Charlotte Holland


Profile Photo
Professor Charlotte Holland is Deputy Dean of DCU Institute of Education and Professor in the School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies in DCU Institute of Education, Dublin City University. She held the position of Inaugural Associate Dean for Research in DCU Institute of Education (2016-2019). 

Prof. Holland was appointed to the expert research and policy advice think tank (T20) for the G20 leaders in April 2019, and as lead author has published policy briefs on transformative actions  for education within and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, and on monitoring and assessing the integration of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education across the G20 partnership. 

In June 2020, Prof. Holland was appointed as a Global Distinguished Expert to the Global Education Policy Network, GEPN. This newly formed network brings together leading global researchers and experts from across the globe to inform data driven policies in education. In particular, GEPN will provide policy guidance for educational institutions, governments and international organizations In the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

She is currently Director of the Regional Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development for the greater Dublin region, RCE Dublin, which was acknowledged by the UN University in 2014. She lectures and supervises doctoral candidates in Education for Sustainability, and Technology-enabled Learning in the School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies at Dublin City University. She has a further interest in research excellence frameworks and assessment exercises of academic performance within the context of higher education.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2020 Holland, C. (2020) 'Exploring Heuristics and Testimony in Education for Sustainable Development: Using the Visual Cues Approach to Disrupt, Discuss, and Deepen Introspection. Constructivist Foundations 16(1): 016–019.'. Constructivist Foundations, . [Link]
2020 Alghamdi, J.; Holland, C. (2020) 'A comparative analysis of policies, strategies and programmes for information and communication technology integration in education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the republic of Ireland'. Education and Information Technologies, 25 . [Link] [DOI]
2019 Leahy, S., Holland, C. & Ward, F. (2019) 'The Digital Frontier: Envisioning Future Technologies Impact on the Classroom. '. Futures, .
2017 Tillmanns, T., Holland, C., & Filho Salomao, A. (2017) 'Design Criteria for Visual Cues Used in Disruptive Learning Interventions Within Sustainability Education -Journal of Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education'. . [Link]
2016 Holland, C.; Lorenzi, F.; Hall, T. (2016) 'Performance anxiety in academia: Tensions within research assessment exercises in an age of austerity'. Policy Futures in Education, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2016 Holland, C.; Hughes, J.; Leitch, R. (2016) 'Neoliberalism and education: Spotlight on Ireland'. Policy Futures in Education, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2015 Besong, F.; Holland, C. (2015) 'The Dispositions, Abilities and Behaviours (Dab) Framework for Profiling Learners' Sustainability Competencies in Higher Education'. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 17 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Tillmanns, T.; Holland, C.; Lorenzi, F.; McDonagh, P. (2014) 'Interplay of rhizome and education for sustainable development'. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 16 . [Link] [DOI]
2014 Holland, C., Mulcahy, C., Judge, M., Lovatt, J., Scanlon, G., Rami, J., Corrigan, T. & McSharry, M. (2014) 'A Case Study of Infusing Sustainability within Dublin City University, through engagement in the EU TEMPUS Reorienting University Curricula to Address Sustainability (RUCAS) project. IN Reorienting University Curricula to Address Sustainability: RUCAS Case Studies. pp.143-156'. .
2014 Holland, C., Judge, M., Rami, J., Mulcahy, C., Ramzy, O., & Lofty, N. (2014) 'Evaluation of the Infusion of Sustainability within Heliopolis University and Suez Canal University, Egypt. IN Reorienting University Curricula to Address Sustainability: RUCAS Case Studies. pp.45-56'. .
2012 Duque, E., Holland, C. & Rodriguez, J. (Dec, 2012) Mixture, streaming e inclusió n, tres formas de agrupar al alumnado IN (SPANISH) Journal of Cuadernos de Pedagogía, ISSN 0210-0630. (2012) . .
2012 Holland, C.; Mulcahy, C.; Besong, F.; Judge, M. (2012) 'Ethical-values pedagogical model'. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 14 . [Link] [DOI]
2011 Makrakis, V., Kostoulas-Makrakis, N. and Holland, C. (2011) A Joint Virtual-Campus Master’s Degree Design on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). EDEN 2011 Annual Conference Proceedings. Learning and Sustainability: The New Ecosystem of Innovation and Knowledge. June 19th -22nd 2011. University College Dublin. (2011) . .
2010 Molina, S & Holland, C (2010) 'Educación especial e inclusión: aportaciones desde la investigación [Special Education and Inclusion]'. REVISTA EDUCACION Y PEDAGOGIA, :31-44.
2017 Tillmanns, Tanja; Holland, Charlotte (2017) 'Crafting Pedagogical Pathways that Disrupt and Transform Anthropocentric Mindsets of Higher Education Students'. HANDBOOK OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION, VOL 1, . [DOI]
2013 Holland, Charlotte; Judge, Miriam (2013) 'Future Learning Spaces: The Potential and Practice of Learning 2.0 in Higher Education'. SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE NEW ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENT: PEDAGOGICAL CHALLENGES, . [DOI]

Published Report

Year Publication
2020 Holland, C., Bennett, D. Mughal, A.G., & Ni, H. (2020) POLICY BRIEF: G20 Collaborative Strategy for SDG4 Target 4.7: Monitoring progress in Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education. T20, Policy Think Tank for G20 Organisation, . [Link]
2020 Holland, C., AlDeghaither, D., Mughal, A. G., & Nurunnabi, M. (2020) POLICY BRIEF: G20 Coalition in Transformative Action for Education: Ensuring the Continuity of Learning within and beyond the COVID-19 Crisis. T20, Policy Think Tank for G20 Organisation, . [Link]
2014 INCLUD-ED Consortium (including Holland, C.) (2014) Successful Educational Actions for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in Europe. Ed. Ramon Flecha. SPRINGER, .
2011 Holland, C. (2011) Sustainable Learning Communities: A report of factors that impact on learners’ motivation and/ or ability to utilise online learning environments to sustain learning outside formal educational settings. 11, .
2009 Includ-ED Research team (including Holland, C et al) (2009) Includ-ED Report: Action for success in schools in Europe. Oct 2009. CREA, Barcelona, .
2009 IncludEd Research team (including Holland, C.) (2009) Report on actions for success in schools in Europe. CREA, Barcelona, .
2007 Includ-Ed Consortium (including Holland, C.) (2007) Review of the literature on educational reforms, theories and policy developments in Europe. (ICT: pp. 344 – 383). Available at: http:// CREA, Barcelona, .
2005 Holland, C & McKenna, P (2005) Citizenship & Science: The Connecting Axes. Centre for Cross Border Studies, Armagh, .

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2020 Holland, C. (2020) 'Redressing the Sustainability Paradox of Education: Infusing education for sustainability in higher education programmes' In: Ireland's Yearbook of Education 2019-2020. Dublin : Education Matters:. [Link]
2016 Wells, M.; Holland, C. (2016) 'Flipping learning! challenges in deploying online resources to flipped learning in higher education' In: Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. [Link] [DOI]
2015 Wells, M.; Holland, C. (2015) 'Flipping learning!: Challenges in deploying online resources to flipped learning in higher education' In: Handbook of Research on Active Learning and the Flipped Classroom Model in the Digital Age. [Link] [DOI]
2014 Holland, C. (2014) 'Learning 2.0 – Pedagogy and Social Media: A critique of pedagogical models and approaches deployed in the infusion of social media in higher education' In: Bogdan Patrut(Eds.). Book Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2013 - Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Bacau, Romania. Bologna, Italy : Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division.
2014 Holland, C. (2014) 'Assessing Research Performance in Higher Education. Education Matters: Review of 2014/ Guide to 2015. Ed. Hall, T. Ch. 4(13): pp.180-181' In: Education Matters. Ireland : NUIG.
2013 Holland, C. & Judge, M. (2013) 'Future learning spaces: Future learning spaces: The potential and practice of learning 2.0 in higher education' In: Patrut, B.,Patrut, M. & Cmeciu, C. (Eds.). US : IGI Global.
2012 Holland, C. & Mulcahy, C. (2012) 'Information and Communications Technology and Development Education' In: Education that Matters: Critical Pedagogy and Development Education at local and global level. London : Peter Lang.
2012 Holland, C., Mulcahy, C., Besong, F. & Judge, M. (2012) 'Ethical Values Pedagogical Model' In: Makrakis, V. & Kostoulas-Makrakis(Eds.). New Technologies, Education for Sustainability and Critical Pedagogy. Crete : University of Crete.
2012 Holland, C. (2012) 'Re-imagining ICT-enabled learning for the 21st century: A discussion on Web 2.0 technologies, Learning 2.0 and ICT-enabled social inclusion/ exclusion in education' In: Towards Transformative Education: A Multidisciplinary perspective on research and practice in Bulgaria and Ireland. : Sofia University Press.
2011 Holland, C. & Mulcahy, C. (2011) 'ICT-enabled Education for Sustainable Development' In: Batteson, T.J. & Tormey, R(Eds.). Teaching Global Perspectives: Introducing Student Teachers to Development Education. . Dublin : Liffey Press.
2007 Holland, C and Mulcahy, C (2007) 'Sustainable methodologies for Citizenship and Science education' In: EDUCATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: FIRST STEPS TOWARD CHANGES. Institute of Sustainable Education, Daugavpils University, Latvia : Daugavpils University Academic Press.

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2017 Alghamdi, J.; Holland, C. (2017) Game-play: Effects of online gamified and game-based learning on dispositions, abilities and behaviours of primary learners [Link] [DOI]
2016 Economides, K. & Holland, C. (2016) ECER 2016, Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers Framing a Design-Based Research Study of Alternate Reality Gaming in Higher Education [Link]
2016 Alghamdi, J. & Holland, C. (2016) ECER 2016 Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers Exploring Gamified/ Game-based Learning in mathematics education
2016 Tillmanns, T. & Holland, C. (2016) ECER 2016 Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers From Disorienting To Reorienting: Innovative Pedagogic And Assessment Strategies In Educating For Sustainability In Higher Education
2015 Holland, C. (2015) SMART 2014 - SOCIAL MEDIA IN ACADEMIA: RESEARCH AND TEACHING Re-conceptualizing learning ecologies and learning analytics as rhizome
2013 Holland, C. (2013) SMART 2013: SOCIAL MEDIA IN ACADEMIA: RESEARCH AND TEACHING Learning 2.0-Pedagogy and Social Media: A Critique of Pedagogical Models/ Approaches Deployed in the Infusion of Social Media in Higher Education
2006 Charlotte Holland (2006) An exploratory study of the development of virtual learning environments for adult literacy education

Edited Book

Year Publication
2017 Holland, C., Iliško, D., & Salīte, I (Ed.). (2017) Journal of Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, Volume 8 (2). China: De Gruyter,
2016 Holland, C., Hughes, J. & Leitch, R (Ed.). (2016) Neoliberalism and education – Spotlight on Ireland [Special Edition: Journal of Policy Futures in Education]. United Kingdom: Sage, [Link]


Year Publication
2004 Holland, C & McKenna, P (2004) Citizenship and Science Exchange Handbook. : Centre for Cross Border Studies.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2018 Holland, C. (2018) 16th BBCC/JTES International Conference “REORIENTING TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGIES FOR BUILDING SUSTAINABLE FUTURE”, Turkey, 1-4th Nov 2018 Keynote Presentation: HAVE YOU LOST YOUR TRIBE? RE-CALIBRATION OF THE SELF IN EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY Antalya, Turkey, 01/11/2018-04/11/2018.
2018 Holland, C. (2018) Educate Together 'Ethical Education' Conference, 23-24th Nov 2018, Ireland Keynote Lecture: Thinking Like a Mountain? Re-calibrating the self in the context of educating for sustainability Dublin, Ireland, 23/11/2018-24/11/2018.
2017 Economides, K. & Holland, C. (2017) Immersive Learning Research Network Conference Transmedia Story-weaving: Designing immersive transmedia experiences for higher education Coimbra, Portugal, .
2017 Dr. Charlotte Holland, Dr. Carmel Mulcahy and Dr. Tanja Tillmanns (2017) European RCEs Education for Sustainable Development, Sept 8-9th, 2017 Dublin in the Coming Times city-wide initiative Dortmund, Germany, .
2017 Dr. Charlotte Holland (2017) BBCC/JTES Conference on Sustainable Development, Culture, and Education: Interplay of Tradition and Innovation for ESD (Nov 16th-18th 2017) Keynote: Educating for Sustainable Development in the Public Sphere: Dublin in the Coming Times city-wide initiative Riga, Latvia, .
2016 Holland, C. (2016) The Next Generation: Digital Learning Research Symposium Panel Discussion on Keynote presentation by Prof. Sian Bayne on Manifesto: Making a Teaching Philosophy From Research in Digital Education DCU, 01/11/2016-02/11/2016.
2016 Tillmanns, T. & Holland, C. (2016) 3rd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities Crafting pedagogical pathways that disrupt and transform anthropocentric mindsets of higher education students MIT, Boston, US, 14/09/2016-16/09/2016.
2016 Holland, C. (2016) National Forum Teaching & Learning Seminar Series, on: Education for Sustainability - Exploring the Role of Assessment Holland, C. (2016) Invited Speaker, Assessing & challenging student teachers’ worldviews using the revised New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale GMIT, Galway, Ireland, 01/06/2016-01/06/2016.
2015 Holland, C. (2015) International Conference Bridging Education and Science for Sustainable Development What’ll It Take: Forming and Reorienting Teaching Practices at Schools and Universities to Address Sustainability Daugavpils, Latvia, 03/12/2015-05/12/2015.
2015 Holland, C. (2015)Invited Keynote (2015) ESD Seminar Series Reorientation and Transformations! - Experiences of Infusing Sustainability in Curricula of Higher Education Institutions in Ireland and the Middle East GMIT, Galway, Ireland, 29/01/2015-29/01/2015.
2014 Besong, F. & Holland, C. (2014) Education Studies Association of Ireland Conference, April 10-12th, Athlone, Ireland Green Curriculum Model. A model for Infusing Sustainability in the curricula of Higher Education Institutions, within and beyond Ireland Athlone, Ireland, 10/04/2014-12/04/2014.
2014 Holland, C., Tillmanns, T., & Mulcahy, C. (2014) American Educational Research Association AERA Conference & Annual Meeting. April 3-7th, 2014. Philadelphia, US 40 Shades of Greening – Comparing experiences of infusing sustainability in higher education in the EU and Middle East Philadelphia, 03/04/2014-07/04/2014.
2014 Holland, C. (2014) Invited Keynote (2014) SMART 2015 Conference: Social Media in Academia: Research and Teaching. Learning Analytics – Empowering learners within higher education Timisoara, Romania, 18/09/2014-21/09/2014.
2014 Tillmanns, T. & Holland, C. (2014) Education Studies Association of Ireland Conference, April 10-12th, Athlone, Ireland Sustainable Futures: Identity formation within education for sustainability in higher education Athlone, Ireland, 10/04/2014-12/04/2014.
2013 Holland, C. (2013) OPENING ADDRESS: Vere Foster-IoERI Public Lecture Series on Education Policy in an age of Austerity with Professor Stephen Ball Introduction to the Institute of Educational Research of Ireland Dublin, 26/02/2013-26/02/2013.
2013 Holland, C. (2013) INVITED KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Social Media in Academia; Research and Teaching (SMART) conference 2013. Learning 2.0 - Pedagogy and Social Media: A critique of pedagogical models/ approaches deployed in the infusion of social media in higher education Bacau, Romania, 07/06/2013-07/06/2013.
2013 Holland, C. & Mulcahy C. (2013) 11th International JTEFS/BBCC conference BBCC/ UNESCO Conference on Education and Sustainable Development, Petersburg, Russia. June 3-7th, 2013 Strategy for Infusing Sustainability (SIS) in Higher Education St Petersburg, Russia, 03/06/2013-07/06/2013.
2012 Mulcahy, C., Holland, C. & Lalor, J. (2012) Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) conference IncludED: Exploring successful actions for educational and social inclusion in Europe University College Cork, 29/03/2012-31/03/2012.
2012 Holland, C. (2012) CHAIR, Plenary session, Vere Foster-IoERI Public Lecture Series on Irish Education in an Age of Austerity with Professor Bob Lingard Introduction: Irish Education in an Age of Austerity Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 10/09/2012-10/09/2012.
2012 Davison, K., Hughes, j., Holland, C., Carr, J. & Beckett, L. (2012) Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) conference Speaking of Education Policy… Broadening the conversation about Policy Issues in Ireland – North and South University College Cork, 29/03/2012-31/03/2012.
2012 Holland, C. (2012) KEY PANEL SPEAKER: Sustainext EU Summit Education for Sustainable Development DCU. Dublin, 08/10/2012-09/10/2012.
2012 Holland, C. (2012) International Conference on New Technologies, Education for Sustainable Development and critical Pedagogy ESD 2.0: Developing and integrating Web 2.0 technologies in the teaching and learning of Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Crete, Greece, 19/06/2012-21/06/2012.
2011 Mulcahy, C. & Holland, C. (2011) Educate Together Conference: Re-Imagining Learning Developing a Model of Ethical Education for Second-level Educate Together Schools: Challenges and Opportunities University of Limerick, 17/05/2011-18/05/2011.
2011 Makrakis, V., Kostoulas-Makrakis, N. & Holland, C. (2011) EDEN 2011 Annual Conference. Learning and Sustainability: The New Ecosystem of Innovation and Knowledge A Joint Virtual-Campus Master’s Degree Design on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) University College Dublin, 19/06/2011-22/06/2011.
2011 Laor, J., Mulcahy, C. & Holland, C. (2011) CICE 13th Annual Conference. Europe’s Future: Citizenship in a Changing World Includ-Ed workshop DCU, 09/06/2011-11/06/2011.
2011 Holland, C. & Mulcahy, C. (2011) CICE 13th Annual Conference. Europe’s Future: Citizenship in a Changing World ICT-enabled ESD DCU, 09/06/2011-11/06/2011.
2010 Holland, C & Hall, T. (2010) Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference - Borders, Boundaries and Identities: Education in Challenging Times. Research Metrics in Education Dundalk, 21/03/2010-23/03/2010.
2010 Holland, C & Mulcahy, C (2010) 8th International JTEFS/BBCC conference: Sustainable Development. Culture. Education ICT-enabled ESD Paris, 17/05/2010-.
2009 Holland, C. and Mulcahy, C. (2009) 7th International JTEFS/BBCC conference Sustainable Development. Culture.” Theory and Practice: Working with Adult Learners to Promote ESD in Their Institutions Latvia, 22/05/2009-.
2008 Holland. C. & Mulcahy, C. (2008) 6th International JTEFS/BBCC conference Conference: International Network of Teacher Education Institutions associated with the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chair on Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability Don’t Judge me by my socks: Values in Educate Together. June 2008, Turkey Turkey, 04/06/2008-.
2008 Holland, C and Mulcahy, C (2008) ENERCE network Seminar on School processes Sharing Responsibilities and Networking through the School Process. Seville, Spain, 12/09/2008-.
2007 Holland, C. & Mulcahy, C. (2007) 5th International JTEFS/BBCC conference BBCC/ UNESCO Conference on Education and Sustainable Development: June 2007. Hungary Citizenship and Science Exchange project Hungary, 05/06/2007-.
2007 Holland, C (2007) Social Inclusion/ Exclusion in Education: Includ-Ed Conference. Sept 2007: DCU Social Inclusion/ Exclusion in Education: DCU, 15/09/2007-.
2007 Holland, C (2007) Seminar on Curriculum Development organised by Wicklow VEC Holland, C. (2007) Keynote Speaker – Curriculum Conundrum. Seminar on Curriculum Development. Nov. 2007: Wicklow VEC. Wicklow, 20/11/2007-.
2007 Holland, C. & Mulcahy, C. (2007) Children's Identity and Citizenship in Europe Conference (CICE) CaSE Project: Teacher persectives. CICE Conference, May 2007, Montpellier, France 22/05/2007-.
2005 Holland, c & McKenna, P (2005) Launch of CaSE project Citizenship and Science Exchange Project 25/10/2005-.
2005 Holland, C & Mulcahy, C (2005) The Sixth Annual Conference on Citizenship through Education in England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales Citizenship and Science Exchange Project Dublin, 24/11/2005-.
2004 Holland, C (2004) Road Safety Officers Organisation (UK & Eire) Integrating Online technology in Road Safety Education Trinity College Dublin, 07/07/2004-.
2003 Holland, C & Mulcahy, C (2003) British Educational Research Association Imbuing values and creating a sense of personal identity in online learning environments Scotland, 10/09/2003-.
2002 Holland, C (2002) Implications of Gardner's Theory of Muliple Intelligences on web interface design BERA conference 2002 UK, .
2002 Holland, C (2002) An examination of the elements and principles of the visual design of web interfaces in the context of improving accessibility for older adult users Conference presentation Montreal, Canada, .


Year Publication
2016 Holland, C; Hughes, J; Leitch, R (2016) Neoliberalism and education: Spotlight on Ireland Special issue introduction. LONDON: ED [DOI]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Association Function From / To
RCE Dublin, Regional Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development for greater Dublin area, acknowledged by UN university in 2014 Director 16/03/2014 -


Committee Function From / To
American Education Research Association 01/02/2013 -
Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) 01/09/2010 -
UNESCO Committee for ESD in Teacher Education 01/09/2004 -
UBUNTU UBUNTU is a Teacher Education network for DE/ ESD 01/09/2007 - 01/09/2010
Childrens Identity and Citizenship in Europe Association (CICEA) 01/09/2007 - 01/09/2010
DCU Internal Quality Review Board for 1st year experiences of University 01/09/2008 - 01/02/2009
Academic Council, DCU 01/09/2007 - 01/09/2011
DCU University Appeals Board 01/06/2006 - 01/06/2009
British Education Research Association BERA 01/09/2003 - 01/09/2007

Research Interests

Education for Sustainable Development/ Sustainability Education, Digital Learning.

Prof. Holland is Director of RCE Dublin, a Regional Centre of Expertise in educating, innovating and researching of Education for Sustainability.  This centre was acknowledged by the UN university in March 2014, and is part of a network of national, regional and global RCEs. More information available at:

Recent Research Projects: 
2015-2017 Micool project funded by Erasmus Plus, Co-Investigator [CI]
2010-2013 RUCUS, funded by TEMPUS, Principal Investigator [PI]
2010-2012 Technology enabled Education for Sustainable Development funded by Erasmus Multilateral,
2009-2010 Sustainability education project funded by

2008-2009 VALESCO FP7 project application funded by Enterprise Ireland, FP7 coordination grant [PI]
2006-2011 Includ-ED project funded by FP7, Co-Investigator [CI]
2002-2005 Citizenship and Science Exchange Project funded by
EU Peace and Reconciliation, [CI]

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date
Micool Co-Investigator [CI] 28/08/2015 31/08/2017
Includ-ED Co-Investigator [CI] 02/10/2006 03/10/2011
Sustainability education project Principal Investigator 02/11/2009 30/05/2010
VALESCO - FP7 Framework project application Coordinator 03/11/2008 05/05/2009
Citizenship and Science Exchange CaSE Project Researcher 10/10/2002 10/10/2005

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2022 Education for Sustainable Development ES105
2022 Education for Sustainable Development ES128
2022 Creating Learning Environments using ICT ES318