James Kelly

Prof. James Kelly lectures on Irish History, focusing on the period between the seventeenth and mid-nineteenth centuries, on America from the Civil War to the end of the twentieth century, on Irish historiography and on historical methods. He was elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy in 2003, and was a member to the Irish Manuscripts Commission from 1999 to 2020. He has served as editor of the journal, Analecta Hibernica, and joint editor of Studia Hibernica, and Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. He has published extensively on a variety of themes on late-early modern Irish History, with particular reference to the eighteenth century.
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2024 | James Kelly (2024) 'Foreword to Irish Food History: a Companion' In: Irish Food History: a Companion. Dublin : EUT+ Academic Press (digital); Royal Irish Academy. | |
2021 | Terence Dooley, Mary Ann Lyons and Salvador Ryan (2021) 'Volcanism, weather and harvest crises: linking climate, the environment and human experience in eighteenth-century Ireland' In: The Historian as Detective. Uncovering Irish Pasts: Essays in honour of Raymond Gillespie. Ireland : Four Courts Press. | |
2021 | James Kelly (2021) 'Hunger will break through a wall: food riots during the Famine' In: Great Irish Famine Project. Ireland : UCC. [Link] | |
2021 | Kevin Costello and Niamh Howlin (eds) (2021) 'Repealing the Penal Laws, 1760-95' In: Law and Religion in Ireland 1700-1970. London : Palgrave Macmillan. | |
2019 | Salvador Ryan (ed) (2019) 'Clandestine marriage in eighteenth and early nineteenth-century Dublin' In: Marriage and the Irish: a miscellany. Dublin : Wordwell. | |
2018 | James Kelly (2018) 'The politics of Protestant ascendancy, 1730-1790' In: The Cambridge History of Ireland volume 3: Ireland, 1730-1880. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2018 | James Kelly (2018) 'Sport and recreation in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries' In: The Cambridge History of Ireland volume 3: Ireland, 1730-1880. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2018 | James Kelly (2018) 'The politics of Protestant ascendancy, 1730-1790' In: The Cambridge History of Ireland volume 3: Ireland, 1730-1880. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2018 | James Kelly (2018) 'Sport and recreation in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries' In: The Cambridge History of Ireland volume 3: Ireland, 1730-1880. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2018 | James Kelly (2018) 'Interpreting late early modern Ireland' In: The Cambridge History of Ireland volume 3: Irlend, 1730-1880. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. | |
2016 | James Kelly (2016) 'Ravaging houses of ill fame': popular riot and public sanction in eighteenth-century Ireland' In: D.W. Hayton (ed.) Ourselves alone? Religion, society and politics in eighteenth-century and nineteenth-century Ireland. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2010 | James Kelly (2010) 'The Medical Response to Ill-health in Eighteenth-century Ireland' In: Catherine Cox and Maria Luddy (eds) Cultures of care in the Irish Medical History, 1750-1970. Basingstoke : Palgrave. | |
2015 | James Kelly (2015) 'Punishing the Dead: Execution and the executed body in Eighteenth-Century Ireland' In: R Ward (ed.) A global history of execution and the criminal corpse. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan. | |
2014 | James Kelly with Mary Ann Lyons (2014) 'The proclamations in context, 1660-1820: introduction' In: The proclamations of Ireland, 1660-1820. Dublin : Irish Manuscripts Commission. | |
2014 | James Kelly (2014) 'Patriot politics 1750-91' In: Alvin Jackson (ed.) Oxford companion to Irish History. Oxford : Oxford University Press. | |
2014 | James Kelly (2014) 'The politics of the Protestant ascendancy in county Cavan, 1584-1840' In: Cavan: history and Society. Dublin : Geography Publications. | |
2013 | James Kelly (2013) 'Suicide in eighteenth-century Ireland' In: James Kelly and Mary Ann Lyons (ed.) Death and dying in Ireland, Britain and Europe. Dublin : Irish Academic Press. | |
2012 | James Kelly (2012) 'Responding to infanticide in Ireland, 1680-1820' In: Elaine Farrell (ed.) She said she was in the family way: pregnancy and infancy in modern Ireland. London : Institute of Historical Research. | |
2012 | James Kelly (2012) 'I was right glad to be rid of it: dental medical practice in eighteenth-century Ireland' In: M.H. Preston and M. Ó hOgartaigh Gender and medicine in Ireland, 1700-1950. Syracuse, New York : Syracuse University Press. | |
2012 | James Kelly (2012) 'James Kelly and Ciaran Mac Murchaidh (eds) Irish Protestants and the Irish language in the eighteenth century' In: Irish and English: Essays on the Irish linguistic and cultural frontier, 1600-1900. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2012 | James Kelly (2012) 'Print and the provision of medical knowledge in eighteenth-century Ireland' In: Raymond Gillespie and R.F. Foster (eds) Irish provincial cultures in the long eighteenth century. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2011 | James Kelly (2011) 'The Privy Council of Ireland and the making of Irish law, 1692-1800' In: Michael Brown and Sean Patrick Donlan (eds) Law and government in Ireland in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. United Kingdom : Aldershot. | |
2011 | James Kelly (2011) 'Bleeding, vomiting and purging: ill health and the medical professions in late early modern Ireland' In: Catherine Cox and Maria Luddy (eds) Cultures of Care: Essays in the history of Irish Medicine. United Kingdom : Palgrave. | |
2011 | James Kelly (2011) 'The historiography of the Penal Laws' In: J. Bergin et al (ed) New perspectives on the Penal Laws. Dublin : Eighteenth Century Ireland Society. | |
2010 | Fiona Clark and James Kelly (2010) 'Ireland and medicine in the seventeenth and eighteenth-century Ireland' In: Ireland and medicine in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Ashgate : Aldershot. | |
2010 | James Kelly (2010) 'Charitable societies: their genesis and development 1720-1800' In: James Kelly and Martyn Powell (eds) Clubs and societies in eighteenth-century Ireland. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2010 | James Kelly (2010) 'The pastime of the elite: clubs and societies and the promotion of horse racing' In: James Kelly and Martyn Powell (eds) Clubs and societies in eighteenth-century Ireland. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2010 | James Kelly (2010) 'The politics of the Protestant ascendancy in county Longford, 1630-1840' In: Fergus O'Ferrall and Martin Morris (eds) Longford: history and Society. Dublin : Geography Publications. | |
2010 | James Kelly (2010) 'Introduction (with M.J. Powell)' In: James Kelly and Martyn Powell (eds) Clubs and societies in eighteenth-century Ireland. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2010 | James Kelly (2010) 'The Bar Club, 1787-93: a dining club case study' In: James Kelly and Martyn Powell (eds) Clubs and societies in eighteenth-century Ireland. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2010 | James Kelly (2010) 'Elite political clubs, 1770-1800' In: James Kelly and Martyn Powell (eds) Clubs and societies in eighteenth-century Ireland. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2010 | D.W. Hayton, James Kelly and John Bergin (2010) 'Sustaining a confessional state: the Irish parliament and Catholicism' In: The eighteenth-century composite state: representative institutions in Ireland and Europe. Basingstoke : Palgrave. | |
2009 | Kelly, J. (2009) '“Era of liberty”: The politics of civil and political rights in eighteenth-century Ireland' In: Exclusionary Empire: English Liberty Overseas, 1600-1900. [Link] [DOI] | |
2009 | James Kelly (2009) 'Defending the established order: Richard Woodward Bishop of Cloyne (1726-94)' In: James Kelly and Ivar McGrath (eds)Parliament and politics in seventeenth and eighteenth-century Ireland. Dublin : UCD Press. | |
2008 | James Kelly (2008) 'Eighteenth century historical sources in English' In: Bernadette Cunningham and Siobhan Fitzpatrick (eds) Treasures of the Library. Dublin : Royal Irish Academy. | |
2006 | James Kelly (2006) 'The ascendancy and the Penal Laws' In: J.R. Bartlett (ed) 2000 years of Christianity. Dublin : Columba Press. | |
2006 | James Kelly (2006) 'The making of law in eighteenth-century Ireland: the significance and import of Poynings Law' In: Norma Dawson (ed) Reflections on Law and History. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2005 | James Kelly (2005) 'Political publishing, 1550-1700' In: Raymond Gillespie and Andrew Hadfield (eds) The Oxford History of the Irish Book, 1550-1800. Oxford : Oxford University Press. | |
2005 | James Kelly (2005) 'The conversion experience: the case of James O'Farrell OP, 1785-7' In: Michael Brown, Ivor McGrath and Thomas Power (eds) Converts and Conversion in Ireland, 1650-1850. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2003 | James Kelly (2003) 'The failure of opposition' In: Jaems Kelly, Michael Brown and P M Geoghegan (eds) The Irish Act of Union, 1800: bicentennial essays. Dublin : Irish Academic Press. | |
2003 | James Kelly (2003) 'Transportation from Ireland to North America, 1703-1789' In: David Dickson and Cormac Ó Gráda (eds) Reconfiguring Ireland: essays on honour of L.M. Cullen. Dublin : Lilliput Press. | |
2003 | James Kelly (2003) 'We were all to have been massacred: the Protestant experience of Rebellion' In: Tom Bartlett et al. (ed) 1798: a bicentenary perspective. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2003 | James Kelly (2003) 'The historiography of the Act of Union' In: James Kelly, Michael Brown and P M Geoghegan (eds) The Irish Act of Union: 1800: bicentennial essays. Dublin : Irish Academic Press. | |
2003 | James Kelly (2003) 'A most inhuman and barbarous piece of villainy: an exploration of the crime of rape in eighteenth-century Ireland' In: Ian O'Donnell and Finbarr McAuley (eds) Criminal Justice History: themes and controversies from pre-independence Ireland. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2001 | James Kelly (2001) 'Capital punishment in early eighteenth-century Ireland' In: Serge Soupe (ed) Crime et Chatiment dans les Isles Britanniques au dix-huitieme siecle. Moscow and Paris : Rubrica: Moscow and Paris. | |
2001 | James Kelly (2001) 'Lord Charlemont's political career' In: Michael McCarthy (ed) Lord Charlemont and his circle. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2001 | James Kelly (2001) 'The origins and background of the Act of Union' In: Daire Keogh and Kevin Whelan (eds) The Act of Union. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2001 | James Kelly (2001) 'Monitoring the constitution: the operation of Poynings' Law in the 1760s' In: D.W. Hayton (ed) The Irish parliament in the eighteenth century: the long apprenticeship. Edinburgh : University Press. | |
2000 | James Kelly (2000) 'Conservative Protestant thought in late eighteenth-century Ireland' In: S.J. Connolly (ed) Political ideas in eighteenth-century Ireland. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2000 | James Kelly (2000) 'The emergence of political parading 1660-1800' In: T.G. Fraser (ed) The Irish parading tradition: following the drum. New York : Macmillan: Basingtoke and New York. | |
2000 | James Kelly (2000) 'The impact of the Penal Laws' In: James Kelly and Daire Keogh (eds) History of the Catholic diocese of Dublin. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2000 | James Kelly (2000) 'The historiography of the diocese of Dublin' In: James Kelly and Daire Keogh (eds) History of the Catholic diocese of Dublin. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
1999 | James Kelly (1999) 'The emergence of scientific medical practice in Ireland 1660-1800' In: Greta Jones and Elizabeth Malcolm (eds) A history of Irish medicine. Cork : Cork University Press. | |
1998 | James Kelly (1998) 'A wild Capuchin of Cork: Arthur O'Leary (1792-1802)' In: Gerard Moran (ed) Radical Irish priests. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
1998 | James Kelly (1998) 'The limits of legislative independence' In: Mary Cullen (ed) 1798: 200 years of resonance: essays and contributions on the history and relevance of the United Irishmen and the 1798 Revolution. Dublin : Irish Reporter publications. | |
1997 | James Kelly (1997) '1780 revisited: the politics of the repeal of the test Act' In: Kevin Herlihy (ed) The politics of Irish dissent 1160-1800. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
1996 | James Kelly (1996) 'The politics of Protestant ascendancy: county Galway' In: Raymond Gillespie and Gerard Moran (eds) Galway: economy and society. Dublin : Geography Publications. | |
1993 | James Kelly (1993) 'The formation of the modern Catholic Church in the diocese of Kilmore 1580-1880' In: Raymond Gillespie (ed) Cavan: essays on the history of an Irish county. Dublin : Irish Academic Press. | |
1993 | James Kelly (1993) 'Francis Wheatley: his Irish paintings 1779-83' In: Adele M Dalsimer (ed) Visualizing Ireland: national identity and the pictorial tradition. Boston and London : Faber and Faber. | |
1993 | James Kelly (1993) 'Parliamentary reform in Irish politics 1760-90' In: Daivd Dickson, Daire Keogh and Kevin Whelan (eds) The United Irishmen. Dublin : Lilliput Press. | |
1991 | James Kelly (1991) ''The Catholic church in the diocese of Ardagh 1650-1870' In: Raymond Gillespie and Gerard Moran (eds) Longford: Essays in county history. Dublin : Lilliput Press. | |
1990 | James Kelly (1990) ''Napper Tandy: radical and republican'' In: James Kelly and U. Macgearailt (eds) Dublin and Dubliners: essays in the history and literature of Dublin City. Dublin : Helicon. | |
1989 | James Kelly (1989) 'The genesis of Protestant ascendancy: the Rightboy disturbances of the 1780s and their impact upon Protestant opinion' In: Gerard O'Brien (ed) Parliament, politics and people: essays in eighteenth century Irish history. Dublin : Irish Academic Press. | |
2023 | Kelly, J. (2023) 'Breakthrough: The First Phase of Catholic Relief in Britain and Ireland, 1766-1789' In: The Oxford History of British and Irish Catholicism, Volume III: Relief, Revolution, and Revival, 1746-1829. [Link] [DOI] | |
2023 | Kelly, J. (2023) 'Political Publishing, 1700-1800' In: The Irish Book in English 1550-1800. [Link] | |
2023 | (2023) '‘William Allen and the emergence of single-sheet graphic satire publication in Ireland, 1778-95’' In: Speculative minds in Georgian Ireland: novelty, experiment and widening horizons. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2023 | (2023) '“Our civil rights and liberties”: the politics of Protestant liberty in the eighteenth century’' In: Law and the idea of liberty in Ireland – From Magna Carta to the present. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2023 | Kelly, J. (2023) 'Political Publishing, 1550-1700' In: The Irish Book in English 1550-1800. [Link] | |
2022 | (2022) '‘Dublin in an ‘era of improvement’: the public and the growth of the eighteenth-century city’' In: Politics and political culture in Ireland from Restoration to Union, 1660–1800. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2018 | Kelly, J. (2018) 'Sport and Recreation in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries' In: The Cambridge History of Ireland: Volume III: 1730-1880. [Link] [DOI] | |
2018 | Kelly, J. (2018) 'The Politics of Protestant Ascendancy, 1730-1790' In: The Cambridge History of Ireland: Volume III: 1730-1880. [Link] [DOI] |
Edited Book
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2015 | Kelly, J. (2015) 'The consumption and sociable use of alcohol in eighteenth-century Ireland'. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics and Literature, 115 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2011 | Kelly, James (2011) 'Sustaining a Confessional State: The Irish Parliament and Catholicism'. Eighteenth-Century Composite State: Representative Institutions In Ireland And Europe, 1689-1800, . | |
2009 | Kelly, James (2009) 'The Decline of Duelling and the Emergence of the Middle Class in Ireland'. Politics, Society And The Middle Class In Modern Ireland, . | |
2021 | James Kelly (2021) 'Royal Irish Academy Proceedings 121C'. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C: Archaeology, Celtic Studies, History, Linguistics and Literature, . | |
2021 | James Kelly (2021) 'Appealing to the humane and charitable: the evolution of the Charity Sermon in Ireland, 1700-1860'. Archivium Hibernicum, 74 :258-311. | |
2021 | James Kelly (2021) 'Andrew Caldwell's Observations on Architecture, 1768-9: Context and Text'. Eighteenth Century, :93-155. | |
2020 | James Kelly (2020) 'Royal Irish Academy Proceedings 120C'. Proceedings of Royal Irish Academy, . | |
2020 | James Kelly (2020) 'Analecta Hibernica, 50'. Analecta Hibernica, . | |
2020 | Kelly, J. (2020) 'Chimney Sweeps, Climbing Boys and Child Employment in Ireland, 1775–1875'. Irish Economic and Social History, 47 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2020 | Kelly, James (2020) 'Climate, weather and society in Ireland in the long eighteenth century: the experience of the later phases of the Little Ice Age'. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY SECTION C-ARCHAEOLOGY CELTIC STUDIES HISTORY LINGUISTICS LITERATURE, 120 . [DOI] | |
2019 | James Kelly (2019) 'Analecta Hibernica, 50'. Analecta Hibernica, . | |
2019 | Kelly, J. (2019) '‘An Unnatural Crime’: Infanticide in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland'. Irish Economic and Social History, 46 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2018 | James Kelly (2018) ''Horrid' and 'infamous' practices: the kidnapping and stripping of children, c.1730-c.1840'. Irish Historical Studies, :265-292. | |
2018 | James Kelly (2018) 'Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 118C'. . | |
2018 | James Kelly (2018) 'Analecta Hibernica, no 49'. Analecta Hibernica, . | |
2014 | James Kelly (2014) 'A missing letter by Edmund Burke dated 7 November 1761'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, :142-148. | |
2012 | James Kelly (2012) 'Official list of radical activists and suspected activists involved in Emmet's Rebellion, 1803'. Analecta Hibernica, 43 :129-200. | |
2004 | James Kelly (2004) 'Select documents: the members of parliament for Ireland, 1806: two lists of parliamentary interests'. Irish Historical Studies, 34 :198-229. | |
2004 | James Kelly (2004) 'The operation of the Censorship of Publications Board: the notebooks of C.J. O'Reilly, 1951-55'. Analecta Hibernica, 38 :223-369. | |
2004 | James Kelly (2004) 'Review of the House of Commons, 1774'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, :163-210. | |
2001 | James Kelly (2001) 'Henry Flood's will'. Studia Hibernica, 31 :37-52. | |
1998 | James Kelly with Cal Hyland (1998) 'Richard Twiss's Tour of Ireland - the missing pages'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, :53-64. | |
1991 | James Kelly (1991) 'A visitor to County Kildare in 1782'. County Kildare Archaeological Society, (18). | |
1989 | James Kelly (1989) 'The Whiteboys in 1762: a contemporary account'. Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, :19-26. | |
1989 | James Kelly (1989) 'A secret return of the Volunteers of Ireland in 1784'. Irish Historical Studies, 26 :268-292. | |
1987 | James Kelly (1987) 'A tour in the south of Ireland in 1782'. North Munster Antiquarian Journal, (29):49-67. | |
2012 | James Kelly (2012) 'Coping with crisis; the response to the famine of 1740-41'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 27 :99-122. | |
2011 | James Kelly (2011) 'Disappointing the boundless ambitions of France: Irish Protestants and the fear of invasion, 1661-1815'. Studia Hibernica, 37 :27-105. | |
2009 | James Kelly (2009) 'Drinking the waters: balneotherapeutic medicine in Ireland, 1660-1850'. Studia Hibernica, 35 :99-146. | |
2008 | James Kelly (2008) 'Regulating print: the state and the control of print in eighteenth-century Ireland'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 23 :141-173. | |
2008 | James Kelly (2008) 'Health for sale: mountebanks, doctors, printers and the supply of medication in eighteenth-century Ireland'. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, SECTION C, 108C :1-38. | |
2006 | James Kelly (2006) 'In retrospect: Lord Charlemont and learning'. Proceedings of Royal Irish Academy, 106C :395-408. | |
2003 | James Kelly (2003) 'The failure of idealism? Thomas Russell and Robert Emmet': essay in review'. Saothar, 28 :99-105. | |
2002 | James Kelly (2002) 'The Irish representative system in the eighteenth century: review article'. Irish Historical Studies, 33 :233-245. | |
2000 | James Kelly (2000) 'Popular politics in Ireland and the Act of Union'. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, :259-287. | |
2000 | James Kelly (2000) 'The politics of Volunteering, 1778-1793'. Irish Sword, 22 no 88 . | |
2000 | James Kelly (2000) 'Recording the Irish parliament: The Parliamentary Register'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 15 :158-171. | |
1995 | James Kelly (1995) 'A most inhuman and barbarous piece of villainy'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 10 :78-107. | |
1994 | James Kelly (1994) 'The Glorious and immortal memory: commemoration and Protestant identity in Ireland 1660-1800'. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY, SECTION C, (94):25-52. | |
1994 | James Kelly (1994) 'The abduction of women of fortune in eighteenth-century Ireland'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 9 :7-43. | |
1992 | James Kelly (1992) ''Harvests and hardship: famine and scarcity in Ireland in the late 1720s''. Studia Hibernica, 26 :65-105. | |
1992 | James Kelly (1992) 'Infanticide in eighteenth century Ireland'. IRISH ECONOMIC AND AND SOCIAL HISTORY, 18 :5-26. | |
1991 | James Kelly (1991) ''Jonathan Swift and Irish economic crisis in the 1720s''. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 6 :7-36. | |
1990 | James Kelly (1990) ''The Irish trade dispute with Portugal, 1781-86''. Studia Hibernica, 25 :7-48. | |
1990 | James Kelly (1990) ''Eighteenth-Century ascendancy: a commentary''. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 5 :173-187. | |
1989 | James Kelly (1989) ''The Anglo-French Commercial treaty of 1786: the Irish dimension''. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 4 :93-112. | |
1988 | James Kelly (1988) ''Inter-denominational relations and religious toleration in late eighteenth century Ireland''. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 3 :39-68. | |
1988 | James Kelly (1988) ''The parliamentary reform movement of the 1780s and the Catholic question''. Archivium Hibernicum, 44 :95-117. | |
1985 | James Kelly (1985) ''William Burton Conyngham and the North West fishery of the eighteenth century''. Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 115 :64-85. | |
1984 | James Kelly (1984) ''The resumption of emigration from Ireland after the American War of Independence'. Studia Hibernica, 24 :61-88. | |
2015 | Kelly, James (2015) 'The consumption and sociable use of alcohol in eighteenth-century Ireland'. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY SECTION C-ARCHAEOLOGY CELTIC STUDIES HISTORY LINGUISTICS LITERATURE, 115 . [DOI] | |
2014 | Kelly, James (2014) 'Mathew Carey's Irish Apprenticeship: Editing the Volunteers Journal, 1783-84'. Eire-Ireland, 49 (3-4). | |
2014 | Kelly, James (2014) 'The Private Bill Legislation of the Irish Parliament, 1692-1800'. Parliamentary History, 33 (1). [DOI] | |
2008 | Kelly, James (2008) 'Health for sale: mountebanks, doctors, printers and the supply of medication in eighteenth-century Ireland'. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY SECTION C-ARCHAEOLOGY CELTIC STUDIES HISTORY LINGUISTICS LITERATURE, 108 . [DOI] | |
2004 | Kelly, J (2004) 'Select documents: The members of parliament for Ireland, 1806: two lists of 'parliamentary interests''. Irish Historical Studies, 34 (134). | |
1992 | KELLY, J (1992) 'SCARCITY AND POOR RELIEF IN 18TH-CENTURY IRELAND - THE SUBSISTENCE CRISIS OF 1782-1784'. Irish Historical Studies, 28 :38-62. | |
1987 | KELLY, J (1987) 'THE ORIGINS OF THE ACT OF UNION - AN EXAMINATION OF UNIONIST OPINION IN BRITAIN AND IRELAND, 1650-1800'. Irish Historical Studies, 25 :236-263. | |
2024 | (2024) '‘William Paulet Carey and Irish caricature, 1780-92’'. Eighteenth-Century Ireland, 39 :73-104. | |
2024 | Kelly, J. (2024) 'Corporal punishment and child abuse in Ireland, 1700–1870'. Studia Hibernica, 50 . [Link] [DOI] | |
2024 | James Kelly (2024) 'Studia Hibernica at 50: looking back'. Studia Hibernica, 50 :3-15. | |
2020 | Kelly, James (2020) 'Chimney Sweeps, Climbing Boys and Child Employment in Ireland, 1775-1875'. Irish Economic and Social History, 47 (1). [DOI] | |
2019 | Kelly, James (2019) ''An Unnatural Crime': Infanticide in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland'. Irish Economic and Social History, 46 (1). [DOI] |
Other Journal
Book Review
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2022 | (2022) ‘Revolutionary America and Ireland refracted through a comparative lens’. [Link] |
Other Publication
Year | Publication | |
2014 | Kelly, J (2014) The life and significance of Charles Lucas (1713-1771). [DOI] | |
2014 | Kelly, James (2014) THE VESTRY RECORDS OF THE PARISH OF ST AUDOEN, DUBLIN, 1636-1702. | |
2011 | Kelly, James (2011) The Politics and Culture of Honour in Britain and Ireland, 1541-1641. | |
2009 | Kelly, James (2009) The Pastoral Role of the Roman Catholic Church in Pre-Famine Ireland, 1750-1850. | |
2009 | Kelly, James (2009) Loyalism in Ireland 1789-1829. | |
2008 | Kelly, James (2008) Dublin 1745-1922: Hospitals, spectacle and vice. | |
2007 | Kelly, James (2007) The origins of sectarianism in early modern Ireland. | |
2007 | Kelly, James (2007) Old world colony: cork and Munster. | |
2006 | Kelly, J (2006) Grattan's failure: Parliamentary opposition and the people in Ireland, 1779-1800. | |
2006 | Kelly, James (2006) The religious condition of Ireland, 1770-1850. | |
2006 | Kelly, James (2006) The duel in early modern England: civility, politeness and honour. | |
2003 | Kelly, J (2003) Political thought in Ireland, 1776-1798: Republicanism, patriotism, and radicalism. | |
2000 | Kelly, J (2000) Protestantism and national identity: Britain and Ireland, c.1650-c.1850. | |
1999 | Kelly, J (1999) An ascendancy army: The Irish Yeomanry, 1796-1834. | |
1998 | Kelly, J (1998) John Fitzgibbon, Earl of Clare: Protestant reaction and English authority in late eighteenth-century Ireland. | |
1998 | Kelly, J (1998) 'The king's business': Letters on the administration of Ireland, 1740-1761. From the papers of Sir Robert Wilmot. | |
2024 | Kelly, James (2024) The East Donegal Border Petition and the Derry-Donegal Milk War, 1934-8. | |
2024 | Kelly, James (2024) Day Place, County Kerry: 'The Most Respectable Locality on Tralee'. | |
2024 | Kelly, James (2024) Marsden Haddock and the Androides: Entertainment, Late Georgian Cork and the Wider World. | |
2024 | Kelly, James (2024) The Mansfields of Co. Kildare: A France-Irish Catholic Elite Family and Their Networks, 1870-1915. | |
2024 | Kelly, James (2024) Portmagee, County Kerry: The Origins of an Atlantic Smuggling Village. | |
2024 | Kelly, James (2024) Poverty in Pre-famine Westmeath: The Findings of the Poor Commission of 1833. | |
2023 | Kelly, James (2023) Nathaniel Colgan, 1851-1919: the Life, Times and Genealogy of an Enigmatic Dubliner. | |
2023 | Kelly, James (2023) Nursing and Midwifery in the Poor-Law Unions of Borrisokane and Nenagh, 1882-1922. | |
2023 | Kelly, James (2023) 'Modest and Civil People': Religion and Society in Medieval Galway. | |
2023 | Kelly, James (2023) Maynooth Studies in Local History. | |
2023 | Kelly, James (2023) The Burning of Knockcroghery Village, Co. Roscommon, 1921. | |
2023 | Kelly, James (2023) Thomas Conolly (1823-76) of Castletown and the Social Networking of Power. | |
2023 | Kelly, James (2023) Early Modern Duhallow, c. 1534-1641: the Crisis. Decline and Fall of an Irish Lordship. | |
2023 | James Kelly (2023) ‘Response’. Dublin: | |
2020 | Kelly, James (2020) The Jesuit Irish Mission: A Calendar of Correspondence, 1566-1752. [DOI] | |
2019 | Kelly, James (2019) The Cambridge Social History of Modern Ireland. | |
2018 | Kelly, J. (2018) Introduction: Interpreting Late Early Modern Ireland. [Link] [DOI] | |
2018 | Kelly, J. (2018) 'Horrid' and 'infamous' practices: The kidnapping and stripping of children, c.1730-c.1840. [Link] [DOI] | |
2017 | Kelly, James (2017) The Catholic Church and the Campaign for Emancipation in Ireland and England. | |
2017 | Kelly, James (2017) The Boulter Letters. | |
2017 | Kelly, James (2017) Ireland's Great Famine and Popular Politics. | |
2015 | Kelly, J. (2015) The life and significance of Charles Lucas (1713-1771). [DOI] | |
2014 | Kelly, J. (2014) Mathew Carey's Irish apprenticeship: Editing the volunteers journal, 1783-84. [Link] [DOI] | |
2010 | Hayton, D.W.; Kelly, J. (2010) Introduction: The Irish parliament in European context: A representative institution in a composite state. [Link] [DOI] |
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