Jean-Philippe Imbert


Profile Photo
I am Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Sexuality Studies at Dublin City University. I research and publish on literary and artistic representations of Mexican, Irish and French 20th and 21st centuries, focusing on the relationship between sexuality, gender and the aesthetic treatment of evil, trauma, angst or perversion. I have been president of the ADEFFI (Association des Études Françaises et Francophones) and of the Irish Association of Mexican Studies. I am Research and Education Officer for IASSCS (The International Association for the Studies of Sexuality, Culture and Society). I also curated international art exhibitions (photography) in Delhi, Dublin or Mexico City.  

I welcome applications from prospective PhD students in comparative literature or sexuality studies interested topics relating to 1) the relationships between contemporary sexuality, art and literature (from a masculinity studies or queer theory angle) 2) sexual artivism where art is envisaged   as a means to fight and struggle against gender injustice and sexual oppression 3) the aesthetics of queer /LGBT sexual politics through artistic expression.  

I have so far enjoyed co-supervising the following 4 doctoral dissertations: 2012. Dr Patricia Garcia, [IRCHSS Scholar] The Architectural Void: Space as Transgression in Postmodern Short Fiction of the Fantastic (1974-2010) ǀ 2013. Dr Dearbhla Mc Grath, Monstrous Sexualities; A Comparative Analysis of Contemporary Retellings of La Belle et La Bête ǀ 2015. Dr Grainne Healy, [IRC Scholar] An Exploration of the Meaning of Civil Partnership for Lesbian Women and Gay Men ǀ 2015. Dr Omar Baz Radwan, “Ambiguous State of Being”: Identity Construction in Contemporary Arab-American (post-9/11) Poetry. I am currently supervising another 8 on queer chicano detective fiction, aesthetic representations of murder, feminist pornography, geocroticism and Irish/Mexican detection, staging corporeal excess in French theatre, queer 80’s music and on HIV subjective realities.


Year Publication
1996 IMBERT, J.-Ph. & COTTENET HAGE, M. (1996) Paralleles, Anthologie Critique de la nouvelle feminine de Langue Francaise. : L'Instant -Même.
1996 Jean-Philippe Imbert, translation from English into French (1996) La Razzia, English adaptation by Thomas Kinsella (The Tain), of the Celtic Epic An Tain Bo Cuailnge. : Alfil.
1996 IMBERT, J.-Ph. & GRATTON J. (1996) La Nouvelle hier et aujourd'hui. Paris: L'Harmattan.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2014 Mr Jean-Philippe Imbert (2014) 'Wounded Spaces: Alejandro Gomez de Tuddo ' In: Geoff McGrath(Eds.). Dublin, Ireland : Geoff McGrath.
2014 Mr Jean-Philippe Imbert (2014) 'The Transience of Eternity: Alejandro Gomez de Tuddo and India ' In: Irma Aponte(Eds.). Mexico : Uroboros Basilisco.
2013 Mr Jean-Philippe Imbert (2013) '“ Péhor ” de Remy de Gourmont : jouissances (de) monstres ' In: Mirakamal, N.C(Eds.). Chennai : Samhita Publications.
2006 IMBERT (2006) 'Les Meurtres sacrés du Michoacán : Le Clézio, mythes et Mexiques' In: Mimoso-Ruiz(Eds.). Toulouse : Editions Universitaires du Sud.
2006 IMBERT (2006) 'Writing for Want of a Better World : Agota Kristov and the Trilogy of all Evils: Le Grand Cahier (1986), La Preuve (1988) and Le Troisième Mensonge (1991)' In: MYERS, William Andrew(Eds.). : E-book
2005 IMBERT (2005) 'J.M.G. Le Clézio, Mexico and Michoacan : Writing the Invisible Dream' In: Ita, Rubio, Lourdes & Sánchez Díaz Gerardo(Eds.). Morelia, Michoacán, México : Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Michoacana de San.
2001 IMBERT (2001) 'Parler pour ne pas dire: Agota Kristof, Linda Le et la francophonie apatride' In: Christine O'DOWD-SMYTH(Eds.). : Waterford IT Press.
2000 IMBERT (2000) 'Terres d'encre et de sang' In: MENAGER, S(Eds.). : New Arts Press.
1997 IMBERT (1997) 'A Treatment of Exile and Childhood in Desert and Etoile Errante by Le Clezio' In: COULSON A(Eds.). : Sussex Academic Press.
1996 IMBERT (1996) 'Mondo et Autres Histoires ou l'Inconnu sur la Terre' In: Gratton, J. IMBERT J-Ph(Eds.). : L'harmattan, Paris, France.
1996 IMBERT (1996) 'Introduction' In: COTTENET-HAGE, M. IMBERT, J-Ph(Eds.). : L'Instant-Meme, Quebec, Canada.
1996 IMBERT (1996) 'Les Cris du silence, la sirène abandonnée : La Fiancée d'hiver d'Anne-Lise Grobéty' In: Cottenet-Hage M. IMBERT J-Ph(Eds.). : L'instant-Meme, Quebec, Canada.
1996 IMBERT (1996) 'Mémoires d'une vieille fille dérangée : Folie, fécules et phallus dans L'Amour, ma chère, toujours l'amour de Jacqueline Harpman' In: L'Instant-Même, Quebec, Canada(Eds.). : 0.
1995 IMBERT (1995) 'Ecriture et espace dans la nouvelle féminine' In: : 0.
1994 IMBERT (1994) 'Nouvelles et textes brefs de Le Clézio, vers une écriture du silence' In: : 0.

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2010 IMBERT (2010) The First Irish Sexuality Studies Conference: Selves and Sexualities « Péhor » by Remy de Gourmont: Sacrilege and Sacrifice of a Fin-de-Siècle Milkmaid Dublin City University, Ireland, 19/03/2010-20/03/2010.
2001 IMBERT + Dr LE JUEZ (2001) Clerges et Cultures Populaires * Dublin City University, Ireland, 14/06/2001-19/06/2001.
2000 IMBERT + Dr David PARRIS (2000) ADEFFI CONFERENCE, Le mal Etre dans les cultures et litteratures francaises * Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 14/10/2000-14/10/2000.
1995 IMBERT + Pr Johnnie GRATTON (TCD) (1995) La nouvelle Hier et Aujourd'hui * N.U.I., Dublin, Ireland, 14/09/1995-16/09/1995.
2014 IMBERT (2014) Research Symposium in Mexican and Mexican-American Studies Imagining Slaughter: Paul Owen Imaging Gender University College CorK, Ireland, 04/06/2014-05/06/2014.
2013 IMBERT (2013) XVe colloque annuel de l'ADEFFI, Histoire(s) Le Corps à Corps des Vérités: Histoires de Famille dans Un Secret de Philippe Grimbert (2004) National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland, 18/10/2013-19/10/2013.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Transitions CLAI First International Conference From Abjection to Objection: Joel-Peter Witkin’s Photographic Sensual and Sexual Poetics of Transitions University College Cork, Ireland, 28/06/2012-30/06/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Deceleration Adeffi Conference Décélération, recul, et retrouvailles dans La Porte des Enfers de Laurent Gaudé University College Cork, Galway, Ireland, 19/10/2012-21/10/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Humanities Faculty Graduate Studies Research Seminar Western Witches, Western Visions Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 22/02/2012-22/02/2012.
2008 IMBERT (2008) SALIS Research Seminar Dialogues between Poetry and painting: Art in Exile. ? Edward James, Remedios Varo and Leonora Carrington in Mexico Dublin City University, Ireland, 10/10/2008-10/10/2008.
2007 IMBERT (2007) Cultures in Contact, American Comparative Literature Association Conference, Love and Death, Experiences In, Among, And beyond Texts panel Writing AIDS and/as Torture: Hervé Guibert in Love Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico, 19/04/2007-22/04/2007.
2007 IMBERT (2007) Congreso Internacional, Viajeros y Literatura de Viaje: Tras su Huellas Surreal Mexico: Exiles or Quests? Edward James, Leonora Carrington and Journeys of Illusion Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain, 19/09/2007-21/09/2007.
2006 IMBERT (2006) SALIS Research Seminar From Dali to Schiaparelli: Seeing, Sewing and Style Dublin City University, Ireland, 15/10/2006-15/10/2006.
2006 IMBERT (2006) 4th Global Conference: Monsters and the Monstrous: Myths and Metaphors of Enduring Evil Fashion Monsters - Fashion slaves. From Lautréamont’s sawing-machines to Schiaparelli’s scissors: Surrealism, Fashion and Monsters Mansfield College, Oxford, England, 18/09/2006-21/09/2006.
2005 IMBERT (2005) Guest lecture, Department of French Leonora Carrington and the Short Story Denver University, Colorado, USA, 07/04/2005-07/04/2005.
2005 IMBERT (2005) Guest lecture, Department of French Jaqueline Harpman and the Short Story Denver University, Colorado, USA, 12/04/2005-12/04/2005.
2005 IMBERT (2005) Perpectives on Evil and Human Wickedness 6 Herve Guibert and the Aesthetics of torture Karlov University, Prague, Checkz Republic, 17/03/2005-23/03/2005.
2005 IMBERT (2005) Congreso Internacional Alexander Von Humboldt 2005, Viajes, Viajeros y Literatura de Viajes hacia y desde Mexico, America Latina y el Caribe, Siglo XV al XXVII One book, two countries (France, Mexico), three writers (de Bellemare, George Sand, Andre Breton) : Facts Fantasies and Fictions Universidad de Vera Cruz, Mexico, 18/07/2005-22/07/2005.
2005 IMBERT (2005) Guest Lecture, Department of French Short Fiction today Denver University, Colorado, USA, 11/04/2005-11/04/2005.
2004 IMBERT (2004) Joint Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, thelocal and the global Desire, Despair and Destruction : Frida Kahlo's Artistic Creation Dublin City University, Ireland, 24/09/2004-25/09/2004.
2004 IMBERT (2004) Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness 5 Agota Kristof : Writing as a literary testament Karlov University, Prague, Checkz Republic, 13/03/2004-20/03/2004.
2004 IMBERT (2004) Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness : Teratology and Cryptozoology Making Amazing Monsters : THe Magic Mazes of Edward James Budapest, Hungary, 10/06/2004-15/06/2004.
2004 IMBERT (2004) SALIS Research Seminar Le Clezio, Mexico and Michoacan : Writing the Invisible Dream Dublin City University, Ireland, 13/10/2004-13/10/2004.
2004 IMBERT (2004) Research Seminar Making monsters: James, madness and Mexico University Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain, 27/10/2004-27/10/2004.
2003 IMBERT (2003) Le Boire et le Manger dans les Cultures Populaires Vents, entrailles et meurtres chez San-Antonio Université de Saint Etienne, France, 12/06/2003-14/06/2003.
2003 IMBERT (2003) Congreso Internacional Alexander Von Humboldt 2003, Viajes, Viajeros y Literatura de Viajes hacia y desde Mexico, America Latina y el Caribe, Siglo XV al XX J.M.G. Le Clezio, Mexico and Michoacan : Writing the Invisible Dream University of Michoacan, Morelia, Mexico, 15/07/2003-20/07/2003.
2002 IMBERT (2002) Congres International des Etudes Francophones Apprendre la Francophonie Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 20/05/2002-28/05/2002.
2002 IMBERT (2002) DCU/Saint patrick's College of Education Mexico, Madness and Desire : Edward James's Surrealist Gardens of Xilitla Saint Patrick College, Ireland, 13/02/2002-15/02/2002.
2001 IMBERT (2001) Congres International des Etudes Francophones Les Delices de la douleur : sexualites, souillures et identites dans La Trilogie des jumeaux d'Agota Kristof University of Maine, USA, 28/05/2001-06/06/2001.
2000 IMBERT (2000) Congres International des Etudes Francophones Terres d'encre et de sang : La Maison assassinee de Pierre Magnan Sousse, Tunisia, 14/05/2000-20/05/2000.
2000 IMBERT (2000) SALIS Research Seminar Pierre Magnan and the culchie whodunnit Dublin City University, Ireland, 10/10/2000-10/10/2000.
2000 IMBERT (2000) ADEFFI Conference De Sexe et de sang : Histoires magiques de Remy de Gourmont, ou l'aube de toutes les horreurs Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 11/11/2000-11/11/2000.
2000 IMBERT (2000) Cultural Trauma and National Identity Tales from an unbound Europe : literature, trauma and writing in Eastern Europe Dublin City University, Ireland, 14/03/2000-17/03/2000.
1999 IMBERT (1999) Congres International des Etudes Francophones Le Conflit litteraire : A. Kristof ou lechec d'un monde University of Lafayette, USA, 06/06/1999-13/06/1999.
1999 IMBERT (1999) Terres francophones Parler pour ne pas dire : Agota Kristof, Linda Le et la francophonie apatride Waterford IT, Ireland, 05/10/1999-07/10/1999.
1999 IMBERT (1999) Apocalypse in Literature and Film Le Clezio : writing for want of a better world N.U.I., Cork, Ireland, 04/04/1999-04/04/1999.
1998 IMBERT (1998) Space in Literature and Film Murder they wrote : a Case of Intertextuality : Jean Giono, Pierre Magnan N.U.I., Cork, Ireland, 04/05/1998-06/05/1998.
1997 IMBERT (1997) CNRS Conference on Exile, Paris Les Empires de la Solitude : Echec et Ecriture dans la diaspora Leclezienne Paris IV, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France, 01/09/1997-01/09/1997.
1995 IMBERT (1995) Royal Irish Academy Symposium Le Clezio : L'Intertextualite de l'exil, de Desert a Etoile Errante N.U.I., Dublin, Ireland, 12/01/1995-12/01/1995.
2016 IMBERT (2016) The first Annual Conference – Irish Association for Asian Studies Imag(in)ing India: Alejandro Gómez de Tuddo Photographing the Transience of Eternity DCU, 17/06/2016-18/06/2016.
2016 IMBERT (2016) Colloque Internation al Kitsch et Idéologies Drag queen irlandaise et dérision queer : Panti, campagne politique et polémique du mariage pour tous Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France, 03/11/2016-05/11/2016.
2015 IMBERT (2015) AITF Plenary Conference Representing Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Literature Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India, 07/01/2016-07/01/2016.
2015 IMBERT (2015) « Autorité féminine dans l'espace public, privé et textuel » Séminaire transversal 7 Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France, 04/12/2015-04/12/2015.
2014 IMBERT (2014) 3rd Sidi Bel Abbes International Conference on EFL/TEFL and Intercultural Understanding A Pallimpsest of Precarious Powers:Translation, Culture and Language in The Táin Université Djillali Liabès, Sidi-Bel-Abbès, Algeria, 18/11/2014-18/11/2014.
2014 IMBERT (2014) Conférence Départementale, Faculté des Langues et Littératures A Torn Identity: Edward James, Victorian and Surrealist Université de Saida, Saida, Algeria, 30/05/2014-30/05/2014.
2014 IMBERT (2014) School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Seminar Teratology and Philosophy: A Threshold onto the Hermeneutics of the Abyss Maynooth University, 03/12/2014-03/12/2014.
2014 IMBERT (2014) Chester Beatty Library Experience Japan Gender Day, Japanese Embassy and DCU Conference, 25 April 2014 Japanese Gender and Culture : Asian Paradigms Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Ireland, 25/04/2014-25/04/2014.
2014 IMBERT (2014) Conférence de la Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales Teratology and Philosophy: Investigations from the Other Side Université Djillali Liabès, Sidi-Bel-Abbès, Algeria, 27/05/2014-29/05/2014.
2014 IMBERT (2014) Seminario de la Facultad de Filosofia Los Monstruos, lo Monstruoso y/o la Sexualidad Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico, 07/11/2014-07/11/2014.
2013 IMBERT (2013) Manger, représenter : approches transculturelles des pratiques alimentaires Annual Conference, Institut d’Études Transtextuelles et Transculturelles Sexualités, corps et nourritures dans les littératures vampiriques contemporaines Université Jean Moulin Lyon III, Lyon, France, 12/10/2013-14/10/2013.
2013 IMBERT (2013) Society for Latin American Studies IVth SILAS Conference. “The Art of Movement and Transformation: Ireland and the Americas Looking Forward” Sex in the City: A Geocritical Approach to Vampiric Prostitution in Carlos Fuentes’ Vlad (2012) and Luis Zapata’s Adonis Garcia (1981) Universidad Nacional de La Pampa UNLPalm, Argentina, 14/08/2013-16/08/2013.
2013 IMBERT (2013) Identity Cluster opening lecture, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology From Sex to Text: Monstrous Identities Newcastle University, United Kingdom, 09/10/2013-09/10/2013.
2013 IMBERT (2013) VIIe Congrès international de l’AITF (Association of Indian Teachers of French), Le Monde en Marche Marches des ondes, marches des morts dans La Porte des enfers de Laurent Gaudé SRM University, Chennai, India, 17/01/2013-20/01/2013.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Faculty of History Research Seminar Sex and/in History: Sexuality Studies and Western Criticism Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 15 February 201, 15/02/2012-15/02/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Faculty of English Research Seminar Literature and Teratology: a European Perspective Pune University, Pune, India, 16/02/2012-16/02/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Visiones de lo fantástico en la cultura española contemporánea. I Congreso Internacional sobre lo fantástico en narrativa, teatro, cine, televisión, cómic y videojuegos Monsters and the Fantastic in Spanish Literature Unversitat Automa de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 19/11/2012-21/11/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Association of Indian Teachers of French, VI Congrès International L’Amour Monstre: Gourmont, malheur et beauté Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, India, 17/02/2012-19/02/2012.
2009 IMBERT (2009) ICA53, International Congress of Americanists, Jean-Marie Le Clézio: literature, culture and conflict Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico, 25/07/2009-30/07/2009.
2009 IMBERT (2009) Heroes, victims or villains? Irish Presentations and Representations in Latin America and the Caribbean Second Conference of the Society for Irish Latin American Studies “… Edward James, Leonora Carrington: Surrealist victims, Surrealist villains…” Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico, 15/07/2009-18/07/2009.
2005 IMBERT (2005) Marisco Humanities Fellowship Lecture Surrealism, Globalization and Art Denver University, Colorado, USA, 07/04/2005-07/04/2005.
2004 IMBERT (2004) Facultad de Comunicaciones Research Seminar Is Dracula Irish? The Monstrous in Contemporary Irish Literature Tec de Monterrey, campus Queretaro, Mexico, 23/07/2004-23/07/2004.
2004 IMBERT (2004) Departamento de Literatura Research Seminar Contemporary Culture and the Celtic Tiger Universidad Casa Lamm, Mexico DF, Mexico, 15/07/2004-15/07/2004.
2004 IMBERT (2004) Facultad de Filologia Research Seminar The Irish Short Story Today Universidad de Las Americas, Puebla, Mexico, 12/07/2004-12/07/2004.
2004 IMBERT (2004) UC Humanities Faculty Research Seminar Las preguntas literarias conteporaneas en los cuentos irlandeses Universidad del Caribe, Cancun, Mexico, 21/07/2004-21/07/2004.
2004 IMBERT (2004) Departamento de filologia Research Seminar Historias horibles y cuentos irlandeses Universidad del Caribe, Cancun, Mexico, 21/07/2004-21/07/2004.
2004 IMBERT (2004) Colloque International : Le Clezio, Ailleurs et origines : Parcours poetiques Les meurtres sacres du Michoacan : Le Clezio, mythes et Mexiques Universite Libre de Toulouse, France, 09/12/2004-11/12/2004.
2003 IMBERT (2003) La Logique de la deviance :Autour du monstre et de la monstruosite Les Labyrinthes de la solitude : Monstres, Mexiques et Metamorphoses dans les jardins d'Edward James Mannheim University, Germany, 18/05/2003-21/05/2003.
2002 IMBERT (2002) E.U. Conference on Intercultural Studies and Literature Agota Kristov : (un)writing borders University of Bergamo, Italy, 12/10/2002-14/10/2002.
2001 IMBERT (2001) The African Association of French Studies L'etre separe, lettres separees : Jean-Marie Le Clezio et l'esthetique fragmentee University of Natal, Durban, South Africa, 15/09/2001-18/09/2001.
1997 IMBERT (1997) De la Nouvelle au recit, du montre au monstrueux : L'Indicible chez Linda Le; et Anne Delmer Colloque de Louvain La neuve, seconde rencontre Universite Catholique de Louvain La Neuve, Louvain, Belgium, 28/05/1997-29/05/1997.
1995 IMBERT (1995) Conférence de L'année Nouvelle Ecriture et espace dans la nouvelle féminine Louvain La Neuve, Belgium, 27/05/1995-27/05/1995.
2016 IMBERT (2016) XXXVII Feria Internacional del Libro del Palacio de Mineria (UNAM) De 50 dias a un 50 fotografias : Alejandro Gómez de Tuddo narrando su travesía visual de la India Mexico City, 20/02/2016-20/02/2016.
2016 IMBERT (2016) SOFEIR Conference, Irreverence and Counter Discourse as subversive weapons in Irish Culture Craggy Hanky Panky: Father Ted, Subversion, Irreverence and Sexuality DCU, 10/03/2016-12/03/2016.
2016 IMBERT (2016) Rome 2016 Book Fair Towards a Necrogeography of the Sublime: Pantonecropolis by Alejandro Gómez de Tuddo Parco Della Musica, Rome, 19/07/2016-19/07/2016.
2014 IMBERT (2014) School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Seminar Teratology and Philosophy: A Threshold onto the Hermeneutics of the Abyss Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland, 03/12/2014-03/12/2014.
2014 IMBERT (2014) 3rd Sidi Bel Abbes International Conference on EFL/TEFL and Intercultural Understanding A Pallimpsest of Precarious Powers: Translation, Culture and Language in The Táin Université Djillali Liabès, Sidi-Bel-Abbès, Algeria, 18/11/2014-21/11/2014.
2013 IMBERT (2013) A JNU DCU Conference, India-Ireland: From Colonialism to Nation Building Queer(y)ing India, queer(y)ing Ireland: Space and Sexuality in Contemporary Writing Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 28/01/2013-29/01/2013.
2013 IMBERT (2013) Gender and Sexuality in the Crime Genre Conference Bleeding Borders, Bleeding Bodies: Violence and Sexuality in Desert Blood (Alicia Gaspar De Alba, 2006) NUI Galway Ireland, 21/06/2013-23/06/2013.
2013 IMBERT (2013) Seminaire de Recherche du Departement de Francais Les Monstres a la Lettre: : teratologie et litterature comparee Pondicherry University, Tamil Nadu, India, 23/01/2013-.
2013 IMBERT (2013) JNU Comparative Literature Postgraduate Guest Lecture Oscar Wilde, Mirrors and Monsters School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Ind, 28/01/2013-.
2012 IMBERT (2012) The Taboo Conference – TaCo2012 Flashing on Sex, Death and Flesh: Joel-Peter Witkin’s Sensual and Sexual Photos of the Taboo Bologna University, Italy, 25/10/2012-27/10/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Graduate Studies Research Seminar Fairy Tales and Sexuality: The Little Red Riding Hood case Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 24/09/2012-24/09/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) French Postgraduate Guest Lecture Agota Kristov et la Francophonie apatride Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 05/09/2012-05/09/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Graduate Studies Research Seminar When Feminine Authority Infringes upon Male Power: Queen Medb’s Mistakes in the Táin Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 18/09/2012-18/09/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Humanities Faculty Graduate Studies Research Seminar Teratology and Comparative Literature: Research Methodologies Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 21/02/2012-21/02/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) French Postgraduate Guest Lecture Littérature Comparée et Tératologie: les enjeux du non-dit Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 13/01/2012-13/01/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Women in India and Ireland: Engendering the Historical Experiences Conference Women, Sexuality and Sensuality in the Táin: a Proto-historic Perspective Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 07/09/2012-07/09/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) French Postgraduate Guest Lecture Versions et Perversions du Petit Chaperon Rouge Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 03/09/2012-03/09/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Faculty of Humanities Research Seminar The Big house Movement and the Gothic Novel Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 20/02/2012-20/02/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) History Postgraduate Guest Lecture From the Táin to the Atáin: Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill’s Reconstruction of Femininity Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 14/09/2012-14/09/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) Graduate Studies Research Seminar Evil and Sexuality: a Bataillian Approach of Agota Kristov Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 25/09/2012-25/09/2012.
2012 IMBERT (2012) History of Ideas Postgraduate Guest Lecture The Entropic Georgian Upper class Family: Entropy or Cosmogony? Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 14/02/2012-14/02/2012.
2011 IMBERT (2011) ENCLCS European Comparative Literature Congress “Herculine, Cal and Calliope : Sexual and Textual Disclocation in Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides” University of Skopje, Macedonia, 01/09/2011-03/09/2011.
2011 IMBERT (2011) Transgression(s), CLAI Colloque International, CIELAM, « Plaisirs, pourritures et perversions: Le Sari Vert d’Ananda Devi » Université de Provence, Aix en Provence, France, 21/10/2011-22/10/2011.
2010 IMBERT (2010) Comparative Literature Theory Postgraduate Seminar, Programa de Doctorado en Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, Faculty of Philology « Monstre, Monstrueux et Littérature: texte ou Prétexte? » Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 25/05/2010-25/05/2010.
2010 IMBERT (2010) Comparative Literature Research Seminar, Faculty of Arts “The Archetype of the Undead: Zombies, Text and Blood” Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon, 24/07/2010-24/07/2010.
2009 IMBERT (2009) Third International Congress of the European Network for Comparative Literary Studies, “Transformations of the European Landscape: Encounters Between the Self and the Other” “You Played, you Lost, You’re Dead: Hide and Seek with(in) Europe in Agota Kristof’s Trilogy of the Twins and Rawi Hage’s De Niro’s Game” Vilnius Pedagogical University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 09/11/2009-13/11/2009.
2008 IMBERT (2008) Faculty of humanities Research Seminars Series. Seminar 1 Swallow That !: Ogers and Monsters of he Mind Saint Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Ireland, 16/11/2008-16/11/2008.
2008 IMBERT (2008) Humanities Institute of Ireland Identity, Memory and Meaning in the Twenty-First Century Seminars Migrating to Mexico : Surrealist Identity and Memory NUI, Dublin, 08/02/2008-08/02/2008.
2007 IMBERT (2007) Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies, “Identifying Gender Histories and Humanities Remedios Varo and Leonora Carrington: Femininity, Monstrousness and Beauty Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 13/02/2007-13/02/2007.
2007 IMBERT (2007) Department of Hispanic Studies Research Seminar Mexican Surrealism and Myths: The Vegetal Architecture of Las Posas Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 05/02/2007-05/02/2007.
2006 IMBERT (2006) SALIS Research Committee Seminars Collecting Kitschy Crocs and camp cockatoos: Edward James, Surrealism and the Aesthetics of Bad Taste Dublin City University, Ireland, 26/04/2006-26/04/2006.
2006 IMBERT (2006) Mapping Transformations, Identities and Communities “I rang twice for tea, where is the butler? Is the war still on?” Edward James’s Empires of Loneliness: British aristocracy, French Surrealism and Mexican jungles. Dublin City University, Ireland, 11/05/2006-12/05/2006.
2005 IMBERT (2005) Guest lecture, Faculty of Humanities Truman Capote and the short story Denver University, Colorado, USA, 04/04/2005-04/04/2005.
2005 IMBERT (2005) Guest Lecture, Department of French Stylistique de la nouvelle : un genre en bref Denver University, Colorado, USA, 06/04/2005-06/04/2005.
2005 IMBERT (2005) Guest lecture, Department of French Marguerite Duras and the short story Denver University, Colorado, USA, 05/04/2005-05/04/2005.
2004 IMBERT (2004) University Research Seminar Despair and Desire in Frida Kahlo's Artistic Creation University Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain, 27/10/2004-27/10/2004.
2004 IMBERT & Co. (2004) Contested Terrains The Local and the Global, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference * Dublin City University, Ireland, 24/09/2004-24/09/2005.
2003 IMBERT (2003) La Nouvelle hier et aujourd'hui De la Mystification des genres a la mythification du recit : Mondo et autres histoires, ou L'Inconnu sur la terre ? Dublin City University, Ireland, 14/09/2003-16/09/2003.
2002 IMBERT (2002) Albert College Seminar Surrealism and Vegetal Architecture in Mexico Dublin City University, Ireland, 01/04/2002-01/04/2002.
2002 IMBERT + Mme PIAROTAS (2002) Le Boire et le manger dans les Cultures Populaires * Universite de Saint Etienne, Roanne, France, 05/06/2002-08/06/2002.
2000 IMBERT (2000) Women's writing in France in the 1990s : new writers, new literatures Les Violees d'etre : Femmes d'encre et de sang. L'ecriture du trauma dans La Trilogie des jumeaux d'Agota Kristof The University of London, UK, 12/01/2000-15/01/2000.
1999 IMBERT (1999) Crossing boundaries : Interdisciplinary Approaches to Latin America Le Clezio in search of a lost continent The University of Limerick, Ireland, 18/07/1999-20/07/1999.
1999 IMBERT (1999) Research Seminars Series, Department of language and Intercultural Studies Le Clezio and the Stylistics of Silence University of Limerick, Ireland, 08/10/1999-08/10/1999.
1999 IMBERT (1999) Colloque Etudes Irlandaises From Dubs to Dinks: The Representation of Dublin in the Contemporary Irish Short-Story Universite Bordeaux III, France, 15/05/1999-15/05/1999.
1998 IMBERT (1998) TCD Research Seminar Le Clezio : writing the sacred silence Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 08/04/1998-08/04/1998.
1997 IMBERT (1997) Exiles and Migrants : Crossing Thresholds in European Culture and Society J.-M. G. Le Clezio, Writer of Exile : A Treatment of Exile and Childhood in Desert and Etoile Errante Dublin City University, Ireland, 01/08/1997-02/08/2007.
1996 IMBERT (1996) Seminaire de recherche de La Sorbonne An Tain Bo Cuailnge, La Razzia ? : Du Palimpseste a l'anamorphose : l'Echo sacre Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France, 17/12/1996-18/12/1996.
1995 IMBERT (1995) Department of French Research Seminar Les Livres d'exil de Le Clezio Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, 14/10/1995-14/10/1995.
1994 IMBERT (1994) Alliance Francaise Research Seminar Le Clezio : Enfances et errances Alliance Française, Dublin, Ireland, 15/06/1994-15/06/1994.
1994 IMBERT& Co (1994) L'annee Nouvelle a louvain La Neuve * Louvain La Neuve University, Belgium, 26/04/1994-28/04/1994.
1994 IMBERT (1994) French Department Research Seminar Autobiographies de fictions et fictions d'autobiographies dans l'oeuvre d'Herve Guibert N.U.I., Dublin, Ireland, 12/04/1994-12/04/1994.
1977 IMBERT (1977) Postgraduate Research Seminars Bataille, l'Art et le Sacre Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle, France, 12/02/1977-12/02/1977.
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2021) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2004 Department of Education, International Section
01/01/2005 Plenary lectureships (invitations)
01/05/2005 Marisco Fellowship
01/04/2005 HEA Travel Grant + Mexican Government Bursary
01/04/2006 Higher Education Authority (Small) Overseas program
01/08/2006 Dublin City University RAP (Research Advisory Pannel)Funding
01/10/2000 Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques French Governement
01/09/2000 DCU President's Albert College Junior Fellowship
01/03/1998 University of Limerick President's Office Research Committee
01/09/1997 Pélican d'Or

Enterprise Engagement

Year Engagement Type Client Description
2014 Other Mexican Embassy Dublin + Conaculta Mexico + Copper House Gallery Curator of Art Exhivbition India 50, by Alejandro Gomez de Tuddo
2016 Other Tasveer Gallery, Bangalore, India Curator of International Art Exhibition: India 50/50
2015 Other Conaculta Mexico + Delhi Photo Festival India + cervantes Insitute Spain Curator of Gomez de Tuddo Art Exhibition premiere: India 50/50, in Cervantes Insititute, Hanuman Road, Delhi, India
2015 Other Mexican Embassy Dublin + Conaculta Mexico + Irish Georgian Society Curation of International Exhibition Koimeterion I & Hash Bihisht by ALejandro Gomez de Tuddo, The Irish Georgian Society, City Assembly House, Dublin

Teaching Interests

Representations of gender, sex and sexuality in literature and art, in the French-Speaking Worlds and Literatures in English,  as well as in Mexican literature (XXeth and XXIst centuries). Spatial Studies, teratology applied to Sexuality Studies, Masculinity Studies and Queer Studies.

Modules Coordinated

Term Title Subject
2020 Ireland, Sex and Text EN302
2022 Representing Otherness LC279