Colleen O'Neill


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Other Journal

Year Publication
2004 O'Neill, C. (2004) 'Child Health: Treatment for Tonsils' 12 :39-40.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2013 Coyne, I., Murphy M., Costello T, O'Neill, C & Donellan C (2013) 'A survey of nurses' practices and perceptions of family centred care in Ireland'. Journal of Family Nursing, 19 :469-488.
2011 Coyne, I., O'Neill, C., Costello, T., O'Shea, R and Murphy, M (2011) 'What does family-centred care mean to nurses and how do they think it could be enhanced in practice'. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67 .
2010 Clynes, M., Hourican, S., Kilcullen, N., Lawrence, S., MacDermott, S., O'Neill,C., Raftery, S and Stan. S. (2010) 'Tackling Healthcare Associated Infections: An Exploratory Study of Cleaners' Perceptions of Their Role'. JOURNAL OF INFECTION PREVENTION, 11 :6-10.
2010 Raftery S., Clynes M., O'Neill C., Ward E., Coyne I. (2010) 'Problem-Based Learning in Children's Nursing: transcending doubts to exceeding expectations'. 31 :210-215.
2007 O'Neill, C. (2007) 'Preparing children for hospital: what does the evidence say?'. 1 :242-248.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2010 ONeill, C. & Nestor, T (2010) 'Neurological System' In: Oxford : Oxford University Press.
2007 Raftery S, Clynes M, O’Neill C (2007) 'Eye care' In: Glasper A, McEwing G(Eds.). London : Palgrave.
2007 Raftery S, Clynes M, O’Neill C (2007) 'Blood Gluose Measurment' In: Glasper A, McEwing G(Eds.). London : Palgrave.
2007 O'Neill, C, Coyne, I. (2007) 'Chest Drain Care' In: Kelsey, J(Eds.). Edinburgh : Elsevier:.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2016 O’Neill, C, Casey B and Lambert V (2016) Anthropological Association of Ireland Annual Conference ‘Adolescents’ embodied experience of living with chronic kidney disease: implications for the culture of care’ National University of Ireland, Maynooth, .
2016 O’Neill, C, Casey B and Lambert V (2016) Research Expo So Much Pain: An Adolescents embodied experience of living with chronic kidney disease Dublin City University, .
2016 O’Neill, C, Casey B and Lambert V (2016) 6th Annual Nursing Research Conference ‘Body Mapping: a creative and innovative method of exploring adolescents’ embodied experience of living with chronic kidney disease Children's University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin, .
2007 O'Neill, C & McDermott, S (2007) Health For Life Conference Accounting for MRSA: Organisational change and hospital-acquired infections in the Irish health care system Dublin City University, 10/09/2007-12/09/2007.
2016 O’Neill, C, Casey B and Lambert V. (2016) Nurses and Midwives: Leading Research and Innovation in Healthcare” 'Adolescent's embodied experience of living with Chronic Kidney Disease' Dublin City University, .
2015 O’Neill, C, Casey B and Lambert V. (2015) 5th Annual Nursing Research Conference 'Adolescent's embodied experience of living with Chronic Kidney Disease' Children's University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin, .
2015 O’Neill, C, Casey B and Lambert V (2015) Research Fair 'Adolescent's embodied experience of living with Chronic Kidney Disease' Dublin City University, .
2007 O'Neill, C & Nestor, T. (2007) 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology Development and evaluation of a stand alone module in the care of the children with a neurological disorder Trinity College Dublin, 07/11/2007-09/11/2007.
2007 Raftery,S., Clynes, M.,O’Neill, C., Ward, E., Coyne, I. (2007) Teaching and Learning Conference Problem-Based Learning in Children’s Nursing: From Transcending Doubts to Exceeding Expectations Dublin City University, 07/06/2007-07/06/2007.
2007 Raftery,S., Clynes, M.,O’Neill,C., Ward,E., Coyne, I. (2007) 8th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Transforming Healthcare through Research, Education and Technology Problem-Based Learning in Children’s Nursing: Transcending Doubts to Exceeding Expectations Trinity College Dublin, 07/11/2007-09/11/2007.
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Research Interests

I have succesfully passed my PhD viva as of May 8th 2020. My PhD study focused on 'Adolescent's embodied experience of living with chronic kidney disease'.