Dervila Cooke


Profile Photo

Dr Dervila Cooke teaches in French and Francophone studies at SALIS (Dublin City University). Her research interests lie primarily in highly contemporary studies in French-speaking culture, mainly for France and Québec. Dr Cooke edited the 2016 thematic issue of the journal Comparative Literature and Culture on new work on immigration in contemporary writing in France, Québec and Ireland. Her initial research focused on the work of French writer Patrick Modiano, on whom she has published widely, including a monograph on his (auto)biographical fictions,, and a special text-image issue of French Cultural Studies. As of 2023, she has two monographs forthcoming with Palgrave MacMillan on narratives of dual culture youth in France and Québec. The first of these is focused on Indigenous, Migrant and Allophone Youth in Québec, while the second is focused on Life Writing and Transcultural Youth by authors of dual culture in France. Dr Cooke has a strong interest in Canada, particularly in Québec. She has been secretary of the Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland since summer 2018. In April 2016  she received the Prix de la délégation québécoise (Irlande) for a project on  memories of childhood in recent autobiographical writing in Québec. 

Dr Cooke is also interested in ecocritical approaches and in hands-on environmentalism. She has published on approaches to Newfoundland's overfishing crisis, in The Shipping News, and is working on expanding this area of her research. In 2021, she initiated and led the SeasonsPace project, funded by the IRCHSS. For this, Dr Cooke organised a series of seminars and events, and created links between French ,UK and Irish community gardens. Working alongside staff in the Institute of Education, the project also led and oversaw "Growing and Thinking" work with Irish primary and secondary schools, raising awareness of what is in season locally through hands-on growing projects and a programme of reflections on carbon footprint and food miles. 

Dr Cooke’s research interests lie in French-speaking culture, mainly the highly contemporary period, including life-writing, fiction, film, documentary work, urban studies, photography, and some song. She welcomes supervision applications from graduate students in accounts of childhood and youth (and life-writing in general); --representations of migration and of immigrant experiences;-- hybrid identities in France and Quebec in literature and film or creative visual or verbal art---eco-criticism; ---urban studies of Paris or Montreal

Other topics may also be of interest but must have a strong French element. She does not supervise doctoral students on areas outside of French or Francophone literature, unless there is French and Francophone interest in the proposed thesis (usually a strong element) and unless it is a co-supervision with another supervisor who can supervise and direct the non-French parts.     

Dr Cooke's degrees in French are from University College Dublin.I She was an Erasmus student at the Université de Caen during he B.A. and followed this with a very enjoyable year as a lectrice at the Université de Rennes II. She also spent two years in Paris, attached to the Ecole normale supérieure (Ulm) during her doctoral studies. She was an IRCHSS postdoctoral research fellow at Trinity College Dublin from 2004-2006. From 2006 to 2008, she was Senior Lecturer at Oxford Brookes University. She has also taught at University College Dublin, the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, and Waterford Regional Technical College (now W.I.T.). She gained a PCTHE (Postgraduate certificate in teaching in higher education) from Oxford Brookes University in 2007. She joined the Department of French at Saint Patrick’s College in September 2008 and was incorporated into the School of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies at DCU (SALIS) in September 2016. She has been a tenured professor (lecturer) since 2006 and has been teaching at university level since 1994.  She holds several degrees in French literature (B.A, M.A, PhD), all with first class honours or distinction, as well as a certificate of teaching in higher education (PCTHE, 2007).


Year Publication
2005 Dervila Cooke (2005) Present Pasts: Patrick Modiano's (Auto) Biographical Fictions. The Netherlands: BRILL Rodopi.
2024 (2024) Indigenous and Transcultural Narratives in Québec. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 Dervila Cooke (2021) 'Growing Together or Apart? Minorities in Québec Documentary on Immigration and School (Godbout, Aloisio, Groulx)' In: Minorities in Canada: Intercultural investigations. France : Harmattan.
2020 Dervila Cooke (2020) '“ “Let me explain: this is who I am”. Interview with Antio Aloisio with Introduction by Dervila Cooke”' In: Citizenship and Belonging in France and North America: Multicultural Perspectives on Political, Cultural and Artistic Representation of Immigration. New York : Palgrave MacMillan.
2017 Dervila Cooke (2017) '“Pour qui sait comprendre: l’enfance qui parle de l’Histoire dans Remise de peine et Dieu prend-il soin des bœufs ? de Patrick Modiano”' In: Enjeux mémoriels en littérature de jeunesse: comment raconter l’histoire aux enfants?. Rouen and Le Havre, France : Presses universitaires Rouen-Le Havre.
2010 Dervila Cooke (2010) 'Modiano et la flânerie' In: Modiano, ou, Les intermittences de la mémoire. Paris, France : Éditions Hermann.
2008 Dervila Cooke (2008) 'Maspero et Frantz: Voyages vers l’autre en photographie et en texte' In: Littérature et photographie. France : Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
2008 Phyllis Gaffney (2008) 'Poupée Blonde de Modiano' In: Reverberations: Staging Relations in French Since 1500, A Festschrift in Honour of C. E. J. Caldicott. Dublin : UCD Press.
2007 David Gascoigne (2007) 'Des inconnues, La Petite Bijou, ‘Éphéméride’, and Accident Nocturne' In: Violent Histories. Frankfurt, Germany : Peter Lang.
2007 Alain Milon and Marc Perelman (2007) 'Flâneries et contraintes: promenades textuelles dans Les Ruines de Paris et Le Méridien de Paris de Jacques Réda' In: Le Livre comme espace. Paris, France : Presses universitaires de Paris X.
2007 John E. Flower (2007) 'La Petite Bijou: Autofictional Translations' In: Patrick Modiano. Netherlands : BRILL Rodopi.

Edited Book

Year Publication
2016 Dervila Cooke (Ed.). (2016) New Work on Immigration and Identity in France, Quebec and Ireland. Purdue University, Indiana, USA: CLCweb Comparative Literature & Culture,
2012 Dervila Cooke (Ed.). (2012) Modiano et l’image, special issue of French Cultural Studies. United Kingdom: SAGE,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Ward, Monica, Fiona O’Riordan, Danielle Logan-Fleming, Dervila Cooke, Tara Concannon-Gibney, Marina Efthymiou & Niamh Watkins (2023) 'Interactive oral assessment case studies: An innovative, academically rigorous, authentic assessment approach'. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, . [DOI]
2022 Dervila Cooke (2022) 'Entretien avec Maryam Madjidi sur Marx et la poupée et Pour que je m'. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, .
2016 Dervila Cooke (2016) 'Thematic Bibliography of 450 items for New Work on Immigration and Identity in France, Québec, and Ireland'. CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture, 18 (4).
2016 Dervila Cooke (2016) 'Immigrant and Irish Identities in Hand in the Fire and Hamilton's Writing between 2003 and 2014'. CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture, 18 (4).
2016 Dervila Cooke (2016) 'Introduction to New Work on Immigration and Identity in France, Québec, and Ireland (7000 words)'. CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture, 18 (4).
2013 Dervila Cooke (2013) 'Tradition, Modernity, and the Enmeshing of Home and Away: The Shipping News and Proulx’s 1990s Newfoundland'. Studies in Canadian Literature - Etudes en Litterature Canadienne, 38 (1):190-209.
2012 Dervila Cooke (2012) '“Le ‘climat Modiano’ dans Des gens qui passent: Entretien avec Alain Nahum”, special issue of French Cultural Studies on “Modiano et l’image”'. French Cultural Studies, 23 (4):304-308.
2012 Dervila Cooke (2012) '“‘Une représentation une fois pour toutes et pour toujours’? Un cirque passe de Modiano et Des gens qui passent de Nahum”'. French Cultural Studies, 23 (4):290-303.
2012 Dervila Cooke (2012) '“Introduction”, special issue of French Cultural Studies on “Modiano et l’image”'. French Cultural Studies, 23 (4):279-289.
2011 Dervila Cooke (2011) 'Hybridity and intercultural exchange in Marco Micone’s Le Figuier enchanté”'. The French Review, 84 (6):1160-1172.
2008 Dervila Cooke (2008) 'Connection and Peripheral Encounters: Paris bout du monde (1992) and Les Passagers du Roissy Express (1989) In Journal of Romance Studies (Peer Reviewed journal)'. JOURNAL OF ROMANCE STUDIES, 8 (1):91-106.
2006 Dervila Cooke and Colin Nettelbeck (2006) 'Modiano in the Feminine'. Nottingham French Studies, 45 (2):39-53.
2006 Dervila Cooke (2006) 'Cléo and Chloé on the Margins of Parisian Flânerie: Questions of Self and Other in Cléo de 5 à 7 and Chacun cherche son chat'. Irish Journal of French Studies, (6):67-85.
2005 Dervila Cooke (2005) 'Paris Tendresse by Modiano (with Photographs by Brassaï): a Photobiographical Creation'. Australian Journal of French Studies, 42 (2):143-158.
2004 Dervila Cooke (2004) 'Hollow Imprints: History, Literature and the Biographical in Modiano’s Dora Bruder'. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 3 (2):131-145.
1998 Dervila Cooke (1998) 'Créer le silence avec des mots’: Writing Silence in Chien de printemps by Patrick Modiano'. PAGES: Postgraduate Journal for Research Work in Progress, (5):43-51.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2020 Dervila Cooke (2020) 'Grace Ly's Jeune fille modele' .

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2024 (2024) Adaptation, Translation, Identity Conference, The Humanities Institute, UCD Naomi Fontaine’s cultural adaptations: poetic memoir, fictionalised autobiography, essays, film, and theatre University College Dublin, 14/05/2024-14/05/2024.
2024 (2024) Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland Biennial Conference Fighting for the transmission of Indigeneity and Indigenous languages in Québec: Naomi Fontaine and Joséphine Bacon, following An Antane Kapesh Queen's University Belfast, 09/05/2024-11/05/2024.
2023 (2023) Canada Today and Tomorrow, ACSI online conference 18 May 2023 “Qui est ‘Québécois’? Who is Québécois? Ethnocultural minorities in Québec from 1977 to 2023” Online, .
2021 Dervila Cooke (2021) 34th CIEF conference 1. “Solidarité et témoignage autochtone dans Manikanetish de Naomi Fontaine” Online, .
2021 Dervila Cooke (2021) Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland Conference 2. “Negotiating Identities and Boundaries in Migration to Québec: Rhapsodie Québécoise by Akos Verboczy” Online, .
2021 Dervila Cooke (2021) Women in French Conference (WIF) Naomi Fontaine's Innu Women from Kuessipan to Shuni Online, .
2021 Cooke, Dervila (2021) ADEFFRI Spring Forum (Association d'études françaises et francophones d'Irlande) 5. Presentation of research and practice on experimental pedagogy of Interactive Orals Online, .
2021 Cooke Dervila (2021) 20th and 21st French and Francophone studies Conference 6. “Thèmes, style et processus de l’écriture dans Marx et la poupée de Madjidi” Online, .
2021 Dervila Cooke (2021) Adeffi Spring Forum (Association d'études françaises et francophones d'Irlande) 4. “Maryam Madjidi’s Marx et la poupée” Online, .
2020 (2020) ADEFFI Spring Forum (Association d'études françaises et francophones d'Irlande) Writing transcultural and minority youth in France and Québec, 2000-2020 NUI Dublin, .
2019 Dervila Cooke (2019) 33rd CIEF annual conference, Marges et pouvoir de la francophonie, 17-22 June 2019 L'enfance comme pierre de touche pour le soi minoritaire chez Abla Farhoud Ottawa, .
2019 Dervila Cooke (2019) Exploring the Transnational Neighbourhood Laura Alcoba between France and Argentina Humanities Institute, University College Dublin, 25/09/2019-26/09/2019.
2019 Dervila Cooke (2019) Representing Youth in French and Francophone Studies Youth and Trauma in Laura Alcoba NUI Maynooth, 31/05/2019-31/05/2019.
2018 Dervila Cooke (2018) Traces and Memories: Alain Nahum A two day series of talks around the exhibition of photographs I curated for Alain Nahum Alliance française, Dublin, 16/05/2018-17/05/2018.
2018 Dervila Cooke (2018) Canadian Regenerations Childhood in the Works of Abla Farhoud Waterford Institute of Technology, 27/04/2018-28/04/2018.
2018 Dervila Cooke (2018) Traces and Memories, Alain Nahum Presentation of the street photoraphy of Alain Nahum and interview with the artist Alliance française, Dublin, 16/05/2018-16/11/2018.
2018 Dervila Cooke (2018) Patrick Modiano's Un cirque passe Commentary on the film and public conversation with the filmmaker Aliance française, Dublin, 17/05/2018-17/05/2018.
2018 Dervila Cooke (2018) Perec study day, Newman House, UCD Affect in Perec and Modiano, with special reference to Je me souviens and W, ou le souvenir d'enfance University College Dublin, .
2016 Dervila Cooke (2016) Shape, Touch and Traces: the Recent Street Photographs of Alain Nahum Seminar on Alain Nahum's recent street photography in Paris SALIS Research Seminars, .
2015 Dervila Cooke (2015) Longing and Belonging, Congress of European Network for Comparative Literary Studies, NUI Galway Language and identity: Hugo Hamilton, Nancy Huston and recent documentaries about newcomer schoolchildren in France and Quebec NUI Galway, 24/08/2015-28/08/2015.
2015 Dervila Cooke (2015) Immigration and Identity in Society and Culture Introductory speech France, Quebec, Ireland, 27/03/2015-28/03/2015.
2012 Dervila Cooke (2012) Heritage, Ecology and Identity Seascapes and Seamarks: Heritage, Ecology and Identity in E.Annie Proulx’s The Shipping News University College Dublin, 10/05/2012-12/05/2012.
2011 Dervila Cooke (2011) Re-Imagining Initial Teacher Education The Language Question at School: Two Canadian examples and reflection on the Irish context Saint Patrick’s College, .
2010 Dervila Cooke (2010) Modiano et l’Image Adapter Modiano au cinéma : Le cas de Le Parfum d’Yvonne Saint Patrick’s College, .
2010 Dervila Cooke (2010) Association of Canadian Studies in Ireland (ACSI) biennial conference Francisation and Transculturation in Micone and Aloisio: Il n’y a pas que la langue qui compte Waterford Institute of Technology, .
2008 Dervila Cooke (2008) Modiano ou les Intermittences de la mémoire De la flânerie historique? Rue des boutiques obscures (1978), Chien de printemps (1993) et Dora Bruder (1997) Université de Paris Nanterre, 20/11/2008-22/11/2008.
2007 Dervila Cooke (2007) Littérature et photographie Nomadisme du voyage et fixité du ‘chez soi’ dans Paris bout du monde et Les Passagers du RoissyExpress: réflexion sur la relation entre photographie et texte Normandy, .
2006 Dervila Cooke (2006) Photography and the City The Parisian Flâneur and the Book of Photographs of Paris University College Dublin, 29/06/2006-01/07/2006.
2006 Dervila Cooke (2006) ADEFFI Annual Conference The Passante, the Voyeur and Real Women in Raymond Depardon’s Film Paris (1998) Paris, .
2006 Dervila Cooke (2006) Le Conte A Curious Fairytale: Patrick Modiano’s Remise de peine (1988) Queen’s University Belfast, .
2005 Dervila Cooke (2005) ADEFFI annual conference La femme et la ville: questions du moi et de l’autre dans Cléo de 5 à 7 et Chacun cherche son chat NUI Galway, 30/09/2005-01/10/2005.
2004 Dervila Cooke (2004) Colloque international Patrick Modiano La Petite Bijou: Traductions autofictionnelles et intertextuelles University of Kent, Canterbury, .
2004 Dervila Cooke (2004) Photography and Text in Modern French Culture Modiano et la photographie: le cas de Paris Tendresse Alliance Française Dublin, .
2004 Dervila Cooke (2004) ADEFFI Annual Conference Mémoire et réalité de la vie de grande ville: Journal du dehors and La Vie extérieure d’Annie Ernaux University of Limerick, .
2003 Dervila Cooke (2003) Memory, Violence, and Cultural Identity in Modiano Memory, Violence, and Cultural Identity in Modiano University of Saint Andrews, .
2003 Dervila Cooke (2003) Royal Irish Academy Modern Languages conference Marginality and Cultural Identity in Modiano: From La Place de l’étoile to La Petite Bijou DCU, .
2003 Dervila Cooke (2003) ADEFFI Annual Conference Self Translations and Intertextuality in Modiano’s La Petite Bijou QUB, .
2003 Dervila Cooke (2003) Romance Studies Conference Photohabitats: the Coffeetable Book of Photographs of Paris Gregynog, Wales, .
2002 Dervila Cooke (2002) ADEFFI Annual Conference Iconic Networks in Breton’s Nadja Maynooth, .
2000 Dervila Cooke (2000) Society for French Studies (Hi)stories and Photographs: The case of Patrick Modiano Royal Holloway, .
1999 Dervila Cooke (1999) Memory and Forgetting Picturing the Past in Les Boulevards de ceinture by Patrick Modiano University College Dublin, .

Published Report

Year Publication
2018 Dervila Cooke (2018) 2000 word review essay on Felicity Chaplin La Parisienne in Cinema. H-France, . [Link]
2018 Dervila Cooke (2018) 2000 word review essay on Agnes Varda Unlimited. H-France, . [Link]

Book Review

Year Publication
2017 Dervila Cooke (2017) Review of Akane Kawakami's Patrick Modiano (2nd Edition). BREV
2011 Dervila Cooke (2011) Review of Annelies Schulte Nordholdt's Perec, Modiano, Raczymow: la génération d'après et la mémoire de la Shoah. BREV
2001 Dervila Cooke (2001) Review of Alan Morris's book Patrick Modiano. UK: BREV
2009 Dervila Cooke (2009) Review of Claire Boyle's Consuming Autobiographies. BREV
2009 Dervila Cooke (2009) Review of Nicole Brossard's Journal Intime. BREV
2008 Dervila Cooke (2008) Review of Eamon Maher and Grace Neville's, France-Ireland: an Anatomy of a Relationship. BREV
2007 Dervila Cooke (2007) Review of Aminia M. Brueggemann and Peter Schulman's Rhine Crossings: France and Germany in Love and War. BREV

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2015 Dervila Cooke (2015) Online article for French Institute in London: Lacombe Lucien, an ambiguous collaboration. COMMREP [Link]
2014 Dervila Cooke (2014) Newspaper article entitled Patrick Modiano: a personal portrait of a Nobel-prize winner. COMMREP [Link]

Guest Lectures

Year Publication
2017 Dervila Cooke (2017) Modiano et la Ville, Invited 2 hour Oral presentation, Ecole nationale d'architecture, Paris. GL
2017 Dervila Cooke (2017) Patrick Modiano and photography, Guest Lecture in NUI Maynooth. GL
2014 Dervila Cooke (2014) Un autre regard : Parisian spaces and traces in the recent photographs of Alain Nahum. University of Edinburgh: GL
2011 Dervila Cooke (2011) School, Interculturalism and Quebec’s Language Laws in Marco Micone’s Le Figuier enchanté (1992). Saint Patrick’s College, Drumcondra: GL
2011 Dervila Cooke (2011) The Status of the Photographic Image in Jacques Audiard’s 1996 film Un héros très discret. Dublin City University: GL
2010 Dervila Cooke (2010) MA seminars on Les Passagers du Roissy-Express and on Un héros très discret. Université de Rennes 2: GL
2007 Dervila Cooke (2007) Agnès Varda: the Nomadic Self. Oxford Brookes: GL
2005 Dervila Cooke (2005) The Gleaning I: Agnès Varda’s Cinematic Flânerie” (Cléo de 5 à 7 and Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse). University College Dublin: GL
2005 Dervila Cooke (2005) Jacques Réda et Paris. Trinity College Dublin: GL


Year Publication
2018 Dervila Cooke (2018) Curator, Traces and Memories Exhibition (The Photography of Alain Nahum), Alliance Francaise Dublin. WKSHOP
2015 Dervila Cooke (2015) Immigration and Identity in Society and Culture (France, Quebec, Ireland) Workshop Organizer. Saint Patrick’s College Drumcondra: WKSHOP
2010 Dervila Cooke (2010) Modiano et l’Image Workshop Organizer. WKSHOP
2008 Dervila Cooke (2008) Cultural Dynamics in the Modern Metropolis Workshop Joint Organizer. Oxford Brookes University, Oxford: WKSHOP
2004 Dervila Cooke (2004) Photography and Text in Modern French Culture Workshop Joint Organizer. Alliance Française, Dublin: WKSHOP
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
ADEFFI Member -
ASCI (Association of Canadian Studies of Ireland) Member -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2010 International Council of Canadian Studies Faculty Research Fellowship Canadian Government
01/01/2009 International Council of Canadian Studies Faculty Enrichment Fellowship Canadian Government
01/01/2016 Prix du Québec (Irlande) Government of Québec
01/01/2000 Government of Ireland Doctoral Scholarship (IRCHSS) IRCHSS/Government of Ireland
01/01/2004 IRCHSS Postdoctoral Fellowship IRCHSS


Committee Function From / To
ADEFFI (Association d’études françaises et francophones en Irlande) 01/01/2006 - 22/10/2010


Employer Position From / To
Oxford Brookes University Senior Lecturer in French 01/09/2006 - 31/08/2008
Dublin City University Lecturer 01/10/2016 -
National University of Ireland, Maynooth Lecturer in French (Full-time, Maternity cover) 01/01/2000 - 30/06/2001
Trinity College Dublin Postdoctoral Fellow 01/09/2004 - 31/08/2006
University College Dublin Lecturer in French 01/09/2001 - 31/08/2004
Saint Patrick's College Drumcondra Lecturer in French Literature 01/09/2008 - 30/09/2016


Language Reading Writing Speaking
English Fluent Fluent Fluent
German Fluent Functional Functional
Danish Functional Functional Functional
French Fluent Fluent Fluent
Spanish Basic Basic Basic
Italian Functional Functional Functional
Irish Functional Functional Fluent

Other Activities

Peer reviewer for articles submitted to various journals, e.g. Irish Journal of French Studies, Irish University Review, French Studies, Modern and Contemporary France, Francosphères, Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature

Research Interests

Late 20th century and contemporary focus (often 21st century), sometimes including a visual or filmic aspect;     Life-writing, including autobiography/autofiction;  Ecocritical approaches;     The specifics of writing or creative production by or about women (but not exclusively!)    Immigration, identity, and intercultural awareness, including in France and Ireland;     Aspects of Quebec literature (autobiography, literature of migration, interculturalism in text and film);    Urban humanities, including city wandering (flânerie) in various forms of expression (literature, photography, film);    Thinking photography, e.g. interaction of photography and text/film; Photography in film; approaches to street and portrait photography; ethics in photography

Teaching Interests

Dr Cooke’s recent and current teaching includes the following courses:
  • Les Français au cinéma
  • Autour de Paris: images et textes de la banlieue
  • Introduction à la littérature
  • Mémoire et identité (Modiano, Québec. Micone, Ernaux)
  • Texte et cinéma des années noires
  • Le français oral
  • Langue et expression écrite
  • French Translation Practice