prayers, to prayers! All lost”: Why Postmodernity, Religious Pluralism, and Interreligious Dialogue Need to be Embraced”' In: Sebnem Toplu and Hubert Zapf(Eds.). Redefining Modernism and Postmodernism. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholar’s Press, ), .
2010 Dr Peter Admirand (2010) '“Jesus and Yeshua: Jewish Interpretations of the Gospels and Its Impact on Jewish-Christian Dialogue”' In: Jason M. Silverman(Eds.). A Land Like Your Own: Traditions of Israel and Their Reception. Eugene, OR (USA) : Pickwick / Wipf and Stock.
2009 Dr Peter Admirand (2009) '“Theological Memory in the Face of Tragedy and Mass Atrocity”' In: Christopher Hamilton, Otto Neumaier, Gottfried Schweiger, and Clemens Sedmak(Eds.). Facing Tragedies. Wien–Berlin–MĂŒnster : Lit-Verlag.
2009 Dr Peter Admirand (2009) '“Destructive, Concrete Evil as Absence: A Reevaluation of Privatio Boni in the Context of Mass Atrocity”' In: Colette Balmain and Nanette Norris(Eds.). Uneasy Humanity: Perpetual Wrestling with Evils. Oxford : Interdisciplinary Press.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2025 Peter Admirand (2025) 'Sacrificial Love (Of Cyborgs, Saviors, and Driller, a Real Robot Killer), in the Comics Descender and Ascender'. Philosophy, .
2024 (2024) 'Confessions of a Catholic Theologian: On Silence, the Shoah, and the War in Israel-Palestine'. Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations, :1-19. [Link]
2023 Peter Admirand (2023) 'Remembering the Shoah without Jewish Voices: We Remember as a Failure of Memory Authors Peter Admirand'. Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations, 18 (1):1-10. [Link]
2023 Peter Admirand (2023) '“Horror, Evil, and Interreligious Dialogue: A Theological Analysis of Gideon Falls (First Story Arc: Issues 1-6).”'. Theologia (ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑ), 94 (1):23-49.
2023 Peter Admirand (2023) '“Catholic-Sikh Dialogue and the Importance of Guru Nanak.”'. Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory, .
2021 Peter Admirand (2021) 'Compassionate, Gentler Sci-Fi: Extraterrestrial, Interspecies’ Dialogue (EID) in Becky Chambers’ Wayfarers Series'. Ex-centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media, 5 :121-146. [Link]
2021 Peter Admirand (2021) 'The Future of Post-Shoah Christology: Three Challenges and Three Hopes'. Religions, 12 (6):1-25. [Link]
2021 Peter Admirand (2021) 'Theist–Atheist Encounters in Les MisĂ©rables, The Brothers Karamazov, and The Plague'. Religions, . [Link]
2020 Peter Admirand (2020) 'Atheist Critiques of the New Atheists: Advancing Atheist-Theist Dialogue'. Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, 4 (2):176-200. [Link]
2020 Peter Admirand (2020) 'Following the Breadcrumbs: Jesus as Superfluous to Salvation? A Catholic Search'. Studies in Jewish-Christian Relations, 15 (1):1-22. [Link]
2019 Admirand, P. (2019) 'Humbling the discourse: Why interfaith dialogue, religious pluralism, liberation theology, and secular humanism are needed for a robust public square'. Religions, 10 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 Peter Admirand (2018) 'Multiple Liberations: Why Liberation Theology Should Be Taught in Catholic Secondary Schools'. International Studies in Catholic Education, .
2018 Admirand, Peter (2018) 'Make America (More or Less) Faithful Again'. Heythrop Journal, 59 (2). [DOI]
2017 Peter Admirand (2017) 'Should we still teach a beautiful novel by a racist author?'. International Journal Of Ethics, International Journal of Ethics Education :1-14. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Peter Admirand (2016) '“Dialogue in the Face of a Gun? Interfaith Dialogue and Limiting Mass Atrocities.”'. Soundings, 99 (3):267-290. [Link]
2014 Dr Peter Admirand (2014) 'The Ethics of Displacement and Migration in the Abrahamic Faiths: Enlightening Believersand Aiding Public Policy'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40 :671-687.
2014 Dr Peter Admirand (2014) 'Embodying an Age of Doubt, Solitude, and Revolt: Christianity Beyond Excarnation in A Secular Age. In The Heythrop Journal'. Heythrop Journal-A Quarterly Review Of Philosophy And Theology, 55 :439-454.
2013 Dr Peter Admirand and Dr Yazid Said (2013) 'The Pope and the Archbishop: Ecumenical Reflections, (My stand-alone article is titled How Pope Francis can Purify the Church despite a Dirty War. '. Search, 36 :163-178.
2012 Dr Peter Admirand (2012) '“Rifts, Trust, and Openness: John Paul II’s Legacy in Catholic Intra-and-inter-religious Dialogue,” Journal of Ecumenical Studies'. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 47 :555-575.
2012 Dr Peter Admirand (2012) 'My Children Have Defeated Me! : Finding and Nurturing Theological Dissent'. 77 :286-304.
2012 Dr Peter Admirand (2012) 'Millstones, Stumbling Blocks, and Dog Scraps: Children in the Gospels, Biblical Theology Bulletin'. Biblical Theology Bulletin, 42 :187-195.
2011 Dr Peter Admirand (2011) '“Mission in Remission: Mission and Interreligious Dialogue in a Postmodern, Postcolonial Age”'. Concilium: International Review of Theology 1: 95-104. The article is also translated in the German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Croatian editions :95-104.
2011 Dr Peter Admirand (2011) 'Overcoming ‘Mere Oblivion’: Mission Encountering Dialogue (A Reflection in Five Acts)”'. Search, 34 :30-38.
2011 Dr Peter Admirand (2011) '“Dirt, Collapse, and Eco-responsibility: ‘Natural’ Evils and the Eager Longing for Eco-justice”'. Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion, 15 :1-24.
2011 Dr Peter Admirand (2011) '“Amidst Fractured Faith and the Fragility of Reason”'. 92 :268-284.
2011 Dr Peter Admirand (2011) '“Breaching the Secular/Religious Divide”'. Heythrop Journal-A Quarterly Review Of Philosophy And Theology, Heythrop Journal, forthcoming .
2010 Dr Peter Admirand (2010) '“Embodying an ‘Age of Doubt, Solitude, and Revolt’: Christianity Beyond ‘Excarnation’ in A Secular Age”'. Heythrop Journal-A Quarterly Review Of Philosophy And Theology, 51 The Heythrop Journal :905-920.
2010 Dr Peter Admirand (2010) '“‘Scripture Speak[ing] Fictitious Words’: Jusef as a Model for Interfaith Reconciliation”'. Revista Dionysiana 4 .
2010 Dr Peter Admirand (2010) 'The Other as Oneself Within Judaism: A Catholic Interpretation” '. 3 Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue :113-124.
2008 Dr Peter Admirand (2008) '“Healing the Distorted Face: Doctrinal Reinterpretation(s) and the Christian Response to the Other,”'. 42 One in Christ :302-317.
2007 Dr Peter Admirand (2007) '“Testimonies of Mass Atrocity and the Search for a Viable Theodicy”'. 18 Bulletin ET: Journal for Theology in Europe :88-99.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2019 Peter Admirand and Andrew Fiala (2019) 'Believer - Unbeliever Dialogue' 32 (3) :209-222.
2009 Dr Peter Admirand (2009) '“Interfaith Dialogue as Presence, Gift and Obligation”' 4 :6-9.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Peter Admirand (2023) Thirteenth International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society Interfaith Dialogue and Regenerating the Public Square” Athens, 20/06/2023-22/06/2023. [DOI]
2019 Peter Admirand (2019) Atheist-Theist Dialogue in Novels as a Guide to Contemporary Atheist-Theist Dialogue 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) “Religion Continuations and Disruptions” Tartu, Estonia, 25/06/2019-29/06/2019.
2019 Peter Admirand (2019) “Participants in Fulfilling the Promise of a New Relationship” : “Following the Breadcrumbs: Jesus as Superfluous to Salvation? A Catholic Search” USA (Philadelphia), 06/01/2019-09/01/2019.
2019 Peter Admirand (2019) 2nd European Academy of Religion Conference “The Impact of Jewish-Christian Dialogue on Muslim-Christian Dialogue” Bologna, Italy, 03/03/2019-07/03/2019.
2018 Peter Admirand (2018) European Academy of Religion Atheist Critiques of the New Atheists: Advancing Atheist-Theist Dialogue Bologna, Italy, 05/03/2018-09/02/2018.
2018 Peter Admirand (2018) The Third International Conference of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church “Building Bridges among Bridge Destroyers: The Hope and Virtues of Interreligious Dialogue” Sarajevo, 26/07/2018-29/07/2018.
2017 Peter Admirand (2017) “Religion and Politics in the Crisis of Engagement: Towards the Relevance of Intercultural Theologies and Interreligious Studies.” “Should Theology Trump Anyone? A Humbled Political Theology in a Time of Anti-politics.” Munster, Germany, 26/04/2017-29/04/2017.
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) Presented the paper: “‘For Truth....’: Interreligious Dialogue and Peace Studies through Ellipses and Gaps” “World War One and the 21st Century Helix, DCU, 15/05/2015-15/05/2015.
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) “Freedom of Speech and Religious Freedom: Human Rights and Interreligious Perspectives Presented the talk, “Jewish and Christian Views on Free Speech,” Trinity College Dublin, 12/03/2015-12/03/2015.
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) ICCJ Annual Conference, “Jewish-Christian Dialogue: Commitment and Challenges Latin American and International Experiences and Perspectives.” Presented the paper, “Liberation Theology and Post-Holocaust Jewish Thought” Buenos Aires, Argentina, 19/08/2014-21/08/2014.
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) “Post-Holocaust Christology” Led all-day seminar on above topic Sion Centre for Dialogue & Encounter (London), 18/02/2014-18/02/2014.
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) Bea Institute “Ethics and International Affairs” Seminar Trinity College Dublin, .
2013 Peter Admirand (2013) “70 Years Later: Surviving Sobibór and Witnessing to the World” Organizer and Respondent of the Event of Survivor Philip Bialowitz Mater Dei institute, 08/10/2013-.
2013 Peter Admirand (2013) Presented the Talk “Humbling Faith” Presented overview of my research Methodist Church (or Wesley Chapel), Birr, Ireland, 15/10/2013-.
2013 Peter Admirand (2013) “Hope: Probing the Boundaries” “No Dialogue without Hope: Interreligious Dialogue and the Transformation of a Virtue” Lisbon, Portugal, 10/03/2013-12/03/2013.
2013 Peter Admirand (2013) “All Faiths and None” “Promoting Doubt, Uncertainty, and Humility for All Faiths and None” Trinity College Dublin, 19/02/2013-20/02/2013.
2013 Peter Admirand (2013) Sisters of Sion 2013 Annual Meeting, titled “Christology after the Shoah” Led workshop for three days on “Christology after Auschwitz” Centre for Dialogue and Prayer in Oƛwięcim, Poland, 09/05/2013-11/05/2013.
2013 Peter Admirand (2013) Final Patrick Finn Lecture of the 2012-13 series Healthy Faith as Fractured Faith St Mary's Church, Haddington Road, 18/04/2013-.
2012 Dr Peter Admirand (2012) Where We Dwell in Common: Pathways for Dialogue in the 21st Century Landmines and Vegetables: The Hope and Perils of Recent Jewish Critiques of Christianity Assisi, italy, 17/04/2012-20/04/2012.
2012 Dr. Peter Admirand (2012) The Power of the Word: Poetry and Prayer: Continuities & Discontinuities The Poet as Faithful Witness, the Prayer as Blasphemy University of London, 29/06/2012-30/06/2012.
2011 Peter Admirand (2011) “The Bible: Culture, Community and Society” Traversing Towards the Other (Mark 7:24-30): The Syrophoenician Woman Amidst Voicelessness and Loss” University of Winchester, UK, 11/07/2011-13/07/2011.
2011 Dr. Peter Admirand (2011) Reshaping the Ethical Imagination Broken Dialogue, Fractured Faith, and Illusive Truths: A Recipe for Communal Healing? Trinity College Dublin, 22/10/2011-22/10/2011.
2011 Peter Admirand (2011) “Childhood in Irish Society: An Interdisciplinary Conference” “Millstones, Stumbling Blocks, and Dog Scraps: Children in the Gospels” Mater Dei Institute, 18/04/2011-19/04/2011.
2010 Peter Admirand (2010) “Changing Gods: Between Religion and Everyday Life” “Strange Bedfellows? Religious Pluralism, Exclusivism, and Certitude” University of Torino, Italy, 09/09/2010-11/09/2010.
2010 Peter Admirand and Judith Charry (2010) Will Our Children Have Faith? Autumn ICCJ Lecture Will Our Children Have Faith? A Catholic Perspective Terenure Synagogue, Ireland, 13/11/2010-13/11/2010.
2010 Peter Admirand (2010) “The Heritage of John Paul II” John Paul II and Interreligious Dialogue St Patrick’s College, Dublin, Ireland, 12/11/2010-13/11/2010.
2010 Peter Admirand (2010) “The Monotheistic Religions and the Human Liberties” “From Shame to Transformation: The Catholic Pedophile Scandal and its Impact on Interreligious Dialogue” University of Constanta, Romania, 30/05/2010-01/06/2010.
2010 Peter Admirand (2010) “Religion and Migration” “The Ethics of Migration in the Bible and the Qur’an” Institute of African Studies, Rabat, Morocco, 25/11/2010-27/11/2011.
2010 Peter Admirand (2010) “From World Mission to Interreligious Witness: Visioning Ecumenics in the 21st Century” “Nurturing Theological Dissent” Trinity College Dublin, 16/06/2010-18/06/2010.
2009 Peter Admirand (2009) “The Eager Longing of Creation: Inter-disciplinary Theological Perspectives on Ecology and Economy” “Dirt, Collapse, and Environmental Responsibility: ‘Natural’ Evils and The Eager Longing for Justice” Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland, 20/08/2009-23/08/2009.
2009 Peter Admirand (2009) “Redefining Modernism & Postmodernism” “Why Postmodernity, Religious Pluralism, and Interreligious Dialogue Need to be Embraced” Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, 29/04/2009-01/05/2009.
2009 Peter Admirand (2009) “Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness “Destructive, Concrete Evil as Absence: A Reevaluation of Privatio Boni in the Context of Mass Atrocity” Salzburg, Austria, 16/03/2009-19/03/2009.
2009 Peter Admirand (2009) “‘A Secular Age’: Tracing the Contours of Religion and Belief” “Christianity Beyond “Excarnation” in A Secular Age: Embodying the Values of Religious Pluralism, Interreligious Dialogue, and a Return to its Jewish Roots” Mater Dei Institute, 08/06/2009-11/06/2009.
2008 Peter Admirand (2008) Abrahamic Faiths - TIECS Conference “Jewish Views of Islam and the Issue of Pluralism” Trinity College Dublin, 19/04/2008-19/04/2008.
2008 Peter Admirand (2008) Second Annual Symposium of Graduate Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Biblical World” “Jesus and Jeshua: Jewish Interpretations of the Gospels and Its Impact on Jewish-Christian Dialogue” Trinity College Dublin, 15/02/2008-17/02/2008.
2008 Peter Admirand (2008) 15th Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica “Confessional Reinterpretation(s) and its Impact on Interfaith Dialogue” Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 21/08/2008-26/08/2001.
2008 Peter Admirand (2008) “Facing Tragedies” “Five Criteria for a Viable Theodicy” University of Salzburg - The Center for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR), 09/05/2008-09/05/2008.
2008 Peter Admirand (2008) “The Grandeur of Reason: Religion, Tradition, and Universalism” “Amidst Fractured Faith and The Fragility of Reason” Rome, Italy, 01/09/2008-04/09/2008.
2007 Peter Admirand (2007) “Fundamentals of Peace Building” “Overcoming Denial: Yusef as a Model for Interfaith Reconciliation” Trinity College Dublin, 24/04/2007-24/04/2007.
2007 Peter Admirand (2007) “Religion and the European Project: Theological Perspectives” “Testimonies of Mass Atrocity and the Search for a Credible Theodicy” Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 13/09/2007-16/09/2007.
2007 Peter Admirand (2007) “Finding a Theological Voice” “Putting the Devil in Hell: Condemning Universal Salvation” Oxford University (Mansfield College), 17/03/2007-17/03/2007.
2007 Peter Admirand (2007) American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, (Group: Religion, Holocaust, and Genocide; Theme: “New Approaches to Theodicy”) “Trauma, Memory, and Truth: Why Theodicy Needs Testimonies of Mass Atrocity” AAR - San Diego CA (USA), 17/11/2007-20/11/2007.
2006 Peter Admirand (2006) “Reading Spiritualities: Constructing and Representing Spiritualities Through the Medium of Text: Sacred, Literary and Visual” “A Spiritual Exercise? The Pedagogy of Prayer and Texts of Trauma and Genocide” Lancaster University (UK), 20/01/2006-22/01/2006.
2005 Peter Admirand (2005) Leuven Encounters in Systematic Theology V: “Godhead Here in Hiding. Incarnation and the History of Human Suffering” “In Hiding or Not Relevant? The Incarnation and Non-Christian Memoirs of Trauma and Genocide” Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 02/11/2005-05/11/2005.
2005 Peter Admirand (2005) “Translating God(s): Thinking the Divine in Interreligious Encounter” “In God We Protest: Jewish Post-Holocaust and Latin American Liberation Theologians and the Question of Theodicy” Institut Catholique de Paris (Paris, France), 05/09/2005-16/09/2005.
2004 Peter Admirand (2004) “The Concept of God in Europe's Global Religious Dialogue” “Sacrilegious Union? The Sanctity of Prayer and the Violation of the Tremendum” Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 01/09/2004-10/09/2004.

Book Review

Year Publication
2016 Peter Admirand (2016) Restorative Justice, Reconciliation and Peacebuilding by Jennifer J. Llewellyn and Daniel Philpott (eds). BREV [Link]
2016 Peter Admirand (2016) “Amnesia is a state-sponsored sport.” Review of: Louisa Lim, The People's Republic of Amnesia. BREV [Link]
2016 Peter Admirand (2016) 'Return to Origins: Christianity and Asia': review of: The Oxford Handbook of Christianity in Asia Felix Wilfred (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Christianity in Asia. Leiden: BREV [Link]
2016 Peter Admirand (2016) Jeffrey M. Blustein. Forgiveness and Remembrance: Remembering Wrongdoing in Personal and Public Life. BREV [Link]
2016 Peter Admirand (2016) Atalia Omer, R Scott Appleby, and David Little (eds)., The Oxford Handbook of Religion, Conflict, and Peacebuilding. BREV [Link]
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) Being in the World: Dialogue and Cosmopolis. By Fred Dallmayr. BREV [Link]
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) My Neighbor’s Faith: Stories of Interreligious Encounter, Growth, and Transformation, written by Jennifer Howe Peace, Or N. Rose, and Gregory Mobley. BREV [DOI]
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) The Significance of Religious Experience by Howard Wettstein. London: BREV
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) Believing in Belonging: Belief & Social Identity in the Modern World. By Abby Day. London: BREV [Link]
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) Martha Nussbaum, Political Emotions: Why Love Matters for Justice. BREV [Link]
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) Secularism and Religion-Making. Edited by Markus Dressler and Arvind-Pal S. Mandair. BREV [DOI]
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) The Sacred in the Modern World: A Cultural Sociological Approach. By Gordon Lynch. London: BREV [DOI]
2013 Peter Admirand (2013) Jacques Ranciére, The Politics of Literature. BREV [Link]
2012 Peter Admirand (2012) Evil: A Guide for the Perplexed, by Chad Meister. BREV [Link]
2013 Peter Admirand (2013) Morality and War: Can War be Just in the Twenty-first Century?, by David Fisher. BREV [Link]
2013 Peter Admirand (2013) A Culture of Freedom: Ancient Greece & The Origins of Europe, by Christian Meie. London: BREV [Link] [DOI]
2012 Peter Admirand (2012) The Church and Other Faiths by Douglas Pratt. Germany: BREV
2012 Peter Admirand (2012) Catholic Theological Ethics: Past, Present, and Future. The Trento Conference, edited by James F. Keenan. BREV
2018 Peter Admirand (2018) Extended Book Review of: Obama’s Guantánamo: Stories from an Enduring Prison by J. Hafetz, ed. BREV [Link]
2012 Peter Admirand (2012) The Emergent Christ: Exploring the Meaning of Catholic in an Evolutionary Universe by Ilia Delio. BREV
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) The Future of Testimony: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Witnessing, edited by Antony Rowland and Jane Kilby. BREV [Link]
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) Faith and Unbelief by Stephen Bullivant. BREV [Link]
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) Secular Powers: Humility in Modern Political Thought by Julie E. Cooper. BREV
2013 Peter Admirand (2013) The Ashgate Research Companion to Religion and Social Conflict edited by Lee Marsden. BREV
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) After the New Atheist Debate. By Phil Ryan. BREV
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) Turkey, the Jews, and the Holocaust by Corry Guttstadt. BREV [Link]
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Marcus DĂŒwell, Jens Braarvig, Roger Brownsword, and Dietmar Mieth. Philosophy in Review. BREV [Link]
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) Zen and The White Whale: A Buddhist Rendering of Moby-Dick by Daniel Herman. BREV
2015 Peter Admirand (2015) Donald Bloxham and A Dirk Moses (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 2013. UK: BREV [Link]
2014 Peter Admirand (2014) Thia Cooper (ed) The Reemergence of Liberation Theologies: Models for the Twenty-First Century. BREV [Link]
2011 Dr Peter Admirand (2011) Intercultural Theology: Approaches and Themes, ed. Mark Cartledge & David Cheetham. BREV
2011 Dr Peter Admirand (2011) “The Secular Outlook: In Defense of Moral and Political Secularism” by By Paul Cliteur. BREV
2011 Dr Peter Admirand (2011) The Disenchantment of Secular Discourse, Steven D. Smith. BREV
2009 Dr Peter Admirand (2009) Inter-Church Relations: Developments and Perspectives. A Tribute to Bishop Anthony Farquhar. Edited by Brendan Leahy. BREV
2008 Dr Peter Admirand (2008) Stricken by God? Nonviolent Identification and the Victory of Christ, eds. Brad Jersak and Michael Hardin. BREV
2007 Dr Peter Admirand (2007) The Future of Liberation Theology by Ivan Petrella. BREV


Year Publication
2018 Admirand, Peter (2018) Modernity, Secularism, Religion. ED [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2020 Admirand, P. (2020) Building bridges among bridge-destroyers: Post-conflict interfaith dialogue after the bosnian war. [Link] [DOI]
2015 Admirand, Peter (2015) Making Sense of the Secular: Critical Perspectives from Europe to Asia. [DOI]
2015 Admirand, Peter (2015) Beyond Church and State: Democracy, Secularism, and Conversion. [DOI]
2014 Admirand, Peter (2014) Contesting Secularism: Comparative Perspectives. [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
Ireland Dialogue Society Board Member 31/08/2014 -
European Academy of Religion Member 13/12/2017 -
Irish Council of Christians and Jews Co-Chair 05/07/2015 -


Committee Function From / To
MA Ethics 01/06/2014 -
Research Committee 05/01/2014 -
Library Committee 25/05/2014 -
Faculty Research Committee 01/09/2020 - 18/10/2023


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Trinity College Dublin Ph.D. Theology
Boston College Master of Arts Theological Ethics
Georgetown University Master of Arts English Literature
The Catholic Universiy of America B.A. English; Honours in Humanities and the Social Sciences

Creative Outputs

Year Title Type
2019 Audiobook Version of: Humbling Faith: Brokenness, Doubt, Dialogue Recording


Title Year Type Authors
RTE Television One: Service on Sunday 2008 Produced a TV programme Peter Admirand
Late Lunch Programme on LMFM RADIO 2018 Radio Interviews Peter Admirand
Radio Guest, Spirit Radio, Interview 2014 Radio Interviews Peter Admirand
RTE Radio One, 2009 Radio interview/panel discussion Peter Admirand
“Talking History” on 2014 Radio interview/panel discussion Peter Admirand

Research Interests

Religion and literature; interreligious dialogue, especially Jewish-Christian dialogue; and theist-atheist dialogue; Theology and Comics Studies;  testimonies of mass atrocity; liberation theology; forgiveness, justice and the unforgivable; theodicy; Catholic social teaching; Christology amidst the world religions. 

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Hao ,Wanhui PhD Supervisor
Gumilar ,Gugun PhD Supervisor
Hassan ,Louise PhD Supervisor

Teaching Interests

I seek an engaged, active, open, and interdisciplinary class environment. I want my student to think, dream, and tackle the big questions on meaning, life, and purpose-- while not forgetting the important details and need for seeking wisdom from a range of sources and people. Learning should lead to some form of expansion in one's moral, intellectual, and spiritual life, seeking to make the world a better, more just place for all, especially the most vulnerable.

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2021 Literature & World Religions TP505
2022 Research Paper in Religious Studies TP405