Mark O'Brien


Profile Photo

Mark O’Brien is Professor of Journalism History and Head of the School of Communications. His 2017 book, The Fourth Estate: Journalism in Twentieth-Century Ireland examined the interplay between politics, media ownership, religion, interest groups, social change, and journalism from the 1890s to the 1990s. His other monographs include The Irish Times: A History (2008) and De Valera, Fianna Fáil and the Irish Press: The Truth in the News? (2001).

Among his co-edited volumes are The Sunday Papers: A History of Ireland's Weekly Press (2018), Political Communication in the Republic of Ireland (2014), Independent Newspapers: A History (2012), and Political Censorship and the Democratic State: The Irish Broadcasting Ban (2004). He is also co-editor of the two volume series Periodicals and Journalism in Twentieth-Century Ireland (2014 & 2021).

His current research focuses on the relationship between writers, journalism, and the Irish state from 1922 to 1967. He is chair of the Mary Raftery Prize for Journalism. 


Year Publication
2022 Mark O'Brien (ed) (2022) Media Connections between Britain and Ireland: Shared Histories. London: Routledge.
2022 Mark O'Brien & Felix M. Larkin (eds) (2022) Periodicals and Journalism in Twentieth-Century Ireland 2. Dubln: Four Courts Press.
2021 Debra Reddin van Tuyll, Mark O'Brien & Marcel Broersma (eds) (2021) Politics, Culture, and the Irish American Press, 1784-1963. New York: Syracuse University Press.
2018 Joe Breen & Mark O'Brien (eds) (2018) The Sunday Papers: A History of Ireland's Weekly Press. Dublin: Four Court Press.
2017 Mark O'Brien (2017) The Fourth Estate: Journalism in Twentieth Century Ireland. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
2015 Kevin Rafter & Mark O'Brien (eds) (2015) The State in Transition: Essays in Honour of John Horgan. Dublin: New Island Press.
2014 Mark O'Brien & Felix M. Larkin (eds) (2014) Periodicals and Journalism in Twentieth-Century Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
2014 Mark O'Brien & Donnacha Ó Beacháin (eds) (2014) Political Communication in the Republic of Ireland. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
2012 Mark O'Brien & Kevin Rafter (eds) (2012) Independent Newspapers: A History. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
2005 Mary P. Corcoran & Mark O'Brien (eds) (2005) Political Censorship and the Democratic State: The Irish Broadcasting Ban. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
2008 Mark O'Brien (2008) The Irish Times: A History. Dublin: Four Courts Press.
2001 Mark O'Brien (2001) The Truth in the News? De Valera, Fianna Fáil and the Irish Press. Dublin: Irish Academic Press.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Mark O'Brien (2024) 'Media and the Irish diaspora from the twentieth century to the present' In: The Routledge History of Irish America. New York : Routledge.
2023 Mark O'Brien (2023) 'Fighting and Writing: Journalists and the 1916 Easter Rising' In: Media Connections Between Britain and Ireland: Shared Histories. London : Routledge.
2021 Mark O'Brien (2021) 'Writing from the margins: In Touch, Identity, Out, and GCN' In: Periodicals and Journalism in Twentieth-Century Ireland 2: A Variety of Voices. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2021 Mark O'Brien (2021) 'An American Newspaperman: Transatlantic Influences at the Irish Press in the 1930s' In: Politics, Culture and the Irish American Press, 1784-1963. New York : Syracuse University Press.
2020 Mark O'Brien (2020) 'The Irish Times: the Protestant and conservative daily newspaper' In: Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Vol. 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800–1900. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
2020 Mark O'Brien (2020) 'The metropolitan press: connections and competition between Britain and Ireland' In: Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Vol. 3: Competition and Disruption, 1900–2017. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press.
2018 Mark O'Brien (2018) ''All the news of Interest': The Kerryman, 1904-88' In: The Irish Regional Press 1892-2018: Revival, Revolution and Republic. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2018 Joe Breen & Mark O'Brien (2018) 'The Irish Sunday newspaper: its role, character and history' In: The Sunday Papers: A History of Ireland's Weekly Press. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2018 Mark O'Brien (2018) 'A weekly newspaper unequalled in the annals of Irish journalism’: The Sunday Independent, 1905–84' In: The Sunday Papers: A History of Ireland's Weekly Press. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2018 Mark O'Brien (2018) 'Whose war was it anyway: Irish journalism and the Great War after 1918' In: Writing the First World War after 1918. London : Routledge.
2016 Mark O'Brien & Kevin Rafter (2016) 'Commerce and the Church: The Factors that Shaped New Journalism in the Irish Independent' In: Redefining Journalism in the Era of the Mass Press, 1880-1920. London : Routledge.
2015 Mark O'Brien (2015) ''Facile ignorance' and 'wild wild women': religion, journalism and social change in Ireland 1961-1979' In: The State in Transition: Essays in Honour of John Horgan. Dublin : New Island.
2014 Mark O'Brien (2014) ''Sources say . . ': Political journalism since 1921' In: Political Communication in the Republic of Ireland. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press.
2014 Mark O'Brien (2014) 'The Irish press, politicians and the Celtic Tiger economy' In: The Media and Financial Crisis: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. London : Taylor & Francis.
2014 Mark O'Brien (2014) 'Other voices: The Bell and documentary journalism' In: Periodicals and Journalism in Twentieth Century Ireland: Writing Against the Grain. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2012 Mark O'Brien (2012) 'Independent Newspapers and Irish society 1973-98' In: Independent Newspapers: A History. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2012 Mark O'Brien (2012) ''The best interests of the nation': Frank Geary, the Irish Independent and the Spanish civil war'' In: Independent Newspapers: A History. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2011 Mark O'Brien (2011) 'Journalism in Ireland: The evolution of a discipline' In: Irish Journalism Before Independence: More a Disease than a Profession. Manchester : Manchester University Press.
2010 Mark O'Brien (2010) 'The court of public opinion' In: Ireland of the Illusions. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
2007 Mark O'Brien (2007) 'Selling fear: The changing face of crime reporting' In: Mapping Irish Media: Critical Explorations. Dublin : UCD Press.
2006 Mark O'Brien (2006) 'Pressing times: The newspaper industry' In: The Irish Media Directory and Guide. Dublin : Gill & Macmillan.
2005 Mark O'Brien (2005) 'Disavowing democracy: The silencing project in the south' In: Political Censorship and the Democratic State: The Irish Broadcasting Ban. Dublin : Four Courts Press.
2004 Mark O'Brien (2004) 'Selling soccer' In: Place and Non-Place - The Reconfiguration of Ireland. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2023 Mark O'Brien (2023) 'Cultivating ‘the heavies or opinion-forming press’: nation branding, Irish economic development and the British press, 1958–1966'. Irish Political Studies, 38 (2):255-276.
2023 Mark O'Brien (2023) '‘Indecent and Suggestive Pictorial Matter’ Banning Picture Post in Ireland'. Media History, 29 (1):80-94.
2022 Mark O'Brien (2022) 'In the public interest? Political sex scandals and the media in Ireland'. IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES (PRINT), 37 (1):22-42.
2022 Mark O'Brien (2022) '“Propaganda Against the Country”: British Newspapers in 1950s Ireland'. Cultural and Social History, 19 (3):283-299.
2022 Mark O'Brien (2022) 'Opposite assumptions: the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and news journalism in Ireland'. JOURNAL OF CHURCH AND STATE (ONLINE), 64 (1):110-131.
2021 Mark O'Brien (2021) 'Writing a sexual revolution: contraception, bodily autonomy and the women’s pages in Irish national newspapers 1935–1979'. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 30 (1):92-111.
2021 Mark O'Brien (2021) 'Policing the press: censorship, family planning, and the press in Ireland, 1929-67'. Irish Studies Review, 29 (1):15-30.
2018 Mark O'Brien (2018) 'Fighting and Writing: Journalists and the 1916 Easter Rising'. Media History, 24 (3&4):350-363.
2017 Mark O'Brien (2017) 'In war-torn Spain’ – the politics of Irish press coverage of the Spanish civil war'. Media, War and Conflict, 10 (3):345-358.
2016 Mark O'Brien (2016) '‘With the Irish in France': The national press and recruitment in Ireland 1914-1916'. Media History, 22 (2):159-173.
2016 O'Brien, Mark (2016) 'WHOSE WAR WAS IT ANYWAY? Irish journalism and the Great War after 1918'. Journalism Studies, 17 (4). [DOI]
2016 Mark O'Brien (2016) 'Journalism and Emerging Professionalism in Ireland: The Association of Irish Journalists 1887-1890'. JOURNALISM PRACTICE, 10 (1):109-122.
2015 O'Brien, M.; Rafter, K. (2015) 'Commerce and the Church: The factors that shaped New Journalism in the Irish Independent'. Media History, 21 . [Link] [DOI]
2010 Declan Fahy, Mark O'Brien, & Valerio Potí (2010) 'From boom to bust: A post-Celtic Tiger analysis of the norms, values and roles of Irish financial journalists'. Irish Communications Review, 12 :5-20.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2018 Mark O'Brien (editor) (2018) 'Shared Histories: Media Connections Between Britain and Ireland' 24 (3&4) .

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2019 Mark O'Brien (2019) Fourth Transnational Journalism History Conference Cast a cold eye: twentieth century Ireland as reported by Irish stringers in British newspapers University of Groningen, Holland, 20/06/2019-21/06/2019.
2017 Mark O'Brien (2017) Second Transnational Journalism History Conference Roundtable Discussant: Transnational Journalism History - Concept and Context Dublin, 09/06/2017-10/06/2017.
2016 Mark O'Brien (2016) First Explorations in Transnational Journalism History ‘Sweep away the slums’: Transnational Journalistic Influences at the Irish Press in the 1930s Augusta University, Augusta, Ga. USA, .
2016 Mark O'Brien (2016) Shared Histories: Media Connections Between Britain and Ireland Roundtable: Shared Histories and Future Dublin, .
2016 Mark O'Brien (2016) Non-Violent Resistance: Irreverence and Counter-Discourse as Subversive Weapons in Irish Culture ‘Voir clair’: The Bell and counter discursive journalism in Ireland 1940–1954 Dublin City University, .
2015 Mark O'Brien (2015) Reporting Revolutions: What the Papers Said From Sydney to Russia via Revolutionary Dublin:Chris O'Sullivan and the Irish Revolution University College Dublin, 13/11/2015-14/11/2015.
2014 Mark O'Brien (2014) Annual Convention of American Journalism Historians Association 'With the Irish in France': The Press and Recruitment in Ireland 1914-18 St Paul, Minnesota, 08/10/2014-11/10/2014.
2014 Mark O'Brien (2014) Home Thoughts From Abroad: History, the Press and Diaspora Roundtable Discussion on Transnational Journalism Project University College Cork, 21/11/2014-22/11/2014.
2014 Mark O'Brien (2014) Communities of Communication: Newspapers and Periodicals in Britain and Ireland from 1900 to the Present Behind the War-Fronts in Spain: The Politics of Irish National Coverage of the Spanish Civil War University of Sheffield, UK, 11/09/2014-12/09/2014.
2014 Mark O'Brien (2014) The Irish Regional Press: Past and Present Roundtable Discussion on the Regional Press Dublin City University, 12/12/2014-12/12/2014.
2014 Mark O'Brien (2014) Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Connecting the Irish and the Irish-American Press Montreal, Canada, 06/08/2014-09/08/2014.
2013 Mark O'Brien & Kevin Rafter (2013) Redefining Journalism in the Era of the Mass Press From Politics to Commerce: New Journalism, the Irish Independent and a Lasting Legacy University of Sheffield, UK, 04/07/2013-05/07/2013.
2013 Mark O'Brien (2013) Crises, 'Creative Destruction' and the Global Power and Communication Orders' Better Late than Never: The Delayed Development of Investigative Journalism in Ireland Dublin City University, 25/06/2013-29/06/2013.
2011 Mark O'Brien (2011) Soothsayers of Doom? The Media and the Financial Crisis in Comparative Perspective The Irish Press and the Financial Crisis City University, London, 12/12/2011-13/12/2011.
2009 Mark O'Brien (2009) History and the Headlines: Contemporary Coverage and the Reassessment of Historical Events in Newspapers and Periodicals Journalism in Ireland: The Contribution of the Irish Times DIT, Dublin, 20/11/2009-21/11/2009.
2008 Mark O'Brien (2008) Newspapers: Past, Present and Future Writing Newspaper History: Challenges and Opportunities National Library of Ireland, 07/03/2008-07/03/2008.
2006 Mark O'Brien (2006) Identities, Biannual Humanities Conference 'The tyranny of ideals': The Irish Times and National Identity in the Free State Dublin City University, 11/05/2006-12/05/2006.
2005 Mark O'Brien (2005) Media History in Ireland, Britain and Canada: Connections and Comparisons A Farewell to Empire? The Irish Times and de Valera's Constitutional Crusade Moore Institute, NUI Galway, 04/11/2005-04/11/2005.
2005 Mark O'Brien (2005) Eamon de Valera 30 Years On 'The Supreme Egoist': De Valera and the Legacy of the Irish Press The Humanities Institute of Ireland University College Dublin, 08/09/2005-10/09/2005.


Year Publication
2021 Mark O'Brien (2021) Irish journalism, mother and baby homes and ecclesiastical terror. NEWSA
2021 Mark O'Brien (2021) Seventy years ago today: how the Irish Times exposed the Mother and Child scandal. NEWSA
2020 Mark O'Brien (2020) Banning the Picture Post in Ireland. NEWSA
2019 Mark O'Brien (2019) Fearless: The Journalism of Mary Raftery. NEWSA
2018 Mark O'Brien (2018) How Jehovah’s Witnesses attacked by a Clare mob ended up convicted of blasphemy. NEWSA
2018 Mark O'Brien (2018) GAA vs media: Decades of boycotts, blacklisting and libel. NEWSA
2017 Mark O'Brien (2017) Sex, lies and horsewhipping boys: a history of clerical cover-ups. NEWSA

Review Articles

Year Publication
2015 Mark O'Brien (2015) Review of Andrews, A. (2014) Newspapers and Newsmakers: The Dublin Nationalist Press in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, Irish Historical Studies. REV
2014 Mark O'Brien (2014) Review of Dungan, M. (2014) Mr Parnell's Rottweiler: Censorship and the United Ireland Newspaper, 1881-1891, Irish Historical Studies. REV
2014 Mark O'Brien (2014) Review of Backus, M.G. (2014) Scandal Work: James Joyce, the New Journalism and the Home Rule Newspaper Wars, Irish Historical Studies. REV
2013 Mark O'Brien (2013) Review of Chambers, C. (2012) Ireland in the Newsreels, Irish Literary Supplement. REV
2010 Mark O'Brien (2010) Review of Morash, C. (2010) A History of the Media in Ireland, Irish Studies Review. REV


Year Publication
2004 Mark O'Brien (2004) Family Fortune: De Valera's Irish Press. DOC


Year Publication
2000 Mark O'Brien (2000) The Truth in the News? A Socio-Historical Analysis of the Relationship Between Fianna Fáil and the Irish Press. NUI Maynooth: THES

Book Review

Year Publication
2023 Mark O'Brien (2023) Review of Tilley, E. (2020) The Periodical Press in Nineteenth-Century Ireland.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2019 Research Sabbatical Dublin City University
01/01/2015 Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences Research Fellowship Dublin City University
01/01/2014 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching Nominee Dublin City University
01/01/2009 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching Nominee Dublin City University
01/01/2008 Boston University Visiting Fellowship Boston University
01/01/2005 Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Fellowship Irish Research Council


Committee Function From / To
Transnational Journalism History Network -
Mary Raftery Prize Committee -
Newspaper & Periodical History Forum of Ireland -
Media History Collection Advisory Board -


Journal Role
Irish Historical Studies Reviewer
Media, War and Conflict Reviewer
Irish Communications Review Reviewer
Media History Reviewer

Creative Outputs

Year Title Type
2019 Fearless: The Journalism of Mary Raftery Exhibition
2015 Ireland’s Eye: The Past, The Press and The Obscura Exhibition
2004 Family Fortune: de Valera’s Irish Press Documentary

Research Interests

He welcomes enquires from anyone interested in pursuing a Masters by Research, a Ph.D., or post-doctoral work in any aspect of Journalism & Media History; Crime / Political Journalism; Religion / Social Affairs and the Public Sphere; Scandal & Investigative Journalism; the Personalisation of Political Communication.  


Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Journalism History CM294
2022 Crime, Policing and the Media CM261
2022 Media and Politics in Ireland CM569