Cliona Murphy


Contact Details


T:Ext. 9157

Associate Professor In Science Education


T:00 353 1 8842153

T:Ext. 9157

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Cliona has been lecturing in the area of science education at tertiary level for  over 20 years.  She has developed and implemented a range of pre-service, post-graduate and continuing professional learning programmes in science education. She has conducted and published research and developed educational resources in the areas of Nature of Science, Science Education, STEM EducationInquiry- Based Science Education, Education for Sustainability and Climate Change Education. Cliona has collaborated in a number of National and International projects in Science Education, STEM Education, Education for Sustainable Development and Climate Change Education. Most recently Cliona was principal investigator on the Climate Our Oceans and Primary STEM Education:  Climate and Ocean Literacy Network Ireland and Mauritius  research project funded by the Irish Research.  She is currently Irish principal investigator on the Erasmus Plus E^4 Project,.

Cliona's current roles include: 

Cliona  welcomes queries from prospective Masters and PhD students who are interested in researching the following areas:  STEM Education; Science Education; Science and Technology Education; Nature of Science; Teacher Professional Development; Climate Change Education: Education for Sustainability

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 Murphy, C.; Mallon, B.; Smith, G.; Kelly, O.; Pitsia, V.; Martinez Sainz, G. (2021) 'The influence of a teachers’ professional development programme on primary school pupils’ understanding of and attitudes towards sustainability'. Environmental Education Research, 27 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Redman, E.; Murphy, C.; Mancilla, Y.; Mallon, B.; Kater-Wettstaedt, L.; Barth, M.; Ortiz, M.G.; Smith, G.; Kelly, O. (2021) 'International scaling of sustainability continuing professional development for in-service teachers'. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 Murphy, C.; Smith, G.; Broderick, N. (2021) 'A Starting Point: Provide Children Opportunities to Engage with Scientific Inquiry and Nature of Science'. Research in Science Education, 51 . [Link]
2020 Murphy, C.; Smith, G.; Mallon, B.; Redman, E. (2020) 'Teaching about sustainability through inquiry-based science in Irish primary classrooms: the impact of a professional development programme on teacher self-efficacy, competence and pedagogy'. Environmental Education Research, 26 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Gilligan, T., Lovett, J., McLoughlin, E., Murphy, C., Finlayson, O., Corriveau, K., Mc Nally, S. (2020) '‘We practise every day’: parents’ attitudes towards early science learning and education among a sample of urban families in Ireland'. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, .
2020 Cliona Murphy, Nicola Broderick, Benjamin Mallon (2020) 'Primary science in Ireland – 17 years on'. Irish Teachers' Journal, 8 (1):141-156. [Link]
2013 Varley, J.P.; Murphy, C.; Veale, O. (2013) 'At the Crossroads: The Impact of New Irish Science Curricula on First Year Post-Primary Students'. Research in Science Education, 43 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Murphy, C.; Varley, J.; Veale, O. (2012) 'I'd rather they did Experiments with us.... Than just Talking: Irish Children's Views of Primary School Science'. Research in Science Education, 42 . [Link] [DOI]
2012 Murphy, C.; Smith, G. (2012) 'The impact of a curriculum course on pre-service primary teachers' science content knowledge and attitudes towards teaching science'. Irish Educational Studies, 31 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Murphy, Cliona; Murphy, Colette; Kilfeather, Paula (2011) 'Children Making Sense of Science'. Research in Science Education, 41 (2). [DOI]
2007 Murphy, Cliona; Kilfeather, Paula; Murphy, Colette (2007) 'An exploration of issues surrounding teaching the nature of science to pre-service primary school teachers'. Irish Educational Studies, 26 (1). [DOI]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2015 Cliona Murphy, Greg Smith,Janet Varley, Ozge Razi (2015) 'Changing Practice: An Evaluation of the Impact of a Nature of Science Inquiry-Based Professional Development Programme on Primary Teachers' 2 (1) .

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2014 Cliona Murphy (2014) 'Science Items: Context and curriculum' In: National Schools, international contexts: Beyond the PIRLS and TIMSS test results. Dublin : Education Research Centre. [Link]

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 Murphy, C.; Venkat, H.; Leahy, M.; Broderick, N.; Kelly, O.; Butler, D.; Harbison, L.; Lawlor, C.; Naughton, Y. (2023) STEM Education: Curriculum & literature overview & Primary science education: Systematic literature review. Dublin: National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, .
2023 Cliona Murphy; Hamsa Venkat; Margaret Leahy; Nicola Broderick; Orla Kelly; Deirdre Butler; Lorraine Harbison; Caoimhe Lawlor; Yvonne Naughton (2023) STEM Education_Curriculum & Literature Overview and Primary Science Education_Systematic Literature Review. NCCA, .
2020 Cliona Murphy, Gabriela Martínez Sainz, Maija Aksela, Gerd Bergman, Michael Jones, Pierre Léna, David Wilgenbus. B (2020) A Snapshot of Climate Change Education Initiatives in Europe: Initial findings and implications for future climate change education. ALLEA, .
2020 Cliona Murphy, Gabriela Martínez Sainz, Maija Aksela, Gerd Bergman, Michael Jones, Pierre Léna, David Wilgenbus. B (2020) A Snapshot of Climate Change Education Initiatives in Europe: Initial findings and implications for future climate change education. ALLEA, . [DOI]
2015 Murphy, C. , Humby, P. & Losty, S (2015) An Evaluation of the Impact of the DPSM / ESERO Programme and Ancillary Resources on Primary Teachers' APprocahes to and Confidence in Teaching Science. Science Foundation Ireland, .
2009 Waldron, F., Pike, S., Greenwood, R., Murphy, C., O, Connor, G., Dolan, A., & Kerr, K. (2009) Becoming a teacher: Primary student teachers as learners and teachers of history, geography and science: An all-Ireland study. ScoTENS, . [Link]
2008 Varley, J., Murphy, C., & Veale, O. (2008) Science in Primary Schools ( Phase 1. Final Report). NCCA, . [Link]
2008 Varley, J., Murphy, C., & Veale, O. (2008) Science in Primary Schols ( Phase 2. Final Report). NCCA, . [Link]


Year Publication
2016 Cliona Murphy (Editor), Nicola Broderick, Greg Smith. (2016) SUSTAIN Energy Teacher Resource Book. France: La main à la pâte Foundation.
2015 Cliona Murphy, Nicola Broderick, Lydnsay Kenny (2015) Real Science for Young Scientists. Drumcondra: St Patrick's College.
2016 Nicola Broderick, Cliona Murphy (2016) Scientist's Apprentice - Energy and Resources. Stillorgan Road, Belfield, Dublin 4: University College Dublin.
2016 Cliona Murphy (Editor), Nicola Broderick, Greg Smith (2016) SUSTAIN Energy Teacher Resource Book. FRANCE: La main à la pâte Foundation.
2004 Cliona Murphy Helena Jeffrey (2004) Switch On Science: 3rd Class Pupil's Book. Dublin: Gill Education.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2023 White, J.; Murphy, C.; Burke., D. (2023) ESAI 2023 Using Embodied Cognition to learn Science in the Junior Primary Classroom
2022 Murphy, C.; Mallon, B.; Rumjaun, A.; Bholah, R,. (2022) Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) Teaching about Climate Change through Primary Science Education: A Comparative study between Ireland and Mauritius DCU, Dublin,
2023 John White, Cliona Murphy, Damien Burke (2023) ESAI 2023 Using Embodied Cognition to Learn Science in Infant Classes
2017 Murphy, C. (2017) African European Mediterranean Academies of Science Education ( AEMASE) III . In: Macchi, O. & Lageat, S eds. Teach teachers to teach about Nature of Science
2010 Jarvis, T, Murphy, C., & Murphy, C. (2010) Invited workshop presentation to the 4th Science and Mathematics Educational Conference (SMEC), Dublin The Fibonacci Project: Teaching about Nature of Science in the Primary Classroom
2010 Murphy, C., & Varley, J (2010) Paper presented at the National Academy for the National Academy for the Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL) Annual Conference, Dublin The Building Expertise in Science Teaching (BEST) Project
2009 Murphy, C. (2009) Paper presented at the Irish Association for Social Scientific and Environmental Education (IASSEE) annual conference, Dublin Student teachers’ issues of confidence and concern regarding teaching primary science
2009 Varley, J. Murphy, C. & Veale, O. (2009) Paper presented at the ESAI annual conference, Kilkenny Prospect and retrospect: Irish pupils’ views of primary and post-primary school science
2007 Murphy, C. (2007) Paper presented at the Association of Science Education (ASE) annual conference, Birmingham University Can Irish primary school children obtain contemporary conceptions of the nature of science within the Irish primary school curriculum?
2005 Cliona Murphy (2005) BERA The development of Irish primary teachers’ conceptions of the nature of science and their translation into classroom practice: A yearlong study

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Murphy C. (2023) GLOBE EU: Navigating the Shifting Landscape: Developing Skills and Education for a Sustainable Eur A closer look into obstacles impacting effective Climate Change Education. Invited Speaker: GLOBE EU: Navigating the Shifting Landscape: Developing Skills and Education for a Sustainable European Future European Parliament. Brussels, .
2022 Murphy C. (2022) UNESCO's Office For Climate Education International Seminar on Climate Change Education Obstacles for Climate Change Education and how to overcome them. Keynote. UNESCO Paris, .
2020 Cliona Murphy (2020) Can Climate Change Education save the planet? Euroepan perspectives International webinar on climate change education Dublin - Online Webinar, 22/11/2020-.
2019 Cliona Murphy (2019) United Nations Conference on Climate Change: COP 25 A snapshot of some preliminary findings from the ALLEA European Survey on Climate Change Education Madirid, .
2018 Cliona Murphy, Benjamin Mallon, Greg Smith (2018) Science and mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) Education for sustainable development through inquiry-based science: Exploring a programme of professional development for Irish primary teachers Dublin, .
2018 Cliona Murphy, Greg Smith, Benjamin Mallon (2018) The 8th Science and Mathematics Education Conference (SMEC) Education for Sustainable Development through Inquiry-Based Science: Exploring a Programme of Professional Development for Irish Primary Teachers Dublin City University, .

Commissioned Report

Year Publication
2019 Cliona Murphy, Nicola Broderick, Benjamin Mallon (2019) Royal Dublin Science and Technology Strategic Plan 2019 – 2023 Report. COMMREP


Year Publication
2020 Cliona Murphy (2020) ALLEA (2020) ' A snapshot of Climate Change Education Initiatives in Europe: Initial Findings and implications for future Climate Change Education' - its Relevance for Ireland. Dublin: PAMP [Link]

Guidelines for Practice

Year Publication
2020 Lydie Lescarmontier, Mathalie Morata, Mariana Rocha, Jenny Schlüpmann Mathilde Tricorie David Wilgenbus (2020) The Climate in our Hands - Ocean and Cryosphere: Teachers' guide book for primary and secondary school. France: GFP
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
All European Academies (ALLEA) Chair of Science Education Working Group 06/06/2019 - 31/12/2025
Irish Association of Primary Science Education Chair 01/09/2019 - 31/12/2021
Centre for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Associate director 01/08/2018 - 31/12/2026
Educational Studies Association of Irleand Member 01/01/2021 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/05/2012 Excellence in Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning Committee, St Patrick's College, Dublin


Committee Function From / To
All European Academies (ALLEA) Science Education Working Group 02/06/2019 - 31/12/2025
CASTeL Management Committee 05/08/2018 -
Office for Climate Education 20/06/2018 -
Centre for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning 01/09/2021 - 31/08/2026
Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research (AMBER) Centre Education and Public Engagement (EPE) Advisory Committee To provide strategic overview and assessment of the AMBER EPE programme ensuring that the EPE programme will inspire, facilitate and celebrate engagement between researchers, students, teachers, members of the public, industry partners and advocacy organisations, so as to encourage authentic involvement in materials science research, and the wider STEM sector. 03/09/2018 - 31/12/2023

Other Activities

DCU Mentoring Programme
Primary Science Subject Co-ordinator
Year Head: 3rd year Bachelor of Education

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2023 Consultancy National Council for Curriculum and Assessment ( NCCA) STEM Education Development Group
2022 Consultancy National Council for Curriculum and Assessment ( NCCA) STEM Education Development Group
2021 Consultancy Sustainable Energy Association Ireland ( SEAI) Member of Advisory Panel
2021 Consultancy Office for Climate Education Chair of Science and Pedagogical Committee
2021 Consultancy ALLEA Science Education Working Group Chair
2017 Consultancy H2 Learning Policy Analysist to aid the develoment of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths ( STEM) Education Policy of Schools
2017 Continuous Professional Development/Training Royal Dublin Society Consultancy on professional development in Science Education
2017 Consultancy Royal Dublin Society Judge at the RDS Primary Science Fair
2014 Continuous Professional Development/Training SFI Discover CPD with SFI Discover facilitators
2013 Consultancy Royal Dublin Society RDS STEM Learning Project
2012 Consultancy Royal Dublin Society Programme Development Group: RDS STEM Learning Programme
2024 Consultancy UNESCO Office for Climate Education Co Chair of Science and Pedagogical Committee
2024 Consultancy National Council for Curriculum and Assessment ( NCCA) NCCA STEM Education Development Group
2023 Consultancy UNESCO Office for Climate Education Co Chair of Science and Pedagogical Committee
2024 Consultancy UNESCO Office for Climate Education Co-chair of Science and Pedagogical Committee

Outreach Activities

Year Engagement Type Organisation Description
2024 Advisory Work All European Science Academies Chair of ALLEA Science Education Working Group
2023 Educational Outreach/Public Engagement All European Science Academies Chair ALLEA Science Education Working Group
2023 Presentations/Talks to an external audience RTE Brainstorm White, J. and Murphy, C. ( 2023). Can your body help you to learn science? RTE Brainstorm
2023 Advisory Work UNESCO Office for Climate Education Providing feedback on Climate Change Education Resources
Advisory Work ALLEA Science Education Working Group Chair
2022 Presentations/Talks to an external audience UNESCO Office for Climate Education Key note speaker at UNESCO's Office for Climate Education Summer School
2202 Advisory Work ALLEA Chair of Science education working group
2019 Advisory Work Royal Irish Academy Science education advisor
Educational Outreach/Public Engagement AMBER Trinity College Member of Amber's Education and Public Engagement Board
Educational Outreach/Public Engagement Royal Dublin Society Member of STEM Learning Project Development Team Science Blast Evaluator

Research Interests

Dr. Murphy's research interests include:
  • Science Education 
  • STEM Education
  • Nature of Science 
  • Climate Change Education
  • Education for Sustainability
  • Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE)

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
higher Educational tools for an Embodied and creative Education on Enerty DCU PI 28/02/2022 27/02/2025
Physics in Action Co-Investigator 01/01/2021 31/12/2021
The Climate, Our Oceans and Primary STEM Education: A comparative study between Mauritius and Ireland DCU PI 01/12/2021 31/08/2022
SEAI Panel of Experts Education Expert 01/10/2020 31/05/2023
Let's Talk about STEM Investigator 01/01/2019 31/12/2019
International study on students' knowledge in and attitudes towards teaching science Investigator 01/09/2020 31/12/2021

Contract Researchers

Researcher Name Project Funding Body
Ozge Razi Fibonacci Project
Orla Veale Evaluation of the Primary School Curriculum (NCCA)
Darren Sheils E^4
Evin Dennehy E^4

Current Postgraduate Students

Student Name Degree Supervision
Sheils ,Darren PhD-track Supervisor
Boyle ,Mary PhD Supervisor
O'Donnell ,Mary PhD-track Supervisor
Devenney ,Evin PhD-track Supervisor

Internal Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
Internal Ben Mallon Dublin City University Academic
Internal Greg Smith Dublin City University Academic
Internal Rowan Oberman DCU Institute of Education Academic
Internal Orla Kelly Dublin City University Academic
Internal John White DCU Institute of Education Academic
Internal Nicola Broderick Dublin City University Academic

External Collaborators

Type Name Company Role
External Stephanie O Neill SFI Discover Industry
External Andrea Doherty Stranmillis University College Academic
External Laoise Ni Chleirigh Maynooth University Academic
External Karen Sheeran Royal Dublin Society Industry
External Sandra Austin Marino Institute of Education Academic
External Evelyn McClaren Glasgow University Academic
External Miriam Hamilton Mary ImmaculateCollege Academic
External Karen Kerr Queen's University College Academic
External Eric Guilyardi LOCEAN IPSL Academic
External Pierre Lena Office for Climate Education Academic
External Aoife Cannon Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland ( SEAI) Industry
External Rachel Kavanagh AMBER, Trinity College Dublin Industry
External Anne Lejeune La main à la pâte Academic
External Erin Redman Global Consortium for Sustainable Outcomes Academic
External David Wilgenbus La main à la pâte Academic
External Colette Murphy Trinity College Dublin Academic
External Peter McGrath Inter Academy Partnership (IAP) Academic
External Daniel Schaffer Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) Other
External Maija Aksela Univeristy of Helsinki Academic

Teaching Interests

Science Education
Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE)
Nature of Science
Nature of Science through inquiry
Sustainability Education 
Controversial topics in science 
Climate Change
Teacher as a reflective Practioner
Action Research