Kieran Moran


Profile Photo
I am a passionate researcher who believes that understanding the biomechanics of human movement allows us to enhance movement capacity, reduce injury and optimize rehabilitation in individuals across their lifespan, both from a sports and a functional movement perspective. I currently have a team of 9 PhDs, 3 MSc, 5 Post Docs, 3 Research Assistants and 1 Project Officer. I am particularly interested in:
1. The use of sensor based technology (wearable sensors and fixed) to quantify human motion outside of the laboratory setting and to use the same sensors to provide relevant feedback to enhance movement and correct movement abnormalities (Connected Health, running, sport) based on approaches to behavioral change
2. Developing novel algorithms to analyze complex movement data.
3. Developing novel techniques to explore and identify each individual's optimal movement technique in order to enhance it, rather than (erroneously) assuming that there is a single optimal technique that everyone should employ.
4. Understanding the cause of neuromuscular injuries and diseases and their effect on movement, both in sport and daily functional activities; in combination with identifying effective treatment and rehabilitation interventions


Year Publication
2021 Ghanashyama Prabhu; Noel E. O’Connor; Kieran Moran (2021) Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. Switzerland: Springer. [Link] [DOI]
2021 Ghanashyama Prabhu; Noel E. O’Connor; Kieran Moran (2021) Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. Switzerland: Springer. [Link] [DOI]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2009 Reilly S.;Barron P.;Cahill V.;Moran K.;Haahr M. (2009) 'A general-purpose taxonomy of computer-augmented sports systems' In: Digital Sport for Performance Enhancement and Competitive Evolution: Intelligent Gaming Technologies. [DOI]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2021 O'Connor S;Moran K;Sheridan A;Brady S;Bruce C;Beidler E;O'Hagan AD;Whyte E; (2021) 'Fear Avoidance After Injury and Readiness to Return to Sport in Collegiate Male and Female Gaelic Games Players'. Sports Health, . [DOI]
2021 O’Connor, S., Moran, K., Sheridan, A., Brady, S., Bruce, C., Beidler, E., O’Hagan, A.D., Whyte, E. (2021) 'Fear avoidance following injury and psychological readiness to return to sport in collegiate male and female Gaelic games players'. Sports Health, .
2020 O'Connor S;McCaffrey N;Whyte EF;Fop M;Murphy B;Moran K; (2020) 'Can the Y balance test identify those at risk of contact or non-contact lower extremity injury in adolescent and collegiate Gaelic games?'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, . [DOI]
2020 Claes J.;Cornelissen V.;McDermott C.;Moyna N.;Pattyn N.;Cornelis N.;Gallagher A.;McCormack C.;Newton H.;Gillain A.;Budts W.;Goetschalckx K.;Woods C.;Moran K.;Buys R. (2020) 'Feasibility, Acceptability, and Clinical Effectiveness of a Technology-Enabled Cardiac Rehabilitation Platform (Physical Activity Toward Health-I): Randomized Controlled Trial'. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22 (2). [DOI]
2020 O'Shea O.;Woods C.;McDermott L.;Buys R.;Cornelis N.;Claes J.;Cornelissen V.;Gallagher A.;Newton H.;Moyna N.;McCaffrey N.;Susta D.;McDermott C.;McCormack C.;Budts W.;Moran K. (2020) 'A qualitative exploration of cardiovascular disease patients' views and experiences with an eHealth cardiac rehabilitation intervention: The PATHway Project'. PLoS ONE, 15 (7). [DOI]
2020 Claes, J;Cornelissen, V;McDermott, C;Moyna, N;Pattyn, N;Cornelis, N;Gallagher, A;McCormack, C;Newton, H;Gillain, A;Budts, W;Goetschalckx, K;Woods, C;Moran, K;Buys, R (2020) 'Feasibility, Acceptability, and Clinical Effectiveness of a Technology-Enabled Cardiac Rehabilitation Platform (Physical Activity Toward Health-I): Randomized Controlled Trial'. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22 . [DOI]
2020 Ó Catháin CP;Richter C;Moran K; (2020) 'Can Directed Compliant Running Reduce the Magnitude of Variables Associated With the Development of Running Injuries?'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, . [DOI]
2020 Antony J.;McGuinness K.;Moran K.;O’Connor N.E. (2020) 'Feature learning to automatically assess radiographic knee osteoarthritis severity'. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 186 :9-93. [DOI]
2020 Prabhu G.;O’connor N.E.;Moran K. (2020) 'Recognition and repetition counting for local muscular endurance exercises in exercise-based rehabilitation: A comparative study using artificial intelligence models'. Sensors, 20 (17):1-29. [DOI]
2019 Kavanagh J;Issartel J;Moran K; (2019) 'How actual motor competence and perceived motor competence influence motor skill engagement of a novel cycling task'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, . [DOI]
2019 Abedin J.;Antony J.;McGuinness K.;Moran K.;O’Connor N.;Rebholz-Schuhmann D.;Newell J. (2019) 'Predicting knee osteoarthritis severity: comparative modeling based on patient’s data and plain X-ray images'. Scientific Reports, 9 (1). [DOI]
2019 Welch N;Richter C;Franklyn-Miller A;Moran K; (2019) 'Principal Component Analysis of the Biomechanical Factors Associated With Performance During Cutting'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, . [DOI]
2019 Gore S.;Franklyn-Miller A.;Richter C.;King E.;Falvey E.;Moran K. (2019) 'The effects of rehabilitation on the biomechanics of patients with athletic groin pain'. Journal of Biomechanics, . [DOI]
2019 Kavanagh J.;Moran K.;Issartel J. (2019) 'Development and reliability of the KIM cycling scale–a measurement tool for the development process to cycling independently'. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, . [DOI]
2019 O’Connor, S., McCaffrey, N., Whyte, E., Moran, K (2019) 'Can a standardised visual assessment of squatting technique and core stability predict injury? Accepted'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, .
2019 O'Connor S;Moran K;Burke C;Whyte E; (2019) 'Sports-Related Concussion in Adolescent Gaelic Games Players'. Sports Health, . [DOI]
2019 Welch N;Richter C;Moran K;Franklyn-Miller A; (2019) 'Principal Component Analysis of the Associations Between Kinetic Variables in Cutting and Jumping, and Cutting Performance Outcome'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, . [DOI]
2019 Kavanagh J.;Issartel J.;Moran K. (2019) 'Quantifying cycling as a foundational movement skill in early childhood'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, . [DOI]
2019 Whyte EF;Heneghan B;Feely K;Moran KA;OʼConnor S; (2019) 'The Effect of Hip Extension and Nordic Hamstring Exercise Protocols on Hamstring Strength: A Randomized Controlled Trial'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, . [DOI]
2018 Whyte, EF and Richter, C and O'Connor, S and Moran, KA (2018) 'Effects of a dynamic core stability program on the biomechanics of cutting maneuvers: A randomized controlled trial'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 28 (2):452-462.
2018 Whyte, Enda F and Richter, Chris and O’connor, Siobhan and Moran, Kieran A (2018) 'The effect of high intensity exercise and anticipation on trunk and lower limb biomechanics during a crossover cutting manoeuvre'. 36 (8):889-900.
2018 Whyte, Enda F and Kennelly, Patrick and Milton, Oliver and Richter, Chris and O’Connor, Siobhan and Moran, Kieran A (2018) 'The effects of limb dominance and a short term, high intensity exercise protocol on both landings of the vertical drop jump: implications for the vertical drop jump as a screening tool'. Sports Biomechanics, 17 (4):541-553.
2018 Walsh, Deirdre MJ and Moran, Kieran and Cornelissen, Veronique and Buys, Roselien and Claes, Jomme and Zampognaro, Paolo and Melillo, Fabio and Maglaveras, Nicos and Chouvarda, Ioanna and Triantafyllidis, Andreas and others (2018) 'The development and codesign of the PATHway intervention: a theory-driven eHealth platform for the self-management of cardiovascular disease'. Translational Behavioral Medicine, .
2018 Baida, Samuel R and Gore, Shane J and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew D and Moran, Kieran A (2018) 'Does the amount of lower extremity movement variability differ between injured and uninjured populations? A systematic review'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 28 (4):1320-1338.
2018 Kennedy, Alan and Finlay, Dewar D and Guldenring, Daniel and Moran, Kieran and McLaughlin, James (2018) 'Bipolar chest leads revisited: The optimal placement of patch based ECG devices'. 51 (1).
2018 Whyte, Enda F and Richter, Chris and O'Connor, Siobhan and Moran, Kieran A (2018) 'The Effects of High-Intensity, Intermittent Exercise and Unanticipation on Trunk and Lower Limb Biomechanics During a Side-Cutting Maneuver Using Statistical Parametric Mapping'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 32 (6):1583-1593.
2018 O’Connor, Siobh\'an and McCaffrey, Noel and Whyte, Enda F and Fop, Michael and Murphy, Brendan and Moran, Kieran A (2018) 'Is Poor Hamstring Flexibility A Risk Factor for Hamstring Injury in Gaelic Games?'. :1-18.
2018 Warne, K; Moran, K; Warrington, G (2018) 'Small Step Frequency Changes Due to Footwear Condition Have No Effect on Running Economy'. Sports Medicine International Open, 50 :E41-E45.
2018 (2018) 'Bipolar chest leads revisited: The optimal placement of patch based ECG devices'. Journal of Electrocardiology, .
2018 (2018) 'Computerized decision support for beneficial home-based exercise rehabilitation in patients with cardiovascular disease'. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, .
2018 (2018) 'Countermovement Jump and Isokinetic Dynamometry as Measures of Rehabilitation Status After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction'. Journal of Athletic Training, .
2018 (2018) 'Clinical and biomechanical outcomes of rehabilitation targeting intersegmental control in athletic groin pain: prospective cohort of 205 patients'. Br J Sports Med, .
2018 S. R. Baida;S. J. Gore;A. D. Franklyn-Miller;K. A. Moran; (2018) 'Does the amount of lower extremity movement variability differ between injured and uninjured populations? A systematic review'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, . [DOI]
2018 (2018) 'Does the amount of lower extremity movement variability differ between injured and uninjured populations? A systematic review'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, .
2018 (2018) 'MedFit app, a behavior-changing, theoretically informed mobile app for patient self-management of cardiovascular disease: user-centered development'. .
2018 (2018) 'Investigation of the Effects of High-Intensity, Intermittent Exercise and Unanticipation on Trunk and Lower Limb Biomechanics During a Side-Cutting Maneuver Using Statistical Parametric Mapping'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, .
2018 (2018) 'Electronic health physical activity behavior change intervention to self-manage cardiovascular disease: qualitative exploration of patient and health professional requirements'. .
2018 (2018) 'Development of the MedFit application: A behaviour change theoretically informed mobile application for patient self-management of cardiovascular disease'. Jmir Formative Research, .
2018 (2018) 'Relation between physical activity and oxygen uptake efficiency in men with CVD'. .
2018 Whyte E.;Kennelly P.;Milton O.;Richter C.;O’Connor S.;Moran K. (2018) 'The effects of limb dominance and a short term, high intensity exercise protocol on both landings of the vertical drop jump: implications for the vertical drop jump as a screening tool'. Sports Biomechanics, 17 (4):541-553. [DOI]
2018 Walsh, DMJ;Moran, K;Cornelissen, V;Buys, R;Cornelis, N;Woods, C (2018) 'Electronic Health Physical Activity Behavior Change Intervention to Self-Manage Cardiovascular Disease: Qualitative Exploration of Patient and Health Professional Requirements'. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20 . [DOI]
2018 Duff O.;Walsh D.;Malone S.;McDermott L.;Furlong B.;O'Connor N.;Moran K.;Woods C. (2018) 'MedFit app, a behavior-changing, theoretically informed mobile app for patient self-management of cardiovascular disease: User-centered development'. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20 (4). [DOI]
2018 King E.;Franklyn-Miller A.;Richter C.;O'Reilly E.;Doolan M.;Moran K.;Strike S.;Falvey É. (2018) 'Clinical and biomechanical outcomes of rehabilitation targeting intersegmental control in athletic groin pain: Prospective cohort of 205 patients'. British Journal Of Sports Medicine, 52 (16):1054-1062. [DOI]
2018 Gore, SJ;Franklyn-Miller, A;Richter, C;Falvey, EC;King, E;Moran, K (2018) 'Is stiffness related to athletic groin pain?'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 28 :1681-1690. [DOI]
2018 O'Malley, E;Richter, C;King, E;Strike, S;Moran, K;Franklyn-Miller, A;Moran, R (2018) 'Countermovement Jump and Isokinetic Dynamometry as Measures of Rehabilitation Status After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction'. Journal of Athletic Training, 53 :687-695. [DOI]
2018 Triantafyllidis, A;Filos, D;Buys, R;Claes, J;Cornelissen, V;Kouidi, E;Chatzitofis, A;Zarpalas, D;Daras, P;Walsh, D;Woods, C;Moran, K;Maglaveras, N;Chouvarda, I (2018) 'Computerized decision support for beneficial home-based exercise rehabilitation in patients with cardiovascular disease'. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 162 :1-10. [DOI]
2018 O’Connor S.;McCaffrey N.;Whyte E.;Moran K.;Lacey P. (2018) 'Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use, knowledge, and behaviors around their use and misuse in Irish collegiate student-athletes'. Physician and Sportsmedicine, . [DOI]
2018 (2018) 'Physical activity patterns and cardiorespiratory fitness in men with cardiovascular disease'. .
2018 (2018) 'Small Step Frequency Changes Due to Footwear Condition Have No Effect on Running Economy'. Sports Medicine International Open, .
2018 (2018) 'Running related Injuries of Irish runners'. .
2018 (2018) 'The effect of high intensity exercise and anticipation on trunk and lower limb biomechanics during a crossover cutting manoeuvre'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, .
2018 (2018) 'The effects of limb dominance and a short term, high intensity exercise protocol on both landings of the vertical drop jump: implications for the vertical drop jump as a screening tool'. Sports Biomechanics, .
2018 (2018) 'The development and codesign of the PATHway intervention: a theory-driven eHealth platform for the self-management of cardiovascular disease'. Translational Behavioral Medicine, .
2018 (2018) 'Submaximal Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope as a Predictor of V [combining Dot Above] o2max in Men with Cardiovascular Disease: 1455 Board# 263 May 31 9'. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, .
2018 (2018) 'Sub maximal oxygen uptake efficiency slope as a predictor of VO2max in men with cardiovascular disease'. .
2018 (2018) 'The association between previous running related injuries and isometric muscle strength among recreational and novice runners'. .
2017 (2017) 'Systematic review of the use of behaviour change techniques in physical activity eHealth interventions for people with cardiovascular disease'. Journal of Medical Internet Research, .
2017 (2017) 'Stiffness as an outcome measure of rehabilitation in athletic groin pain patients'. .
2017 Warne, Joe P and Smyth, Barry P and Fagan, John O’C and Hone, Michelle E and Richter, Chris and Nevill, Alan M and Moran, Kieran A and Warrington, Giles D (2017) 'Kinetic changes during a six-week minimal footwear and gait-retraining intervention in runners'. 35 (15):1538-1546.
2017 Franklyn-Miller, Andrew and Richter, Chris and King, Enda and Gore, S and Moran, K and Strike, S and Falvey, EC (2017) 'Athletic groin pain (part 2): a prospective cohort study on the biomechanical evaluation of change of direction identifies three clusters of movement patterns'. 51 (5):460-468.
2017 O'connor, S and McCaffrey, N and Whyte, EF and Moran, KA (2017) 'Epidemiology of injury in male collegiate Gaelic footballers in one season'. 27 (10):1136-1142.
2017 Claes, Jomme and Buys, Roselien and Woods, Catherine and Briggs, Andrew and Geue, Claudia and Aitken, Moira and Moyna, Niall and Moran, Kieran and McCaffrey, Noel and Chouvarda, Ioanna and others (2017) 'PATHway I: design and rationale for the investigation of the feasibility, clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a technology-enabled cardiac rehabilitation platform'. 7 (6).
2017 Gore, Shane and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew and Richter, Chris and Falvey, Eanna and King, Enda and Moran, Kieran (2017) 'Biomechanical complexity: a measure to delineate between athletic groin pain patients and uninjured controls'. 35 (1).
2017 Duff, Orlaith Mairead and Walsh, Deirdre MJ and Furlong, Br\'ona A and O'Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran A and Woods, Catherine B (2017) 'Behavior change techniques in physical activity ehealth interventions for people with cardiovascular disease: systematic review'. 19 (8).
2017 Duff, Orlaith and Walsh, Deirdre and Furlong, Br\'ona and O'Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran and Woods, Catherine (2017) 'Systematic review of the use of behaviour change techniques in physical activity eHealth interventions for people with cardiovascular disease'. .
2017 Whyte, Enda and Richter, Chris and Cooney, Hazel and Russell, Amy and O’Connor, Siobh\'an and Moran, Kieran (2017) 'Should both landings of the vertical drop jump be analysed when screening for ACL injury risk factors in females? A preliminary investigation'. 28 .
2017 O’Connor, S and McCaffrey, N and Whyte, E and Moran, K (2017) 'Hamstring injuries in male adolescent and collegiate Gaelic games'. 20 .
2017 O’Connor, S and McCaffrey, N and Whyte, E and Moran, K (2017) 'Can the Y balance test predict lower-extremity injury in collegiate Gaelic games?'. 20 .
2017 Whyte, E and Richter, C and O’Connor, S and Moran, K (2017) 'A preliminary investigation into the between-session reliability of the biomechanics of side cutting manoeuvres'. 20 .
2017 Finlay, Dewar D and Guldenring, Daniel and Kennedy, Alan and McLaughlin, James and Moran, Kieran (2017) 'Bipolar chest leads revisited: The optimal placement of patch based ECG devices'. 50 (6):866-867.
2017 Franklyn-Miller, A;Richter, C;King, E;Gore, S;Moran, K;Strike, S;Falvey, EC (2017) 'Athletic groin pain (part 2): a prospective cohort study on the biomechanical evaluation of change of direction identifies three clusters of movement patterns'. British Journal Of Sports Medicine, 51 . [DOI]
2017 O'Connor, S;McCaffrey, N;Whyte, EF;Moran, KA (2017) 'Epidemiology of injury in male collegiate Gaelic footballers in one season'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 27 :1136-1142. [DOI]
2017 Whyte E.;Richter C.;O’connor S.;Moran K. (2017) 'The effect of high intensity exercise and anticipation on trunk and lower limb biomechanics during a crossover cutting manoeuvre'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, :1-12. [DOI]
2017 Claes, J;Buys, R;Woods, C;Briggs, A;Geue, C;Aitken, M;Moyna, N;Moran, K;McCaffrey, N;Chouvarda, I;Walsh, D;Budts, W;Filos, D;Triantafyllidis, A;Maglaveras, N;Cornelissen, VA (2017) 'PATHway I: design and rationale for the investigation of the feasibility, clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a technology-enabled cardiac rehabilitation platform'. BMJ Open, 7 . [DOI]
2017 Whyte, E., Kennelly, P., Milton, O., Richter, C., O’Connor S., Moran, K. (2017) 'The effects of limb dominance and a short term, high intensity exercise protocol on both landings of the vertical drop jump: implciations for the vertical drop jump as a screening tool'. Sports Biomechanics, .
2017 O'Connor S;Moran KA;McCaffrey N;Whyte EF;Bekker S; (2017) 'Injury in teenage Gaelic games'. British Journal Of Sports Medicine, . [DOI]
2017 Deirdre MJ Walsh;Kieran Moran;Véronique Cornelissen;Roselien Buys;Nils Cornelis;Catherine Woods; (2017) 'Electronic Health Physical Activity Behavior Change Intervention to Self-Manage Cardiovascular Disease: Qualitative Exploration of Patient and Health Professional Requirements (Preprint)'. . [DOI]
2017 Orlaith Duff;Deirdre Walsh;Shauna Malone;Lauri McDermott;Brona Furlong;Noel O'Connor;Kieran Moran;Catherine Woods; (2017) 'MedFit App, a Behavior-Changing, Theoretically Informed Mobile App for Patient Self-Management of Cardiovascular Disease: User-Centered Development'. . [DOI]
2017 (2017) 'Athletic groin pain (part 2): a prospective cohort study on the biomechanical evaluation of change of direction identifies three clusters of movement patterns'. Br J Sports Med, .
2017 (2017) 'Biomechanical complexity: a measure to delineate between athletic groin pain patients and uninjured controls'. Isbs Proceedings Archive, .
2017 (2017) 'Behavior change techniques in physical activity ehealth interventions for people with cardiovascular disease: systematic review'. Journal of Medical Internet Research, .
2017 (2017) 'A preliminary investigation into the between-session reliability of the biomechanics of side cutting manoeuvres'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, .
2017 (2017) 'Changes in the Biomechanics of a Reactive Cutting Manoeuvre in an Athletic Groin Pain Cohort Following a Successful Rehabilitation Intervention'. Isbs Proceedings Archive, .
2017 (2017) 'Bipolar chest leads revisited: The optimal placement of patch based ECG devices'. Journal of Electrocardiology, .
2017 (2017) 'Can the Y balance test predict lower-extremity injury in collegiate Gaelic games?'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, .
2017 Orlaith Mairead Duff;Deirdre MJ Walsh;Bróna A Furlong;Noel E O'Connor;Kieran A Moran;Catherine B Woods; (2017) 'Behavior Change Techniques in Physical Activity eHealth Interventions for People With Cardiovascular Disease: Systematic Review'. Journal of Medical Internet Research, . [DOI]
2017 (2017) 'Epidemiology of injury in male collegiate Gaelic footballers in one season'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, .
2017 (2017) 'PATHway I: design and rationale for the investigation of the feasibility, clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a technology-enabled cardiac rehabilitation platform'. BMJ Open, .
2017 (2017) 'Kinetic changes during a six-week minimal footwear and gait-retraining intervention in runners'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, .
2017 (2017) 'Hamstring injuries in male adolescent and collegiate Gaelic games'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, .
2017 (2017) 'Should both landings of the vertical drop jump be analysed when screening for ACL injury risk factors in females? A preliminary investigation'. Physical Therapy in Sport, .
2017 (2017) 'Injury in teenage Gaelic games'. Br J Sports Med, .
2017 (2017) 'Concurrent validity of Fitbit Charge HR and Microsoft Band 2 to measure heart rate'. .
2017 (2017) 'Technology enabled behavioural change as a pathway towards better self-management of cardiovascular disease'. .
2016 Warne J;Moran K;Warrington G; (2016) 'Stride Frequency Changes Do Not Influence Running Economy In Minimalist Footwear Or Conventional Running Shoes: 1672 Board #325 June 2, 8: 00 AM - 9: 30 AM'. . [DOI]
2016 O'Connor S;McCaffrey N;Whyte E;Moran K; (2016) 'The Development and Reliability of a Simple Field-Based Screening Tool to Assess for Scapular Dyskinesis'. . [DOI]
2016 (2016) 'Cardiac patients show high interest in technology enabled cardiovascular rehabilitation'. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, .
2016 (2016) '3D human gait reconstruction and monitoring using body-worn inertial sensors and kinematic modeling'. IEEE Sensors Journal, .
2016 (2016) 'Co-design and user validation of a technology-enabled behaviour change intervention for individuals with cardiovascular disease: Preliminary findings'. .
2016 O'Connor S;Downey M;Moran K; (2016) 'Epidemiology of Injury in Gaelic Handball'. .
2016 Filos D;Triantafyllidis A;Chouvarda I;Buys R;Cornelissen V;Budts W;Walsh D;Woods C;Moran K;Maglaveras N; (2016) 'PATHway: Decision Support in Exercise Programmes for Cardiac Rehabilitation'. .
2016 (2016) 'Technology enabled behavioural change as a PATHway towards better self-management of CVD'. .
2016 (2016) 'Exercise with my “Avatar”--opportunities for telerehabilitation in chronic disease management'. .
2016 O. Connor, Siobhan and McCaffrey, Noel and Whyte, Enda and Moran, Kieran (2016) 'The novel use of a SenseCam and accelerometer to validate training load and training information in a self-recall training diary'. 34 (4):303-310.
2016 O'Connor, Siobh\'an and McCaffrey, Noel and Whyte, Enda F and Moran, Kieran A (2016) 'Epidemiology of injury in male adolescent Gaelic games'. 19 (5):384-388.
2016 O’Connor, Siobh\'an and McCaffrey, Noel and Whyte, Enda and Moran, Kieran (2016) 'The Development and Reliability of a Simple Field-Based Screening Tool to Assess for Scapular Dyskinesis'. .
2016 Antony, Joseph and McGuinness, Kevin and Welch, Neil and Coyle, Joe and Franklyn-Miller, Andy and O'Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2016) 'An interactive segmentation tool for quantifying fat in lumbar muscles using axial lumbar-spine MRI'. 37 (1):11-22.
2016 O’Connor, Siobh\'an and McCaffrey, Noel and Whyte, Enda and Moran, Kieran (2016) 'Epidemiology of injury in male Irish secondary school adolescents in one academic year'. 37 (1):11-18.
2016 Gore, Shane J and Marshall, Brendan M and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew D and Falvey, Eanna C and Moran, Kieran A (2016) 'The number of trials required to obtain a representative movement pattern during a hurdle hop exercise'. 32 (3):295-300.
2016 O'Connor, Siobh\'an and McCaffrey, Noel and Whyte, Enda and Moran, Kieran (2016) 'The development and reliability of a simple field based screening tool to assess core stability in athletes'. 20 :40-44.
2016 Buys, Roselien and Claes, Jomme and Walsh, Deirdre and Cornelis, Nils and Moran, Kieran and Budts, Werner and Woods, Catherine and Cornelissen, V\'eronique A (2016) 'Cardiac patients show high interest in technology enabled cardiovascular rehabilitation'. 16 (1).
2016 Kennedy, Alan and Finlay, Dewar D and Guldenring, Daniel and Bond, Raymond and Moran, Kieran and McLaughlin, James (2016) 'The cardiac conduction system: generation and conduction of the cardiac impulse'. 28 (3):269-279.
2016 Warne, Joe and Moran, Kieran and Warrington, Giles (2016) 'Stride Frequency Changes Do Not Influence Running Economy In Minimalist Footwear Or Conventional Running Shoes: 1672 Board\# 325 June 2, 8'. 48 (5S).
2016 O'Connor, S and Downey, M and Moran, K (2016) 'Epidemiology of Injury in Gaelic Handball'. 109 (3):370-370.
2016 Ahmadi, Amin and Destelle, Fran\ccois and Unzueta, Luis and Monaghan, David S and Linaza, Maria Teresa and Moran, Kieran and O’Connor, Noel E (2016) '3D human gait reconstruction and monitoring using body-worn inertial sensors and kinematic modeling'. 16 (24):8823-8831.
2016 Kennedy, Alan and Finlay, Dewar D and Guldenring, Daniel and Bond, Raymond R and Moran, Kieran and McLaughlin, James (2016) 'Automated detection of atrial fibrillation using RR intervals and multivariate-based classification'. 49 (6):871-876.
2016 Marshall, Brendan M and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew D and Moran, Kieran A and King, Enda A and Strike, Siobh\'an C and Falvey, \'Eanna C (2016) 'Can a Single-Leg Squat Provide Insight Into Movement Control and Loading During Dynamic Sporting Actions in Patients With Athletic Groin Pain?'. 25 (2):117-125.
2016 O'Connor S.;McCaffrey N.;Whyte E.;Moran K. (2016) 'The development and reliability of a simple field based screening tool to assess core stability in athletes'. Physical Therapy in Sport, 20 :40-44. [DOI]
2016 Kennedy, A;Finlay, DD;Guldenring, D;Bond, R;Moran, K;McLaughlin, J (2016) 'The Cardiac Conduction System Generation and Conduction of the Cardiac Impulse'. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 28 . [DOI]
2016 Antony J.;McGuinness K.;Welch N.;Coyle J.;Franklyn-Miller A.;O'Connor N.;Moran K. (2016) 'An interactive segmentation tool for quantifying fat in lumbar muscles using axial lumbar-spine MRI'. IRBM, 37 (1):11-22. [DOI]
2016 Marshall B.;Franklyn-Miller A.;Moran K.;King E.;Strike S.;Falvey É. (2016) 'Can a single-leg squat provide insight into movement control and loading during dynamic sporting actions in patients with athletic groin pain?'. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 25 (2):117-125. [DOI]
2016 Gore, SJ;Marshall, BM;Franklyn-Miller, AD;Falvey, EC;Moran, KA (2016) 'The Number of Trials Required to Obtain a Representative Movement Pattern During a Hurdle Hop Exercise'. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 32 :295-300. [DOI]
2016 O' Connor, S;McCaffrey, N;Whyte, EF;Moran, KA (2016) 'Epidemiology of injury in male adolescent Gaelic games'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19 :384-388. [DOI]
2016 Connor S.;Downey M.;Moran K. (2016) 'Epidemiology of injury in Gaelic handball'. Irish Medical Journal, 109 (3).
2016 Franklyn-Miller A.;Richter C.;King E.;Gore S.;Moran K.;Strike S.;Falvey E. (2016) 'Athletic groin pain ( part 2): A prospective cohort study on the biomechanical evaluation of change of direction identifies three clusters of movement patterns'. British Journal Of Sports Medicine, . [DOI]
2016 Warne J.;Smyth B.;Fagan J.;Hone M.;Richter C.;Nevill A.;Moran K.;Warrington G. (2016) 'Kinetic changes during a six-week minimal footwear and gait-retraining intervention in runners'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, :1-9. [DOI]
2016 Buys R.;Claes J.;Walsh D.;Cornelis N.;Moran K.;Budts W.;Woods C.;Cornelissen V. (2016) 'Cardiac patients show high interest in technology enabled cardiovascular rehabilitation'. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 16 (1). [DOI]
2016 O’Connor, S., McCaffrey N., Whyte, E., Moran, K. (2016) 'Epidemiology of injury in male Collegiate Gaelic football'. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORT, .
2016 Ahmadi, A;Destelle, F;Unzueta, L;Monaghan, DS;Linaza, MT;Moran, K;O'Connor, NE (2016) '3D Human Gait Reconstruction and Monitoring Using Body-Worn Inertial Sensors and Kinematic Modeling'. IEEE Sensors Journal, 16 :8823-8831. [DOI]
2016 O’Connor, S., McCaffrey N., Whyte, E., Moran, K (2016) 'Epidemiology of injury in male Irish secondary school adolescents in one academic year'. Physiotherapy Practice and Research, 37 (1):11-18.
2016 Kennedy, A;Finlay, DD;Guldenring, D;Bond, RR;Moran, K;McLaughlin, J (2016) 'Automated detection of atrial fibrillation using R-R intervals and multivariate-based classification'. Journal of Electrocardiology, 49 :871-876. [DOI]
2016 Buys, R;Claes, J;Walsh, D;Cornelis, N;Moran, K;Budts, W;Woods, C;Cornelissen, VA (2016) 'Cardiac patients show high interest in technology enabled cardiovascular rehabilitation'. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 16 . [DOI]
2016 O'Connor S.;McCaffrey N.;Whyte E.;Moran K. (2016) 'The Development and Reliability of a Simple Field-Based Screening Tool to Assess for Scapular Dyskinesis'. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, Technical Report .
2016 O. Connor S.;McCaffrey N.;Whyte E.;Moran K. (2016) 'The novel use of a SenseCam and accelerometer to validate training load and training information in a self-recall training diary'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 34 (4):303-310. [DOI]
2016 Warne JP;Smyth BP;Fagan JO;Hone ME;Richter C;Nevill AM;Moran KA;Warrington GD; (2016) 'Kinetic changes during a six-week minimal footwear and gait-retraining intervention in runners'. .
2016 McEvoy MD;Hand WR;Stiegler MP;DiLorenzo AN;Ehrenfeld JM;Moran KR;Lekowski R;Nunnally ME;Manning EL;Shi Y;Shotwell MS;Gupta RK;Corey JM;Schell RM; (2016) 'A Smartphone-based Decision Support Tool Improves Test Performance Concerning Application of the Guidelines for Managing Regional Anesthesia in the Patient Receiving Antithrombotic or Thrombolytic Therapy'. . [DOI]
2015 O'Connor S.;McCaffrey N.;Whyte E.;Moran K. (2015) 'Epidemiology of injury in male Irish secondary school adolescents in one academic year'. Physiotherapy Practice and Research, 37 (1):11-18. [DOI]
2015 Whyte E.;Burke A.;White E.;Moran K. (2015) 'A high-intensity, intermittent exercise protocol and dynamic postural control in men and women'. Journal of Athletic Training, 50 (4):392-399. [DOI]
2015 Ahmadi A.;Mitchell E.;Richter C.;Destelle F.;Gowing M.;O'Connor N.;Moran K. (2015) 'Toward automatic activity classification and movement assessment during a sports training session'. Ieee Internet Of Things Journal, 2 (1):23-32. [DOI]
2015 Marshall B.;Moran K. (2015) 'Biomechanical Factors Associated with Jump Height: A Comparison of Cross-Sectional and Pre-to-Posttraining Change Findings'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 29 (12):3292-3299. [DOI]
2015 Connor S.;McCaffrey N.;Whyte E.;Moran K. (2015) 'The novel use of a SenseCam and accelerometer to validate training load and training information in a self-recall training diary'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, . [DOI]
2015 Warne J.;Moran K.;Warrington G. (2015) 'Eight weeks gait retraining in minimalist footwear has no effect on running economy'. Human Movement Science, 42 :183-192. [DOI]
2015 O’Connor, S., McCaffrey N., Whyte, E., Moran, K. (2015) 'The novel use of a SenseCam and accelerometer to validate training load and training information in a self-recall training diary'. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES (ONLINE), 34 (4):303-310.
2015 O’Connor, S., McCaffrey N., Whyte, E., Moran, K. (2015) 'The development and reliability of a simple field based screening tool to assess for scapular dyskinesis'. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, .
2015 O' Connor S.;McCaffrey N.;Whyte E.;Moran K. (2015) 'Epidemiology of injury in male adolescent Gaelic games'. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, . [DOI]
2015 Marshall, B;Franklyn-Miller, A;Moran, K;King, E;Richter, C;Gore, S;Strike, S;Falvey, E (2015) 'Biomechanical symmetry in elite rugby union players during dynamic tasks: an investigation using discrete and continuous data analysis techniques'. Bmc Sports Science Medicine And Rehabilitation, 7 . [DOI]
2015 Welch N.;Moran K.;Antony J.;Richter C.;Marshall B.;Coyle J.;Falvey E.;Franklyn-Miller A. (2015) 'The effects of a free-weight-based resistance training intervention on pain, squat biomechanics and MRI-defined lumbar fat infiltration and functional cross-sectional area in those with chronic low back'. Bmj Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 3 (1). [DOI]
2015 Marshall BM;Moran KA; (2015) 'Biomechanical Factors Associated With Jump Height: A Comparison of Cross-Sectional and Pre-to-Posttraining Change Findings'. . [DOI]
2015 Welch N;Moran K;Antony J;Richter C;Marshall B;Coyle J;Falvey E;Franklyn-Miller A; (2015) 'The effects of a free-weight-based resistance training intervention on pain, squat biomechanics and MRI-defined lumbar fat infiltration and functional cross-sectional area in those with chronic low back'. .
2015 Ahmadi A;Richter C;O'Connor NE;Moran K; (2015) 'Automatic detection, extraction and analysis of unrestrained gait using a wearable sensor system'. . [DOI]
2015 Warne, Joe P and Moran, Kieran A and Warrington, Giles D (2015) 'Eight weeks gait retraining in minimalist footwear has no effect on running economy'. 42 :183-192.
2015 Connor, Siobh\'an O and McCaffrey, Noel and Whyte, Enda and Moran, Kieran (2015) 'Reliability of a Modified Active Knee Extension Test for Assessment of Hamstring Flexibility'. 20 (4):32-36.
2015 Marshall, Brendan and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew and Moran, Kieran and King, Enda and Richter, Chris and Gore, Shane and Strike, Siobh\'an and Falvey, \'Eanna (2015) 'Biomechanical symmetry in elite rugby union players during dynamic tasks: an investigation using discrete and continuous data analysis techniques'. 7 (1).
2015 Moran, Kieran and Ahmadi, Amin and Richter, Chris and Mitchell, Edmond and Kavanagh, Jennifer and O’Connor, Noel (2015) 'Automatic detection, extraction, and analysis of landing during a training session, using a wearable sensor system'. 112 :184-189.
2015 Moran, Kieran and Richter, Chris and Farrell, Evan and Mitchell, Edmond and Ahmadi, Amin and O’Connor, Noel E (2015) 'Detection of running asymmetry using a wearable sensor system'. 112 :180-183.
2015 Welch, Neil and Moran, Kieran and Antony, Joseph and Richter, Chris and Marshall, Brendan and Coyle, Joe and Falvey, Eanna and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew (2015) 'The effects of a free-weight-based resistance training intervention on pain, squat biomechanics and MRI-defined lumbar fat infiltration and functional cross-sectional area in those with chronic low back'. 1 (1).
2015 Ahmadi, Amin and Mitchell, Edmond and Richter, Chris and Destelle, Francois and Gowing, Marc and O’Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2015) 'Toward automatic activity classification and movement assessment during a sports training session'. 2 (1):23-32.
2015 Whyte, Enda F and Gibbons, Nicola and Kerr, Grainne and Moran, Kieran A (2015) 'Effect of a High-Intensity Intermittent-Exercise Protocol on Neurocognitive Function in Healthy Adults: Implications for Return-to-Play Management After Sport-Related Concussion'. 24 (4).
2015 Whyte, Enda and Burke, Aoife and White, Elaine and Moran, Kieran (2015) 'A high-intensity, intermittent exercise protocol and dynamic postural control in men and women'. 50 (4):392-399.
2015 Marshall, Brendan M and Moran, Kieran A (2015) 'Biomechanical factors associated with jump height: A comparison of cross-sectional and pre-to-posttraining change findings'. 29 (12):3292-3299.
2015 Connor S.;McCaffrey N.;Whyte E.;Moran K.;Wilkerson G. (2015) 'Reliability of a modified active knee extension test for assessment of hamstring flexibility'. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, 20 (4):32-36. [DOI]
2014 Kieran Moran , Chris Richter , Noel E. O'Connor (2014) 'Letter to the editor regarding Application of principal component analysis in clinical gait research by Federolf and colleagues'. Journal of Biomechanics, 47 :1554-1555.
2014 Richter C.;McGuinness K.;O'Connor N.;Moran K. (2014) 'The variance needed to accurately describe jump height from vertical ground reaction force data'. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 30 (6):732-736. [DOI]
2014 O’Connor, S., McCaffrey N., Whyte, E., Moran, K. (2014) 'Epidemiology of Injury in the Hip/Groin/Thigh Region in Adolescent and Collegiate Gaelic footballers and Hurlers'. Journal of Athletic Training, 49 (5):e2-e3.
2014 Marshall BM;Franklyn-Miller AD;King EA;Moran KA;Strike SC;Falvey ÉC; (2014) 'Biomechanical factors associated with time to complete a change of direction cutting maneuver'. . [DOI]
2014 Moran K;Richter C;O'Connor NE; (2014) 'Letter to the editor regarding Application of principal component analysis in clinical gait research by Federolf and colleagues'. . [DOI]
2014 Richter, Chris and O’Connor, Noel E and Marshall, Brendan and Moran, Kieran (2014) 'Analysis of characterizing phases on waveforms: an application to vertical jumps'. 30 (2):316-321.
2014 Richter, Chris and McGuinness, Kevin and O’Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2014) 'The variance needed to accurately describe jump height from vertical ground reaction force data'. 30 (6):732-736.
2014 Warne, JP and Kilduff, SM and Gregan, BC and Nevill, AM and Moran, KA and Warrington, GD (2014) 'A 4-week instructed minimalist running transition and gait-retraining changes plantar pressure and force'. 24 (6):964-973.
2014 Marshall, B and Franklyn-Miller, A and Richter, C and Moran, K and King, E and Lawless, A and Falvey, E (2014) 'Changes in three-dimensional cutting biomechanics following athletic groin pain rehabilitation'. 18 .
2014 Richter, Chris and Marshall, Brendan and Moran, Kieran and others (2014) 'Comparison of discrete-point vs. dimensionality-reduction techniques for describing performance-related aspects of maximal vertical jumping'. 47 (12):3012-3017.
2014 Marshall, Brendan M and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew D and King, Enda A and Moran, Kieran A and Strike, Siobh\'an C and Falvey, \'Eanna C (2014) 'Biomechanical factors associated with time to complete a change of direction cutting maneuver'. 28 (10):2845-2851.
2014 Moran, Kieran and Richter, Chris and O'Connor, Noel E (2014) 'Letter to the editor regarding “Application of principal component analysis in clinical gait research” by Federolf and colleagues'. 47 (6):1554-1555.
2014 Richter, Chris and Marshall, Brendan and Moran, Kieran and others (2014) 'Clustering vertical ground reaction force curves produced during countermovement jumps'. 47 (10):2385-2390.
2014 Richter, C and Marshall, B and Franklin-Miller, A and King, E and Falvey, E and Moran, K (2014) 'Kinematic and kinetic changes in a single leg drop landing task following athletic groin pain rehabilitation'. 18 .
2014 Richter, C and Marshall, B and Franklin-Miller, A and King, E and Falvey, E and Moran, K (2014) 'Kinematic and kinetic changes in a hurdle hop task following athletic groin pain rehabilitation'. 18 .
2014 Richter, Chris and Marshall, Brendan and O'Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2014) 'Classification of continuous vertical ground reaction forces'. 47 (10):2385-2390.
2014 Chris Richter , Brendan Marshall , Noel E. O'Connor , Kieran Moran (2014) 'Classification of continuous vertical ground reaction forces'. Journal of Biomechanics, 47 :2385-2390.
2014 Richter C.;O'Connor N.;Marshall B.;Moran K. (2014) 'Clustering vertical ground reaction force curves produced during countermovement jumps'. Journal of Biomechanics, 47 (10):2385-2390. [DOI]
2014 Richter C.;O'Connor N.;Marshall B.;Moran K. (2014) 'Analysis of characterizing phases on waveforms: An application to vertical jumps'. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 30 (2):316-321. [DOI]
2014 Richter C.;O'Connor N.;Marshall B.;Moran K. (2014) 'Comparison of discrete-point vs. dimensionality-reduction techniques for describing performance-related aspects of maximal vertical jumping'. Journal of Biomechanics, 47 (12):3012-3017. [DOI]
2014 Warne J.;Kilduff S.;Gregan B.;Nevill A.;Moran K.;Warrington G. (2014) 'A 4-week instructed minimalist running transition and gait-retraining changes plantar pressure and force'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 24 (6):964-973. [DOI]
2014 Marshall B.;Franklyn-Miller A.;King E.;Moran K.;Strike S.;Falvey É. (2014) 'Biomechanical factors associated with time to complete a change of direction cutting maneuver'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28 (10):2845-2851.
2013 DeMont, Richard (2013) 'Abstracts from the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association: May 23--25, 2013, Toronto, Ontario, Canada'. 5 (3):142-148.
2013 Connaghan D.;Moran K.;O'Connor N. (2013) 'An automatic visual analysis system for tennis'. IMechE Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 227 (4):273-288. [DOI]
2013 Marshall, Brendan Michael and Moran, Kieran Andrew (2013) 'Which drop jump technique is most effective at enhancing countermovement jump ability,“countermovement” drop jump or “bounce” drop jump?'. 31 (12):1368-1374.
2013 Marshall B.;Moran K. (2013) 'Which drop jump technique is most effective at enhancing countermovement jump ability, countermovement drop jump or bounce drop jump?'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 31 (12):1368-1374. [DOI]
2013 Connaghan, Damien and Moran, Kieran and O’Connor, Noel E (2013) 'An automatic visual analysis system for tennis'. 227 (4):273-288.
2012 Moran KA;Murphy C;Marshall B; (2012) 'The need and benefit of augmented feedback on service speed in tennis'. . [DOI]
2012 Moran, Kieran Andrew and Murphy, Colm and Marshall, Brendan (2012) 'The need and benefit of augmented feedback on service speed in tennis'. 44 (4):754-760.
2012 Moran, K., Murphy, C., Marshall, B. (2012) 'The need and benefit of augmented feedback on service speed in tennis'. Accepted for publication .
2012 Hanley, Kevin and Collins, Fiachra and Cronin, Kevin and Byrne, Edmond and Moran, Kieran and Brabazon, Dermot (2012) 'Simulation of the impact response of a sliotar core with linear and non-linear contact models'. 50 :113-122.
2011 Healy A;Moran KA;Dickson J;Hurley C;Smeaton AF;O'Connor NE;Kelly P;Haahr M;Chockalingam N; (2011) 'Analysis of the 5 iron golf swing when hitting for maximum distance'. . [DOI]
2011 Collins F.;Brabazon D.;Moran K. (2011) 'Viscoelastic impact characterisation of solid sports balls used in the Irish sport of Hurling'. Sports Engineering, 14 (1):15-25. [DOI]
2011 Healy A.;Moran K.;Dickson J.;Hurley C.;Smeaton A.;O'Connor N.;Kelly P.;Haahr M.;Chockalingam N. (2011) 'Analysis of the 5 iron golf swing when hitting for maximum distance'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 29 (10):1079-1088. [DOI]
2011 Healy, Aoife and Moran, Kieran A and Dickson, Jane and Hurley, Cillian and Smeaton, Alan F and O'Connor, Noel E and Kelly, Philip and Haahr, Mads and Chockalingam, Nachiappan (2011) 'Analysis of the 5 iron golf swing when hitting for maximum distance'. 29 (10):1079-1088.
2011 Collins, Fiachra and Brabazon, Dermot and Moran, Kieran (2011) 'Viscoelastic impact characterisation of solid sports balls used in the Irish sport of Hurling'. 14 (1).
2010 Byrne PJ;Moran K;Rankin P;Kinsella S; (2010) 'A comparison of methods used to identify 'optimal' drop height for early phase adaptations in depth jump training'. . [DOI]
2010 Byrne P.;Moran K.;Rankin P.;Kinsella S. (2010) 'A comparison of methods used to identify optimal drop height for early phase adaptations in depth jump training'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24 (8):2550-2555. [DOI]
2010 Whyte E.;Moran K.;Shortt C.;Marshall B. (2010) 'The influence of reduced hamstring length on patellofemoral joint stress during squatting in healthy male adults'. Gait and Posture, 31 (1):47-51. [DOI]
2010 Whyte, Enda F and Moran, Kieran and Shortt, Conor P and Marshall, Brendan (2010) 'The influence of reduced hamstring length on patellofemoral joint stress during squatting in healthy male adults'. 31 (1):47-51.
2010 Byrne, PJ;Moran, K;Rankin, P;Kinsella, S (2010) 'A COMPARISON OF METHODS USED TO IDENTIFY 'OPTIMAL' DROP HEIGHT FOR EARLY PHASE ADAPTATIONS IN DEPTH JUMP TRAINING'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24 :2050-2055. [DOI]
2010 Kelly, P., Healy, A., Moran, K., O’Connor, N (2010) 'A Virtual Coaching Environment for Improving Golf Swing Technique'. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING COMMS AND APPS, .
2010 Fiachra Collinsa, Dermot Brabazona, Kieran Moran (2010) 'The dynamic viscoelastic characterisation of the impact behaviour of the GAA sliotar'. 2 :2991-2997.
2010 Collins, Fiachra and Brabazon, Dermot and Moran, Kieran (2010) 'The dynamic viscoelastic characterisation of the impact behaviour of the GAA sliotar'. 2 (2):2991-2997.
2010 Byrne, Paul J and Moran, Kieran and Rankin, Paula and Kinsella, Sharon (2010) 'A comparison of methods used to identify ‘optimal’drop height for early phase adaptations in depth jump training'. 24 (8):2050-2055.
2009 Moran, Kieran A and Clarke, Michelle and Reilly, Frank and Wallace, Eric S and Brabazon, Dermot and Marshall, Brendan (2009) 'Does endurance fatigue increase the risk of injury when performing drop jumps?'. 23 (5):1448-1455.
2009 Luo, J;Clarke, M;McNamara, B;Moran, K (2009) 'INFLUENCE OF RESISTANCE LOAD ON NEUROMUSCULAR RESPONSE TO VIBRATION TRAINING'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23 :420-426. [DOI]
2009 Delahunt, Eamonn and O'Driscoll, Jeremiah and Moran, Kieran (2009) 'Effects of taping and exercise on ankle joint movement in subjects with chronic ankle instability: a preliminary investigation'. 90 (8):1418-1422.
2009 Luo, Jin and Clarke, Michael and McNamara, Brian and Moran, Kieran (2009) 'Influence of resistance load on neuromuscular response to vibration training'. 23 (2):420-426.
2009 Moran, KA;McGrath, T;Marshall, BM;Wallace, ES (2009) 'Dynamic Stretching and Golf Swing Performance'. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 30 :113-118. [DOI]
2009 Moran K, McGrath T, Marshall B, Wallace E (2009) 'Effect of static and dynamic stretching on immediate and short-term golf swing performance '. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDECINE, 30 :113-118.
2009 Moran, K; Clarke, M; Reilly, F; Rowe, C; Wallace, E; Brabazon, D and Marshall, B. (2009) 'Does endurance fatigue increase the risk of injury when performing drop jumps?'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23 :1448-1455.
2009 Moran, KA and McGrath, T and Marshall, BM and Wallace, ES (2009) 'Dynamic stretching and golf swing performance'. 30 (02):113-118.
2009 Luo J;Clarke M;McNamara B;Moran K; (2009) 'Influence of resistance load on neuromuscular response to vibration training'. . [DOI]
2009 Moran KA;Clarke M;Reilly F;Wallace ES;Brabazon D;Marshall B; (2009) 'Does endurance fatigue increase the risk of injury when performing drop jumps?'. . [DOI]
2009 Delahunt E.;O'Driscoll J.;Moran K. (2009) 'Effects of Taping and Exercise on Ankle Joint Movement in Subjects With Chronic Ankle Instability: A Preliminary Investigation'. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 90 (8):1418-1422. [DOI]
2008 Kinsella S.;Moran K. (2008) 'Gait pattern categorization of stroke participants with equinus deformity of the foot'. Gait and Posture, 27 (1):144-151. [DOI]
2008 MILLS, SATYANARAYANA SPINNING (2008) 'Limited'. 42 .
2008 Delahunt, Eamonn and O'Driscoll, Jeremiah and Moran, Kieran (2008) 'The effects of taping and exercise on ankle joint movement in subjects with functional instability (FI) of the ankle joint during a jump down'. 1 (1).
2008 Kinsella, Sharon and Moran, Kieran (2008) 'Gait pattern categorization of stroke participants with equinus deformity of the foot'. 27 (1):144-151.
2008 Delahunt E;O'Driscoll J;Moran K; (2008) 'The effects of taping and exercise on ankle joint movement in subjects with functional instability (FI) of the ankle joint during a jump down'. . [DOI]
2008 Luo, J;McNamara, B;Moran, K (2008) 'Effect of vibration training on neuromuscular output with ballistic knee extensions'. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 26 :1365-1373. [DOI]
2008 Luo, Jin and McNamara, Brian and Moran, Kieran (2008) 'Effect of vibration training on neuromuscular output with ballistic knee extensions'. 26 (12):1365-1373.
2007 Moran, K;McNamara, B;Luo, J (2007) 'Effect of vibration training in maximal effort (70% 1RM) dynamic bicep curls'. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39 :526-533. [DOI]
2007 Moran, KA;Wallace, ES (2007) 'Eccentric loading and range of knee joint motion effects on performance enhancement in vertical jumping'. Human Movement Science, 26 :824-840. [DOI]
2007 Moran, Kieran and McNAMARA, BRIAN and Luo, Jin (2007) 'Effect of vibration training in maximal effort (70\% 1RM) dynamic bicep curls'. 39 (3):526-533.
2007 Luo, Jin and McNamara, B and Moran, Kieran (2007) 'Influence of resistance load on electromyography response to vibration training with submaximal isometric contractions'. 1 :45-54.
2007 Moran, Kieran A and Wallace, Eric S (2007) 'Eccentric loading and range of knee joint motion effects on performance enhancement in vertical jumping'. 26 (6):824-840.
2007 Moran K, Wallace E (2007) 'Eccentric loading and range of knee joint motion effects on performance enhancement in vertical jumping'. Human Movement Science, 26 :824-840.
2007 Luo J, McNamara B, Moran K (2007) 'Influence of Resistance Load on Electromyography Response to Vibration Training with Sub-maximal Isometric Contractions'. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 1 :45-54.
2006 Moran, Kieran A and Marshall, Brendan M (2006) 'Effect of fatigue on tibial impact accelerations and knee kinematics in drop jumps'. 38 (10):1836-1842.
2006 Moran, KA;Marshall, BM (2006) 'Effect of fatigue on tibial impact accelerations and knee kinematics in drop jumps'. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38 :1836-1842. [DOI]
2006 Moran KA, Marshall BM, (2006) 'Effect of fatigue on tibial impact accelerations and knee kinematics in drop jumps. '. 38 :1836-1842.
2005 Luo, Jin and McNamara, Brian P and Moran, Kieran (2005) 'A portable vibrator for muscle performance enhancement by means of direct muscle tendon stimulation'. 27 (6):513-522.
2005 Luo, J;McNamara, BP;Moran, K (2005) 'A portable vibrator for muscle performance enhancement by means of direct muscle tendon stimulation'. Medical Engineering and Physics, 27 :513-522. [DOI]
2005 Luo J;McNamara B;Moran K; (2005) 'The use of vibration training to enhance muscle strength and power'. . [DOI]
2005 Luo J, McNamara B, Moran K, (2005) 'The use of vibration training to enhance muscle strength and power. Sports Med'. SPORT MEDICINE, 35 :23-41.
2005 Luo, Jin and McNamara, Brian and Moran, Kieran (2005) 'The use of vibration training to enhance muscle strength and power'. 35 (1):23-41.
2005 Sarsfield, Fiona M and O'gorman, Donal and Moran, Kieran and Kerrane, John and McCaffrey, Noel and McArdle, Siobhan and Woods, Catherine and Moyna, Niall M (2005) 'Physiological Characteristics Of Elite Irish Junior Middle and Long Distance Runners'. 37 (5).
2004 MacEneaney, Owen J and O'gorman, Donal and Moran, Kieran and Kerrane, John and Woods, Catherine and McCaffrey, Noel and McArdle, Siobhain and Moyna, Niall M (2004) 'Effect of preferred music on perception of effort and self-selected exercise intensity'. 36 (5).
2004 Finnegan, Maria C and O'gorman, Donal J and Moran, Kieran and Kerrane, John and Woods, Catherine and McArdle, Siobhain and Moyna, Niall M (2004) 'Validation of the Children's OMNI Scale of Perceived Exertion in Irish Males'. 36 (5).
2003 Maria Finnegan, Donal O'Gorman, Kieran Moran, John Kerrane, Catherine Woods, Noel McCaffrey, Siobhain McArdle, Niall M. Moyna (2003) 'Validation of the OMNI Scale of perceived exertion in Irish children'. * :*-*.
2003 Owen J. MacEneaney, Donal O'Gorman, Kieran Moran, John Kerrane, Catherine Woods, Noel McCaffrey, Siobhain McArdle, Niall M. Moyna (2003) 'Effect of preferred music on perception of effort and self-selected exercise intensity'. * :*-*.
2003 Moran, K., Jin, L. and McNamara, B. (2003) 'Vibration training, does it work?'. 3 (2) :4-4.
2003 Moran, K. and Wallace, E. (2003) 'Influence of range of motion and eccentric loading on enhancement in muscle enhancement'. - :---.
2003 Moran, K. and Wallace, E. (2003) 'Contribution of enhancement in range of motion to increase neuromuscular capacity associated with the SSC'. - :---.
2001 O'sullivan, B and Mcnamara, BP and Moran, K and Murray, P (2001) 'In Vivo Kinematic Determination In The Knee Joint'. 83 .
2022 Timon CM, Heffernan E, Kilcullen SM, Lee H, Hopper L, Quinn J, McDonald D, Gallagher P, Smeaton AF, Moran K, Hussey P, Murphy C (2022) 'Development of an Internet of Things Technology Platform (the NEX System) to Support Older Adults to Live Independently: Protocol for a Development and Usability Study'. Jmir Research Protocols, 11 (5). [Link] [DOI]
2022 Burke, A;Dillon, S;O'Connor, S;Whyte, EF;Gore, S;Moran, KA (2022) 'Relative and absolute reliability of shank and sacral running impact accelerations over a short- and long-term time frame'. Sports Biomechanics, . [DOI]
2022 Lacey, A;Whyte, E;O'Keeffe, S;O'Connor, S;Moran, K (2022) 'A qualitative examination of the factors affecting the adoption of injury focused wearable technologies in recreational runners'. PLoS ONE, 17 (7). [DOI]
2022 O'Connor, S;Sherlock, L;Moran, K;Whyte, E (2022) 'Musculoskeletal Injury in Referees That Officiate Over Ladies Gaelic Football and Camogie'. Irish Medical Journal, 115 (2).
2022 Timon C, Heffernan E, Kilcullen S, Lee H, Hopper L, Quinn J, McDonald D, Gallagher P, Smeaton A.F. moran K, Hussey P, Murphy C. (2022) 'Development of an Internet of Things (IoT) technology platform (The NEX system) to support older adults to live independently: Protocol for a Development and Usability Study'. Jmir Research Protocols, . [DOI]
2021 Dillon S;Burke A;Whyte EF;O'Connor S;Gore S;Moran KA; (2021) 'Do Injury-Resistant Runners Have Distinct Differences in Clinical Measures Compared to Recently Injured Runners?'. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, . [DOI]
2021 Baida, S.R.;King, E.;Richter, C.;Gore, S.;Franklyn-Miller, A.;Moran, K. (2021) 'Hip Muscle Strength Explains Only 11% of the Improvement in HAGOS With an Intersegmental Approach to Successful Rehabilitation of Athletic Groin Pain'. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 49 . [Link] [DOI]
2021 O'Connor, S;Moran, KA;Whyte, EF;Lacey, AC (2021) 'Does stammering act as a barrier to exercise and sport in Irish adults who stammer?'. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 70 . [DOI]
2020 OʼConnor S;McCaffrey N;Whyte EF;Moran KA; (2020) 'Can a Standardized Visual Assessment of Squatting Technique and Core Stability Predict Injury?'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34 (1):26-36. [DOI]
2020 Welch, N.;Richter, C.;Moran, K.;Franklyn-Miller, A. (2020) 'Rehabilitation interventions need more than methodological standardisation: An individualised approach'. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 6 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Walsh, D.M.J.;Kieran, M.;Cornelissen, V.;Buys, R.;Claes, J.;Zampognaro, P.;Melillo, F.;Maglaveras, N.;Chouvarda, I.;Triantafyllidis, A.;Filos, D.;Woods, C.B. (2019) 'The development and codesign of the PATHway intervention: A theory-driven eHealth platform for the self-management of cardiovascular disease'. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 9 . [Link] [DOI]
2018 O'Connor S;McCaffrey N;Whyte EF;Fop M;Murphy B;Moran KA; (2018) 'Is Poor Hamstring Flexibility A Risk Factor for Hamstring Injury in Gaelic Games?'. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, . [DOI]
2018 Whyte EF, Richter C, O'Connor S, Moran KA (2018) 'Effects of a dynamic core stability program on the biomechanics of cutting maneuvers: A randomized controlled trial'. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORT, 28 (2):452-462. [DOI]
2018 Warne, J;Moran, KA;Warrington, GD (2018) 'Small Step Frequency Changes Due to Footwear Condition Have No Effect on Running Economy'. Sports Medicine International Open, 2 (2). [DOI]
2017 Whyte EF;Richter C;O'Connor S;Moran KA; (2017) 'Effects of a dynamic core stability programme on the biomechanics of cutting manoeuvres: a randomised controlled trial'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, . [DOI]
2017 Duff OM;Walsh DM;Furlong BA;O'Connor NE;Moran KA;Woods CB; (2017) 'Behavior Change Techniques in Physical Activity eHealth Interventions for People With Cardiovascular Disease: Systematic Review'. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19 (8). [DOI]
2016 Filos, D;Triantafyllidis, A;Chouvarda, I;Buys, R;Cornelissen, V;Budts, W;Walsh, D;Woods, C;Moran, K;Maglaveras, N (2016) 'PATHway: Decision Support in Exercise Programmes for Cardiac Rehabilitation'. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 224 .
2016 O'Connor S;McCaffrey N;Whyte EF;Moran KA; (2016) 'Epidemiology of injury in male collegiate Gaelic footballers in one season'. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, . [DOI]
2015 Whyte EF;Gibbons N;Kerr G;Moran KA; (2015) 'Effect of a High-Intensity, Intermittent-Exercise Protocol on Neurocognitive Function in Healthy Adults: Implications for Return-to-Play Management After Sport-Related Concussion'. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, Technical Notes 16 . [DOI]
2009 Moran, KA;Clarke, M;Reilly, F;Wallace, ES;Brabazon, D;Marshall, B (2009) 'DOES ENDURANCE FATIGUE INCREASE THE RISK OF INJURY WHEN PERFORMING DROP JUMPS?'. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23 :1448-1455. [DOI]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2019 McDermott, C;McCormack, C;Claes, J;McDermott, L;O'Shea, O;Buys, R;O'Connor, N;McCaffrey, N;Susta, D;Sheerin, A;Gallagher, A;Casserly, I;Newton, H;Mcadam, B;Woods, C;Cornelissen, V;Moran, K;Moyna, N (2019) American College of Cardiology EFFICACY OF A TECHNOLOGY-ENABLED, HOME-BASED CARDIAC REHABILITATION PROGRAM
2014 Ahmadi, A;Destelle, F;Monaghan, D;O'Connor, NE;Richter, C;Moran, K (2014) 2014 IEEE SENSORS A Framework for Comprehensive Analysis of a Swing in Sports Using Low-Cost Inertial Sensors
2019 Claes, J;Cornelissen, E;McDermott, C;McCormack, C;Gillain, A;Cornelis, N;Moran, K;Budts, W;Goetschalckx, K;Pattyn, N;Sheerin, A;Woods, C;Gallagher, A;Newton, H;Moyna, N;Buys, R (2019) (#) PATHway-I: Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a technology-enabled home-based cardiac rehabilitation system
2015 Coyle, S.;Connolly, J.;Deignan, J.;Sabourin, M.;MacNamara, E.;O’Quigley, C.;Moran, K.;Condell, J.;Curran, K.;Diamond, D.; (2015) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Personal sensing wear: The role of textile sensors
2015 Coyle, S.;Connolly, J.;Deignan, J.;Sabourin, M.;MacNamara, E.;O’Quigley, C.;Moran, K.;Condell, J.;Curran, K.;Diamond, D.; (2015) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Personal sensing wear: The role of textile sensors
2015 Coyle, S.;Connolly, J.;Deignan, J.;Sabourin, M.;MacNamara, E.;O’Quigley, C.;Moran, K.;Condell, J.;Curran, K.;Diamond, D.; (2015) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Personal sensing wear: The role of textile sensors
2015 Coyle, S.;Connolly, J.;Deignan, J.;Sabourin, M.;MacNamara, E.;O’Quigley, C.;Moran, K.;Condell, J.;Curran, K.;Diamond, D.; (2015) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Personal sensing wear: The role of textile sensors
2015 Coyle, S.;Connolly, J.;Deignan, J.;Sabourin, M.;MacNamara, E.;O’Quigley, C.;Moran, K.;Condell, J.;Curran, K.;Diamond, D.; (2015) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Personal sensing wear: The role of textile sensors
2017 McDermott, M.C., McCarren, A., Moran, K. and Moyna, N.M. (2017) Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine Conference , RCSI Concurrent validity of Fitbit Charge HR and Microsoft Band 2 to measure heart rate RCSI Dublin Ireland,
2015 Coyle, S.;Connolly, J.;Deignan, J.;Sabourin, M.;MacNamara, E.;O’Quigley, C.;Moran, K.;Condell, J.;Curran, K.;Diamond, D.; (2015) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Personal sensing wear: The role of textile sensors
2018 Venkataraman, Kaushik and Ahmadi, Amin and Duff, Orlaith and Walsh, Deirdre and Woods, Catherine and O’Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2018) Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare: 7th International Conference, MobiHealth 2017, Vienna, Austria, November 14-15, 2017, Proceedings Design and Development of the MedFit App: A Mobile Application for Cardiovascular Disease Rehabilitation
2018 Wei H.;Moran K.;O’Connor N. (2018) HealthMedia 2018 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care, co-located with MM 2018 Automatic estimation of enjoyment levels during cardiac rehabilitation exercise [DOI]
2018 Prabhu G.;Kuklyte J.;Gualano L.;Venkataraman K.;Ahmadi A.;Duff O.;Walsh D.;Woods C.;O’Connor N.;Moran K. (2018) Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST Design and development of the medFit app: A mobile application for cardiovascular disease rehabilitation [DOI]
2018 Prabhu, G;Ahmadi, A;O'Connor, NE;Moran, K (2018) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 11TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER SCIENCE IN SPORT (IACSS 2017) Activity Recognition of Local Muscular Endurance (LME) Exercises Using an Inertial Sensor [DOI]
2018 (2018) Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care
2017 O'Connor, S., McCaffrey, N., Whyte, E., Moran, K. (2017) 2017 ASICS Sports Medicine Australia Conference Hamstring injuries in male adolescent and collegiate Gaelic games
2017 Antony, Joseph and McGuinness, Kevin and Moran, Kieran and O’Connor, Noel E (2017) International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition Automatic Detection of Knee Joints and Quantification of Knee Osteoarthritis Severity using Convolutional Neural Networks
2017 Prabhu, Ghanashyama and Ahmadi, Amin and O’Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2017) International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport Activity recognition of local muscular endurance (LME) exercises using an inertial sensor
2017 (2017) HEPA Europe 2017 proceedings. Modern approaches to physical activity promotion and measurement HEPA Europe 2017 proceedings. Modern approaches to physical activity promotion and measurement
2017 Kuklyte, Jogile and Gualano, Leonardo and Prabhu, Ghanashyama and Venkataraman, Kaushik and Walsh, Deirdre and Woods, Catherine and Moran, Kieran and O'Connor, Noel E (2017) Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care MedFit: A Mobile Application for Patients in CVD Recovery
2017 Prabhu, Ghanashyama and Kuklyte, Jogile and Gualano, Leonardo and Venkataraman, Kaushik and Ahmadi, Amin and Duff, Orlaith and Walsh, Deirdre and Woods, Catherine and O’Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2017) International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare Design and Development of the MedFit App: A Mobile Application for Cardiovascular Disease Rehabilitation
2017 McDermott, Lauri and Moran, Kieran and Walsh, Deirdre and Cornelissen, V\'eronique and Buys, Roselien and Claes, Jomme and Zampognaro, Paolo and Melillo, Fabio and Maglaveras, Nicos and Chouvarda, Ioanna and others (2017) HEPA Europe 2017 proceedings. Modern approaches to physical activity promotion and measurement The development and co-design of the PATHway intervention: a theory-driven eHealth platform for the self-management of cardiovascular disease
2017 (2017) International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition
2017 (2017) Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS 2017) Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS 2017)
2017 (2017) Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care
2017 (2017) International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare
2017 Whyte, E., Richter, C., O’Connor S., Moran, K. (2017) 2017 ASICS Sports Medicine Australia Conference A Preliminary Investigation into the Between-Session Reliability of the Biomechanics of Side Cutting Manoeurvres
2017 Whyte, E., Richter, C., Cooney, H., Russel, A., O’Connor S., Moran, K. (2017) The Second World Congress of Sport Physical Therapy Should both landings of the vertical drop jump be analysed when screening for ACL injury risk factors in females?
2017 O'Connor, S., McCaffrey, N., Whyte, E., Moran, K. (2017) 2017 ASICS Sports Medicine Australia Conference Can the Y Balance Test Predict Lower-Extremity Injury in Collegiate Gaelic Games?
2017 Antony J.;McGuinness K.;O'Connor N.;Moran K. (2017) Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Quantifying radiographic knee osteoarthritis severity using deep convolutional neural networks [DOI]
2017 Kuklyte J.;Gualano L.;Prabhu G.;Venkataraman K.;Walsh D.;Woods C.;Moran K.;O'Connor N. (2017) MMHealth 2017 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care, co-located with MM 2017 Med fit: A mobile application for patients in CVD recovery [DOI]
2017 Antony J.;McGuinness K.;Moran K.;O’Connor N. (2017) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Automatic detection of knee joints and quantification of knee osteoarthritis severity using convolutional neural networks [DOI]
2017 Moran, Kieran (2017) Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS 2017) Activity Recognition of Local Muscular Endurance (LME) Exercises Using an Inertial Sensor
2016 Filos, D;Triantafyllidis, A;Chouvarda, I;Buys, R;Cornelissen, V;Budts, W;Walsh, D;Woods, C;Moran, K;Maglaveras, N (2016) PHEALTH 2016 PATHway: Decision Support in Exercise Programmes for Cardiac Rehabilitation [DOI]
2016 Kennelly P, Milton O, Richter C, Moran K, Whyte E (2016) FSEM Annual Scientific Conference A high intensity, intermittent exercise protocol negatively effects biomechanical risk factors for ACL injury during the vertical drop jump
2016 Filos D.;Triantafyllidisa A.;Chouvardaa I.;Buys R.;Cornelissen V.;Budts W.;Walsh D.;Woods C.;Moran K.;Maglaverasa N. (2016) Studies in Health Technology and Informatics PATHway: Decision support in exercise programmes for cardiac rehabilitation [DOI]
2016 Finlay D.;Bond R.;Kennedy A.;Guldenring D.;Moran K.;McLaughlin J. (2016) Computing in Cardiology The effects of electrode placement on an automated algorithm for detecting ST segment changes on the 12-lead ECG [DOI]
2016 Antony, J;McGuinness, K;Welch, N;Coyle, J;Franklyn-Miller, A;O'Connor, NE;Moran, K (2016) IRBM An interactive segmentation tool for quantifying fat in lumbar muscles using axial lumbar-spine MRI [DOI]
2016 Guldenring D.;Finlay D.;Bond R.;Kennedy A.;McLaughlin J.;Moran K. (2016) Computing in Cardiology On the derivation of the spatial QRS-T angle from Mason-Likar leads I, II, V2 and V5 [DOI]
2016 Ahmadi A.;Destelle F.;Unzueta L.;Monaghan D.;Linaza M.;Moran K.;O'Connor N. (2016) IEEE Sensors Journal 3D human gait reconstruction and monitoring using body-worn inertial sensors and kinematic modeling [DOI]
2016 Moran K.;Wei H.;Monaghan D.;Woods C.;O'Connor N.;Zarpalas D.;Chatzitofis A.;Daras P.;Piesk J.;Pomazanskyi A. (2016) MMHealth 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care, co-located with ACM Multimedia 2016 A demonstration of the PATHway system for technology-enabled exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation [DOI]
2016 Moran K.;Wei H.;Monaghan D.;Woods C.;O'Connor N.;Zarpalas D.;Chatzitofis A.;Daras P.;Piesk J.;Pomazanskyi A. (2016) MMHealth 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care, co-located with ACM Multimedia 2016 A technology platform for enabling behavioural change as a pathway towards better self-management of CVD [DOI]
2016 Guldenring D.;Finlay D.;Bond R.;Kennedy A.;McLaughlin J.;Moran K. (2016) Computing in Cardiology The effects of 40 Hz low-pass filtering on the spatial QRS-T angle
2016 Antony, J;McGuinness, K;O'Connor, NE;Moran, K (2016) 2016 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION (ICPR) Quantifying Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis Severity using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
2016 Kennedy, A;Finlay, DD;Guldenring, D;Bond, R;Moran, K;McLaughlin, J (2016) 2016 COMPUTING IN CARDIOLOGY CONFERENCE (CINC), VOL 43 Optimisation of Electrode Placement for New Ambulatory ECG Monitoring Devices
2016 Guldenring, D;Finlay, DD;Bond, RR;Kennedy, A;McLaughlin, J;Moran, K (2016) 2016 COMPUTING IN CARDIOLOGY CONFERENCE (CINC), VOL 43 The Effects of 40 Hz Low-pass Filtering on the Spatial QRS-T Angle
2016 Buys, Roselien and Walsh, Deirdre and Cornelis, Nils and Moran, Kieran and Budts, Werner and Woods, Catherine and Cornelissen, V\'eronique (2016) Acta Cardiologica Technology use and interest for technology enabled cardiac rehabilitation among cardiac patients
2016 Filos, Dimitris and Triantafyllidis, Andreas and Chouvarda, Ioanna and Buys, Roselien and Cornelissen, V\'eronique A and Budts, Werner and Walsh, Deirdre and Woods, Catherine and Moran, Kieran and Maglaveras, Nicos (2016) pHealth PATHway: Decision Support in Exercise Programmes for Cardiac Rehabilitation
2016 Gore, Shane and Richter, Chris and Marshall, Brendan and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew and Falvey, Eanna and Moran, Kieran (2016) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive THE EFFECTS OF AN EXERCISE INTERVENTION ON THE BIOMECHANICS OF AN ATHLETIC GROIN PAIN COHORT DURING THE LATERAL HURDLE HOP
2016 Richter, Chris and Marshall, Brendan and King, Brendan and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew and Moran, Kieran and Falvey, Eanna (2016) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive CHANGES IN HIP FORCE VECTOR AFTER ATHLETIC GROIN PAIN REHABILITATION DURING A RUNNING CUT
2016 Antony, Joseph and McGuinness, Kevin and O'Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2016) Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016 23rd International Conference on Quantifying radiographic knee osteoarthritis severity using deep convolutional neural networks
2016 Moran, Kieran and Wei, Haolin and Monaghan, David S and Woods, Catherine and O'Connor, Noel E and Zarpalas, Dimitrios and Chatzitofis, Anargyros and Daras, Petros and Piesk, Jens and Pomazanskyi, Andrew (2016) Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Multimedia for Personal Health and Health Care A Technology Platform for Enabling Behavioural Change as a PATHway Towards Better Self-management of CVD
2016 Monaghan, David and Honohan, Freddie and Ahmadi, Amin and McDaniel, Troy and Tadayon, Ramin and Karpur, Ajay and Morran, Kieran and O'Connor, Noel E and Panchanathan, Sethuraman (2016) Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference A multimodal gamified platform for real-time user feedback in sports performance
2016 Kennedy, Alan and Finlay, Dewar D and Guldenring, Daniel and Bond, Raymond and Moran, Kieran and McLaughlin, James (2016) Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2016 Optimisation of electrode placement for new ambulatory ECG monitoring devices
2016 Guldenring, Daniel and Finlay, Dewar D and Bond, Raymond R and Kennedy, Alan and McLaughlin, James and Moran, Kieran (2016) Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2016 The effects of 40 Hz low-pass filtering on the spatial QRS-T angle
2016 Prabhu, Ghanashyama and Ahmadi, Amin and Moran, Kieran and O’Connor, Noel E (2016) Proc. of the 3rd Insight Student Conference (InsightSC2016) Feature Extraction using Principle Component Analysis on Wearable Multimodal Wireless Sensor Data used in Human Activity Recognition
2016 (2016) Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2016 23rd International Conference on
2015 Destelle, F;Ahmadi, A;Moran, K;O'Connor, NE;Zioulis, N;Chatzitofis, A;Zarpalas, D;Daras, P;Unzueta, L;Goenetxea, J;Rodriguez, M;Linaza, MT;Tisserand, Y;Thalmann, NM (2015) MM'15: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 ACM MULTIMEDIA CONFERENCE A Multi-Modal 3D Capturing Platform for Learning and Preservation of Traditional Sports and Games [DOI]
2015 Mitchell, E;Ahmadi, A;O'Connor, NE;Richter, C;Farrell, E;Kavanagh, J;Moran, K (2015) 2015 IEEE 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEARABLE AND IMPLANTABLE BODY SENSOR NETWORKS (BSN) Automatically Detecting Asymmetric Running using Time and Frequency Domain Features
2015 Guldenring, Daniel and Finlay, Dewar D and Bond, Raymond R and Kennedy, Alan and McLaughlin, James and Moran, Kieran (2015) Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2015 On the derivation of the spatial QRS-T angle from Mason-Likar leads I, II, V2 and V5
2015 Finlay, Dewar D and Bond, Raymond R and Kennedy, Alan and Guldenring, Daniel and Moran, Kieran and McLaughlin, James (2015) Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2015 The effects of electrode placement on an automated algorithm for detecting ST segment changes on the 12-lead ECG
2015 Ahmadi, Amin and Destelle, Francois and Monaghan, David and Moran, Kieran and O'Connor, Noel E and Unzueta, Luis and Linaza, Maria Teresa (2015) SENSORS, 2015 IEEE Human gait monitoring using body-worn inertial sensors and kinematic modelling
2015 Destelle, Fran\ccois and Ahmadi, Amin and Moran, Kieran and O'Connor, Noel E and Zioulis, Nikolaos and Chatzitofis, Anargyros and Zarpalas, Dimitrios and Daras, Petros and Unzueta, Luis and Goenetxea, Jon and others (2015) Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia A multi-modal 3D capturing platform for learning and preservation of traditional sports and games
2015 Ahmadi, Amin and Richter, Chris and O'Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2015) Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Automatic detection, extraction and analysis of unrestrained gait using a wearable sensor system
2015 Mitchell, Edmond and Ahmadi, Amin and O'Connor, Noel E and Richter, Chris and Farrell, Evan and Kavanagh, Jennifer and Moran, Kieran (2015) Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on Automatically detecting asymmetric running using time and frequency domain features
2015 Destelle, F;Ahmadi, A;Moran, K;O'Connor, NE;Zioulis, N;Chatzitofis, A;Zarpalas, D;Daras, P;Unzueta, L;Goenetxea, J;Rodriguez, M;Linaza, MT;Tisserand, Y;Thalmann, NM (2015) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 ACM MULTIMEDIA CONFERENCE (MM'15) A Multi-Modal 3D Capturing Platform for Learning and Preservation of Traditional Sports and Games [DOI]
2015 Coyle S.;Connolly J.;Deignan J.;Sabourin M.;MacNamara E.;O’Quigley C.;Moran K.;Condell J.;Curran K.;Diamond D. (2015) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Personal sensing wear: The role of textile sensors
2015 Moran, K;Richter, C;Farrell, E;Mitchell, E;Ahmadi, A;O'Connor, NE (2015) IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON SPORT VI' 7TH ASIA-PACIFIC CONGRESS ON SPORTS TECHNOLOGY, APCST2015 Detection of running asymmetry using a wearable sensor system [DOI]
2015 Guldenring, D;Finlay, DD;Bond, RR;Kennedy, A;McLaughlin, J;Moran, K (2015) 2015 COMPUTING IN CARDIOLOGY CONFERENCE (CINC) On the derivation of the spatial QRS-T angle from Mason-Likar leads I, II, V2 and V5
2015 Moran, K;Ahmadi, A;Richter, C;Mitchell, E;Kavanagh, J;O'Connor, N (2015) IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON SPORT VI' 7TH ASIA-PACIFIC CONGRESS ON SPORTS TECHNOLOGY, APCST2015 Automatic detection, extraction, and analysis of landing during a training session, using a wearable sensor system [DOI]
2015 Ahmadi A.;Richter C.;O'Connor N.;Moran K. (2015) Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS Automatic detection, extraction and analysis of unrestrained gait using a wearable sensor system [DOI]
2015 Mitchell E.;Ahmadi A.;O'Connor N.;Richter C.;Farrell E.;Kavanagh J.;Moran K. (2015) 2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, BSN 2015 Automatically detecting asymmetric running using time and frequency domain features [DOI]
2015 Richter C, Moran K, Whyte E. (2015) 25th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics EFFECTS OF FATIGUE AND ANTICIPATION ON THE KINEMATICS AND KINETICS DURING A SIDE CUT
2015 Ahmadi A.;Destelle F.;Monaghan D.;Moran K.;O'Connor N.;Unzueta L.;Linaza M. (2015) 2015 IEEE SENSORS - Proceedings Human gait monitoring using body-worn inertial sensors and kinematic modelling [DOI]
2015 Moran K.;Richter C.;Farrell E.;Mitchell E.;Ahmadi A.;O'Connor N. (2015) Procedia Engineering Detection of running asymmetry using a wearable sensor system [DOI]
2015 Ahmadi, A;Richter, C;O'Connor, NE;Moran, K (2015) 2015 37TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY (EMBC) Automatic Detection, Extraction and Analysis of Unrestrained Gait Using a Wearable Sensor System
2015 Moran K.;Ahmadi A.;Richter C.;Mitchell E.;Kavanagh J.;O'Connor N. (2015) Procedia Engineering Automatic detection, extraction, and analysis of landing during a training session, using a wearable sensor system [DOI]
2015 Destelle F.;Ahmadi A.;Moran K.;O'Connor N.;Zioulis N.;Chatzitofis A.;Zarpalas D.;Daras P.;Unzueta L.;Goenetxea J.;Rodriguez M.;Linaza M.;Tisserand Y.;Thalmann N. (2015) MM 2015 - Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Multimedia Conference A Multi-Modal 3D capturing platform for learning and preservation of traditional sports and games [DOI]
2015 Finlay, DD;Bond, RR;Kennedy, A;Guldenring, D;Moran, K;McLaughlin, J (2015) 2015 COMPUTING IN CARDIOLOGY CONFERENCE (CINC) The effects of electrode placement on an automated algorithm for detecting ST segment changes on the 12-lead ECG
2015 Antony J.;McGuinness K.;Welch N.;Coyle J.;Franklyn-Miller A.;O Connor N.;Moran K. (2015) 2014 4th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, IPTA 2014 Fat quantification in MRI-defined lumbar muscles [DOI]
2015 Ahmadi, A;Destelle, F;Monaghan, D;Moran, K;O'Connor, NE;Unzueta, L;Linaza, MT (2015) 2015 IEEE SENSORS Human Gait Monitoring Using Body-Worn Inertial Sensors and Kinematic Modelling
2014 Gowing M.;Ahmadi A.;Destelle F.;Monaghan D.;O'Connor N.;Moran K. (2014) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Kinect vs. low-cost inertial sensing for gesture recognition [DOI]
2014 O’Connor S, McCaffrey N, Whyte E, Moran K (2014) World Federation of Athletic Therapy and Trainiing World Congress Epidemiology of Injury in the Hip/Groin/Thigh Region in Adolescent and Collegiate Gaelic Footballers and Hurlers
2014 Destelle F.;Ahmadi A.;O'Connor N.;Moran K.;Chatzitofis A.;Zarpalas D.;Daras P. (2014) European Signal Processing Conference Low-cost accurate skeleton tracking based on fusion of kinect and wearable inertial sensors
2014 Ahmadi A.;Mitchell E.;Destelle F.;Gowing M.;O'Connor N.;Richter C.;Moran K. (2014) Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, BSN 2014 Automatic activity classification and movement assessment during a sports training session using wearable inertial sensors [DOI]
2014 Antony, Joseph and McGuinness, Kevin and Welch, Neil and Coyle, Joe and Franklyn-Miller, Andy and Connor, Noel EO and Moran, Kieran (2014) Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), 2014 4th International Conference on Fat quantification in MRI-defined lumbar muscles
2014 Richter, Chris and Moran, Kieran and Marshall, Brendan and O’Connor, Noel E (2014) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive Identification of movement stragegies in vertical jumps
2014 Gore, Shane and Richter, Chris and Marshall, Brendan and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew and Moran, Kieran and Blanchfield, Mark and Moore, Barry and Falvey, Eanna (2014) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive A comparison of asymmetry in athletic groin pain patients and elite rugby union players using analysis of characterising phases
2014 Destelle, Fran\ccois and Ahmadi, Amin and O'Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran and Chatzitofis, Anargyros and Zarpalas, Dimitrios and Daras, Petros (2014) Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2014 Proceedings of the 22nd European Low-cost accurate skeleton tracking based on fusion of kinect and wearable inertial sensors
2014 Richter, Chris and Marshall, Brendan and O'Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2014) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive Performance related factors in countermovement jumps: identified using a continuous subgroup analysis approach
2014 Ahmadi, Amin and Destelle, Francois and Monaghan, David and O'Connor, Noel E and Richter, Chris and Moran, Kieran (2014) SENSORS, 2014 IEEE A framework for comprehensive analysis of a swing in sports using low-cost inertial sensors
2014 Goenetxea, Jon and Unzueta, Luis and Linaza, Maria Teresa and Rodriguez, Mikel and O’Connor, Noel and Moran, Kieran (2014) Euro-Mediterranean Conference Capturing the sporting heroes of our past by extracting 3D movements from legacy video content
2014 Gowing, Marc and Ahmadi, Amin and Destelle, Fran\ccois and Monaghan, David S and O’Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2014) International Conference on Multimedia Modeling Kinect vs. low-cost inertial sensing for gesture recognition
2014 Marshall, Brendan and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew and Mealey, Eoghan and Strike, Siobhan and Gore, Shane and Shoenfeld, Julian and Moran, Kieran and Falvey, Eanna (2014) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive CAN A SINGLE LEG SQUAT SCREEN PROVIDE AN INSIGHT INTO NEUROMUSCULAR CONTROL DURING A SINGLE LEG DROP LANDING AND A RUNNING CUT
2014 O'Connor, Noel E and Tisserand, Yvain and Chatzitofis, Anargyros and Destelle, Fran\ccois and Goenetxea, Jon and Unzueta, Luis and Zarpalas, Dimitrios and Daras, Petros and Linaza, Mariate and Moran, Kieran and others (2014) Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2014 Proceedings of the 22nd European Interactive games for preservation and promotion of sporting movements
2014 Goenetxea, J;Unzueta, L;Linaza, MT;Rodriguez, M;O'Connor, N;Moran, K (2014) DIGITAL HERITAGE: PROGRESS IN CULTURAL HERITAGE: DOCUMENTATION, PRESERVATION, AND PROTECTION Capturing the Sporting Heroes of Our Past by Extracting 3D Movements from Legacy Video Content
2014 Ahmadi A.;Destelle F.;Monaghan D.;O'Connor N.;Richter C.;Moran K. (2014) Proceedings of IEEE Sensors A framework for comprehensive analysis of a swing in sports using low-cost inertial sensors [DOI]
2014 Ahmadi, Amin and Mitchell, Edmond and Destelle, Francois and Gowing, Marc and O'Connor, Noel E and Richter, Chris and Moran, Kieran (2014) Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN), 2014 11th International Conference on Automatic activity classification and movement assessment during a sports training session using wearable inertial sensors
2014 Antony, J;McGuinness, K;Welch, N;Coyle, J;Franklyn-Miller, A;OConnor, NE;Moran, K (2014) 2014 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING THEORY, TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS (IPTA) Fat Quantification in MRI-defined lumbar muscles
2014 O'Connor N.;Tisserand Y.;Chatzitofis A.;Destelle F.;Goenetxea J.;Unzueta L.;Zarpalas D.;Daras P.;Linaza M.;Moran K.;Magnenat Thalmann N. (2014) European Signal Processing Conference Interactive games for preservation and promotion of sporting movements
2014 Ahmadi, A;Mitchell, E;Destelle, F;Gowing, M;O'Connor, NE;Richter, C;Moran, K (2014) 2014 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEARABLE AND IMPLANTABLE BODY SENSOR NETWORKS (BSN) Automatic Activity Classification and Movement Assessment During a Sports Training Session Using Wearable Inertial Sensors [DOI]
2013 O'Cath\'ain, Ciar\'an and Richter, Chris and O’Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2013) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive THE EFFECT OF COMPLIANT RUNNING ON KINETICS AND JOINT KINEMATICS
2013 Whyte E, Richter C, McCaffrey N, Downey M, Moran K. (2013) Canadian Athletic Therapists Association Annual Scientific Conference The effect of an intermittent, high intensity exercise protocol on drop jump performance
2013 Cath\'ain, Ciar\'an \'O and Richter, Chris and Moran, Kieran (2013) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive THE EFFECT OF COMPLIANT RUNNING ON IMPACT ACCELERATIONS AND ENERGY EXPENDITURE
2013 Linaza, Mariate and Moran, Kieran and O'Connor, Noel E (2013) UMAP Workshops Traditional Sports and Games: A New Opportunity for Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage
2013 Linaza M.;Moran K.;O'Connor N. (2013) CEUR Workshop Proceedings Traditional Sports and Games: A new opportunity for personalized access to cultural heritage
2013 Jensen, Randall L and Ebben, William P and Petushek, Erich J and Moran, Kieran and O’Connor, Noel E and Richter, Chris (2013) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive Continuous waveform analysis of force, velocity, and power adaptations to a periodized plyometric training program
2013 Richter, Chris and Gualano, Leonardo and O'Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2013) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive Cross-comparison of the performance of discrete, phase and functional data analysis to describe a dependent variable
2012 Richter, Chris and O’Connor, Noel E and Moran, Kieran (2012) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive Comparison of discrete point and continuous data analysis for identifying performance determining factors
2010 Kelly, Philip and Healy, Aoife and Moran, Kieran and O'Connor, Noel E (2010) Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Surreal media and virtual cloning A virtual coaching environment for improving golf swing technique
2010 Collins, F;Brabazon, D;Moran, K (2010) ENGINEERING OF SPORT 8: ENGINEERING EMOTION - 8TH CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPORTS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION (ISEA) The dynamic viscoelastic characterisation of the impact behaviour of the GAA sliotar [DOI]
2010 Kelly P.;Healy A.;Moran K.;O'Connor N. (2010) SMVC'10 - Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Workshop on Surreal Media and Virtual Cloning, Co-located with ACM Multimedia 2010 A virtual coaching environment for improving golf swing technique [DOI]
2010 Collins F.;Brabazon D.;Moran K. (2010) Procedia Engineering The dynamic viscoelastic characterisation of the impact behaviour of the GAA sliotar [DOI]
2009 Cullen, S and Warrington, Giles and Dolan, Eimear and Moran, Kieran (2009) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive An analysis of the impact forces of different modes of exercise as a causal factor to the low bone mineral density in jockeys
2009 Healy, Aoife and Moran, Kieran and Dickson, Jane and Hurley, Cillian and Haahr, Mads and O'Connor, N (2009) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive Analysis of the joint kinematics of the 5 iron golf swing
2009 Moran, Kieran and Murphy, Colm and Cahill, Garry and Marshall, Brendan (2009) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive AUGMENTED KNOWLEDGE OF RESULTS FEEDBACK IN TENNIS SERVE TRAINING
2009 Moran, Kieran and Murphy, Colm and Garry, C and Marshall, Brendan (2009) ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive CAN ELITE TENNIS PLAYERS JUDGE THEIR SERVICE SPEED?
2009 Delahunt, E;O'Driscoll, J;Moran, K (2009) ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION Effects of Taping and Exercise on Ankle Joint Movement in Subjects With Chronic Ankle Instability: A Preliminary Investigation [DOI]
2019 Rodrigues T.;Catháin C.;Devine D.;Moran K.;O'Connor N.;Murray N. (2019) Proceedings of the 10th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, MMSys 2019 An evaluation of a 3D multimodal marker-less motion analysis system [DOI]
2021 TIMON, C., HEFFERNAN, E., KILCULLEN, S., LEE, H., HOPPER, L., SMEATON, A., GALLAGHER, P., MORAN, K., HUSSEY, P. & MURPHY C (2021) Engaging Ageing 2021: The future of Ageing and the silver economy, Age Friendly University (AFU) An overview of the NEX project: Using IoT technology to support older adults to live independently
2018 McCormack, CM;McDermott, CM;Kelly, SM;McCarren, A;Moran, KM;Moyna, NM (2018) American College of Sports Medicine Physical Activity Patterns And Cardiorespiratory Fitness In Men With Cardiovascular Disease
2018 McDermott, CM;McCormack, CM;Kelly, SM;McCarren, A;Moran, KM;Moyna, NM (2018) American College of Sports Medicine Submaximal Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope as a Predictor of VO(2)max in Men with Cardiovascular Disease

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2019 Burke, A., O’Connor S., Whyte, E., Dillon, S., Gore, S., Moran K. (2019) Impact accelerations in recreational runners with and without a history of injury The 24th Annual Congress of the Euorpean College of Sports Science, Prague [Details] Prague, .
2019 Dillon, S., Whyte, E., O’Connor S., Dillon, S., Gore, S., Moran K. (2019) The 24th Annual Congress of the Euorpean College of Sports Science A prospective investigation of the association between isometric muscle strength and running related Injury among novice and recreational runners. [Oral Presentation], The 24th Annual Congress of the Euorpean College of Sports Science Prague, .
2019 Burke, A., O’Connor S., Whte, E., Dillon, S., Gore, S., Moran K. (2019) The 24th Annual Congress of the Euorpean College of Sports Science Impact accelerations in recreational runners with and without a history of injury Prague, .
2018 Dillon, S., Whyte, E., O’Connor, S., Burke, A., Moran, K (2018) Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine of Ireland 15th Annual Scientific Conference The Association Between Isometric Muscle Strength and Running Injuries Among Recreational and Novice Runners Dublin, Ireland, .
2018 Burke, A., O’Connor, S., Whyte, E., Dillon, S., Moran, K. (2018) Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine of Ireland 15th Annual Scientific Conference Running Related Injuries in Irish Runners Dublin, Ireland, .
2017 Kavanagh, E., O’Connor, S., Moran, K., Ní Chéilleachair N. (2017) Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine Spring Study Day Epidemiology of Injury in Female Adolescent Gaelic Footballers in One Season UCD, Dublin, Ireland, .
2017 Daniels, Katherine and Franklyn-Miller, Andrew and Richter, Chris and King, Enda and Gore, Shane and Moran, Kieran and Falvey, Eanna (2017) CHANGES IN THE BIOMECHANICS OF A REACTIVE CUTTING MANOEUVRE IN AN ATHLETIC GROIN PAIN COHORT FOLLOWING A SUCCESSFUL REHABILITATION INTERVENTION .
2017 Kavanagh, E., Ní Chéilleachair N., Moran, K., O’Connor, S. (2017) All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Science, Physical Activity and Physical Education Can the Three-Hop Distance (THD) Test Predict Lower Extremity Injury in Female Adolescent Gaelic Footballers? IT Carlow, Ireland, .
2017 O'Connor, S., McCaffrey, N., Whyte, E., Moran, K. (2017) The 13th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference Is a Poor Score on the Modified Active Knee Extension Test a Risk Factor for Hamstring Injury in Gaelic Games Ballarat, Australia, .
2015 Woods C, Walsh D, Buys R, Cornelissen V, Gallagher A, Furlong B, Monaghan D, O’Connor N & Moran K (2015) Inaugural Age Friendly University Conference Universities as engines for active and healthy ageing Dublin, .
2015 Duff, O, Walsh, D, Woods, C, Buys, R, Cornelissen V, Gallagher, A, Newtown, H, Furlong, B, McCaffrey, N, Monaghan, D, O’Connor, N & Moran, K (2015) Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine Annual Scientific Conference FSEM is recognised by the State for the purpose of granting evidence of satisfactory completion of specialist training in Sports and Exercise Medicine Dublin, .
2014 O’Connor, S., McCaffrey, N., Whyte, E. & Moran, K. (2014) World Federation of Athletic Therapy and Training World Congress and Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine 11th Annual Scientific Conference Hamstring flexibility, squatting techniques and core stability in a musculoskeletal pre-participation screening assessment of adolescent and collegiate Gaelic footballers and hurlers DCU, Dublin, Ireland, .
2012 O’Connor, S., Moran, K. & McCaffrey, N. (2012) Third Annual SenseCam Symposium The Validity of a self-report Training Diary in assessing training load in Gaelic football University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, .
2010 Collins, Fiachra; Moran, Kieran; Brabazon, Dermot (2010) Labview: Machine vision/imaging Performing Measurement and Analysis of a Ball’s Impact Characteristics Using LabVIEW and NI Vision Hardware and Software Dublin, Ireland, 08/02/2010-08/02/2010.
2010 Philip Kelly, Aoife Healy, Kieran Moran and Noel E. O’Connor (2010) ACM Multimedia Workshop on Surreal Media and Virtual Cloning (SMVC) 2010 A Virtual Coaching Environment for Improving Golf Swing Technique Florence, Italy, 29/10/2010-29/10/2010.
2009 S. Cullen, G. Warrington, E. Dolan, K. Moran (2009) 27th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT FORCES OF DIFFERENT MODES OF EXERCISE AS A CAUSAL FACTOR TO THE LOW BONE MINERAL DENSITY IN JOCKEYS Limerick, Ireland, 17/07/2009-19/07/2009.
2009 Aoife Healy, Kieran Moran, Jane Dickson, Cillian Hurley, Mads Haahr, Noel O Connor (2009) International Society of Biomechanics in Sport (ISBS) ANALYSIS OF THE JOINT KINEMATICS OF THE 5 IRON GOLF SWING Limerick, Ireland, 17/07/2009-19/07/2009.
2009 K. Moran, C. Murphy, G. Cahill, B. Marshall (2009) 27th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports AUGMENTED KNOWLEDGE OF RESULTS FEEDBACK IN TENNIS SERVE TRAINING Limerick, Ireland, 17/07/2009-19/07/2009.
2009 K. Moran, C. Murphy, C. Garry, B. Marshall (2009) 27th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports CAN ELITE TENNIS PLAYERS JUDGE THEIR SERVICE SPEED? Limerick, Ireland, 17/07/2009-19/07/2009.
2009 Gaffney, Mark; O'Flynn, Brendan; Mathewson, A; Buckley, John; Barton, John; Angove, Philip; Vcelak, J.; Ó Conaire, Ciarán; Healy, Graham; Moran, Kieran; O'Connor, Noel E.; Coyle, Shirley; Kelly, Philip; Caulfield, Brian; Conroy, Luke (2009) IMAPS-CPMT - 33rd International Microelectronics and Packaging Poland Conference Wearable wireless inertial measurement for sports applications Gliwice - Pszczyna, Poland, 21/09/2009-24/09/2009.
2008 Alan F. Smeaton, Dermot Diamond, Philip Kelly, Kieran Moran, King-Tong Lau, Deirdre Morris, Niall Moyna, Noel E. O’Connor, and Kirk Zhang (2008) pHealth 2008 - 5th International Workshop on Wearable Micro and Nanosystems for Personalised Health Aggregating multiple body sensors for analysis in sports Valencia, Spain, 21/05/2008-23/05/2008.
2008 Brendan Marshall, Kieran Moran (2008) 26th International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports CAN BIOMECHANICAL DIAGNOSTIC PROFILING IDENTIFY THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SPECIFIC TRAINING EXERCISES? Seoul, Korea, 14/07/2008-18/07/2008.
2004 Hoffman, J. and Moran, K (2004) International Federation of Manual Physical Therapy Automatic Training: its acute effect on range of motion and pain in chronic low back injury Capetown, South Africa, 11/03/2004-14/03/2004.
2003 Hoffman, J. and Moran, K. (2003) American Physical Therapy Association The acute effect of Automatic Training on pain and range of motion in chronic back pain sufferers Texas, America, 06/12/2003-07/12/2003.
2003 Hoffman, J. and Moran, K. (2003) American Academy of Manual Physical Therapy The effect of Automatic Training on Chronic Back Pain Nevado, America, 07/08/2003-08/08/2003.
2003 Hoffman, J. and Moran, K. (2003) Australian Manual Therapy Association Conference The Immediate Effect of a Single Automatic Training (AT) Session Using a Modified Upright Treatment Table on Lumbar Symptoms in Chronic Lumbo-Pelvic Pain Subjects Sydney, Australia, 26/11/2003-27/11/2003.
2000 Moran, K. and Wallace, E. (2000) Pre-Olympic Congress (2000) Contribution of the increase in range of motion to enhancement in jump height associated with employing the stretch shortening cycle Canberra, 03/09/2000-06/09/2000.
2000 Moran, K. and Wallace, E. (2000) Pre Olympic Congress (2000) Influence of eccentric loading and range of motion on neuromaucular enhancement associated with the stretch shortening cycle Canberra, Australia, 03/09/2000-05/09/2000.
2019 Dillon, S., Whyte, E., O’Connor S., Dillon, S., Gore, S., Moran K. (2019) The 24th Annual Congress of the Euorpean College of Sports Science A prospective investigation of the association between isometric muscle strength and running related Injury among novice and recreational runners Prague, .


Year Publication
2018 Woods, C;McDermott, L;Walsh, D;Cornelissen, V;Buys, R;Claes, J;Zampognaro, P;Melillo, F;Maglaveras, N;Chouvarda, I;Triantafyllidis, A;Filos, D;Moran, K (2018) The development and co-design of the PATHway intervention: A theory-driven eHealth platform for the self-management of cardiovascular disease. CHAMPAIGN: ABST
2018 Kavanagh, J;Issartel, J;Moran, K (2018) Balance as a predictor toward independent cycling. CHAMPAIGN: ABST
2017 Kavanagh, J;Issartel, J;Moran, K (2017) Motor control and balance bikes. CHAMPAIGN: ABST
2016 Warne, J;Moran, K;Warrington, G (2016) Stride Frequency Changes Do Not Influence Running Economy In Minimalist Footwear Or Conventional Running Shoes. PHILADELPHIA: ABST [DOI]
2018 Mcdermott, Clare M and Mccormack, Ciara M and Kelly, Sarah M and Mccarren, Andrew and Moran, Kieran M and Moyna, Niall M (2018) Submaximal Oxygen Uptake Efficiency Slope as a Predictor of V [combining Dot Above] o2max in Men with Cardiovascular Disease: 1455 Board\# 263 May 31 9. ABST

Online Article

Year Publication
2014 Goenetxea J.;Unzueta L.;Linaza M.;Rodriguez M.;O’Connor N.;Moran K. (2014) Capturing the sporting heroes of our past by extracting 3D movements from legacy video content. ELEA [DOI]

Publications letters

Year Publication
2014 Moran K.;Richter C.;O'Connor N. (2014) Letter to the editor regarding Application of principal component analysis in clinical gait research by Federolf and colleagues. LETT [DOI]
2014 Moran, K;Richter, C;O'Connor, NE (2014) Letter to the editor regarding "Application of principal component analysis in clinical gait research" by Federolf and colleagues. OXFORD: LETT [DOI]

Review Articles

Year Publication
2016 Kennedy A.;Finlay D.;Guldenring D.;Bond R.;Moran K.;McLaughlin J. (2016) The Cardiac Conduction System: Generation and Conduction of the Cardiac Impulse. REV [DOI]
2015 Connor, SO;McCaffrey, N;Whyte, E;Moran, K (2015) Reliability of a Modified Active Knee Extension Test for Assessment of Hamstring Flexibility. CHAMPAIGN: REV [DOI]
2012 Hanley K.;Collins F.;Cronin K.;Byrne E.;Moran K.;Brabazon D. (2012) Simulation of the impact response of a sliotar core with linear and non-linear contact models. REV [DOI]
2005 Luo, J;McNamara, B;Moran, K (2005) The use of vibration training to enhance muscle strength and power. AUCKLAND: REV
2017 Duff, OM;Walsh, DMJ;Furlong, BA;O'Connor, NE;Moran, KA;Woods, CB (2017) Behavior Change Techniques in Physical Activity eHealth Interventions for People With Cardiovascular Disease: Systematic Review. TORONTO: REV [DOI]

Other Publication

Year Publication
2021 Gore, S.;Franklyn-Miller, A.;Richter, C.;King, E.;Falvey, E.C.;Moran, K. (2021) Corrigendum to “The effects of rehabilitation on the biomechanics of patients with athletic groin pain” [J. Biomech. 99 (2020) 109474] (Journal of Biomechanics (2020) 99, (S0021929019307249), (10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.109474)). [Link] [DOI]
2021 Burke, A.;Dillon, S.;O’Connor, S.;Whyte, E.F.;Gore, S.;Moran, K.A. (2021) Risk Factors for Injuries in Runners: A Systematic Review of Foot Strike Technique and Its Classification at Impact. [Link] [DOI]
2016 Buys, R;Walsh, D;Cornelis, N;Moran, K;Budts, W;Woods, C;Cornelissen, V (2016) Technology use and interest for technology enabled cardiac rehabilitation among cardiac patients. BRUSSELS:
2015 Welch, NB and Falvey, E and Franklyn-Miller, A and Moran, K and Coyle, J and Antony, J and Gore, S and Richter, C (2015) THU0633-HPR The Effects of a Free Weight Based Strength Training Intervention on Pain, Lumbar Fat Infiltration and Biomechanics.
2012 Richter, Chris;O'Connor, Noel E.;Moran, Kieran (2012) Discrete Vs. Functional Based Data To Analyze Countermovement Jump Performance.
2005 Sarsfield, Fiona M.;O'Gorman, Donal;Moran, Kieran;Kerrane, John;McCaffrey, Noel;McArdle, Siobhan;Woods, Catherine;Moyna, Niall M. (2005) Physiological Characteristics Of Elite Irish Junior Middle and Long Distance Runners.
2004 MacEneaney, OJ;O'Gorman, D;Moran, K;Kerrane, J;Woods, C;McCaffrey, N;McArdle, S;Moyna, NM (2004) Effect of preferred music on perception of effort and self-selected exercise intensity.
2004 Jin, L., McNamara, B. and Moran, K. (2004) A review of the use of vibration training to enhance neuromuscular capacity (submitted for publication).
2004 Finnegan, MC;O'Gorman, DJ;Moran, K;Kerrane, J;Woods, C;McArdle, S;Moyna, NA (2004) Validation of the children's OMNI scale of perceived exertion in Irish males.
2003 Kinsella, S. and Moran, K (2003) The effects of ankle foot orthoses on adult hemiplegic subjects.
1998 Moran, Kieran (1998)
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