Patrick Brereton

Worked as 'project Engineer' with Ericsson for 4 years - having left Ireland with an Arts Degree. Then moved fulltime into Education working at Northampton College and Luton University - before moving back home to DCU. Having progressed to Senior Lecturer and working as Associate Dean of Research for the Faculty, before becoming Head of School of Communications. He has recently retired as Emeritus Professor and remains actively involved in the Climate and Society Research Centre, where he remains a co-director. Currently also working on an oral history of farmers from the Midlands where he comes from, he is also active in various media and environmental organisations.
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Brereton, P. (2022) 'Environmental Food Documentaries: From Fast Food Nation to a Popular Selection of Top 20 YouTube Videos' In: Anthropocene Ecologies of Food: Notes from the Global South. [Link] [DOI] | |
2022 | Brereton,P. Muldoon, A. & Gormley, J. (2022) 'Greening the Media Industry: A case study of Ireland' In: Film and Television Production in the age of Climate Crisis: Towards a Greener Screen. London : Springer Palgrave. | |
2021 | Brereton, P. (2021) 'Environmental Ethics of Survival: Case Study Analysis of I am Legend and The Revenant' In: The Ethics of Survival in Contemporary Literature and Culture. [Link] | |
2020 | Brereton Pat (2020) 'Eco-Sustainability, Nature, Gender and Trees: A Case Study of Avatar, How Harry Became a Tree and The Tree of Life' In: Madness in the Woods: Representations of the Ecological Uncanny. London : Peter Lang. [Link] | |
2020 | Brereton Pat (2020) 'Representations of a Green Ireland: A case study of global franchises Star Wars and Game of Thrones' In: The Routledge Companion to Media and Tourism. London : Routledge. [Link] | |
2020 | Brereton, Pat (2020) 'Cultural and Visual responses to climate Change: Zombie films and Farming' In: Ireland and the Climate Crisis. London : Palgrave. | |
2020 | Brereton, Pat (2020) 'Environmental Literacy: An Overview - Case study readings of Oblivion (2013); Hacksaw Ridge (2016) and Black Mirror (2011- )' In: Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Literacy in the Digital Age. Turkey : IGI Global. | |
2020 | Torney, D, Devaney, L. & Brereton, P. (2020) 'Ireland's Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change: Institutional Poineership by a Climate Laggard?' In: Climate Governance Across the Globe. London : Routledge. | |
2019 | Brereton Pat (2019) 'Perceptions of Place in an Irish Energy Landscape on Film' In: Narratives of Place in Literature and Film. London : Routledge. | |
2018 | Roth, Michael et al. (2018) 'Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality' In: Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality. Berlin Germany : Jovis. | |
2016 | Rayson K Alex and S. Susan Deborah eds (2016) 'Communal Indian Farming and Food Ecology: A reading of Timbaktu' In: Ecodocumentaries: Critical Essays. US : Springer. | |
2016 | Fiona Murphy and Pierre McDonagh eds (2016) 'Afterward' In: Envisioning Sustainabilities: Toward an Anthropology of Sustainability. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars. | |
2015 | Brereton, Pat (2015) 'Cinema, Ecology and Environment' In: Anders Hansen and Robert Cox(Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Communication. : Routledge. | |
2014 | Brereton, Pat (2014) 'Irish Ecology on Film' In: Rayston K Alex and S. Susan Deborah and Sachindev. P.S(Eds.). Culture Media: Eco-Critical Explorations. UK : Cambridge Scholars. | |
2014 | Pat Brereton (2014) 'Shipwrecks and Desert Islands: Ecology and Nature: A Case Study of how Reality TV and Fictional Films frame representations of Islands' In: Brigitte Le Jeuz et al(Eds.). Shipwrecks and Desert Islands. UK : Rodophi. | |
2014 | Dr pat brereton [and Robert Furze] (2014) 'The Digital Cabinet of Curiosities' In: George A Dunn(Eds.). Avatar and Philosophy. Hoboken New Jersey USA : Wiley Publishers. | |
2014 | Brereton, Pat (2014) 'Animated Ecocinema and Affect: A Case Study of Pixar's UP' In: Alexa Weik vonMossner(Eds.). Moving Environments. Canada : Wilfrid Laurier University Press. | |
2013 | Brereton, Pat (2013) 'Irish Eco-cinema: A Survey' In: Eco=cinema Reader. : Cambridge Scholars. | |
2013 | Pat Brereton (2013) 'La Commedia e il Cinema Irlandese' In: Emiliana De Blasio and Dario Edoardo Vigano(Eds.). 1 FIlm Studies. Rome Italy : Carocci Editors. | |
2012 | Pat Brereton (2012) 'Appreciating the Views: Filming Nature; Into the Wild, Grizzly Man, and Into the West' In: Stephen Rust, Salma Monani and Sean Cubitt(Eds.). EcoCinema Reader. : Routledge. | |
2012 | Brereton, Pat (2012) 'Digital Impacts on Documentary in Ireland' In: Carol MacKeogh and Diog O'Connell(Eds.). Documentary in a Changing State: Ireland Since the 1990s. Cork Ireland : Cork University Press. | |
2012 | Brereton, Pat (2012) 'Teaching with DVD Add-ons' In: Lucy Fischer and Patrice Petro(Eds.). Teaching Film. New York : Modern Languages Association of America MLA. | |
2011 | Pat Brereton (2011) ''Ecology as a concept' and 'environmental education'' In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues [4 volumes]. : Salem Press. | |
2009 | Pat Brereton (2009) 'Ireland's America: A Case Study of Sheridan's In America (2002) and Get Rich or Die Tryin' (2005)' In: Ruth Barton(Eds.). Screening Irish-America: Representing Irish-America in Film and Television. Dublin : Irish Academic Press. | |
2009 | Pat Brereton (2009) 'Farming on Irish Film: An eclogical reading' In: Sidney I. Dobrin Sean Morey(Eds.). Ecosee: Image, Rhetoric, Nature. : State University of New York. | |
2007 | Dr Pat Brereton (2007) 'Characteristics of Contemporary Irish Film' In: Mapping Irish Media: Critical Explorations. Dublin, Ireland : UCD Press. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Brereton, Pat (2023) 'Post-Pandemic War Narratives: Case studies of Quo Vadis Aida? (2020), All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) and Top Gun: Maverick (2022)'. IRISH STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (PRINT), 34 :159-174. [Link] [DOI] | |
2023 | Brereton, Pat (2023) 'Environmental Identity and Greening Ireland, A case study: The Banshees of Inisherin, The Wonder and An Cailin Ciuin'. New Hibernia Review, 27 (4):14-31. | |
2022 | Brereton, Pat (2022) 'Troubles and Northern Ireland: Representations in Film of Belfast as a site of conflict'. IRISH STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (PRINT), 33 (2):291-305. | |
2021 | Murphy, P. & O'Brolchain, F. & Brereton P. (2021) 'Ontology in STS and its Applicability to Energy Research, a response to Hess and Savocool and Savacool et al'. Energy Research and Social Science, . | |
2021 | Brereton, Pat and Barrios- O'Neill, Danielle (2021) 'Irish Energy Landscapes on Film'. Journal of Environmental Media, 2 (1):101-115. | |
2020 | Laura Devaney; Diarmuid Torney; Pat Brereton; Martha Coleman (2020) 'Ireland’s Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change: Lessons for Deliberative Public Engagement and Communication'. Environmental Communication, 14 (2):141-146. [Link] | |
2020 | Brereton, Pat & Victoria Gomez (2020) 'Media Students, Climate Change and YouTube Celebrities: Readings of Dear Future Generations: Sorry video clip'. ISLE Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 27 (1). | |
2020 | Brereton Pat (2020) 'An Eco-reading of Documentary/Fictional Narratives'. IRISH STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (ONLINE), :1-15. [Link] | |
2020 | Pamplany, Augustine, Gordijn, Bert and Brereton, Pat (2020) 'The Ethics of Geoengineering: A Literature Review'. Science and Engineering Ethics, :1-51. [Link] | |
2020 | Brereton, Pat et al. Torney, D, Devaney, L and Coleman, M. (2020) 'Environmental literacy and deliberative democracy: a content analysis of written submissions to the Irish Citizens’ Assembly on climate change'. Climate Change, :1-20. | |
2019 | Brereton Pat (2019) 'Filming imagined and real catastrophe: Environmental trauma and natural disasters'. Journal of Science and Popular Culture, 2 (2):157-170. [DOI] | |
2019 | Brereton Pat (2019) 'Environmental Ethics and Energy Extraction: Textual Analysis of Iconic Cautionary Hollywood Tales: Chinatown (1974), There Will be Blood (2007), and Promised Land (2012)'. ISLE Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, :1-20. [DOI] | |
2019 | Brereton, Pat and Sean Shanagher (2019) 'Pilgrim Hill: Alienated Farmers and Degraded Ecologies'. Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, . | |
2018 | Brereton Pat et al. (2018) 'Researching Visual Representation of Climate Change'. Environmental Communication, . | |
2017 | Tadej Bevk, and Pat Brereton et al. (2017) 'Iterative Digital Photo-Based Assessment for Rural Landscape Perception: A Small Experiment from County Wicklow, Ireland'. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 1 (2):18-27. | |
2017 | Brereton, Pat and Culloty Eileen (2017) 'Eco-Film and the Audience: Making Ecological Sense of National Cultural Narratives'. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 1 (1):1-10. | |
2015 | Brereton, Pat [with Robert Furze] (2015) 'Transcendence and the Tree of Life: Beyond the Face of the Screen with Terrence Malick, Emmanuel Levinas and Roland Barthes'. JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGION, NATURE AND CULTURE (PRINT), 8 :329-351. | |
2015 | Brereton, Pat (2015) 'Smart New Audiences: A Pilot Study (DVD Bonus Features - a new form of Cineaste Experience!)'. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 32 :367-383. | |
2014 | Brereton, Pat (2014) 'Ecocinema, Sustainability and Africa: A reading of Out of Africa, The Constant Gardener and District 9'. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN CINEMAS (PRINT), vol 5 :219-235. | |
2014 | Brereton, Pat [& Pat Hong] (2014) 'Audience Responses to Environmental Fiction and non-fiction Films'. INTERSECTIONS: THE JOURNAL OF GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS AND CULTURE, 4 :171-199. | |
2012 | Brereton, Pat [and Eileen Culloty (2012) 'Post 9/11 Counterterrorism in Popular Culture: the spectacle and reception of The Bourne Ultimatum and 24'. 5 (3) :483-497. | |
2011 | Brereton P (2011) 'An Ecological Approach to the Cinema of Peter Weir'. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 28.1 :120-134. | |
2011 | Brereton, Pat (2011) 'Media Representations of Nature and Suicide in Irish Film: A reading of Disco Pigs, On the Edge and Garage'. REA: RELIGION, EDUCATION AND THE ARTS, :28-46. | |
2010 | McDonagh P, Brereton P (2010) 'Screening Not Greening: An Ecological Reading of the Greatest Business Movies'. Journal of Macromarketing, :1-14. | |
2010 | Brereton, Pat and Phelan, Sean (2010) 'Neither With You or Against You: Irish Cultural Representations of America after September 11'. 24 no. 6 :851-867. | |
2010 | Brereton, Pat and Michael Higgins (2010) 'Editorial to special issue of Cultural Studies on Ireland'. 24 no.6 . | |
2010 | Brereton P (2010) 'Conference Review: MIT6, Stone and Papyrus: Storage and Transmission'. 16 :245-252. | |
2010 | Brereton, Pat (2010) 'Postmodern Science Fiction and Ecology [Postmodernistyczne kino fantastycznonaukowe a ekologia]'. PANOPTIKUM, no9 :30-55. | |
2009 | Brereton P (2009) 'Poverty and Environment in Films set in Africa'. MEDIA DEVELOPMENT, 2 :57-61. | |
2009 | Brereton P (2009) 'Branding Irish Cinema: Reflections upon Celtic Consumer Society and Social Change in Dublin'. IRISH MARKETING REVIEW (PRINT), 20 :27-39. | |
2009 | Brereton P (2009) 'Hollywood Representations of Irish Journalism: A Case Study of Veronica Geurin'. Irish Communications Review, 11 :104-114. | |
2008 | Brereton P (2008) 'Religion and Irish Cinema'. 97 :321-332. | |
2008 | Brereton P (2008) 'Ireland's America: a case study of Sheridan's In America (2002) and Get Rich or Die Tryin (2005)'. Studies in European Cinema, 5 :45-53. | |
2008 | Pat Brereton (2008) 'Ireland's America: a case study of Sheridan's In America (2002) and Get Rich or Die Tryin (2005)'. Studies in European Cinema, 5 . | |
2007 | Brereton P (2007) 'editorial'. 13 :115-117. | |
2007 | Brereton P, O'Connor B (2007) 'Pleasure and Pedagogy: The Consumption of DVD Add-ons Among Irish Teenagers'. 13 :143-156. | |
2007 | Pat Brereton (2007) 'Editorial: The consumption and use of DVDs and their add-ons'. CONVERGENCE (ONLINE), 13 . | |
2006 | Brereton, P (2006) 'Nature, Tourism and Irish Film'. 14 :407-420. | |
2006 | Brereton, P (2006) 'New Media - New Pleasure?'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURAL STUDIES (PRINT), 9 :63-82. | |
2001 | Brereton, P (2001) 'Aesthetics and Ecology: Utopianism and Fascist Aesthetics - An appreciation of 'Nature' in Documentary/Fiction Film'. :33-50. |
Other Journal
Year | Publication | |
2021 | O'Brolchain, F. and Brereton P. (2021) 'Learning Environmental Lessons while facing up to Covid-19: readings of The Andromeda Strain, Contagion and World War Z' 4 (1) . [Link] | |
2021 | Alawdawy, Merfat, Bajnaid, Ayman and Brereton Pat (2021) 'The influence of Turkish Drama on Socio-cultural values of Saudi women' 15 (4) . | |
2020 | Pat Brereton (2020) 'Could the War Metaphor Help Drive Behaviour Change to Tackle Climate Change' 27 (2) :58-59. | |
2018 | Brereton Pat (2018) 'Food Documentaries and Green Anxieties: Actively Promoting Environmental Literacy A Case Study reading of Food Inc. (2008) Cowspiracy (2014) and Our Daily Bread (2005' :1-10. [Link] | |
2016 | Brereton, Pat (2016) 'Environmental Trauma and Natural Disasters: An Ecological and Cultural Reading of The Impossible (2012) and Take Shelter (2011)' 1 (5) :32-39. [Link] | |
2016 | Pat Brereton and Dave Robbins (2016) 'Claims and Frames: How the News Media Cover Climate Change' 4 (2) . | |
2015 | Brereton, Pat (2015) 'Review of Brooklyn' 2015 . [Link] | |
2012 | Dr pat brereton (2012) 'Editorial of special Irish issue of MEJ' :2-3. | |
2012 | Brereton, Pat (2012) 'British-Irish Representations on TV, Beyond the Troubles: A Case study of EastEnders and Father Ted' :4-7. | |
2009 | Brereton, Pat (2009) 'Bertie: The TV series' . | |
2009 | Brereton, Pat (2009) 'Documentary Realism and Fundamentalist Religion in Ireland' :1-16. | |
2009 | Dr pat brereton (2009) 10 :36-37. | |
2008 | Pat Brereton (2008) 'Classic Irish Films and their Diasporic Audiences: DVD extras as Source Material' :7-13. | |
2008 | Brereton, Pat (2008) 'Religion on Television Review' . | |
2007 | Brereton, Pat (2007) 'Ecology and Film' 2 (50) :195-204. | |
2007 | Brereton, Pat (2007) 'Busting the Boom: The Tiger's Tail and the Pope's Children' . | |
2004 | Pat Brereton (2004) 'War Movies: Post 9/11' no 28 Spring issue :57-65. | |
2004 | Brereton, Pat (2004) 'The Sublime in Hollywood Film: Promoting an Ecological Agenda!' * :1-15. |
Conference Contribution
Year | Publication | |
2019 | Brereton Pat (2019) Hitting the Sweet Spot: Media Engagement and potential behaviour changed Potential. Dublin Ireland: ABST [Link] |
Other Publication
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