Almar Ennis


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Dr. Almar Ennis is a lecturer in economic and social geography in the School of Geography and History, DCU. Almar obtained her Ph.D. from Trinity College Dublin, and during her doctoral studies she was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. More recently, Almar has held visiting posts at the University of Cambridge, University of Gloucestershire and the University of Malta.  In economic geography, Almar’s research interests are in the area of university-industry links and entrepreneurship education in universities.  In social geography, Almar is undertaking research on Travellers in Ireland from the perspectives of their geography, population change, education, employment, health, housing, marriage patterns and family life, both in the 1950s and today.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2016 Almar Ennis and Carol Barron (2016) Dialogue Across Education and Humanities, Dublin City University A dialogue between Traveller children's experiences and existing patterns of early school leaving in Ireland
2016 Renatus Mushi, Deirdre Lillis, Almar Ennis and Said Jafari (2016) ICE.IEEE International Technology Management Conference, Trondheim, Norway Exploring values of mobile phone technology in SMEs
2016 Carol Barron and Almar Ennis (2016) New Crops Old Fields 2; (Re)Imagining Irish Folklore Confernce, Queen's University, Belfast More than just 'Jumping the Budget': Marriage rituals amongst Irish Travellers in the 20th Century
2016 Renatus Mushi, Deirdre Lillis, Almar Ennis and Said Jafari (2016) ICE.IEEE International Technology Management Conference, Trondheim, Norway Metrics for assessing adoption of mobile phone technology in SMEs: A case of Tanzania
2016 Almar Ennis and Carol Barron (2016) 48th Conference of Irish Geographers on the theme of Memory, Identity and Landscape - Geographical Perspectives, Dublin City University No road back: Rates of early school leaving amongst Traveller children in Ireland
2015 Mary Fenton, Almar Ennis and Ruth Davis (2015) Oman Higher Education Summit themed 'Entrepreneurship and Higher Education', organised by the Oman Ministry of Higher Education and GHEDEX Global Higher Education Exhibition, Muscat-Sultanate of Oman Breathing space or hiding place? Graduate entrepreneurs' perspectives of entrepreneurship education
2013 Mary Fenton and Almar Ennis (nee Barry) (2013) Irish Academy of Management Conference 2013, Waterford Institute of Technology Is entrepreneurship education at third level preparing graduates for self employment
2014 Almar Barry (2014) 46th Conference of Irish Geographers, University College Dublin Geography, gender and sexual assault in Ireland: what do the statistics say?
2014 Almar Barry (2014) Sexuality Studies Self, Selves and Sexualities Conference, Dublin City University Where is it dangerous and for whom?: ‘at risk factors’ and ‘at risk locations’ of rape in Ireland
2013 Almar Barry with Mary Fenton & Hugh Gash & Eugene Crehan (2013) Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference, Cardiff Breathing space or hiding place? Graduate entrepreneurs’ perspectives of entrepreneurship education at third level
2013 Almar Barry with Mary Fenton (2013) Conference of Irish Geographers 2013, National University of Ireland, Galway University-industry links in Celtic Tiger Ireland: where were the women?
2013 Mary Fento, Almar Barry & Hugh Gash (2013) Education and Learning Issues in Entrepreneurship, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Breathing space or hiding place? Graduate entrepreneurs perspectives of entrepreneurship education in Ireland
2013 Almar Barry with Mary Fenton (2013) 3rd GMLG Conference on Entrepreneurship, Leuphana University, Lueneburg, Germany Academic links with industry in science and technology in Ireland: is there a gender gap?
2013 Almar Barry with Susan Hegarty, Sarah Murnaghan & Jonathan Cherry (2013) School of Geography and Archaeology, National University of Galway International student perspectives on the cultural services and experiential qualities of the Irish landscape
2012 Almar Barry with Mary Fenton (2012) 3rd International Conference on Networks, Learning and Entrepreneurship, organised by the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), Croke Park Stadium, Dublin Gender differences in university-industry links in science and technology-based subjects in Irish HEIs during Ireland’s Celtic Tiger Period
2012 Almar Barry (2012) 2012 European Association of Geographers (EUROGEO) International Conference, Dublin City University ‘Making it count’: experiential learning using a drama-in-education approach in teaching geography
2011 Almar Barry (2011) Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Social, Scientific and Environmental Education (IASSEE), St. Patrick's College, Dublin Active learning in academic geography using a drama in education approach in teaching and learning in teacher education in Ireland
2011 Almar Barry with Mary Fenton & Eugene Crehan (2011) ISBE Conference, Sheffield Graduate enterprise programmes: the real deal in supporting HPSU entrepreneurs
2011 Almar Barry with Mary Fenton & Eugene Crehan (2011) 2nd International Conference on Networks, Learning and Entrepreneurship, organised by the Centre for Enterprise Development and Regional Economy, Waterford Institute of Technology Graduate entrepreneurship education: perspectives of graduate entrepreneurs

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2014 Almar Barry & Mary Fenton (2014) 'Breathing space: graduate entrepreneurs’ perspectives of entrepreneurship education in higher education'. Education and Training, :733-744.
2014 Almar Barry and Desmond Gillmor (2014) 'Children as genealogists: exploring possibilities for primary classroom practice'. Geographical Viewpoint, 41 :25-39.
2013 Almar Barry & Mary Fenton (2013) 'University-industry links in research and development (R&D) and consultancy in Ireland’s indigenous high-tech sector'. Irish Geography, 40 (1-2):51-77.
2012 Almar Barry, Mary Fenton & John O'Connor (2012) 'Entrepreneurship education – Ireland’s solution to economic re-generation'. 26 (3):241-249.
2012 Almar Barry and Desmond Gillmor (2012) 'Family histories and geographies: Interrelationships between genealogy and geography'. Geographical Viewpoint, 40 :15-23.
2011 Almar Barry & Mary Fenton (2011) 'The efficacy of entrepreneurship education: perspectives of Irish graduate entrepreneurs'. 25 (6):451-460.
2002 Almar Barry & Barry Brunt (2002) 'Female employment in the multinational electronics industry in Ireland’s South-West Planning Region'. Irish Geography, 35 (1):28-39.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2021) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Research Interests

Dr. Almar Ennis is a lecturer in economic and social geography in the School of History and Geography, DCU.  In economic geography, Almar’s research interests are in the area of university-industry links, high-tech SMEs and entrepreneurship education in universities.  In social geography, Almar is undertaking research on Travellers in Ireland from the perspectives of their geography, population change, education, employment, health, housing, marriage patterns and family life, both in the 1950s and today. 
Almar is happy to supervise doctoral research in any area in economic geography and in the following areas in social geography: Travellers; 
social construction of youth cultures; geographies of work and social class; geographies of leisure; drinking; homelessness; disability; children’s geographies; one-parent families; geography education; early school leaving; geographies of rape and sexual assault; and geographies of crime and policing policies.

PhD Supervision

2008-2012: Mary Fenton, 'Breathing space or hiding place? Graduate entrepreneurs' perspectives of entrepreneurship education in Ireland', School of History and Geography, DCU.  Principal Supervisor: Dr. Almar Ennis (Geography) and Second Supervisor: Dr. Hugh Gash (Education) [Completed].

2015 - to date: Renatus Mushi, 'Designing and evaluating an employee mobile phone acceptance model - a case of Tanzanian Tourism SMEs'.  Principal Supervisor: Dr. Deirdre Lillis (DIT) and Second Supervisor: Dr.Almar Ennis (DCU).

Masters Supervision

2010:   Lucy O’ Mahony: The Role of Teaching for Understanding Theory in Irish Primary School Practice, WIT, [Completed]
2006:   Joanne O’Gorman: An Investigation of Discrimination and Social Exclusion of the Travelling Community in CorkUCD, [Completed]
2006:   Catriona Lavin: Early School Leaving in Castlebar, Co. Mayo, UCD, [Completed]
2006:   Deirdre Moran: The Changing Geography of Children’s Play and Play Spaces in Dublin, UCD, [Completed]

Internal Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
Internal Dr. Carol Barron Dublin City University Academic